My Type || jhs.

Por Armys_Jams10

2.6K 151 94

"Someone who loves me for me being me." ------- jung hoseok ff Armys_Jams10 Notice: pure content bc Hoseok is... Más

My Type -EP.1
My Type - EP.2
My Type - EP.3
My Type - EP.5 (End)

My Type - EP.4

405 28 13
Por Armys_Jams10

Jackson came out behind the tree.

He watched as you both were walking away, locking hands together, looking like a happy couple.

He smiled widely.

JACKSON: "I have just made up my mind."

Jackson looked at his feet.

JACKSON: "Hana, come out."

Hana also came out behind the tree.

HANA: "What is-"

JACKSON: "Will you be my girlfriend?"

HANA: "I-i'm.."

JACKSON: "Although I pretended to be your boyfriend, I had feelings for you."

HANA: "Y-Yah...I know you're going to joke around again. Stop."

She looked away as her face starts to turn red.

JACKSON: "Hm. How can I show real love?"

He smirked and pulled Hana towards him.

.........AND KISS!!!


You stopped at turned to J-Hope.

You didn't realized how close you two were.

You back away a little.

YOU: "Uh...Thank you."

J-Hope smiled and teased you.

J-HOPE: "Huh? What did you say?"

You blinked your eyes twice and then flashes him a blank expression.

YOU: "I. Said. Nothing. Important."

J-Hope laughed and hit your softly.

J-HOPE: "You're welcome."

You rolled your eyes and smiled.

YOU: "You have a good day."

J-Hope smiled and waved at you.

He watched you entering into your house.

Before closing the door, you peek out the door and saw J-Hope standing there.

You waved your hand at him and he also did.

You finally closed the door and stand against it.

You smiled, placing your hand over your heart, feeling your heart racing.

'I guess he's really an angel...' You thought to yourself.

YOU: "The fuck am I thinking."

You head towards the stairs and made your way to your bedroom.

You tossed your bag on the bag but something came out of it.

YOU: "Oh?"

You took a closer look and it was J-Hope's ID Card.

YOU: "Oh?....He look very handsome.."

You smiled and put it back in your bag.



YOU: "Mom, 10 more min-"

You woke up immediately after saying the word 'mom'.

You glance around the room and there was no one but you.

You sighed, looking down at your bed.

*Alarm goes off*

YOU: "Ah Yah!"

You got out of bed and got ready.


You take your walk around the neighborhood again.

As you were walking you spotted Jackson and Hana together.

Your eyebrows raised up and down.

'They look happy together~' You thought.

YOU: "Eh, he already found someone. I am single forever. "

You sighed and walked off.

???: "EY!"

Someone hit your head with a bag of chips.


J-HOPE: "Heh, this is becoming my habit."

He said smiling widely.

He grabbed your hand and swung it back and forth.


You groaned loudly.

J-HOPE: "OH! Are you okay? I'm sorry ! "

He pouts.

You remained silent and smiled at his worried expression.

He look at you and then notice your smile.

J-HOPE: "Yah...."

He said in a low tone.

YOU: "Yah...."

You copied him.


He lifted you up and swung you around.



You and J-Hope sat together at a bench eating ice cream together.

You look at him eating his ice cream.

'Ah~ Why does he look like that ? He looks so hot' You thought to yourself.

You shook your head, coming back to your senses.

J-HOPE: "What time is it?"

He said as he checks his phone.

J-HOPE: "Oh, so, basically we've hang out for almost 6 hours straight."

YOU: "Eh?"

J-HOPE: "We walked around at 10 am. It's 4pm now."

YOU: "Oh, okay."

You don't said and focus back on your ice cream.

J-HOPE: "Don't you want to go home?"

YOU:" I want to stay longer with yo-"

You realize what you were going to say and purposely cough.

YOU: "Oh, it's really boring at home, you know, It's just me."

J-HOPE: "Stay as long as you want, princess."

You stayed still and turn to look at him.

YOU: "Princess?"

He nodded.

J-HOPE: "Yeah. I'm calling you Princess from now on."

YOU: "Then what should I call you?"

YOU: "Hope? Nah."

