Let's Not Regret | Levi x Rea...

De mostach_xD

29.3K 612 190

- What do you want cadet? -He asked me while placing the glass of water down. - I wanted to see you. -I said... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19


3.9K 63 57
De mostach_xD

I feel on guard, ready to help or attack if necessary. Eren looks so incredible in his titan form and I know he won't do us harm, but I can't stop looking at the nape of his neck.

- Try and speak! -Hanji yells at him and all that comes out of Erens mouth is a growl.

- How's he going? -Captain Levi asks Hanji while standing next to her.

- To soon to say. -Hanji replays.

I then walk towards Mikasa who looked worried. Eren is lucky, but I'm not sure if he knows. I wish I could be like Mikasa. She's a genius. Number one in my class. And I'm... I'm me.

- Take him out! -Hanji gives the order and I finally come to reality, I then notice I wasn't that on guard after all.

Mikasa heads on first, and Hanji second. I went for the cart and placed it the closest possible. Then they place Eren in the cart and we all start moving.

After all the commotion, I look towards our captain. I could only see his green hooded cloak with our honorable wings and his wonderful black hair. That's all I can do. Just look at him from behind.

- Take Eren to his room. -Captain orders when he gets off of his horse.- I also want my tea.

- Yes sir! -We all say at the same time then I see Armin and Mikasa take Eren.

- It's your turn Sasha. -Jean tells her while getting the tray ready with the teapot, the teacup and a small plate.

- No. I'm not going. -She says while she cuts some potatoes.

- Then... Krista?

- No. And my name is Historia. -She bluntly says while steering the soup.

- How about you ______? -He asks me.

- I went yesterday. -I say in my defense.

- You have a crush on him. You should be happy if you have the chance to give him his tea. -Connie says when he enters the kitchen.

- Why not one of you two give him his tea? -I ask to avoid what Connie said.

- C'mon, please. You know we don't like him much. -Jean says.- And as Connie said. You have a crush on him, you should be happy to do it.

- There may be a chance you two can get together. -Sasha says with excitement in her voice.

- Stop saying such things. -I say a bit irritated.- In times like these there is no time for romance Sasha. And besides, I'm just another cadet to him.

- You never know. -Jean said with a smile.

- Where's my tea brats? -Captain Levi asks while standing in the entrance of the kitchen, his face expressing irritation.

- ________ is on her way. -Jean says then he passed one of his arms by my shoulders.- Hey, captain...

- Whatever it is. Don't care. -He says and he leaves to his office.

- What were you going to ask or say to him? -Connie asks what I was thinking.

- If he would go out with _______. -He says and I push his arm away.

- Jean! That's not funny. -I tell him because he was laughing.

I then take the tray and go to captains office. I knock on his door, then he gives me permission to enter. I slowly opened the door and the first thing I do is see him. When I was next to his desk, I leave the tray in a small gap of space and like this I pour tea in the teacup and place it on the small plate.

- Do you need something else captain? -I ask him.

- Call me when dinner is ready. -He says, his eyes glued to some papers.

- Yes sir. -I say and when I turned to take the tray I drop it.

The clashed sound the tray made, made me take a step back. The tea was spilled all over the floor and I felt embarrassed for my stupid mistake.

- Are you stupid? -He asked me and I finally look into his eyes.

- Sorry captain. -I say and then start picking up pieces of the teapot.

- I gess you are. -He says and then helps me.- What was your name cadet?

- _______, sir.

- Well _______, bring something to clean this mess up. -He says and when I was about to stand he did the same and so I bump my head on his nose.

- I'm sorry captain. -I say worried because he started bleeding.

- You damn brat. -He says and then sits on his chair.- I bet you're more dangerous then a titan.

- That's a bad joke captain. They eat people.

- You idiot! Go get me something to clean the blood before it gets on my shirt. -He says with a pissed off look.

I then ran out the door to the bathroom. I take a random towel and head back to his office. When I get there Hanji was next to him.

- What happened Levi? -She asked him while giving him her handkerchief.

