Playing With Fire << Punk z.m

By aussie_craic

1.7K 45 21

I stepped through the doors of the college for what seemed like the hundreth time. I was determined to make t... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

1.4K 23 13
By aussie_craic

This is my first punk Zayn fanfic so sorry if it sucks. Feel free to check out my others! If you do thanks it means a lot! I love you guys so much thank you! Okay that's all. Love you bye. -Bri


I sit on my luggage bags, at the corner bus station just off the campus of the college that I'm supposted to go to. I haven't seen one taxi drive by in the past twenty minutes.

By now, I was close to walking the rest of the way, but I don't because I don't know the area yet. The on;y reason I'm going to college is because my foster parents want nothing to do with me and decided to send me off, not even bothering to drive me.

I was used to being neglected by them, they only loved their first real child, and my younger foster brother, they didn't care for us girls. I wish I could take my little sister Kaylee with me, I felt so bad leaving her back there without me to protect her.

It's about 5 pm now and I find it hard to believe there aren't taxi's on a college campus at this time. Sighing as I stand up and grab my bag, I start to walk towards the main Hall of the campus.

I never noticed how big the place was, not until walking in the middle of it all and getting lost. Still walking around, I thought I neared my dorm twice, and as I struggled to find it it was getting later and darker.

I was about to give up when I finally saw a person. As we neared eachother, I saw there was two, and they didn't look friendly. Pretending I hadn't seen them, I turned the corner before we would've crossed eachother.

"Going somewhere?" A deep voice snarls, a hand gripping my arm and holding me back.

"My dorm." My left arm lets go of the luggage it was holding, my right hand doing the same.

"Seems like you're a little lost freshman, how about I help you." He steps toward me and the street light reflects lightly off his face, barely giving me the chance to take in what he looks like before he's interrupted.

"How about you leave her go, no one needs your shit." A tall, brown haired boy steps in front of me, blocking me from being able to see past him.

"No one called you over here mate, get lost." The tattooed boy that first approached me spits at the blonde one.

"Uh, mate, we got a bit of a problem here." The other tattoed boy glares at the first one, holding his phone out in front of him. The tan tattoed boy quickly reads whatevers on it before mutter profanities to himself.

"You got lucky freshman." The look he sends my way holds something in his eyes, sending chills down my spine. They quickly leave, vanishing into the dark like they were never even there.

"Um, thanks." I say to the older boy, picking up one of my bags that I dropped.

"No problem, just stay away from him alright? He's not good news, none of them are."

I nod before picking up another bag, seeing him pick up the two large ones. "I would only be able to tell him by his eyes, I didn't get to see him much."

"Good, just remember what I said alright?" Again I nod, before thanking him for getting my other bags.

"So what were you doing walking out here like this in the dark?"

"Trying to find my dorm, I've been walking out here for a while."

"What's your dorm?"

"Um, I think it's 286, Carnagee Hall."

"Oh wow, we've got a bit of walking." He shakily laughs, trying to lighten the mood, but there's an edge to his voice.

After about 10 minutes of fast walking, we finally made it too the third floor where my dorm room was.

I studied the halls, the streets and building names, each door and some of the names on them.

"Do you have your access card?"

"Yeah it's right here." I pull the small plastic card out of my back pocket and hand it to him.

"Jordyn, cute name." He smiles at me before sticking the card into the slot to be checked.

"Thanks." I slightly blush and hear him laugh at me. A small buzzing sound came from the machine and I heard my door unlock.

"You'll get your keys tomorrow at the admissions office. You probably don't have class yet because you're a freshman, so maybe after mine are done I could come back here and we could grab a coffee or something? I could show you where your classes are."

"That sounds good."

"Alright, just try not to go out when it's completely dark, don't get into anything just yet, and stay away from that guy okay?"

"Yeah, I'll try not to do anything stupid." I jokingly smile at him.

"I'm not allowed in your room, so goodnight." He quickly hugs me before starting to walk away.

"Wait! I never got your name."

"Liam." He smiles before winking at me and walking away.

