Obsessions | A Zuko Love Stor...

By OriginalReh

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Discontinued. Disclaimer, I do NOT own Avatar the Last Airbender, only the characters I create. ... More

Chapter One: A new begining ✨
Chapter Two: The Banished Prince 🔥
Chapter Three: The Avatar Returns 🌬
Chapter Four: The Southern Air Temple 💥
Chapter Five: The Warriors of Kyoshi 🌅
Chapter Six: The Spirit World (Solstice Pt. 1) 🐉
Chapter Seven: Avatar Roku (Solstice Pt 2) ☄️
Chapter Eight: The Waterbending Scroll 🌊
Chapter Nine: The Storm 🔥
Chapter Ten: The Blue Spirit👹
Chapter Eleven: Bato Of The Water Tribe🗺
Chapter Twelve: The Waterbending Master💥
Chapter Thirteen: The Siege Of The North Pt 1✨
Chapter Fourteen: The Siege Of The North Pt 2🌕
Book Two: Chapter One: The Avatar State⚡️
Chapter Two: The Cave Of Two Lovers🍜
Chapter Three: The Swamp/Avatar Day🎶
Chapter Four: Grey Alone/The Chase🔥
Chapter Five: Bitter Work⚡️
Chapter Six: The Desert🌵
Chapter Seven: The Serpent's Pass⛴
Chapter Eight: The Drill☕️
Chapter Nine: City Of Walls And Secrets⚔️
Chapter Ten: The Tales Of Ba Sing Se💋
Chapter Eleven: Lake Laogai⛓
Chapter Twelve: The Earth King🐲
Chapter Thirteen: The Guru♥️
Chapter Fourteen: The Crossroads Of Destiny ⚡️
Book Three: Chapter One: The Awakening🌕
Chapter Two: The Headband💃🏻
Chapter Three: The Painted Lady🌙
Chapter Four: Sokka's Matser/ The Beach🌊
Chapter Five: The Avatar And The Firelord🕯
Chapter Six: The Runaway
Chapter Seven: The Puppetmaster
Chapter Eight: Nightmares And Daydreams
Chapter Nine: The Day Of Black Sun Pt. 1: The Invasion
Chapter Ten:The Day Of Black Sun Pt. 2: The Eclipse
Chapter Eleven: The Western Air Temple
Chapter Twelve: The Firebending Masters
Chapter Fourteen: The Boiling Rock Pt. 2
Chapter Fifteen: The Boiling Rock Pt. 3

Chapter Thirteen: The Boiling Rock Pt. 1

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By OriginalReh

Lux/Grey's POV

I found out last night that when I'm flying with someone, I can send my light around them if we are touching, and they can fly next to me. Aang was gliding next to me, and I grabbed his arm so we could do a trick. Somehow my light ended up around him and we were fluting together before the light faded away when I let go.

After we figured out what happened, we decided to see if I could do it at will. It took me two tries until I got it without almost falling.

Aang and I told the group about it when we were having breakfast this morning. Almost everyone wanted to try it out. The Duke was first, he laughed and screamed with delight the entire time. Doing flips and loops are his favorite.

Sokka said no, he wasn't doing that again. Toph liked it for a few minutes but after the first loop she had enough. Teo didn't want to and started gliding around with us instead. Haru said he had fun even during the loops but he was good flying with Appa. Bunch of sissies.

I roll my eyes before looking at Katara. "Would you like to go?"

She looks at me, surprised. We still haven't really talked to each other since the fight in Zuko's room. "Sure, but no flips." I smile and reach my hand out.

When she takes it I lift off the ground and send my light around her. I keep the speed normal as I lift us higher into the air. After a minute Kat turns her head in my direction. "Lux, I'm sorry for how I acted, I shouldn't have said those things to either of you. I was only thinking about Aang and keeping him safe."

I look over to her, "I understand, and I forgive you. I want to keep Aang safe as well. I'm sorry for how I reacted, but I stand by my words. They both mean everything to me, and so do the rest of you guys. I love you guys."

She smiles, "I'm glad that's out of the way, I've missed talking to you."

"Your just saying that so I'll help you with dinner tonight." We both start laughing.

"Now that you mention it, will you help me with dinner?"

I smirk, "Sure, if you do one flip."

She rolls her eyes, "Fine." I chuckle and lead us though a forward loop. She screeches grasping my hand tighter. "There, can we land now?" I fly us quickly to the group and touch the ground. I pull my light back as Kat looks at me, "We will start dinner after sunset."

"I'll be there." I smile at her before I turn to see Zuko with his arms crossed.

I walk over to him, just as I open my mouth, he speaks. "Not happening." He looks down at me, a slight smirk plays on his lips.

"Is that a challenge?" I tilt my head as I place my hands on my hips.

He smirks fully and raises an eyebrow, "It is now."

--------Time skip brought to you by the Spirit World------

It took me all day to win the challenge. Finally after playing with his hair for an hour, he relented.

When we started he was just holding my hand as we flew around. I pulled us up higher in the air. I look over to see him staring at me. "I can see why you really love this." His eyes are warm, "I feel so free flying like this."

I smile a mischievous smile, "If you think you feel free now, you'll love this." I lift up into a back flip, I glance at him and his eyes are wide. After the third flip, he wraps his arms around my ribs. Pulling himself as close to me as he can. His face is so close to mine that my mind goes blank for a few seconds and we start to fall.

