The Vampire Academy

By chrissstinax

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I've heard that theres a movie AND book/series with the same title. Just they have the same title doesn't mea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Hiatus. As always.

Chapter 2

741 32 3
By chrissstinax

Today was just any other day at the Madison Vampire Academy. Same old school, same old teachers, and same old crappy assignments. Yet, there is something peculiar is going around. Everyone I see before me is whispering. Okay, this is leaving me utterly confused. I should better go ask someone.

I decided on asking a cute petite redhead right beside me, she probably knows what all this havoc is about. She's already talking to someone, but I hope she won't get irritated if I ask her some questions. I lightly tapped on the back of her shoulder. She flipped around her body so she can face mine.

"Yes?" She asked politely.

"Hi umm.. Do you know what's going on? Everyone seems to be whispering." I asked. She inches a little closer to me, to the point when we are almost touching. Talk about personal space.

"Yeah word goes around that the new kid in our school is from a notorious gang. He's the gang leader in fact. Everyone is too afraid to go near him, except for the sluts. Honestly, I don't get what's the deal with him. To me he's just one of them grade A assholes." She ranted shortly to me.

Okay, this guy has already taken a bad impression on me. And I haven't even met the dude!

"So is that all you know? Like what's his name?" I pressed on a little further. Hey, don't judge me. I've always been one to be nosy.

" Well, that's not all. He's got a pretty bad reputation, so it's best if you stay away from him." Well no shit. He's a gang leader for fucks sake.

She bit the inside of her cheek. "And uh.. I think his name is Hunter, and 354 years old if I'm not mistaken."

I was taken aback a bit by her statement. 354 years old? My word, he is more than double my age!

"Hunter? What the hell kind of name is that?"

The girl simply shrugged at me. "I don't know. He just liked to be called that I guess."

I nodded to myself processing all the new found information I just received. None of them good, just for me to remember who the douchebag is so I can deal with him if he ever picks a bone with me. Yeah, I act like I'm tough. Sue me.

"Oh! I didn't catch your name. Mine is Laurie. And yours?" I asked.

She cracked a little smile. "Mine is Katherine-" Was all she managed to say before the school doors busted open, letting the cool breeze roam the hallways. Everyone suddenly backed away more into the locker, and I instinctively did also. A group of people sashayed by, one as the leader with shades, and the rest following him.

Katherine poked me lightly. "You see the leader? Yeah, that's Hunter." She whispered in my ear. I took a good look at him. And I'll give you three words. Sexy and .. Sexy. I swear, if you look up the word sexy, he'll be there in the dictionary. His beautifully structured face, his long eyelashes, those dimples, and the way his body is practically glowing, as if he bathes in the moon's reflection. He resembles a god, an Adonis sent from heavens to earth. Yet he acts like he owns this place. Surely, doesn't he know his boundaries?! I may be melodramatic and can't take him on a fight, but he doesn't deserve all the respect he supposedly gets. At the moment, Katherine is beside me, frozen. The group is currently passing right in front of us. Hunter turned his head at me, and removed his glasses, his eyes roaming my body. I swear if my heart was still beating, it would go a million miles a minute. I saw he had a smirk for a split second before he turned back to his own direction. I shook my head in confusion. What was that?

Finally, my 'heartbeat' went back to normal. "Yo, did you see that?" I uttered to Katherine in disbelief.

She nodded her head vigorously. "Yeah, I did. Oh my God Laurie, he checked you out!" She exclaimed. I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Shh, no need to yell! Remember," I tapped my ear a few times, signifying her that everyone can hear us with their sensitive hearing.

DIIING! The bell rang for the next class. I looked at the red bell that just gave me a massive headache. Fuck you, bell. The school should really change it. It's unhealthy for all the vampires. "Anyways, Its nice meeting you Katherine. Hope I see you soon." I said while gathering books for my next class.

"You too Laurie!" She yelled over her shoulder. I checked my schedule to see what class I have next. Ugh... Math.

I sped to my next class, hopefully I won't miss it. Mr. Lester is really strict, if I'm late for one class he'll write me up for detention. I sighed in relief, all the kids are now piling into the classroom. I entered the classroom, and headed to my assigned seat. Just as I looked up, the hot douche was sitting in it. I sucked in a deep breath, then asked him to get off. "Erm, can you please move? You're sitting in my seat." Hunter nodded and shuffled onto to the seat next to me. Oh gee, thanks. Like him sitting next was going to do any good for me. I hope he doesn't have the power to read minds or anything. He'll hate me for sure.

Mr. Lester adjusted the frame of his glasses so it wouldn't slip onto the tip of his nose. He cleared his throat, then speaking. "Okay class open up your textbooks to page 37. You all will read pages 37 through 40 while answering the side questions. If any of you need help with any of them just ask. Understood?"

All of the students nodded their heads, including me. "Psst" I heard some one say. I turned to the right of me and look who it is. Hunter. I swear if I had a nickel for every time I would tell him off, I would have none. "What are we supposed to do?" I rolled my eyes at him. I don't know why, but popular people like him always annoy the hell out of me.

" You are supposed to read 37 through 40 while answering the questions that go along with it."

He nodded and started flipping through the faded, onionskin pages. He stopped for a moment, then turned his head in my direction. "Can you help me with all of the questions?" I sighed in annoyance, hoping he wasn't serious.

"Sorry, but I've got my own work to do, pretty boy."

But once those words fell out of my mouth there was no telling what he would do to me.


BAM!!!! yeah, 1,145 words babeh!!!!! Er mah gherd i hope this chappey is good. EH, it probably sucked. anyways, hope you enjoyed the second chappey!! And if you didn't, youre either retarded, retarded, or just plain retarded.

vote, comment... or do something follow me idc. anways ima leave now....


~Tha cookie monster

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