I pushed my bags into the room and found my roommates stuff scattered on her side, her bed empty and the light off. Instead of unpacking I got settled and went on my phone a bit before falling asleep. I had a good feeling about tomorrow and I couldn't wait for it to happen.

I wake up in the morning and see the back of my roommate. There's black high heels and makeup scattered on the floor at the foot of her bed. She's dressed in a really short, skin tight, dark navy blue dress and her hair is straightened pin straight. At first glance of her outfit I could tell she was at a party, and I knew she was hammered.

Her phone lights up on the table beside her.

'Classes in an hour'

I knew her phone was on silent, and she didn't move one inch. She looked freezing, and extremely hungover, even in her sleep. Since I didn't know where her classes were, I didn't know whether I should've woken he up or not, and I decided on doing it.

Quietly stepping closer to her, I gently shook her by her shoulders. She groaned and stuffed her face into her pillow, after I shook her another time she finally pushed her self up.

"Do I know you?" She rudely glared at me as she stood, placing her hand over her forehead.

"I'm your roommate." I spit back at her, grabbing clothes to change into after my shower.

"And why'd you wake me up?"

"Your phone went off, but you didn't move. I figured I should wake you up instead of you miss your classes. Guess I made a mistake, but trust me, it won't happen again." And with that I walked into the joined bathroom that was connected with the dorm beside ours.

Turning and locking both doors, I hop into one of the double showers. After a half hour, I decided to get out and changed into my normal clothes, unlocking the doors after I was done. The door to the other room swings open while I'm brushing my hair.

"Was that you singing?"

"Uh, no."

"Yes, it was, you're the only one in here. That was really good."

"Um, tha-"

"Hey, you got someone buzzing in for you down stairs." My obnoxious roommate pulls the door open and tells me. I turn and send a small wave to the girl I was previously talking to before gathering my things and walking back into the room.

Walking to the door, I see the name in the access screen.

Payne, Liam.

I remembered yesterday Liam was the name of the guy who took me here, and I smiled to myself as I clicked accept.

A few minutes later a knock sounded at the door and I let him in. His long arms wrapped around the bottom of my torso.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah let me just grab my phone." I noticed the glare my roommate sent me as I turned to get my phone, following Liam as he walked out of the room.

"Do you know her?" I didn't mean to come off badly, but I wanted to know why she looked like that,

"We uh, we don't have the best history anymore." He vaguely responded, reaching for my hand after I closed the door and had caught up with him, I didn't feel the need to answer back.

We go to a small little cafe on the campus, just down the road from the dorm building I'm in.

"That's the dorm building I'm in." Liam's warm smile beams at me as he points to the opposite end of the street.

Standing at the corner of the building a tall, dark tattooed and pierced boy stands, glaring at me through the small piece of glass blocking me from the outside. His hand comes up and he places a cigarette on his lips, his intense stare distracting me as I can't help but look desperately back. He put me in a daze, I wanted so badly to go and talk to him. He looked so familiar, but I couldn't place where I knew him. I stared at his dark hair, the eyebrow and lip piercings he had, studied his tattoos. He looked very alike to the guy who stopped me last night, but he was alone now, and it seemed highly unlikely.

"Love?" Liam's hand being placed on top of mine pulled me out of my trance.

"Sorry, uh, do you mind if I run outside for a minute? I'll be right back I just need to go talk to somebody." I glanced back out the window at the boy, he was putting out the bottom of the cigarette and beginning to compose himself to walk away.

"Yeah, no it's fine, I'll be right here." He gently smile as I hugged him really fast.

"I'll be back in a minute."

I rushed out the door and down to the corner I saw him go down, catching the back of him as he turned down a narrow corridor between two dorm buildings. My feet walked faster as I tried to keep up with him, following him down the dimly lit path.

"Hey!" I called out, the guy had disappeared. I continued walking, passing the graffiti showing signs on the walls.

I was about to leave but when I turned around there was a person standing in front of me.

"Hi babe, trying to go somewhere?"

"Yeah, away from you." A deep voice behind me growls.

"Come on Zayn, I'm just havin' a little fun, you should know."

"Get out of here Shauwn." The guy frowns and heads back in through a door I failed to notice in the beginning.