- That brat bumped her head on my nose. -He says while looking at me but I leave to go get something to clean the mess I made.

Why did I leave like that? I have the towel in my hand and I've made a fist with it. Why can't I control this anger? I then throw the towel in to the bathroom, not caring where it landed.

- Sorry for leaving like that. -I say when I enter his office again, now with a mop in my hand.

- It's ok. -Hanji says while sitting on a chair in front of his desk.

- Such a dumb brat. -He says, then takes a sip of his tea.

- It was an accident Levi. -Hanji says in my defense.

- Whatever. -Captain then says.

- I'm really sorry captain. -I said with my head down when I finished.

- You are dismissed cadet. -He says and I leave with the tray in one hand and the mop in the other.

- You should be nicer to her. -Hanji says when I leave.- She likes you Levi. 

I stop on my tracks when I heard that. He now knows. I can't belive this. I could feel my cheeks so worm, feeling so stupid at the same time.

- So what four eyes?

- You may die tomorrow. We could all die right now. -Hanji says with a calm voice.- Live a bit for yourself. Try and forget the troubles we all have now and try live a normal life at least for a minute.

- That time passed already. -He says and he makes a small pause.- She died with that time. 

- I know that... But...

- Stop Hanji. -He says sounding annoyed and Petra came to my mind.

After that, I leave the mop where it was then I head to the kitchen. Everyone seemed to have a good time cooking and cleaning even thought it was a rough day. Right after I enter the kitchen I see Armin and so I asked him...

- How's Eren?

- He's still asleep. I just came to help a bit and to take some food to Mikasa. -He says and starts taking out some plates.

- Let me help you. -I say and also take out some plates.

After we finished we all helped in the kitchen. I was thinking the whole time about captain Levi. He cared for her and I know that. I remmember his face when we were in the forest. The way he was staring at her dead body. Maybe thats why he always -in some way- tells us not to live with regrets. 

- Sorry to interfere. But dinner is ready. -I say when I get to his office.

- Thanks ______. -Hanji says then I turn to leave.

- Take the cup and plate with you. -Captain tells me and so I do as he said.

When I get to the kitchen I leave both items there, then I head to the table. I sit in between Sasha and Jean. Jean on my left and Sasha on my right.

- Thanks for the food. -We all say then we start eating and everyone started there own conversations.

- You took your time in captains office. -Jean says in a low voice.- What happened?

- I bumped my head on his nose by accident. -I say and he starts laughing.- Shut up. -I tell him and then I kick his leg under the table.

- Keep it down you two. -Captain tells us while taking a spoon of soup into his mouth.

-Sorry. -We both say.

- You didn't have to kick me. -Jean says with a pained voice.

- I'm sorry Jean. -I say to him, honestly feeling bad for kicking him.

- It's ok, but seriously, what happened? You look down and I don't think it's only for that bump you gave him. -He says in his concerned voice. 

- It's nothing. -I tell him then drink from my glass of water. 

- Ok then. If you say so. -He says and shakes my hair with his hand.

- Stop. It's already messy. -I tell him and try and fix my hair while he was laughing lightly.

After our small talk I turn my attention to captain Levis table. He was looking my way, but he rapidly turned to Hanji. As always he didn't show no expression on his face, but I could see how his hand was tensed on the spoon he had.

Hello english readers

I'm ganna go ahead and leave the same message just in case you didn't read the whole discription.

I just wanna say, thank you for reading this. Hope you guys follow along the whole story. I know it's a fanfic, but hey... You never know if I'll do something new.

If you guys seen, my first "novel/book (whatever)" is in spanish. If you are bilengual, I sugest you read it, you may like it.

I hope you guys enjoy this Levi fanfic. Wanna let you know that, if you haven't read the manga, there is spoiler untill chapter 4. Unless you are reading this in the future and you already seen the anime that is coming (came, if you're in the future) out April 1 2017.

Well then, you may continue reading. As you know I published another 3 chapters for this fresh start for the story. Hope you like it.

Thank you.

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