Call Center Diaries: CASSIDY...

By ynnejalrak

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Cass only wanted to ask for Cal's help so she could do her job better but there conversations at work turns o... More



114 2 0
By ynnejalrak

As soon the words left my mouth, his lips captured mine in a soft kiss and I couldn't help but sigh as we were finally able to express both our feelings after all those time that we have been flirting with each other.

His lips were warm and soft. It was a welcoming feeling, and I couldn't help but press my body to his and even with the coldness of the water, I could feel my body slowly igniting from the way his mouth slowly starting to explore mine.

I closed my eyes, and a soft moan escaped my lips, but the kiss suddenly ended, and I felt somewhat disappointed. I know that it showed in my eyes because he gave me a lopsided smile and gave me a quick peck on the lips before he stepped back to give me space but not far enough that I would not be able to hold on to him in the water.

"As much as I want to continue, there are people around and I would rather lose myself to you when we're alone." His voice sounded hoarser than usual, and I wasn't sure if it was because of the kiss or the anticipation of something more but I could see the happiness in his face.

"Will you be okay here while I go take a dip?" he asked and with my mind still reeling at the feel of his lips, I was only able to nod as he went and submerged himself in the water leaving me to deal with my heightened emotions.

I totally forgot that there were other people around and even though we were farther away from the rest of the group, they could still see whatever we were doing above water, and I was glad that I was alone so no one would see my cheeks turning red at the image that my imagination was conjuring.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and finally waded closer to the shore where the water was chest- deep and I allowed myself to submerge for a few seconds and come back up. I did it a couple of times as I allowed my body to follow the flow of the water but made sure that I was moving closer to the shore and not away.

The next time that I submerged myself in the water, I held my breath longer and when I came up, I almost lost my balance when Cal was already standing in front of me, looking at me in question.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed while clutching my chest in surprise.

"Is that what you've been doing the whole time?"

"Hey! Don't judge! I told you I can't swim!!" I reminded him; he raised his two hands in defense.

"I'm not judging but you could use some moving around once in a while and not just staying in one place."

"The water was already doing a good job of flinging me around so nope... I'm good."

"Would you like to take a rest for a bit?" He pointed towards the shore where our things were laid out on the sand.

"Good Idea." I started to move but he gestured to his shoulders and this time, I didn't hesitate and instead of just placing my arms on his shoulders for support, I clung to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressed my body to his back while I started moving my feet in the water. Although, I knew that it really didn't make any difference with our movement, but Cal just let me do my thing.

When he took my hand and placed it closer to his lips so he could kiss it while we were moving, I didn't stop him and to reciprocate, my lips went to his neck and I kissed it softly, tasting the saltiness of the sea and I knew that it had the effect that I wanted when he froze for a second and gripped my hand tighter before resuming our slow movement towards the shore.

We sat down in the blanket with his arms around me while I leaned into him as we ate and talk about how beautiful the place was.

All the while, his hand would caress my face, or he would kiss the top of my head and I would move to hold his hand, or my fingers would linger on his bare chest. We've become good at not discussing whatever actions we were doing or why we were doing it. It was like a mutual understanding for both of us that we were going to do whatever we felt like doing as long as there was consent from both sides. He wasn't complaining and I wasn't stopping him, so we continued showing our feelings for each other through actions instead of words.

We decided to go for a dip before heading back to our room and this time, he was able to give me a few pointers on swimming which only resulted to me mostly getting saltwater in my mouth or flailing miserably in the water.

By the time we decided to stop, I was no better at swimming than when we started but at least I got to spend the time with Cal, and I've realized that I was going to stop overthinking about my feelings for him and just seize the moment.

I like him, I might be falling in love with him but at that moment, one thing was sure... I want him and I was not going to miss the opportunity while we were there. I could see Cal trying to be a gentleman about it but if the touches and the kisses in the water was not telling enough, I knew that he was just waiting for the same opportunity as well.

It was already late in the afternoon when we made our way back and my heart started pounding harder, not just with the flight of stairs that we had to climb just to leave the beach front but because of the anticipation of the things that could happen once we were alone in the room.

We could feel each other's excitement when we entered the room.

"Cass?" I heard him asked and when I turned around to face him, he was standing over the jacuzzi with his face looking unsure.

"You wanna try out the jacuzzi? it's big enough for both of us." I asked.

"Are you sure?" he asked, and I nodded, trying to muster the courage to not be self-conscious now that we were alone together after what had happened earlier at the beach.

He went in the jacuzzi first, and I followed, lying opposite him so we could face each other.

There was an awkward silence after and before I could think twice, I stood up and he was looking at me questioningly.

"Scoot over." I told him. He didn't move, unsure of what I was getting at but when I started to sit down in front of him, with my back to him, he rushed to open his legs so I can sit down comfortably, and I leaned back so I was resting on his chest. I felt him relax behind me.

"I could sit here all day." I commented as I let myself soak in the warm jacuzzi.

"I know what you mean." Cal agreed as he lazily let his hands play with the water beside me, scooping some and letting it trail down on my shoulders.

Suddenly I felt both his hands move to the back of my shoulders, slowly caressing... no, massaging it.

"What are you doing Cal?" I asked although I wouldn't really mind at all except that I was never really good with massages.

"Helping you relax." The moment he put pressure on his hands, my body buckled, and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Okay... that wasn't the reaction I was hoping to get." I heard him chuckle behind me.

"Sorry...It's just, I'm ticklish." I confessed. I was a bit worried that I had killed the mood but before I could think much about it, I felt his hands at the back of my neck again. This time, however, his hands felt lighter and his caress slower, removing the ticklish feeling and instead, I finally got to appreciate what he was doing.

