Her Arrogant Husband

By im_sana

41.1K 1.9K 158

Previously know as "Marriage A sacred bond" ******* " We two are different people, marriage isn't an option f... More

First Encounter
Bad feeling
Scary Dream
Face to Face
Unknown Call
Meet Me?
Convincing Him
I Wish
Awkward Birthday
His Parents And Engagement
Contract And Advise
You are nothing to me!
Breakfast victory
Trying to talk
Safe distance
Glimpse of emotion
Like husband Like wife
Reception part 1
Reception part 2
Only for the world
Breakfast Bickering and His Accusation
Challenge Accepted (1)

How Dare He?

899 55 0
By im_sana


I never imagined my life to have a 180 degree change. Just few time before, I was enjoying my life, studying medical, hanging out with friends and my wonderful cousin, having great parents but now I m getting married in less than two weeks

Two weeks?

From the day of my so called engagement, my would be mother in law along with my mother going for shopping. One thing I should tell you that his mother Fariha aunty is sweet loving lady. She is cooperative and humble not like billionaire ladies arrogant and self centered

One thing I learned about her is that she is fashion designer in London and she runs a boutique where Pakistani dresses are sold. She is the one very excited for the marriage including my brother

Today I will be going for the selection for my bridal dress. Almost five days are passed, everyone is engaged in wedding preparation and where am I? I am in university away from all this. Everyone is really irritating me with text and calls from morning

Oh did I not tell I didn't tell anyone I m going to uni

Saad and Anum are coming over to my home at every night along with my cousin to celebrate my last moments with them probably.

"Hello my dear future wife"As I was walking absentidly thinking about my life event, I heard his annoying voice from behind. I turned to face him and plastered the fake smile

"Do I have to say I am so happy to see you" I mocked

"By the way why you are here, last time I checked your mother was coming to pick me" I added

"I thought I should get the dress for my bride" He took a step forward smirking, I nervously took a step back

"Stop and I am not going anywhere with you" I asked trying not to stutter. He took one more step towards me and his facial expression changed to dangerous one

Would it be bad if I agree I m feeling scared by his closeness, we are not really in public, people will hardly notice here what is going on here

"Not that I was dying to come over here canceling my important meeting and getting you stupid dress for that day. If it isn't for my mother, I would not want to see you"

I wouldn't want to see you, like I was dying to see him.

Arrogant jerk

"Stop your tantrum get done with this thing and afterward we need to talk" He said in a bossing tone

What is there to talk now I thought

We proceeded to car and drove to mall.



"Where the hell you are" mom roared from phone

"What? I m in office mom" I replied

"Do you realize that it's your wedding we are doing preparation for?" she asked

"Yes I know the fact very well you are making my place a flower house"

Since the day of engagement mom is decorating the whole house from freaking flower

Can you imagine my house with bright colorful flower

"Still you are in office" She said ignoring my comment

"So what you want me to do, take part in doing that decoration, and if that the case, sorry mom I cant help" I said

"Shayaan Ahmed get your ass here now" She said with irritation

"Oh no mom bad words where is dad I need to talk to him" I teased mom, with mom I can act all naughty

"Mr Shayaan Ahmed get your ass here right now you need to pick Zenish and take to buy the bridal dress" Mom ordered

"Why should I go with her? She should be going with you"

"No I have important issues to look after, you need to go with her"

"Mom you know I am not fond of women shopping, still you are asking me"

"Its not any women shopping Shyaan, its your woman's shopping I thought you would be thanking me for doing this but you are complaining"

"Its not that mom you know I cant tolerate these things, beside I have an important meeting"

"Then cancel it and pick Zenish now Shayaan" With that she hung up on me"

With passing days, wedding date is coming near I m getting nervous about this decision

Am I doing this right?

Will she able to walk with me like my wife? Will I regret my decision of marrying her?

