A Cry Out To Jesus (The Exten...

By tagny11

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All Amelia ever wanted was to have a normal life. To have her parents married forever, her big brother there... More

A Cry Out To Jesus
The Day My Life Fell Apart
The 'High' Hike
Andy's Decision
Kelly's Call
You Can't Leave
Goodbye Kelly
Kelly's Moving Where?
Confession Time
The ER Waiting Room
I'll See You In Heaven, Dad
The Funeral
The Will
Youth Group Overnighter
The Day I Almost Died
You Came Back!
Shocking News
So You're Dylan
Paint War and Youth Group
Telling My Story
Meeting Family And A Scary Situation
Another Trip To The ER
Sleepless In Dylan's House
Best Day Ever
Dylan's Point Of View
The Breakup
Dylan's Point Of View 2: To The Hospital We Go
Dylan's Point of View 3: Confessing Feelings
Dylan's Point Of View 4: Sunday School
Dylan's Point Of View 5: Nursery Duty
Dylan's Point Of View 6: Look Who Finally Decided To Wake Up
So Many Visitors
Early Morning
I Bought A House, Just Not For Me
Ben Sitting
Wrap-up For The Past Six Months
Andy's A Single Parent
Author's Note

The Trip Home

463 22 8
By tagny11

Dad, Andy, and I have been on the road for about an hour now. Dad hasn't said much of anything to me yet, just that he was sure I was going to fall in love with Hobson. Andy has made me put the phone on speaker so he can talk. He is really lonely riding by himself behind us.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" I say after an hour of hearing Andy ramble on about stupid drivers.

"Of course. Feel free to hang up on Andy too if you want."

"Don't do that. I'm so bored and lonely. Don't hang up on me." Andy says through the phone.

"I'm not hanging up. I just want to know why you chose to move to Hobson, Dad."

"After leaving your mother, I contacted some old friends of mine, the Grants. Toby Grant is a pastor and he planted a church in Hobson. He told me I could stay with them until I could make enough money to buy a house of my own. I became the youth pastor for the church, mainly because I missed you and Andy so much, and I earned money that way. After your mother and I divorced, I got enough money together to buy myself a house. I actually had enough to buy myself a small cattle ranch, which I have always dreamed of doing."

"I never thought of you as the rancher type, more of the CEO of a big business type."

"That's what I said too." Andy says. I forgot he was still on the phone with us, he is being so quiet.

"I guess it wouldn't be hard for the two of you to think that. I never really shared my dreams with the two of you."

"So you went to Hobson because you have friends up in the area? How did you meet the Grants?"

"Both Toby and his wife, Eliza grew up in Elberta. Your mother, Jeff, Amy, Toby, Eliza, and I used to be best of friends growing up. Eliza is actually the daughter of Steve and Barb Jackson."

"The Grants have a son around your age too, his name is Dylan. I think the two of you would get along great. He leads worship for the youth group, he sings and plays guitar." Andy says. "I'm going to call you back, I want to make another call."

"Andrew Austin Applegate, you better not be trying to set your sister up with Dylan." Dad says.

"Honest, I'm not. I was calling Dylan to let him know we're on our way back. I haven't even told him about Meli yet."

"I want it to be a surprise, don't tell anyone that Meli is coming home with us." With that Andy hangs up the phone.

"Andy and Dylan are pretty close. Kind of like he was with Jared, from what I've heard. He's taken Dylan under his wing, they spend most of their time together, since Andy really doesn't need to get a job with the money Matt gave him. Andy's even gotten a job at the high school as a janitor so he can spend more time with Dylan during school hours."

"At least he made a good friend. Dylan isn't into drugs is he?"

"No! Andy won't even let Dylan come near him when he's used any drugs at all. He's getting better and better, I think he's down to maybe once every two months now."

"From what he's told me over the phone, it sounded like he used more often. I guess he really doesn't need to go to rehab, he seems to be getting over his addiction."

"I think him wanting to hang out with Dylan helped him fight his addiction. That and plenty of prayer."

My phone rings and I put it back on speaker. "What have I missed?" Andy asks.

"We were talking about your bromance with Dylan. Dad says he's your new Jared."

"You could say that. He could be your new Jared too. He reminds me a bit of Jared."

"You aren't setting them up Andy. What did Dylan have to say?" Dad says.