"AHHHH!" Zuko shouts in my ear as we fall towards the ground. I chuckle and bring us to a stop before flying forward again. I bring us back towards the cliff just as the sun is setting.

"Would you like to watch the sunset with me?" I look over at him with a soft smile.

"If that means we are landing and not falling to the ground, then I'm all for it." He says jokingly but I can hear he's a little serious.

My feet touch the ground and I pull my light back. I was expecting him to let go, but his arms remain around me. I look up at his gorgeous face, "I don't see why you didn't like it. I wouldn't have let anything happen to you." I cross my arms, "The only one who liked my tricks is The Duke."

I pull out of his arms and sit down, facing the sunset, Zuko sits down on my right. "I know, I'm just not a fan of falling."

"I'm sorry, next time I'll take it easy."

"Next time?" He looks at my with his eyebrow raised.

"Well yeah, this isn't just going to be a one time thing. It's going to happen again." I smile at him before looking back at the sky. I can already see a few stars shining.

I hear Zuko moving around to see him taking his bag off his back. He looks up to see me watching, I see s faint blush appear on his face. "I have something for you. I know you already have a new one, but I figured you would want this one." He opens the flap and reaches in.

When he's hand pulls out I see the dark wood guitar that Dad got me in Ba Sing Sa. My eyes fly to his. "You took it with you to the Fire Nation?" My voice is a whisper, but he hears me.

"Yes, when I was leaving, I came across it. I told myself to leave it, but I couldn't." He pauses, lost in thought. I reach over and take the guitar, running my fingers across the strings. He moves so he's sitting closer, "I was wondering.." I look over at him, he scratches the back of his neck, "could you sing something for me?"

"Like my feelings for you?" He nods, my heart speeds up. Wow, who would have thought Zuko would ask me this. I know that he must be uncomfortable being this vulnerable. I smile at him brightly. "I would love too." I lean over and kiss his cheek, his eyes are warm when I lean back. I look down at my guitar and begin strumming.

Heart beats fast
Colours and promises

How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid.
I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is

I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me

Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid.
I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid.
I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

By the time I've finished, our eyes are locked. A sexy smile appears on his face. "Sing it again."

I chuckle, "I would, but now that the sun is down, I have to help Kat with dinner." I lean over, pressing my lips to his. "Maybe after."

I start to draw back but he pulls me back by my hair. Mm, that was hot! He smirks against my lips. "Good to know." He bites my bottom lip and pulls me closer. My breathing turns shallow and a low moan escapes my lips.

I pull back, seeing his intense golden eyes looking at me with love and lust. I place a hand on his chest, "I have to help with dinner." I'm breathless but I manage to get the words out smoothly.

His voice is low and hungry when he speaks. "They can wait, they won't even notice we are gone." His lips are on mine the instant he's finished talking. He parts my lips and I give in, I melt into his chest. I run my fingers through his long hair. "I love you Grey."

I pull myself closer to him, "I love you more Zuko."

His kisses become more fierce and rough. "Do not." He growls in my head as he grabs my waist pulling me to him so there is no space between our upper bodies. He kisses me like he's dying of thirst and I'm the water.

"Do too." I growl back. I tilt my head deepening the kiss, putting a hand in his long hair.

Suddenly I hear Katara's voice shout out. "Lux! Time to help me with dinner!"

Zuko doesn't seem to hear her and continues to kiss me. Before I can pull back Toph's voice calls out. "Hey Sparky, stop boinking Psychic so we can eat."

He pulls back with wide eyes and his face goes red, "She can feel the vibrations in the ground, that's how she knows what we are doing. No one told you?"

He nods, "They did, but I didn't know she could feel that. Wait we were only kissing. Not 'boinking'."

"She knows, she's just giving us a hard time. That's Toph for you." I chuckle. "Come on mister, 'they won't even notice we are gone'." We get to our feet, I smirk up at him, "Want to fly?"

"Sure." He takes my hand, shocking me. I furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion.

"I trust you." He leans down and pecks my cheek.

I smile and bend the light around us both, I fly us off the cliff to the Temple below. It only takes a couple of seconds to land near the group. Aang is sitting next to Toph, they both are smiling at us. Katara has her arms crossed and Sokka is flipping out.

He looks to us, "You two are doing it!?"

"Sokka it's not a big deal if they are together." Aang says, hesitating on the last word. Sokka is about to say something, as he moves to us. But Toph encases him in a earth tent.

"How could you?" Kat is looking at me.

I can't help it, but I answer sarcastically. "Well, you see, when two people love each other very much, th-"

"Everybody shut up!" Toph shouts from her spot. "Snoozles, Sugar Queen, live with the fact that Psychic and Sparky are boinking!"

"We were just kissing!" Zuko interrupts, face going red again. He's so cute.

"It's true, no boinking, just kissing. Yes we are a couple. Now that everyone knows we are together now, this conversation is over." I reach out grabbing Kat's arm pulling her to the fire. "Let's get cooking."

Zuko's POV

I watched Grey pull Katara off and I was left with Aang, Toph and Sokka. Toph walks over and punches my arm. "Took you two long enough."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Both of your heartbeats go crazy when you two are around each other. It was only a matter of time." She shrugs and walks to the earth tent. "Are you ready to come out now?"

