It Must Be Her

By MarciMarie

1.3M 37.5K 1.9K

Robert De Luca has everything a man could want in life. Lots of money, a fantastic job, fast cars and plenty... More

It Must Be Her
Blurred Lines
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Sealed With A Kiss
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine Loosen Up My Buttons
Chapter Ten Can't Stop Now
Chapter Eleven Tangled Webs
Chapter Twelve How Could You
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen Circle
Chapter Seventeen Tell Me It's Real
Chapter Eighteen Secrets
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
Thank you for reading
Chapter 25- We Both Know
Bridal Shower
The Bachelor Party
Crashing The Girls Party :)
From this Moment (The Wedding)

Chapter Sixteen

35.9K 1.3K 103
By MarciMarie

Copyright © MarcyN  2014

"When we get off this plane everything that happened in Italy stays there agreed,"

Lauren nodded yes as Liam reached over and kissed her. She felt so depressed and the situation seemed hopeless. The diamond on finger felt like a shackle. And Nonna had made things any better with her cryptic Raiders of the Lost Arc advice. Choose wisely. Her nerves were frail and her patients short. She wanted her two best friends. As the plane finally landed and they headed out after he retrieved her suit case. She was surprised to see her mother waiting.  It was a just what she needed and her mom must have known because she held her arms out and she ran to her. "Mom."

 "It's going to be okay." She whispered in her ear. "Daddy is here too. He had to go around they.."

She watched her mother give Liam a stiff hello.

"Lauren I'm going to catch this shuttle to my car and I'll see you later. That'll give you time to catch up with your parents ok. "  He gave her a quick peek on the cheek and nodded at her mom before getting on the shuttle.

"Lauren I could kill you."

"This whole situation is a mess..Your father is furious so just be prepared when you get in the car."

"I know mom, I know.."

"I hate to tell you this but Carmine and Robert got into a fight at the bar over you."


"There okay now but it was a pretty big fight the bar was in shambles it's lucky no one was arrested."

"Is Rob ok.." Her mother smiled.

"Yes they are both okay..with their matching black eyes."

They both turned at the sound of a horn. "Now here we go just listen to him don't say a word. I got this."

"Thanks mom."

"Baby girl I got your back..and by the way that rock is all that.  He does have taste." Her mother held her hand examining the ring. "What kind of work does he do?"

"A defense attorney."

"Oh he must be good..I might have to rethink things." Her dad got out gave her a hug and kiss than put her bag in the car.  "You look terrible. Get in the car your coming home tonight."


"I know your mother told you about the bar."


"Carmine , Tonio and Rob."  Her father looked at her through the mirror.

"That ain't like Rob to act out like that. He's always been laid back like his old man was."

"I know dad."

" Rob is family so whatever it is that happened with you two solve it. And I don't know about this Liam ..but I see you have the ring on."  He shook his head. "Only thing I have left to say is choose wisely little girl."

What was it with this choose wisely...

The next day Lauren found her self outside Francesca's door  not sure whether to ring the bell or not. She knew she was home with the kids and the nanny because she worked from home on Mondays and Wednesdays and Angelo Tuesdays and Thursdays ..  As she prepared to ring the bell the door opened. "I got tired of waiting for you to ring come on in."

"Don't tell me the fish."

"No I saw you pull up. Come on give me a hug and tell me about it." Francesca looked her up and down. " Oh you look terrible..  What's up with the hair and you've been crying ..I can't take it your going to have to pull yourself together. Let me get Ice pack for those eyes. Kids in the kitchen.." She  took off her coat and went in the kitchen ..It was cluttered with everything baby and the babies where all in one enormous playpen Three boys and one girl. Of course she was bias as she picked up little girl first. "Hello Marcella  Giana Sophia Binochi...You miss your auntie Lauren I missed you and I have a dolly for you from Italy.."

"I 'm back Francesca announced." Lauren looked at the bumpers and the ice mask.

" French rob won't speak to me. He won't answer any of my calls."

"Do you blame him?" Lauren watched as Francesca lifted her hand and looked at the ring. "That's some rock. I heard rob watched him put it on your hand."

" It wasn't like that French and I'm not married yet."

"Lauren do you hear yourself. Two weeks ago you were a nun. Now you're a..."

"I'm a what? And be nice.'

Francesca covered her daughters ears "You're a slut and that's being nice."

"I am not..the only man I've been with is Rob.."

"Well thank god for miracles."

"French I'm thinking that Liam has someone else that he's sleeping with." Francesca began to laugh. "Dahaaaa . I told you that."

"So did Nonna. "  Lauren couldn't stop the tears that started to flow. "I 'm in love with Robert and I don't know what to do about Liam."

Francesca handed Lauren a napkin and put little Cella  in one of four highchairs since her  brothers where sleeping

"It amazes me that you can't see that Rob has been infatuated with you since high school."

"No he hasn't."

"Lauren on Valentine's day you get a bouquet of Roses a card and a box of imported Chocolate from Italy. From a secret admirer this has been going on since you were sixteen. Didn't you wonder who was sending that stuff. Shit I I investigated .  He gets his uncle to send the chocolates and he pays the florist months in advance."