"He was glad to hear it. I also told him that he has to come over when we get home, we have a project to work on."

"And what would that be?"

"I'm going to make him help move Meli in. I think we should make a pit stop now."

"Are you just saying that so I'll come ride with you?" I say.

"Partially, but I also drank a liter of water this morning, and I can only hold it for so long."

"TMI Andy. There is a rest stop off the next exit." I say, then we arrive at the rest stop. When we finish the pit stop, I jump into Andy's truck. Dad said he'd call if he wanted to talk, but not right away. Andy had his iPod plugged into the radio, it was on shuffle. The song playing next is "Carry Me" by Josh Wilson. As soon as the song starts playing, Andy is singing along.

"I try to catch my breath

It hasn't happened yet

I'm wide awake in the middle of the night scared to death

So I prayed God, would You make this stop

Father please hold on to me, You're all I've got

Carry me, carry me, carry me now

From my sinking sand to Your solid ground

The only way I'm ever gonna make it out

Is if You carry me, carry me, carry me now

God carry me, carry me, carry me now

Jesus calm my heart

Come near me please

Lord don't let these worries get the best of me

Oh I believe, that You're still here with me

Cause You meant what You said when You said You'd never leave"

I couldn't help myself, I started singing along with Andy. This is so unlike me, I never sang in front of anyone except Jared and my old youth group after Dad left. Before then I could care less who I was around, maybe because I have my dad back now, I feel comfortable singing in front of other people again.

"Carry me, carry me, carry me now

From my sinking sand to Your solid ground

The only way I'm ever gonna make it out

Is if You carry me, carry me, carry me now

God carry me, carry me, carry me now

Carry me

God carry me

Carry me

God carry me

I'm at the end of myself

I know I've got nothing left

Feels like I'm stuck in the valley of the shadow of death

And I've been down here so long

I just can't find my way out

Oh God I don't stand a chance

Unless You carry me now

God carry me now

Carry me, carry me, carry me now

From my sinking sand to Your solid ground

The only way I'm ever gonna make it out

Is if You carry me, carry me, carry me now

God carry me, carry me, carry me now

Carry me now

Carry me now

Carry me now

Carry me now"

 "I haven't heard you sing in since before I left Elberta. I thought you didn't sing in front of people after Dad left."

"Dad isn't gone anymore."

"True. I take it you must have liked the song too."

"I'm not into all the Christian music anymore, but the song isn't a bad one. It's catchy."

"I like it. It helps me to remember that I don't have to depend on myself, that God will carry me. See what I did there?"

"I see. So what does the house look like?"

"I don't want to ruin the surprise, but I know you'll love it. After we get home, I'm bringing you paint shopping though. Your room right now is so boring. We should get a whole bunch of different colored paint and splatter it all over the walls. I'm sure Dylan would love to help too."

"He's a teenage guy, of course he would. Do you have any snacks packed in here anywhere?" I say and start looking through everything I can.

"Fresh out. Should we stop and pick something up?"

"You realize that if we do that, I'm going to be riding with Dad again, right?"

"Never mind."


We finally reached Kansas City late at night. I finished the ride with Andy, I was asleep by the time we arrived. Neither Dad nor Andy thought it would be right to wake me, so Andy carried me into our room. The room has two beds, so I had one and Dad got one, but Andy had to sleep on the floor. Why we just didn't get two rooms, I don't know. I even offered to pay for one, but Dad turned my offer down. By the time I wake up, the sun is just starting to come up over the horizon. Andy and Dad are both out cold. I'm not tired so I jump in the shower and get ready for the car ride today. I get out of the bathroom and find Dad and Andy drinking coffee and eating donuts.

"Sorry if I woke you, I couldn't sleep any longer." I say.

"You didn't wake us, my phone alarm did. I got you a salted caramel mocha, you still like those, right?" Andy says.

"It's still my favorite. Do you have any raspberry filled donuts in the box too?"

"What do you think we're eating? We left two for you."

"When are we leaving?"

"After Andy and I finished getting ready to go. Since I'm done with breakfast, I'll go take my shower first. The remote is by the TV, try not to fight while I'm gone." Dad gets up and heads to the bathroom. Andy and I both eye the remote, we both start to go for it at the same time. Andy reaches it just before I do.