I can hear his reply but she lowers the tent and Sokka looks at us annoyed before looking at just me. "I'm sorry for overreacting, but she's like my sister and I'm protective of my family." He steps closer to me. "You hurt her once, if you do it again, you'll have to deal with me."

"And me!" Tops replies, cracking her knuckles.

"That won't happen." I look over at Grey to see her and Katara smiling at each other while cooking. "I'm not letting her go again." I turn back to them to see Aang and Sokka starting at me, mouths open.

Toph smirks, "Who knew Sparky was such a softy." I groan. Great.

I walk past them to sit by the fire. I sit down next to a sleeping Roku and pick him up. The others follow and sit, they break off in separate conversations. Aang and Toph are talking about the dragons so I join in.

--------time skip brought to you by flying hogmonkeys--------

We all ate dinner, now I have a try full of tea cups. Holding the kettle I begin filling the empty cups. Doing this reminds me of Uncle, he always took pride in his tea.

"No one can make tea like Uncle." I look over to see Grey nodding in agreement. "But hopefully I learned a thing or two. Would you like to hear Uncle's favorite tea joke?"

"Sure." Katara replies, surprising me.

Aang smiles, "I like jokes."

"This ought to be good." Grey bites her lip. I feel a tingle run through me.

Toph sits up, "Bring it."

I stand up with the tray, "Okay." I kneel between The Duke and Haru. "Well, I can't remember how it starts but the punch line is, "Leaf me alone, I'm bushed." They give me a dead panned look. I see the rest of the group giving me the same look, except Grey. She has her hand clamped over her mouth trying not to laugh. "Well, it's funnier when Uncle tells it."

"Right. Maybe that's because he remembers," Katara grabs a cup, "the whole thing." Aang laughs and helps himself to a cup, the group laughing as well. Causing me to smile.

Toph speaks after the laughing dies out. "It's nice to get a chance to relax a little." I walk between Toph and Teo and hand them their drinks. "It hardly ever happens." They proceed to drink their tea.

Grey reaches out and takes a cup, "I hope this is better than the time you made us tea on the ship." She pulls the cup to her lips and takes a sip. He eyes widen and she looks up at me, "There my be hope for you." She smiles and I swear my heart skips a beat. How can she be so beautiful?

I walk over to Sokka, who is sitting by himself at the side, thinking. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"He gets up and walks away.

I place the tray down and follow. We walk to the area where Appa is resting. "So," Appa wakes up and looks at us, "what's up?"

We continue to walk further into the dark before he answers. "If someone was captured by the Fire Nation, where would they be taken?"

I look at him surprised. "What do you mean? Who was captured?"

"When the invasion plan failed, some of our troops were taken. I just want to know where," he gestures both hands out, "they might be."

"I can't tell you." I say quickly. If he knew it would just make things more complicated.

"What? Why not?" He scowls slightly.

"Trust me. Knowing would just make you feel worse." I turn around and Sokka grabs my shoulder.

"It's my Dad. He was captured too. I need to know what I put him through." His voice is strained.

"It's not good Sokka."

He looks down. "Please."

I close my eyes. "My guess is..." I open my eyes, "They were taken to the Boiling Rock."

Sokka frowns slightly. "What's that?"

"The highest security prison in the Fire Nation." Sokka's mouth goes slightly agape. "It's on an island in the middle of a boiling lake." Sokka turns to the side, folds his arms and looks serious. "It's inescapable."

"So where is this place?" He asks a little too casually.

"Why do you need to know? What are you planning?"

"Nothing. Boy, you're so paranoid." He waves his arm dismissively.

I look at him, suspicion setting in. "It's in the middle of a volcano between here and the Fire Nation. You guys actually flew right past it on your way here."

"Thanks Zuko." Sokka yawns and pats my shoulder as he walks past. "Just knowing makes me feel better."

"Yeah, I'm sure it does." I reply watching him go and lay in his sleeping bag. He's planning something. I guess this means no sleep for me. I walk over to the group and Grey meets me half way.

"What were you two talking about?" She asks once she reaches me.

"He was asking where his dad would be taken."

She smirks, "The Boiling Rock. Well once everyone falls asleep, we are going to scare Sokka for trying to sneak off."

"I knew he was planning something!" I groan. Grey grabs my hand and leads me back to the group.

Lux/Grey's POV

I peek over Appa's saddle, watching Sokka sneak his way around the camp. I turn back to see Zuko looking at my butt. "Hey, my eyes are over here." I whisper. His eyes fly to mine and he blushes. "Anyways, he's on the move."

I look back to camp and see Sokka tiptoeing past a snoring Aang. He makes it past Katara and Toph, and starts walking towards us.

I duck done and sit next to Zuko. A few seconds later Appa wakens and I hear Sokka shush him. His hand grabs the saddle and he pulls himself up.

Zuko has his arms crossed. "Not up to anything, huh?"

Sokka yelps in shock and loses his grip as he falls down on the hard stone floor with a loud thud and groan. We lean over the saddle to look at him. "Fine, you caught me. I'm gonna rescue my Dad." He puts back his belongings back into his bag. "You happy now?"

