I Don't Belong In This Mental...

By xGeenax

17.6K 351 87

What would you do, if you were trapped behind white walls? What would you do if people thought you were crazy... More

Chapter One: Her Name Is Akura
Chapter Two: All They See Is A Crazy Girl
Chapter Three: I Just Met A Normal Person.
Chapter Four: Sunday's With Max
Chapter Five: He can't be Ethan...
Chapter Six: They are after me...
Chapter Seven: The Yellow House
Chapter Eight: Hurting Myself feels good
Chapter Nine: He Repeated My Same Mistake
Chapter Ten: Change For Worst?
Chapter Eleven: He will never like me
Chapter Twelve: Something Is Going On
Chapter Fourteen: Confused.
Chapter Fifteen: I Can't Remember A Thing...
Chapter Sixteen: Arrested
Chapter Seventeen: Hope...
Chapter Eighteen: Mumble your thoughts...
Chapter Nineteen: I Hate You

Chapter Thirteen: New Mysterious girl

663 14 3
By xGeenax

<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Ethan's P.O.V

We all stood in my room watching my mom working up a serum on Akura. It took us a lot of work but we managed to take her out of the hospital unnoticed. WHile talking to the doctor, my mom gave a false phone number and address so the police wouldn't come or call. Every minute that kept passing made me even more confused. Mom knew something I didn't and she says I am not ready to know yet. It has been bothering me for hours, but I can't force her into telling me. 

Jake, Elizabeth and Chad were silent as my mom left the room. Tommy walked slowly up to Akura and observed her. "Yo, she's smoking hot!" he stated surprised. Elizabeth slapped her forehead in disbelief and Jake stood beside Tommy. "Yo, you are unbelievable!" he said with a fake surprised voice and slapped the back of Tommy's head. 

"Ouch, but that's the truth!" he wined rubbing his head. I sometimes believe Tommy has some sort of sickness that makes him think too much like a child but what can we do? Tommy is Tommy because of his stupidness and child behavior. 

Courtney groaned and tapped her foot impatiently on the floor. "Okay, what are we even doing? Just starting at her in silence?" she said annoyed and rolled her eyes. </pre>

<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">

"Not cool. Stop being such a heartless bitch for once and compose yourself" Elizabeth said calmly. All of us surprised looked at her, not believing what she just said. Elizabeth has always been a open minded person but once Courtney started hanging out with us for my attention she closed her mind and restrained herself from saying what she thinks. "Babe.. You are open minded again?" Jake smirked. "Yes! I wasn't Elizabeth before with a closed mind!" she shouted in frustration. Jake walked over his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "We are all glad you are back to your old self baby" He said smiling. She smiled back and pulled away to look at Tommy, Chad and me. Chad nodded and Tommy jumped up and down happily. "Yes we missed you! I'm so glad we are going to have more cat fights again!" he kept jumping and clapping in happiness and we laughed, me on the other hand just slightly laughed. </pre>

<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">

"Ahem!" Courtney tried getting our attention. "Elizabeth you are the bitch for saying everything that's on your mind! Didn't your momma show you that everything shouldn't be told! Oh wait, your momma is a major bitch!" she screamed on her face. Elizabeth looked like she was going to rip Courtney's face off and I know she can. Jake quickly grabbed Elizabeth back and Chad grabbed Courtney back. "What? No fight? You guys are party poppers!" Tommy groaned and pat my back. "I'm out, call me when hot sleeping beauty wakes up so this prince charming can kiss her" 

I smiled slightly and pushed him out my room. "Seriously call me when she wakes up!" he shouted. "Nooo!" I shouted back smiling. Sighing I turned around and looked at Courtney and Chad. "Chad, will you take her home man?" he nodded and grabbed her wrist. "Hey! Let go of me!"

"Courtney you're leaving wether you like it or not and Chad is being kind enough to take you home so I suggest you be nice" I gritted through my teeth. She gave me a glare and shook her arm from his hold. "Just don't touch me!" 

"It's not like I was happy doing it. See you Eth, call me if you need anything" Chad muttered. "Thanks man, bye" he nodded and went out the door. Jake let go of Elizabeth and grabbed her hand. "One of these days I am going to shove my skateboard deep inside her throat! Maybe that way she will learn!" she said with an anger expression on her face. "Calm down Eliz, if you put it that way, all of us would of done that and more, along time ago" I said slowly trying to calm her down. She nodded and sighed. My mom knocked my open door lightly and said, "Come down, I made cookies and Koolaid" 

We all walked downstairs, all of us worried about our own things. Now that I think about it... The best thing to do was to leave Akura in the hospital. None of us are doctors and she is a critical condition. For God's sake, she got a stomach wash and hours later she is in my house? We are putting her life on risk! I have only known Akura for a couple of days and I care for her more than I do for Courtney! I don't like her because its impossible to like a person in such a short period of time and it's impossible to like a stranger... But I read on the Internet that it takes a second to crush on someone, a minute to like someone and an hour to love someone...

"Ethan? Ethan?!" Elizabeth snapped her fingers in front of my face. "I have been calling your name for the past minute!" I shook my head lightly, clearing my thoughts and started pulling onto my hair. "Sorry, I got lost in a thought" I mumbled staring blankly into the wall. She placed her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it comfortingly. "I know you are worried for her but she will be alright." 