"So your name is Zayn." I stand motionless in front of him, still not seeing his face since he's behind my back.

"And you're Jordyn."

"How do you know that?"

"I have my ways." I feel him step closer to me, his hands resting on my hips, pulling me closer. His touch leaves little tingles running up my spine. "I think you should get out of here before you get yourself into something you don't want to be involved with." His hot breath pants over my neck as he releases his grip on my waist.

I turn to protest, but he is already turned around and heading through a back door. I leave the corridor defeated, searching for the cafe and the way I came.

Liam stood outside of the cafe, ready to walk away.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming back." He laughed as I approached him.

"Sorry, I got caught up for a second."

"It's alright, ready for your special tour?" He winks as he grabs my hand.

After he showed me the easiest ways to my classes and getting my admissions , we decided to head back to my dorm. Thankfully, my roommate had left and we were allowed to talk together without her there to listen and judge us, not like I cared what other people thought about me.

I lazily threw myself onto the small bed, hearing Liam laugh at me from the door. I shifted to sit indian style and faced Liam, glaring at him jokingly.

"You can sit you know, I don't think she'll mind." He shrugged and sat on the edge of my bed. "Oh, I meant, nevermind. So how long have you gone here?"

"I'm a junior this year. So, how old are you?"

"Almost nineteen."

After about twenty minutes of random questions Liam asked me something I wasn't expecting.

He cleared his throat and looked at me. "Are you a virgin?"

"Unfortunately no, I wasn't the best kid."

"Why so early?"

"I, had a rough time with my, family." He nodded, obviously not wanting to push it.

"So have you had a boyfriend?"

"One, but he wasn't serious. Hey, why is everything about me? What about you; are you a virgin, have you had any girlfriends, what's with all your tattoos?"

He laughs before deciding to answer. "I am not a virgin, I've had a few 'girlfriends' if you'd call them that. And my tattoos I think should be saved for another time, much like the topic of your family." Liam finishes, sending a soft smile my way, telling me it was a sensative subject.


"Now I have a question, and I'll tell you the answer for me is no. But for you, are you seeing anyone at the moment?" He sweetly smiles and I can feel the blush creeping onto my cheeks.


"Oh, good, so then it makes it ok for me to do this." He moves near me, holding himself up on his hands.

His soft, plump lips met mine in seconds, holding a carmel-like taste from the coffee. I felt myself slowly sinking back until he was hovering over me, the simple kiss deepening as he unexpectedly slipped his tounge onto mine. It wasn't long until I felt his hands firmly grasp my hips and his lips move to my neck, planting small kisses all over my exposed skin. I teasingly grabbed his shirt and tugged at it, making him groan in frustration. His warm hands slipped under my shirt and slowly slid up my torso, our lips meeting again. My hands held the waistband of his pants, his almost at my bra.

The door opened and my roommate stood in shock staring at us.

"You know what I should get going anyways, I'll uh, see you in class on Thursday?" Liam awkardly adjusted his shirt and stood, hugging me goodbye and abruptly left, neither of them looking at each other.

"You don't have to change things because I come in here, you live your life I live mine. We don't have to be friends, or revolve around each other."

"Well I don't want you to have to sit through me, and some guy who you obviously don't have a good past with, and be here while we kiss."

"Well it doesn't affect me, it wouldn't be the first time. Don't worry about me, I'm a big girl like you, we can take care of ourselves." She walked over to her stuff and pulled out a laptop.

"What's your name? You look really familiar."

"Kailyn Reeves, what's yours?"

I couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't process anything.


"Jordyn, Jordyn Michael." I choked out, swallowing hard at the end.

Her face held the same emotion as my, I couldn't believe she was sitting in front of me, her of all people. She was the one that had ruined everything for me, had almost killed me, got me in juvy, made me end up in foster homes. Of course, I only knew her for six years before everything started happening, but it was all I needed to hate her.

She was my sister.


Woohoo first Zayn fanfic has been started!! Hope you liked it! Feel free to check out my other stuff:) That's all for tonight I guess, I'm gonna go work on the beginning of the second chapter for this so goodnight! -Bri

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