"Yes, we are ecstatic." I reply sarcastically. "You don't need to do thi-"

Sokka interrupts me. "Look, I have to do this. The invasion plan was my idea. It was my decision to stay when things were going wrong." Sokka walks towards Appa as Zuko and I jump off the bison. "It's my mistake and it's my job to fix it. I have to regain my honor. You can't stop me guys."

"You need to regain your honor? Believe me, I get it. I'm going with you." Zuko replies with resolve.

"Sokka, if you would have let me finish, I would have said that you didn't have to do this alone. I'm going with you too." I place my hand on his shoulder. Zuko glares at me but I ignore it.

Sokka shakes my hand off and climbs up near the saddle. "No. I have to do this alone."

"How are you going to get there? On Appa?" Zuko barks, "Last time I checked, prisons don't have bison day cares." Sokka touches the saddle before he sighs and looks at Zuko and I.

Zuko goes to speak but I beat him to it. "We'll take his war balloon." I smirk when Zuko raises his eyebrow.

Sokka jumps off Appa. "Actually, that sounds like a good idea."

I went to fall into step with Sokka but Zuko grabbed my arm. "Sokka, can you give us a minute?"

"Uh, yeah." Sokka walks off towards the group and Zuko pulls me behind Appa, further from everyone.

He comes to a stop and faces me, "You're not coming."

"Excuse me?" I glare up at him, crossing my arms. "You can't control what I do. Equals remember?"

"Grey, I don't want to worry about you getting hurt." He steps closer.

"I can take care of myself! I know the future, you will need me!" I snap.

He groans, "Please, try to understand. I know you are capable of protecting yourself, but I can't have you coming with us to the prison." His eyes are bright with emotion. Seriously? What the fuck?

"Why? Why is it so-"

Zuko cuts me off by capturing my lips with his. His hands are on my cheeks, pulling me to him. "I need you to stay here. I love you too much to risk your safety." His voice flutters through my mind as he kisses me with rough passion.

He leans back, I look into his blazing golden eyes. My breathing stops as our gazes lock, he eyes are intense with love. "Will you please stay here? Protect our friends while we are gone." He keeps our eyes locked as he speaks.

"Okay." I reply breathless still falling into his endless eyes.

He looks shocked for a moment, "Really?" He places his hand under my chin.

"Yes." I huff and break eye contact, "Curse your sexy eyes."

He smirks, "My sexy eyes?" He leans in close, giving me a close up of his eyes.

"Definitely." It's my turn to close the distance between our lips. I brush mine softly against his before he pulls me against him.

"I love you Grey." He murmurs against my lips before meeting my lips again.

"I love you too." I kiss him once more before pulling away, "Try not to do anything stupid, and you better stay in contact with me through our bond every couple of hours. Got it?"

"You're so demanding for someone so tiny." He chuckles as he pulls me back to camp. "But I will stay in contact." He squeezes my hand as we walk.

Sokka sees us and walks over to us, "Can we get going now? We don't have all day."

"Shut up Sokka." I roll my eyes. "Okay, I'll tell them that we need meat and that you two when to fishing. I can't tell you what will happen but, Sokka, don't give up." I look over at Zuko. "And don't be reckless." I smirk.

----------time skip brought by Sokka and Zuko having some guy time--------

I woke up as the sun started to rise. After the guys left I decided to sleep on Appa with Roku. I look over at my friends to see them still sleeping. I look back at the sunset as I send thoughts to my Prince.

"You alive?"

"Yes, we are still in the air. We should be there by nightfall. Sleep well without me?"

I smile as I reply. "Let me know when you make it there. I slept good, Appa and Roku kept me company." I look over to see everyone waking up. "Everyone is waking up, I'll be waiting for you to check in. Be safe Z, I love you."

His tone is laced with love as it tickles my mind. "I love you, my Light." I smile to his words as I slide down Appa.

I walk towards the group to see The Duke and Kat walking in my direction. Toph and Aang are walking up behind her and Aang is sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"Have you seen Sokka?" Kat asks as she looks around.

"Yes, him and Zuko left this morning. Sokka said something about needing meat and that they were going fishing. They told me to tell you they would be back in a few days."

I turn to Aang and continue. "Zuko said that I am to help you with your firebending while he's gone. You are to do twenty sets of fire fists and ten hot squats every time you hear a badger frog croak until lunch and then we will begin sets." Aang nods and lies down, proceeding to go back to sleep.

A badger frog croaks and Aang opens his eyes with irritation and stands up. "Nobody else has homework." He proceeds to squat with his hands behind his head. "One hot squat. Two hot squat. Three hot squat. Four hot..."

Kat grabs my attention, "How could you let Sokka go off alone with him? What if he tries something?" This shit again?

I narrow my eyes at her, "He won't. I know it may be hard for you to accept that he is on our side, but he is. He's not going to hurt any of us." She's about to open her mouth but I hold up a finger. "I am getting tired of having this same fight with you Kat. He has changed. Get over it."

I walk over to Aang, who is now on another set of hot squats. "Come on, we are going to start the sets now." He looks at Katara before looking at me with a smile.

"Yes! Let's go!" He jumps up from his squat and grabs my arm pulling me off to the cliffs. His excitement helps my sour mood lighten as we race off to practice.

Zuko's POV

"Everyone is waking up, I'll be waiting for you to check in. Be safe Z, I love you." Grey's says, and my heart jumps to her words.