"Elizabeth is right, she will. But I don't want you to do some stupid shit thinking it will solve anything" Jake said seriously. I nodded slowly grabbing a cookie and shoving it into my mouth. The rest of the day was spent eating cookies and watching t.v in complete silence... An asphyxiating silence...

Right after Jake and Elizabeth left at 8, I was forced to go to sleep. My mom kept insisting that I have sleep behind and that sleeping will distract me from thinking about her.. But I didn't agree with her. Sighing, I looked over at Akura and kneeled down next to her. I grabbed her hand and kissed it tenderly... "Akura.. I heard people that are in your kind of state can hear.. But I doubt it. If by chance you are hearing.. I just wanted to say..." what did I wanted to say? I didn't really know for sure but I had to say something now.</pre>

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"Please wake up..." I deeply sighed and got up. I took off my shirt and threw it randomly over my room and slide off my pants. Should I brush my teeth? Nah, one day without brushing my teeth wouldn't do any harm. I walked besides my bed where Akura was laying and fell into the floor, onto my air mattress. 

"Ethan, did you take out your uniform?" mom asked smilingly, trying to calm the atmosphere. I shook my head and tried avoiding eye contact with her... During this whole day I haven't been talking much.. Jake and Elizabeth tried making me talk but I always found a way to nod, shake my head or shrug. I didn't feel like talking to anyone or even being near anyone that's not Akura. 

I looked over at my mom and saw her putting my uniform on my chair. She looked over at me but I quickly looked away. I heard her sigh and she sat next to me. "Ethan, please talk to me or at least look at me.. It's killing me not knowing how you feel or what you think." she cried. I felt bad for not talking to her.. But not bad enough to talk to her now. "Ethan, go to sleep. Tomorrow there is school" she sniffed. I rolled my eyes at her statement and heard the door close. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and flopped back on the bed. I hate my life...

I unbuttoned two buttons from my button up uniform shirt and made no effort in fixing my hair. I looked normal, like I always did on school days. I threw my book bag over my shoulder and looked at her. She was laying there on my bed... Lifeless and motionless... A frown took over my face and I pulled onto my hair. God, I wish I was lying there instead of her. It still thrills me, the thought that she hurt herself for no apparent reason and if she did have one, I am sure it wasn't good enough for what she did to herself.

I chugged a cup of juice down and grabbed my skateboard. Once I was in school, I saw all my friends but tried avoiding them as much as possible. Although I did look normal, I had circle under my eyes and I feel as if I can break down in any second. I don't know why I am being such a cry baby over a girl I met just a week ago but I don't know. It's like I can't help it but feel like a cry baby for her..

The bell rang and I was surprisingly, for the first time, on time for class. Everybody took their seats and Tommy quickly took a seat in back of me. "Yo, dude what was the homework?" he whispered on my ear. I rolled my eyes and shrugged. I didn't do homework and had no idea we had homework. Amazingly Courtney was still not here... It's a miracle! Mrs. Thompson, our Science teacher, entered the classroom with a girl behind her.

I rolled my eyes and looked away... Psssshhh, a new girl, wow. But curiosity made me look at her. I observed every detail of her, from her legs to her amazing breast to her pretty face. There was something similar about her, I think I have seen her before somewhere but I can't remember where. Mrs. Thompson stood up next to her in front of the classroom and cleared her throat. "We have a new student! So I want you all to be nice and give a warm greeting to?" 

"Hope, Hope Rawlings" her voice sounded full of confidence and sweet. "Hope Rawlings, And where are you from Hope?" "Montana Mrs." 

Tommy started laughing hysterically and slapping his hand across the desk. "Montana? As in Hannah Montana?" he laughed out. I turned around slowly and shook my head in disbelief. "That was not nice Mr. Mathews so please say sorry to Ms. Rawlings!" Ms. Thompson screamed. Tommy stood up next to his seat and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry you come from such a place that relates to such a horrible show!" he smirked and sat down. 

The new girl didn't look hurt but she rather smiled. "Well Hope, I hope you feel comfortable in this school and if you have any questions don't be scared to ask me or any of your classmates. Please take a seat in front of Ethan. It seems Courtney is not here today so you can take her seat.." She muttered. The new girl grinned to her and walked to Courtney seat. She sat down turned around to face me and smiled. "Hi. I guess I will be replacing your friend" She said her voice calmed. I nodded. She smiled once again and turned around. I noticed her natural curly black hair and her light brown eyes as clam as a lake. Her long lashes made her eyes stand out more and her tanned skin looked good on her with her full dark pink lips. 

"Sorry I am late Miss I had a-" Courtney stopped as soon as her eyes landed on the new girl. "Why is she on my seat?" she blurted out with a surprised face.

"She is the new student,Hope." 

"So? That's my desk!" she screamed. 

Our teacher got mad and sent Courtney to the back. Courtney murmured something incomprehensible under her breath and stomped into the back seat. 

"Hey, can you show meh around the school?" </pre>

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Im a sorry for the late update. but I have been doing some stuff lately and have been having some problems. I was going to update earlier but I had no internet but here it is :D !! Hope you guys like it. I tried making it long so I hope its long enough :D. Please Comment, vote and tell your friends. I WILL SOOO MUCH APRECIATE IT! <3</pre>

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