Ugh these thoughts but I know one thing Zenish has something which makes me think I am not going to regret marrying her. Its not like I m in love with her or started liking her

Hell no

I have seen ending of façade of love story in my life. The love get disappeared and eventually story ends by this

"Show that one please" I heard her saying to shopkeeper

"Here mam" From about an hour I m sitting in this damn boutique and my fiancé is just looking the dress with confusion

"Hurry up Zenish I don't have a whole day" She glance me to stay quite

She is probably doing this on purpose but don't dear I have something planned for you which will destroy your so called pride

I am getting frustrating now, I shouldn't have come here. First I cancelled the most important meeting and now she is frustrating



I miss mama and Anum, with them I could choose easily but with him, ugh

Allah please help me!

I heard his phone rang and he excused but giving me look to choose fast

It's not I didn't like anything here, it's just these all dresses are so beautiful and...........costly as well

My attention was caught by another beautiful dress. It was red with silver border. I took the veil and placed on my head to see how it look. It was different from other ones

I was so busy in looking myself not realizing someone's gaze on me. I looked through mirror to meet green eyes of his which was again making me lost in them, he was holding phone near his ear probably talking to someone

"Well I must say you chose the dynamic piece mam" the shopkeeper said making me and him out of staring world

"Well then get it packed" He said the shopkeeper left

"But I didn't say I like it" I protested

Because you love it my mind said

"I don't care whether you like or not you already wasted my time Zenish and if you forgot I said we need to talk" He said

It feel good how my name rolls from his mouth

Get a grip Zenish my subconscious snapped

We headed to café and ordered coffee for both of us. He was looking anything but me

"What was there to talk" I said as waiter served us

"You remember that time, I told you in order to continue your dream you have to do something for me" He said looking straight towards me, his eye brow formed devislish gin on his face

"and what is that" I asked , taking sip of my coffee

"After marriage you are not allowed to meet you family" I spit the coffee the moment it entered

I think he said to abandon my parents

"What" I frowned

"You heard me right you will not be seeing your parents until you finish your studies" He said calmly sipping his coffee

How dare he said that, my life exist in my parent in my family

How could he say this, he also have family

My eyes was getting wet, I fought the very urge to cry, he would be last person I want him to see me cry

"You cant do this" I said

"I thought someone said they never take their words back" He mocked. I gave him disgusting look

Allah I want to kill him

"How could you do this I cant live without my family, no you cant do this"

"The deal is deal, and don't forget you made it, now you cant back off" He said

Allah I want to kill him



"Don't give me your damn look Miss Zenish Shah, it was you who made the deal not me. beside don't act like someone is forcing you when in actual you and your parents are happy for trapping a billionaire" I said as she was staring me with hatred. She didn't say anything staring me with anger and hatred

I know girls they probably show they aren't happy but inside they are doing happy dance

"I know the type of you middle class people, they claim to be all pious but in actual they are as black as coal, you haven't in your dreams imagined, I Shayaan Ahmed the billionaire will come to your door step to ask your hand in marriage. You and your father...."

"STOP IT" She stood up from her seat and yelled, I could feel everyone is staring us now

"Not a single word against my father Mr Shayaan, show your wealth and money to someone else you jerk, not me. To hell with you and to hell with your money. You are saying I am the one who trapped you so let me remind you were the one who proposed me I didn't even know you at that time. You forced my father and me as well to say yes" She said tear forming in her eyes

How dare she insulted me

I could feel pure hatred and anger for me, I don't even care what she feel, but looking at her I think I probably said wrong things

Did I?

She put her hand and leaned towards me

"If it wasn't for my family, I would rather die than to marry Mr. Shayaan Ahmed" She said venomously

With that she walked away, I ran to stop her but she was fast, she got in cab and went away. Everyone was looking at me as I committed a sin. Ok fine I said many things before thinking, it just slipped out

But she walked on me 


Asslam o Alaiqum my readers

i m soooo sorry for updating late

So tell me do like Zenish or hate Shayaan 

like the way Zenish answered back him, well he surely deserve dont he

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Keep smiling :)

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