"I love you, my Light." I whisper back to her through the bond as look at the clouds around Sokka and myself.

He's leaning against the basket staring off to the side. I look at the flame in the fuel tank as the flame growers bigger for a while before going back to its normal size. I firebend into the fuel tank with one hand. I firebend again before we look at each other before looking away in an awkward silence.

Sokka looks up, "Pretty clouds."

I raise my head. "Yeah, fluffy." A whistle pierces the silence, looking around I see it's coming from Sokka. "What?" I raise my eyebrow as I turn fully towards him.

"What? Oh, I didn't say anything. You know, a friend of mine actually designed these war balloons." He says gesturing with his hands.

"No kidding."

Sokka nods sharply, "Yep. A balloon. But for War."

"There's one thing my Dad's good at," I turn back to the tank and firebend, "it's War."

Sokka replies nonchalantly, "Yeah, it seems to run in the family."

"Hey, hold on. Not everyone in my family is like that." I snap getting slightly angry.

Sokka raises his hands, "I know, I know, you've changed."

I take a breath and release my anger before I reply. "I meant my Uncle. He was more of a Father to me. And I really let him down." I look down at my feet. He must really be disappointed in me.

Sokka thinks for a second. "I think your Uncle would be proud of you. Leaving your home to come help us, that's hard."

"It wasn't that hard." I answer truthfully. I had nothing there.

"Really? You didn't leave behind anyone you cared about?" He asks, looking at my curiously.

"Well I did have an ex-girlfriend. Mai." I look to the side as I say her name. I hope she is doing okay and understands why I left.

Sokka moves closer to me with a surprised look on his face. "That gloomy girl who sighs a lot? But I thought you love Lux?"

"Yeah." My face turns serious, "Everyone in the Fire Nation thinks I'm a traitor. I couldn't drag her into it." I pause looking Sokka in the eye. "Grey is the reason I broke up with her, I couldn't live a lie with Mai knowing my heart was with someone else." I watch Sokka's expression change from anger to understanding.

"I guess I don't have to worry about you hurting Lux, I can see now that you really do love her." He leans back on the basket looking at the sky. "My first girlfriend turned into the Moon."

I look at him with sympathy, "That's rough buddy." Grey told me the what happened to the Northern Water Tribe Princess when we were stuck on the drift wood.

Sokka turns to me again, "You know if she hears you calling her Grey, it might piss her off."

"I've called her that a few times now, she gets annoyed but hasn't attacked me for it." I reply with a smirk.

Sokka rolls his eyes. "Yet."

Lux/Grey's POV

"Don't get aggravated little brother." I step closer to again. "When I first tried this form it took me a couple of hours to get it. Remember, your power comes from your breath." I step back as he gets in his stance.

We finished doing sets earlier and he wanted my to teach him a new form. I decided to go with the fire whip. It's been almost an hour since then. Aang gets the stream flowing and starts to spin it, but it dies out as he moves it towards the ground.

"Argh! I'm never going to get it!" Aang shouts, lowering his head.

"Aang, you just need to focus on your breathing and give it more juice. Don't worry about it getting out of control, you are a powerful bender that can handle this." I place a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, I'll do it with you. Maybe that will help."

He smiles at me and we take our stance, in sync we both send out a stream of fire slowly moving it around. We begin picking up speed moving the whips over our heads. "Just breathe." I whisper to him. We crack our whips against the ground and Aang's stays strong the whole way though this time.

"I did it!" He airbends himself up in the air a few feet with excitement. "Your a really great teacher. Thank you Sifu Sister!"

I burst out laughing, "That's a new one."

I watch him as he does the fire whip a few more time. Suddenly a thought crosses my mind. I watch as he finishes the form one more time. "That was excellent, little brother." I shout with my thoughts.

"Ahh!" Aang yells as he spins around. "How.. What.. but..."

"Use your words Aang." I smile mischievously.

"How did you do that?" He walks over to me with a startled look on his face.

"Do what?"

His eyes widen, "That! How can I hear you in.. my head?"

I smirk, "Well, when the dragons gave me the rest my light, they told me that my connections to you and Zuko are now complete. So now I can speak to both of you with my thoughts and you two can do the same with me. Wanna try sending me your thoughts?"

He nods quickly. "Uh.. I'm not sure what to say.." He looks at me as his thoughts reach me.

I chuckle, "Even though you didn't know what to say, I could hear you." I push his arm playfully. "That's enough training for now, lets go find some food."

The group and I just finished some vegetable soup, Kat and I are sitting at one of the fountains in silence washing bowls and cups. We haven't said a word to each other since we sat down a couple of minutes ago. I have Roku sitting next to me, staring at the water.

I just finished washing my second bowl when Kat breaks the silence. "I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning. I was just surprised Sokka left with Zuko without telling me." She looks up at me.

"I understand, how about we not talk about Zuko with each other? One of us always gets angry when we talk about him and I'd rather not fight with you." I reply honestly as I am scrubbing a cup.

"That sounds like a good idea." She smiles as she places a clean bowl in the clean stack. "Thanks for helping me wash dishes."

I roll my eyes, "If I didn't, no one else would. Plus I was hoping we would talk though this and patch things up. I hate fighting with the people a care about." I heat the cup up evaporating the water, placing it in the clean pile.

