This is Just a Taste

By Membership

9 0 0

This is just a small sample of what is to come. The story is being written but it has been a while since i la... More

This is Just a Taste

9 0 0
By Membership

This is just a sample to the future book i will be posting. The name is still to be determined but it will be posted when it is finished.


I opened my eyes to see a woman, not much older than me. I don’t remember her name or anything about her other than the fact she meant something to me. Her long chocolate brown hair flowed in curls, that I somehow knew were unnatural, but looked amazing anyways. Her face looked like it was chiseled by an angel. She twirled in circles as she looked from shop to shop. My heart reached to her and I could tell hers reached out to me. I could feel the chemistry as she grabbed hold of my hand and started dragging me along.

The smells were intoxicating. From the smell of the bakery to the smell of her perfume I was living in a new way. I was living in love.

I could barely feel the wind that blew chills down my back, over the way her hand felt in mine. The warmth of my body flowed into hers. The sun was blinding, the clouds made vague silhouettes in the sky it was beautiful. But nothing compared to those brown eyes of hers. They showed the inner workings of mind. She was trying to come up with something. The sounds of cars rushing by had almost drowned out the sound of her voice but I focused on her voice. I loved hearing how it was full of life as she talked about her future. I had to smile as she talked about her plans, and my smile grew when I saw her face light up as she motioned her favorite colleges.

I let her talk as I took in the scenery. People rushed by as she talked, but no one bothered us. Some glanced at us and gave us large smiles as the saw how happy we were. We made circles as we walked aimlessly. I racked my brain for a name but my mind was still fuzzy and it made it hard to think. She called me cute names and my face turned red with each time she said one. She knew me, but I didn't even know her name. I started to feel guilty as she started read the historical facts embedded into the street. She made a couple small coughing sounds, and I suggested we go to the park for clean air.

We walked down the crowded street, hand in hand. She asked a short, stout guy on the corner for directions, not that we needed any. We followed the instructions despite my knowledge that there’s a shorter way. We turned and started to go down an even more crowded street and took a right like the guy said. We walked for a couple seconds to see that it was fenced off. We turned to go back in the direction of the light, but the short stout man blocked our view. We walked forward a little more and he pulled out a gun that glinted even in the dim light of the alley way.

The man said, “Give me all your money!” With those words the amazing day turned into a tragedy. Took out all the money on us and gave him all our jewelry. He was about to turn away but hesitated when he saw the gleam of the girls necklace. “You’ve been holding out on us, honey. Give over the necklace so I can go.” His words resonated in my mind. He couldn’t take the necklace; it was the thing she prized most.

I put all the force I could muster into a single command, “No! You have our money now go, please.” The robbers face started to boil and he lifted his gun in response. I quickly changed my tone into a plea, "I will give you all the money in my bank account please, just let her keep the necklace." The robber raised his gun higher and started to reach for her neck. I smacked his hand away and pleased again."I have enough money to buy ten of those, just let her keep her necklace." the robber contemplated the idea, but as soon as he was finished he started to reach for the necklace again.

The gun was still trained on me but he was infatuated with necklace. I grabbed the gun like, moving faster than lightning, and then aimed it at him in both my hands. "Looks like the tables have turned." I say as the maiden hid behind me.

"You have skill, but..." he grabbed the gun and I pulled the trigger, but it didn't shoot.”You forgot about the safety. Now this will be the chance to hand it over or the guy gets it!" he aimed his words at the girl and she cringed. His Breath smelled of liquor and rotten food, it's no wonder she made that adorable face.

She started to undo the clasp and I held out my hand to stop her. "Bad choice kid,” he snarled. “I was going to let you both live but now you have to live with the fact that you caused her death." My eyes watched, in slow motion as he shot her just under her heart.  He grabbed the necklace and yanked it off and ran off with the goods he just stole.

I caught her before she hit the ground. She was still in shock and I was falling apart. Tears ran down my face as I tried to keep pressure on the wound and pull out my phone. My phone shook with my hand as I dialed 911. As soon the tone started, she took the phone and ended the call. She wasn't in shock, her face was just serene. She had peace with the world as if death didn't scare her.

"wa- why?" I stumbled with my words between sobs. "We need to get... she held out her hand to stop me.

"It's too late," her voice was still full of life and her face was serene.

"But aren't you scared?" I asked there was no trace of fear in her smile.

"Of course I am, but I know you will make it without me." She paused and cringed with pain. "I know I told you I never wanted to leave any one with these words but you’re special. Tye, I love you."

When her breathe stopped everything faded to black. A Man in a black suit and tie, stood ten feet away from me. His facial features kept changing sometimes he became a she, but when he spoke he had a deep voice of a man. His voice was steady and calm as he said, "You have been selected to be one of the few to be given a vision of the future."

I called to the man before he turned to leave, "Who are you?"

"I am just The Messenger," boomed the deep voice.

"What's with your face?" I asked not really expecting an answer.

"My appearance has been chosen to help you understand the message. My face is to show that the future is always changing and my clothes and voice show that time always moves the same. This is also part of the message. Please excuse me; I have no other messages for you." The Messenger started walking away once again, heading into the darkness. As he disappeared my vision slowly started to get blurry. The dark started to consume my vision, attacking me relentlessly until it had my body wrapped in a cocoon of fear.

I awoke with a start. There was no girl and there wasn't a Messenger. I silently sat in my bed as I tried to understand what had just happened. I checked the time to see that it was only half past twelve, and the moon was still smiling at the world. I had the smell of the girl still in my nose as I laid back down. My body shook from the cold and I realized I forgot to pull my blanket over myself before I fell asleep. I yanked it over my head and was covered in the darkness. It reminded me of the messenger and it also made it easier to see the girls face in my mind. The dark no longer seemed like a horrible place but was now a place where I could see her again. I dozed off again and my dreams were left undisturbed.

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