A moan escaped my lips, and I could hear his breathing hitch. His hands softly massaged every inch of skin from my back, letting his hands roam closer to the side of my breasts. It was just a matter of moving his hands further to my front and I wouldn't be stopping him, but he didn't. Instead, he continued to explore, sending a wave of electricity throughout my whole body every time his hands move.

We were silent as he continued massaging my back.

"Cass?" He suddenly spoke after a while.

"Hmmm?" I hummed but he didn't respond immediately.

"Cal?" I tried to turn around to look at him but his hands massaging my back, were keeping me from doing so.

"It's just that... I never really imagined that this day would arrive that I can finally be with you." He finally answered.

"Me too... but here we are."

"Here we are, indeed." He agreed then continued. "Did you ever think that this would happen? I mean. who would think that we would get to this point? Just last year, we were just colleagues who were just talking to each other because of work and then one day, I couldn't stop thinking of you."

Here was Cal confessing his feelings and I thought I was the one who would let out my emotion first.

"To be honest, I feel the same way. I think I saw it coming too... but I was afraid, so I never really put a name to what I felt and just allowed everything to happen and now... now that you're here with me... I don't want to be anywhere else." I let my hands drop to the side, on top of his legs under the water and started caressing it.

He answered by moving his hands to my waist, slowly moving towards my stomach and I hummed in response to his touch.

I could feel his rugged breathing beside my ear as he moved his face closer.

"Oh Cass... I'm really trying my best to be a gentleman right now..." he suddenly whispered, his voice hoarse and his desire clear.

"What if I don't want you to?" I challenged and I heard him swore.

I finally turned my head so I could look at him and when he stared back, I could see the conflict in his eyes.

"Dammit Cass, do you know how much I want you right now?!" I was surprised by the intensity of his voice and knowing what both of us were feeling the same way, I allowed myself to be bold.

"Then show me." Before my nerves would get to me, I hurriedly moved to change position and before I could stop myself, I sat on top of him, straddling him and immediately, I felt his hardness underneath the water which made my body tense even further. There was only my bikini and his swimming shorts that was getting in the way of our heat.

His hands went to my waist to hold me steady, but he did not do anything to stop me.

"We shouldn't be doing this." He started to say but he sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

"Is that you, turning me down?" I asked, trying to mask the hurt in my voice. I told myself that we both wanted this, both our bodies were screaming for it.

"Hell no!" He answered immediately.

"It's me trying to make sure that you don't think I'm only taking advantage of the situation because Cassidy... I want you to know my intentions for you are as pure as my feelings." His eyes held my gaze, and I could see the sincerity there. My heart blossomed at his words. Suddenly, my fear of my feelings not being reciprocated seems misplaced.

"Are you saying..." I started... wanting to let him continue.

"I'm saying that I'm willing to wait for the right time."

"Now isn't the right time?" I asked, although I understood what he was wanting to say, which I appreciated from him. If it was somebody else, they would have probably jumped at the first opportunity of having sex.

"I want to say that it is, but... I want to do it right by you. I know our relationship started unconventionally, so I want the physical aspect of our relationship to be... I don't know, conventional?"

"Hmmm... based on our positions now and knowing that this is our first meeting, we can say, we've gone past being conventional, am I right?" He gave me that lopsided smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"True but you deserve more. I don't want you to think that I just came here to meet you so we could... you know..." He tried to explain, and I had to smirk. The thought did came to mind but that was something I dismissed right away.

"I would never think that of you and besides, wouldn't that be too much effort on your end to have to fly 400 miles away from the comforts of your own city just to get laid.?" He laughed at that.

"Point taken there but I'm having a hard time trying to get my point across with you sitting there on top of me with barely any clothes on..."

My cheeks turned red at his comment.

"Would you like us to take this conversation someplace more neutral and freer from any temptations?" I teased; my eyebrow raised but he only kept me in place with his hands still on my waist.

"Oh no, I rather like the temptation... anyway... where was I?"

"You were saying something about trying to be conventional ..." I reminded him with a chuckle.

"Oh yes... of course, it's still going to be up to you, but... if you don't mind a long-distance relationship... then I'd like us to try."

There it is. After all this time, we were finally discussing the relationship that we have and where it would go, and the question has been asked.

Do I want to? There is no doubt that I wanted to pursue a relationship with this man but what was holding me back was the fear of being left behind just like what happened to my past relationships and knowing that this was going to be another long-distance relationship, it was highly likely.

But...I looked at the man in front of me. For the few hours that we spent together and the many months that we spent interacting at work, they were the most memorable that I had compared to my past relationships. I have never been able to open to anyone else just like how I opened up to him and now that he was asking me the very question that I had wanted him to ask, who was I to say no?

"I would love that very much." I told him and he answered me by wrapping me in his arms and kissing me passionately in the lips and my body melted right into his arms as I responded with as much fervor as I can muster.

We only stopped when we were out of breath, and I could see the happiness in his face.

I leaned forward so my head could rest on his shoulders, the movement causing him to stiffen under me and sending shivers to my inner core.

"You know you're testing my control, right?" He warned playfully.

"I thought we were going to wait?" I asked innocently.

"We are, but what you're doing is not really helping."

"And what am I doing?"

I let out a giggle when I felt him pinch my butt cheek under the water.

"I promise you... the next time we're in this position... I won't be holding back." He whispered hoarsely.

"However," His tone was so suggestive that I had to raise my head to look up at him in question.

He hips suddenly moving and I had to respond with a soft moan.

"There are other things that I'd like to do that I wouldn't mind doing to you now."

"And what would that be?" I could barely hear my voice from the loud thumping of my heartbeat as his hands finally started to explore my body and I was finally lost in the sensation before he captured my lips once again.

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