"After we finish this, would you like to spar? I feel like me and you are the only ones who haven't sparred each other." She grabs another dirty bowl as she finishes.

"Your right, I fought against everyone except you." I pause to rinse off the bowl, "Yes, I think it would be fun and a good learning experience to spar with you." I smile at her.

Zuko's POV

It's now nightfall as the war balloon is sailing in the sky. Sokka is snoring with his mouth open. I am leaning against the basket, looking at the clouds passing by. I open the tank and bend a couple of blasts into it before closing the door and wiping my hands.

I lean on the basket and spot the prison. "There it is." Sokka awakens instantly. The balloon is nearing a volcano-like area with steam coming out from it. "There's plenty of steam to keep us covered. As long as we're quiet we should be able to navigate through it without being caught."

I send Grey a quick thought. "We found the prison, we are about to land."

As we approach the steaming crater. I open fuel tank's door, firebending into it. The burner flames are weak, and the war balloon is slowly descending into the crater. Sokka looks down at the steaming water.

Grey voice comes out quickly with slight panic. "Be careful of your landing. Now focus and let me know once you're both safely on the ground."

The burner begins to lose its power. The war balloon as it rapidly goes down into the crater. We are lost through the sea of steam. I rapidly shoot fire into the fuel tank with no improvement.

I glance over at Sokka, "We're going down. The balloon's not working anymore!"

Sokka appears frantic as he rushes to the other side of the basket. I decides to firebend into the vent instead. Sokka look at me, "The air outside is just as hot as the air inside so we can't fly."

The war balloon is continuing its descend. The basket as it slants and I lose my balance. "So what are we supposed to do?"

Sokka grabs onto the tank. "I don't know. Crash landing?"

The war balloon is dangerously near the water. As we continue to lower, the basket starts touching the surface of the water. Water splashes onto Sokka's hand, he flails his hand as he covers his mouth and struggles not to scream. I'm jolted around as the balloon glides on the water and crashes onto land, shattering the basket into pieces.

We are both thrown to the ground with our belongings thrown about the broken basket. The vent is slowly deflating onto the broken strips of wood and metal. Sokka and I get up as he spurts out the stuff in his mouth. Both of us slowly turn towards the carnage. Great, now how are we supposed to get back?

"How are we gonna get off the island if the balloon won't work?" I look at Sokka as he looks around.

"We'll figure something out. I suspected it might be a one-way ticket." Sokka walks away, towards the destroyed balloon.

What!? "You knew this would happen and you wanted to come anyway?" I am horrified, I instantly know I made the right decision in getting Grey to stay with the others.

Sokka walks towards the fallen vent. "My Dad might be here. I had to come and see." He proceeds to gather the vent and places it into the broken basket.

"Uncle always said I never thought things through, but this, ugh," I grab my head, "this is just crazy." I throw out both arms to make my point. Really crazy!

Sokka turns back to me. "Hey! I never wanted you to come along in the first place. And for the record," he throws the fallen cloth into the basket, "I always think things through. But my plans haven't exactly worked, so this time I'm playing it by ear. So there." He snaps and pushes the basket but yelps as his hand automatically withdraws since the basket scorches him. He proceeds to kick it, the broken balloon slowly sinks into the water.

"What are you doing?"

"It doesn't work anyway. And we don't want anyone to find it." We watch the vent slowly go underwater.

"I hope you know what you're doing." Both of us turn around. "There's no turning back now." I reply as I fall into step with him. We stick to the shadows as we make our way to the prison.

As we sneak closer I reach out to Grey. "We made it, but we lost the balloon. We are almost inside the prison now."

Lux/Grey's POV

We are all having dinner and having random conversations. Kat and I finished sparring about an hour before dinner, it was a blast. Although it was a draw, we both had points where the other almost won. I eat a bite of my oats as I look around at my friends. Kat, Aang, and Haru are bickering about something, while The Duke sits on one side of me and Toph is on the other.

Just as I'm about to take another bite, Toph grabs my attention. "When are we going to learn some lavabending?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I can't seem to figure it out, it could be that anger fuels it. I'm not sure." I shrug and take my bite while looking at her.

"After firebending with Aang tomorrow, we could try to figure it out. I'm sure I could make you angry enough." She smirks.

I swallow my mouthful and chuckle. "I'm sure you could. Sure lets do it."

"Do what?" Aang is walking over to us, with a interested expression.

"Psychic is going to try to lavabend tomorrow, and I'm going to help her." I swear Toph's smile turns evil as she says the last part.

I turn back to my food and just as I'm about to have another bite, Zuko's voice fills my thoughts again. "We made it into the prison, we are looking for disguises now. How was your day?"

"It was interesting, taught Aang the fire whip, sparred with Kat and now we are having dinner. Now, good luck and focus on your mission. I love you."

"I will never get tired of hearing you say that. I love you too my turtleduck." His tone is heavy with love that a smile crosses my face. Who would have thought Zuko would say I love you multiple times, and to ME?!

"What's with the smile?" I turn my head to the sound of Aang's voice.

"Zuko was checking in." I set my bowl down and wipe my mouth. "Anyways, after our sets tomorrow what new form would you like me to teach you?"

Before he can reply, Toph speaks up. "No, after his sets, we are going to work on figuring out lavabending." She points to Aang, "Maybe you can help us figure it out, since you're the Avatar."