YOU: "Oh, Hobi ?"

J-HOPE: "Ah~ Cute."

You smiled.

YOU: "Hobi, Hobi, Hobi~~~~"

You playfully sing.


Laying in bed, you couldn't sleep at all.

You moved left to right.

YOU: "What's wrong with me."

All you could think of is J-Hope.

YOU: "Hobi, princess..."

You laughed to yourself.


YOU: "Yah."

TZUYU: "Eh?"

You and Tzuyu were at a cafe.

YOU: "Let me tell you something."

TZUYU: "Ah~ I'm ready to listen."

YOU: "Uh..You know.. I kept thinking about someone.."

TZUYU: "Boy? Girl? Is it me? Did u miss me?"

You shook your head.

YOU: "No. It's a boy. His name is Hob- I mean J-Hope...He's a friend I knew few weeks ago.."

TZUYU: "Uh huh."

YOU: "He nicknamed me 'Princess' and Uh...I nicknamed him 'Hobi'...What does that mean..?"

Tzuyu gasped.


She said.

Your eyes shot open.

YOU: "HUH?!"

TZUYU whispered.

TZUYU: "You. Are. In. Love."

I shook at her answer.

TZUYU: "I am 101% sure, that you are in love Y/N."

YOU: "H-How?"

TZUYU: "It's so obvious. Locking hands together, nicknaming each other, bothering each other, and him sending you hom--"


TZUYU: "Wh-"

She realized what she said and covered her mouth and lowered her head.

YOU: "How did you know?"

TZUYU: "Well, you see, I spotted you both...Some few weeks ago.."

You looked at her with a blank expression.

YOU: "Argh!! I still can't figure out why-"

TZUYU: "Make up your feelings. Ask yourself, "do I like him? Does he make me happy? Is he different from others? " And try to answer all those questions...."

You blinked your eyes.

YOU: "Oh? Thanks."


YOU: "Ah~ I need pen and papers."

You grab a piece of paper and a pen.

You set your things on a desk and start to talk to yourself.

YOU: "Yah..Are we suppose to answer our questions on paper?"

You went silence for a moment.

YOU: "Oh, we're supposed to."

You wrote down:

'Do I like him?'
'Does he make me happy?'
'Is he different from others?'
'Does my heart flutter when he talks mannerly?'
'Does my heart race when I'm with him?'

You wrote down all the questions that pops into your head.

YOU: "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes."

You read the questions in your mind and answered them out loud.

And then you realize....

YOU: "Ah!! WHAT?!'

Every question was a 'yes'.

You jumped on your bed.

YOU: "Do I like him though?"

You thought for a moment....

..........'Well....He's My Type...' You thought to yourself.

You sat up on your bed.

YOU: "Okay...I think I do..."

You're worried he won't feel the same.


J-Hope approached you.

J-HOPE: "Wooala!!!'

He showed ice cream in front of you.

You were silent, kinda shy to talk to...'Your crush'

YOU: "O-oh...Cool..."

J-HOPE: "Let's go eat there!"

He grab your hand and you jumped...A little.

He sat down first and handed you your ice cream.

J-HOPE: "Oh, sit down."

You slightly bowed and sit down.

The bird's whistling, and the wind can only be heard...

You two are your ice cream silently without speaking a word.

J-Hope scooted closer to you.

You notice and scoot farther away from him.

You both keep scooting until you were at the edge of the bench.

J-Hope was so close to you, you could feel his breath.

Just when you were about to fall from the bench, his arms wrapped around you.

You two looked into each other's eyes.

J-HOPE: "Be careful, princess."

He flashed you a wink and pulled you up.

Your heart was racing....LOUD.

J-HOPE: "Yah, what's that noise?"

He moved his head to where he heard the 'sound'...

You slowly watch as his head was resting on your chest....

J-HOPE: "You're heart is beating...Why?"

YOU: "Uh-"

J-Hope looked at you.

His face was so close to you, your breath was hard to catch, your face burning up, and your heart racing fast.

J-HOPE: "Do messi?"

~ To Be Continued ~
~ My Type ~

~ Army's Jams

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