"This can't be true Francesca."

"Oh it's true and here's the big one. I didn't have the money to give to you for the bar. He gave it to me to give to you."

"French  that was twenty thousand dollars you told me to keep it just give you  free drinks for life.."

"Yeah I know..He told me to keep it a secret. And you better not tell him I told you.'

"French what am I going to do?"

"First you have to get rid of Liam."

"What kill him?"

"That would be the easiest thing to do but know ..I talk with momma and my Nonna if all else fails I call Cella. And then there's that redhead."

"What redhead the one that Rob took home after the fight at the bar."

"No one mentioned this to me. He slept with her."

"Lauren your engaged the man has been on you for years and he deflowered you ..because you asked him..OhMyGod this is crazy give him a break. He probably feels as though he's lost you forever so he gets a pass on this one." Francesca pointed. "But my suggestion to you do whatever it takes to get your man. This girl is beautiful , smart , funny and get this she's a doctor."

"The bitch.."

"That's right the bitch has been out with Rob twice since the fight. He has even made her breakfast."

"How do you know so much about her. You know Angelo has a big mouth. "

Francesca hated hurting Lauren  but desperate times called for desperate measures.

"He really made her breakfast?" Francesca nodded yes. "What am I going to do French?"

"Get yourself together and get you man.."

Josey had just finished her shift at the hospital she was walking through the parking lot when a noise caught her attention. She hit the button on her remote opening her door she was reaching for the door when the hand shot out grabbing her arm. She screamed at the top of her lungs. "Dammit Josey calm down."

"Calm down you scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry I should have called but I had some work to catch up on ."

"So what's up now after you nearly give me a heart attack."

"I wanted  to see you."

"For what ?"

"I wanted to talk."

"I thought we talked enough the other day. " She opened the door putting her bag in. "You need to talk to your fiancé "

"She's not you." He took her hand in his. "Tell me what you want from me."

She laughed. "If you don't know by now I can't tell you." She got in her car he held the door open.

"What if I made a mistake?"

"This is people lives it's not like a test you put you answer down than change your mind. When people get hurt it can't be erased."

"Did I hurt you?"

"No I hurt myself thinking that I meant something to you."

"Where are you going now have dinner with me."

"Sorry, I have a date." She pulled the door closed. And pulled off.

Lauren sat patiently waiting in the lobby of Robs apartment building. She didn't know what she was going to say yet but she planned on making him think about her and not some redhead bimbo.  It was Thomas the security guard who let her know that he was on his way in. She stood as he came in.  He stopped for a second  looking at her. Than continued on as if she didn't exist. "Rob please stop." She ran to him.  She reached out  to grab his sleeve. Turned pulling away.

"What do you want Lauren?"

"Please Rob."

"Excuse me Lauren but aren't you engaged."  He lifted her hand examining the ring.  "Nice."  She pulled her hand away.

"You signed a contract  Rob and you're not keeping your part of the bargain."

He laughed. "Oh really."

"Yes and I have it to prove what I'm saying."

"You're crazy those rules applied to a single unattached girl."

"Oh know you knew I was seeing Liam."

"Seeing someone and being engaged changed everything Lauren."

"What if I don't want to change things. What if I tell you I miss you and I want you inside of me kissing me making love to me."

Lauren felt his hand latch around her wrist as he pulled her on to the elevator as soon as the doors closed his lips claimed hers and his hands where all over her body.  He took her hand in his and put it to his crouch. "See how hard I am. You do this to me . I can't resist you." Lauren heard the doors open . He pulled her into the apartment slamming the door shut than he stood back.  Take off your clothes and  that ring if you want me to fuck you.  She had forgotten she had the ring on she  snatched it from her finger letting iy  drop to the floor along with her clothes. Before she knew what was happening he  unzipped his pants pulled his erect penis free and lifted her by her ass and pinned her to the wall. He slammed in and out of her so hard she thought they would put a hole through the wall.  She felt wild , free and excited. She pulled his hair and raked his back with her nails. She wanted to leave her mark for the redhead to see who he really belonged too. When they had both had finally yelled their release he let her down and moved away.  She reached for him he backed away  turned his back to her. Lauren felt suddenly cold. She watched as he continued walking away as if nothing had happened. She went to follow. He turned. The cold look in his eyes made her pause. She felt embarrassed and hurt. " Rob please."

"Know. I have to take a shower." He evade her attempts at touching him.  He pointed to the door. " You can let yourself out. I have a date. I don't want to keep her waiting. Go get out." He  turned away walking to his room he closed the door.  He couldn't look at her after saying those words. He felt like a cold heartless bastard. He sat on his bed and listened to her cry  and he waited for the door to open then close. He want to grab his phone and apologize. It was the hardest and most meanest thing he had ever done. He hated hurting her and it was killing him the crushed look on her face would go with him to his grave but it was the only way he knew to make her come to her senses. ..Atleast he hoped.  Shit he was all fucked up he was so into the moment he forgot to suit up...shit he was really fucked.


Thank you all for reading ...I have a lot more twist and turns for Robla so stay tuned and please vote and I love the comments so keep them coming. Thanks MarcyN :)

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