Aang looks at me with a smile, "Yeah, let's try lavabending. Maybe you could teach me after you have it figured out."

"Fine." I roll my eyes and stand up. "If you want to do that, we better get some sleep." I look at Aang. "I'll be waking you up at sunset." I turn on my heel and walk to my room to change into my night clothes.

Zuko's POV

Sokka and I just finished putting on guard uniform. We are in the uniform closet, the room is dark with shelves full of helmets, shoulder pads and boots. As we pull on our helmets we step out of the closet into the corridor.

I turn to him, "I hope these disguises work." It's worked when I was on Zhao's ship, hopefully it will be the same this time.

Sokka nods, "We just need to lay low and find my Dad as soon as possible."

The corridor is suddenly filled with running guards. We look at each other and grin nervously, hoping that we won't be noticed. A guard stops at the opening of the corridor to address us. "Guards! There's a scuffle in the yard, come on."

We run behind the last of the group of guards, running towards a mass of people wearing red in the yard. Reaching the yard, prisoners have formed a circle around 2 people in the center as they circle round each other. The guards shove the spectating prisoners aside, attempting to form a barricade in front of the crowd. Sokka and I stand next to a couple of guards, watching one of the guards and a prisoners arguing.

The prisoner is glaring. "I didn't do anything. I'm going back to my cell." He walks away.

The guard firebends a whip and lashes it near his legs. "Stop right there Chit Sang."

I feel anger swell inside and I go to step forward, trying to interfere. Sokka grips onto my elbow. He whispers, "We can't blow our cover."

The guard approaches Chit Sang from behind. "I've had it with your unruly behavior."

Chit Sang turns back to the guard. "What did I do?"

"He wants to know what he did." The guard turns towards us, "Isn't that cute?" He looks back at Chit Sang as Sokka and I stare at him in silence. When we don't reply, the guard turns back to us, like he senses something suspicious and raises his visor to inspect us.

Sokka looks toward me nervously, so I speak up. "Uh, yeah, very cute sir."

Sokka quickly agrees, "Super cute."

The guard smiles satisfactorily at our answers and walks back towards Chit Sang. "You didn't bow down when I walked by Chit Sang."

Chit Sang is outraged. "What? That's not a prison rule."

"Do it." The guard replies with a sick smile as he stares at Chit Sang.

Chit Sang protests defiantly, "Make me."

The guard smirks and walks away from Chit Sang. He then proceeds to firebend another whip, the whip travels towards Chit Sang. Chit Sang turns around and firebends the whip and directs it back to the guard, who kicks the flame aside.

The guard shakes his head, "Tsk, tsk. Firebending is prohibited. You're going in the Cooler." He drops his position. The Guard suddenly points to Sokka. "You! Help me take him in."

Sokka whispers to me, "Meet back here in an hour." He turns and runs to the bully guard and the prisoner, walking him out of the yard.

After they are gone, one of the other guards yell for the prisoners to go back to their cells. I stand with the guards as the prisoners walk towards the cells. I wonder what they did to end up here. Some of these people probably don't deserve to be here.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when the guards around me start moving. They are all going in the same direction, so I follow. As I walk I figure I should talk to Grey.

"You awake yet, beautiful?"

Almost instantly, her voice rings though my thoughts. "Yes, I'm training with Aang as we speak. How's the prison? Have your disguises on yet?"

"It's pretty much like I pictured. Sokka and I both look like prison guards now." We walk into the prison and into the corridor, after a couple of turns, I see where we are headed. The mess hall. "I have to go, I have the perfect opportunity to ask questions. I miss you."

I can hear the smile in her voice as it reaches me. "I miss you too, my prince. Try not to get into trouble." Her voice disappears as I walk inside, grabbing a tray.

I pile on some food and follow the guard in front of me to a lounge. Inside of the lounge three guards are eating their meals with their helmets off as they laugh. Two men and a woman.

I walk closer and one of the men looks at me. "Hey new guy. I know it's the rule to have your helmet on at all times but this is the lounge." He smiles, "Relax."

I quickly think of a response, "But what if there's an incident? If I'm not prepared someone could strike me on the head." I walk closer toward the table as the guards laugh.

"Give it a week, he'll loosen up." The female guard replies.

I set my plate down and sit with them. "Can the new guy ask you veterans a few questions about the prison?"

The female guard looks at me sharply, "No, you can't date the female guards."

The male guard turns his head to me, "Trust me, you don't want to." A second later a cup hits his head. The guard behind him laughs.

"No, that's not it." How do I ask without sounding suspicious? "The Boiling Rock, it holds the Fire Nation's most dangerous criminals right? So what about war prisoners?" I ask as casually as I can.

Lux/Grey's POV

"Argh! I can't fucking do it!" I moan after the fiftieth time of trying to lavabend. "Maybe we just imagined me lavabending." I rub my hand down my cheek.

"My feet don't lie Firefly." Toph crosses her arms as she stares me down. "Now stop whining and try again."

"Firefly?" I furrow my eyebrows at her.

"I thought it was obvious, you glow when you fly, like a firefly." She deadpans.

I roll my eyes, "As much as I like my new name, it still doesn't help me to lavabend. I don't think I'll be able to figure it out."

