Her Ruthless Mate

By mariselalove

76.6K 1.5K 122

Revilen Rose is being abused by her dad and she never want to find her mate cause her father said "he will on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Characters Description
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
A/N note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
happy new years its 2017!!!
Chapter 15
New story
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 14

1.4K 42 0
By mariselalove


(A/N) I'm sorry for updating late ♥ and here's the next chapter enjoy my lovely readers.



"Revilen?" Marlo said while shaking me. I looked at him "I'm fine". I said but hopefully not in a rude way "don't seem like it you turn pale as a ghost and your whole entire body tense up so what is it."

I debated whether or not to tell him now or to wait.. I think I should wait to tell him "you will have to wait because I am not ready to tell you yet ". He nodded and pick me up like a baby. Elena head hit the sofa softly "What are you doing?". I said while looking at Elena.

"Bringing you to bed of course". He said while looking down at me "I know that but Elena she's not gonna sleep in here all by herself". I said to him "She's not gonna be in here all alone.. Remember Cody is here". He nodded his head towards Cody way. I completely forgot Cody was here still sitting on the couch watching us.

I was unsure about this but nodded my head and Marlo took us to his room.

Marlo went in the bedroom and close the door with his foot. He took me to his bed and layed me down softly. He put the blankets on me and layed down beside me.

I closed my eyes and felt his arm go around my waist and he pulled me to his chest.

His warmth surrounded me and I fell asleep quickly.


I woke up to myself screaming and crying, my whole body was covered in sweat. Marlo sat up (in sitting position) holding me to him. He rock me back and forth trying to calm me down.

I had a nightmare of my mother dying right in front of me and my father cutting into my skin painfully. My whole body was shaking I don't like having nightmares about my mom but mostly my dad.

I heard feet coming up the stairs and then the door open and revealed Cody holding a confuse Elena "Is something wrong?". He said breathing heavily.

Elena started wiggling in his arms and Cody let her down. She ran to the bed and try to get on it.

I pulled her up by her arms and hugged her close to me to calm my racing heart. Sunny purred inside of me while Azazel just sighed in relief.

"Cody you can leave now". Marlo said and Cody left closing the door softly "Can you tell me what happen .. Like why were you scared of me when you met me and everybody else when you first came here.. I'm here for you.. Just let me in."

I'm not close to being ready for this but here I am second guessing should I really tell him.. I'm mean he is my mate and mates don't lie to each other they tell each other everything no matter the purpose.

I let out a shaky breath and I told him everything.. Like how my mom died when I was little and how me and my dad was rouges from then and on.. Also how I was abused and starved to death..to me escaping my humble home.

When I was done I turned my head so I wasn't looking at him tears ran down my face..I closed my eyes tightly.

'Were gonna loose him'. Sunny whined. 'No were not now shut up'. Azazel mumbled and Sunny growled but shut up.

"Amazing". Marlo said. Which made my head and eyes look up. "What's so amazing about my fucked up life story". I said.. His eyes widened "No, No. I didn't mean it like that I meant how your still standing here when you went through that shit and you escaped that bastard...that's what is amazing.. I meant". He said trying to prove his point but I already knew what he meant I was just playing with him.

I chuckled "I knew what you meant". Marlo stared into my eyes deeply "I want to tell you my life story..if that's okay". I was shocked.. He is actually willing to let me in.. I thought that wasn't possible of doing.

"um okay". I said unsure of this but curiosity got the best of me and I let him tell his story because it's fair to the both of us.

"It was a beautiful Sunday morning my mom and dad and me was getting ready to go to church". He chuckle "I was only 15 years old and I was sitting on the kitchen counter in my suit ready to go to church". He let out a shaky breath. "W-when rouges in wolf form busted threw the windows and attack everything in there sight my dad.. Changed into wolf form and helped his people that were In the pack house ..I wanted to turn to my wolf form but my mom wouldn't let me .. A rouge got a hold of her and she pushed me from the rouges the last thing she scream was "run!" my dad was in the middle of fighting off the rouges when he suddenly fell down clutching his heart".

Marlo was crying.. Pain was the only emotion in his eyes "my mom and dad was killed..I ran away to find safety..eventually all the rouges left and I went back to see what's left.. I went in the pack house to find my mom and dads body still there tear to pieces I ran to them and cryed by there side. Until one of the survivor pack members called me the new alpha and he showed me where the rest of the pack members was and I changed to being sweet and innocent to ruthless and killing rouges..the rest of my family left me..I was an only child but they left me there to fight by myself when I needed them the most but I got everything together and learned the hard way and became a alpha at 16 years old".

He finish his story and layed us down again.. I hold Elena in my arms while Marlo hold me to him "we don't deserve this life". Marlo said.

And like that I went to sleep.


(A/N) I'm really sorry for updating late I hope you can forgive me and I'm updating next Thursday.. Trying to get back on track. ♥

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