"Let's see.... Look McGee and Me is on. I haven't seen that show in forever! We are so watching it."

"We are so not."

"I have the remote, therefore I get to choose what we watch."

"I could change that you know." I say and try to get the remote out of Andy's hand. Andy is taller than me so I can't reach it. "Fine we'll do it your way, but I'm riding with Dad first and I won't turn on the speaker phone right away."

"I'll just call Dylan, it's not like he's doing anything today anyways."

The bathroom door opens and Dad steps out. "Go get ready Andy, but make it quick. The sooner we leave the sooner we can get home." Andy quickly runs into the bathroom, almost tripping over his own feet.

"Oh McGee and Me is on. I remember this episode. You used to make us watch it over and over again all the time when you were little. The storm part freaked you out a little, but then you would cuddle up with me for comfort."

"I remember. I would run into Andy's room whenever a storm took place because of this episode. He would kick me out and I would run to your room."

"That is one of my favorite memories of you." Andy comes out of the bathroom. "That was fast."

"I want to get back home as soon as possible. Come on let's get our stuff and go." Andy says.

"I got to thinking, I think it might be better to stop again on the way home, that way we will have plenty of time to get unpacked."

"This is my last clean outfit I packed."

"I'll buy you another outfit Andy. Maybe one with a bit more style to it." I say and we all laugh.

"Where are we going to be stopping along the way?"

"Sheridan, Wyoming. I thought we could stop there tonight then go home tomorrow. If we leave early enough tomorrow we could stop by the Little Bighorn Battlefield on the way home too."

"That would give us plenty of time to paint your room before moving things into it Meli."

"As long as you only paint her room or your room. I don't want the house looking like a paint truck exploded inside. I'm sure you are going to try and get Dylan to help you too."

"Yeah, I already asked him to help me. I only mentioned my room though. Now let's get going so we can get home faster. I can't wait till I get to introduce you to Dylan Meli. You are going to love him."

"We'll talk about this later. I'm riding with you, Dad." I say as we take our overnight bags out to the vehicles.

"Are we going to stop and get me another outfit now or later tonight?"

"Later, the trip between here and there is shorter than from Elberta to here. We should have plenty of time to get you an outfit later."


We made it to Sheridan, Wyoming with plenty of time left to find Andy a new outfit. I find the perfect outfit for Andy, a multi-blue plaid shirt with a plain white t-shirt for underneath. He's going to be wearing it with a pair of jeans and his boots.

"I have to admit, this is much more stylish than what I would've picked. I would have just gotten a t-shirt with some stupid saying on it, just another shirt to add to my collection. Now I have another nice shirt. Thanks Meli, this is why we need a girl in the house. Just look at the way we dress."

"Shut up Andy. I'm ready to get some sleep, see you guys in the morning." I say then fall asleep.

"Wake up!" I hear Andy yelling at me. I feel something soft hitting me too.

"5 more minutes?"

"No! We already let you sleep in 5 minutes past the alarm, you're getting up." Andy says and starts dragging me out of bed. "Don't make me tickle you." I refused to get out of bed still, so Andy starts tickling me.

"Quit it Andy! I'm getting out of bed. Just stop tickling me." I say through my laughter.

We all take turns getting ready for the trip home. I choose to wear something a little nicer, yet still comfortable for today. I ride with Andy first since I rode with Dad last.

"You’re dressed up today." Andy says then laughs.

"Well I want to make a good first impression on the people of my new hometown."

"Are you sure it isn't for Dylan?"

"Yes I'm sure. Do you think he'll like it?" I say trying to play along.

"He'll love it. It's not too dressy and showy, yet not sloppy either."

"He's one of those guys, huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about it, I like those kind of guys."


We arrive at the Little Bighorn Battlefield and it was early enough that it wasn't too crowded. We spend about an hour there before leaving again. I rode with Dad, which meant that I would arrive in town in Andy's truck.

"I'm pretty sure Andy is going to try and set me up with Dylan." I say.

"I already knew he would. I wonder what people are going to think when you ride into town with him."

"Maybe they'll think we're dating. Wouldn't that be funny? Andy leaves town with you, and comes home with a girl. That would be so funny, of course I would do my best to play along."

"As long as you tell the truth about it afterwards. I don't want people to think I'm letting my son's girlfriend stay with us. I do have a reputation to uphold."

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