"Stop thinking so much, that's your problem. When you did it in the tunnels, it was like you were moving on instinct." I look over at Aang and he continues, "You were so angry, I could feel it through the bond. It was the first time I could feel you clearly. Maybe if you clear your mind and let your body move on its own and let your emotions take control."

"For a kid that's been frozen for a hundred years, you're pretty wise." I smile as I shove Aang lightly. "Okay, I'll give it a try."

I stand up straight and clear my mind, closing my eyes. I take a stance and open my eyes, trying to turn the rock in front of me into lava. I stare at it as I move my arms. Nothing.

I try again, and again, and again. Nothing. Ugh! Why can't I just do it already?!

"Ughh! Why can't I figure this out!?" I growl and stomp my foot. The rock splits in half and falls open, revealing lava in the middle.

"Lux! Look!" Aang points excitedly. "You almost had it! Come on try it again!"

I chuckle at him. "Okay, let's go get another rock."

The three of us turn to the woods to the right to look for another medium sized rock. Just as I walk though the trees, Zuko speaks.

"Grey, we have a problem..."

Zuko's POV

Since I left the lounge, I've been on the search for Sokka. How will he handle his father not being here? Will he want to look somewhere else? I walk around the corner, I see a guard leaning on the railing of a tower, looking down. I join him. Great, here goes another awkward conversation. I really hope this is Sokka this time.

"Hey there, fellow guard. How goes it?" I can hear the awkward tone in my voice.

The guard raises his visor to reveal Sokka. "Zuko?"

I raise my finger to my mouth. "Shh. Listen, I asked around the lounge. There are no," I make a gesture with my hands. "Water Tribe prisoners." I raise my visor. "I'm afraid your Father's not here."

Sokka looks at me in shock, "What? Are you sure? Did you double check?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." I reply sadly.

"No." Sokka holds his head in despair as he walks towards a wall. "No!" He bangs his fist against the wall in frustration.

I step closer, "I'm really sorry Sokka."

"So we came all this way for nothing. I failed." He leans on the wall. "Again."

"Err," I hold my chin in thought, "what would Uncle say?" I look up to the sky. "Sometimes clouds have two sides, a dark and light. And a silver lining in between. It's like a silver sandwich. So... when life seems hard... take a bite out of the silver sandwich."

I look over to see Sokka smiling and rush to the railing. "Maybe we haven't failed after all."

I smile, "That's the spirit. I can't believe," I fold my arms, "that worked. I didn't even know what I was saying."

"No, what you said made no sense at all. But look," he points at a girl sitting on a rock, "it's Suki!"

"Prisoners!" A guard yells as a bell rings through the yard, Suki gets up. "Back in your cells!"

Sokka's eyes glaze over as he stares at the girl. He lowers his visor as he rushes off with me following him. I look over at him once I'm in step beside him. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"If I can't rescue my dad, I'll rescue her. Besides, I was kind of hoping she'd be here." He looks at me, "Your sister told me she had Suki but wouldn't tell me where she was." He shrugs but his next sentence surprises me. "Lux almost killed her."

I stop in my tracks, causing Sokka to stop short. "What? Grey, kill someone? She wouldn't do that."

Sokka has a guilty expression. "Well she almost did. When your sister told her that you moved on from her to Mai, and that you were with her everyday.. She lost it, she pulled lava out of the ground and around Azula. She said '"The world will be a safer place with out you in it."' And she started closing the lava in on her. But I was able to talk her down before she did it." I know my expression is one of shock. "She hasn't told you yet has she?"

"No, she hasn't." We begin walking to the prisoners housing area again.

Sokka turns his head to me, "Don't be upset she hasn't told you yet. If you seen her eyes after she realized what she almost did.. I don't think she has processed it herself yet."

"Thanks Sokka. I'll keep that in mind." Why wouldn't she tell me? Would she think I'd judge her? Be angry? Should I ask her about it?

Sokka stops at a door and gestures that he's going in. I nod and stand by the door after he walks in. I get lost in thought again. Would she want to talk about it? I want to be there for her. Let her know that no matter what, she can trust me with anything. I can't let her keep this on her shoulders alone.

I hear someone climb up the steps, lookingto the side, I see a female guard approaching. I knock on the cell door to give them a warning. The guard talks once she reaches me. "'Scuse me, I need to get into that cell."

"No, you can't go in there." I reply quickly as I look into the opening of the cell door. "The lights are out... the prisoner could sneak up on you."

The female guard frowns, "Step aside, fool." She tries to push me aside but I grab her arm and throw her against the wall. "Hey! Hey! What are you doing?"

The female guard manoeuvres her way around and throws me against the cell door. I'm trying to balance myself as I attempt to push the female guard down. The female guard tries to elbow my chin.

She suddenly looks to the side, "Guard, help!" I cringe. Great, I'm fucked, as Grey would say. "I think he's an imposter! Argh! Arrest him!" She struggles again, "Get him off me and arrest him!"

The guard slowly walks forward and grabs my arms and throws me against the floor. I realize it's Sokka, "You're under arrest!" He helps me to my feet and whispers, "Don't worry, I'll figure it out."

As Sokka is leading me away, I send my thoughts to Grey. "Grey, we have a problem..."

So sorry it took me so long. I had so many different directions for this chapter. I will be splitting the Boiling Rock chapters in 3 or 4 parts. Not sure yet. Hope you enjoyed, vote and leave me some comments, I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments.


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