Waves and Bones (A Nico di An...

By IamAthenasDaughter

43.7K 889 611

Sophia Jackson is the daughter of Poseidon and half-sister of Percy Jackson. she was randomly left at the doo... More

Just another day
The Daughter of Poseidon doesn't know how to swim?
The Calm Before The Storm
Over Protective Siblings
The Styx
We're only pons in their games
We're doing what!!!
story of my life.
the next step
The Kraken tired to hug our ship
An univited guess crashes the party.
Plain Sailing never lasts as a Demigod
Family Dispute?
Dark Island
important Authors Note

The tale of Meleager

3.8K 86 53
By IamAthenasDaughter

From what I recall, Meleager was a hero from the ancient times the basis of his story is that he was the son of King Oeneus of Calydon and Althaea. About a week after his birth, the Fates appeared to foretell his future. Clotho and Lachesis predicted he would be noble and brave. Treats every hero should have but Atropos warned them that he would die as soon as one of the sticks in the fireplace burned completely. Taking the hint, Althaea pulled the stick from the fire, put it out, and hid it in a safe place. Giving her son a chance at life. While still young be became a great hero a second to only the strengths of Hercules. He was the youngest of the Argonauts and according to some, he killed the Argonauts' chief enemy, King Aeetes of Colchis. After he returned from this journey, he married Cleopatra and had a daughter, Polydora. Like any demigod, his dreams of normal life were brought to an end when Artemis unleashed a fearsome boar in his homeland. He naturally took a leading role in killing the boar during what became known as the Calydonian Boar Hunt which leads to his death. Meleager's death is nothing to be desired he didn't have a truly heroic death that most heronaspire to. It all started with a quarrel with his uncles over the prized boar skin. To understand the significance of this it is necessary to know that Althaea his mother was only married to Oeneus to help settle a blood feud that may have gone on for generations. While his uncles came to help with the boar, there still would have been a lot of tension among them, the Calydonians and Althaea's brothers. Being a kind and honest man in my Books, Meleager awarded the prize to Atlanta because she drew first blood. Awarding the prize to a woman angered the rest of the hunting party, yet most remained silent. However, his uncles on the other hands felt that their position entitled them to give orders to Meleager. Hence a fight broke out between them resulting in Meleager killing his uncles. When she hears the news of her brother's death by her son's hands, his mother burned the stick Fates had spoken of as a result, Meleager died and Althaea then killed herself in remorse. Cleopatra then also committed suicide, driven by grief.

This story thought me three things the first time I heard it. One. Never leave your weakness exposed it'll get you killed. Two. Even the strongest of us can be vulnerable. Three. Never fall in love it can be a death sentence for a demigod, love is a dangerous and powerful weakness. Whenever I hear this story now all I can think of is Frank whose life solely relied on the tiny remains of a stick. His life forced tied to that of the inanimate object. Just like Meleager.

What I can't understand is why my dragon decided it wanted to be named after this particular Greek hero. Thinking about the possibility of it holding some significance was the only thing helping not focus on the fact that was fifty feet in the air with no seat belt on the back of a dragon that no more than three hours ago was a body of soulless water. The whole idea confused me. I was nearly Convinced I was dreaming. Yet, I had a feeling that it held significance.

"How are you hanging in there Soph?" Nico laughed over the sound off the wind whizzing past us.

"Just focus on getting us down before I hurl" I screamed as I clung to him for dear life. Hey, flying was ways Percy's thing never mine.

Not only did I hear Death Boy's laughter but also Mel's chesty grumbles which I could only assume was his equivalent to laughter which was nothing but adorable...well I mean if we weren't fifty feet in the air and his shaking chest didn't nearly knock me off of him and the only thing there to stabilise me was Nico. Then it would be adorable.

Next thing I knew I could hear the high pitched screams of the Aphrodite campers and at that, it was just the guys. Meaning we'd reached our destination. I heard the roars of the Ares campers scrambling for the weapons. As always ready for a fight. Well, this is going to be fun...

As we land all campers gathered around ready for a fight while the seven sit and watch from the far corner of the dining pavilion with amusement clear in their eyes which only caused me to smirk.

Jumping off Mel's back nice and I rushed around and took our stance in front of our new reptilian friend. Much to the confusion of the other campers. All the attention was making Mel anxious and I could sense it.

"Easy boy it's okay. Nobody is going to hurt you." I hushed turning my back on hundreds of armed demigods. As Nico stood in front of us arms stretched trying to stop campers from
charging at us.

"Jackson, what are you doing with that...beast?" Clarisse screamed in my direction I can only assume.

"His harmless I promise." I attempting to reassure Mel that he was saved as well as myself.

"How can you promise such a stupid thing? It's a dragon for gods' sake. They aren't trustworthy" Drew added followed by the support of some of the Aphrodite kids.

"Oh shut it Drew" Nico scolded which only made the seven laugh but they quickly shut up when she probably glared at them.

"Stephine and Marco, what is the meaning of this?" Mr D. questioned in a bored tone.

"It's Sophia!"
"It's Nico!" We yelled in sync.

"Same difference"

I swear one of these days I'm gonna punch him. I just glared at him. Not bothered to waste my energy on him.

"She created the dragon that's how she can promise it will not hurt any of you," Nico stated as I continued to calm Mel till he lay down silently behind us.

"What do you mean created it?" Will questioned causing Nico to flinch a little. Their break up still clearly a fresh wound for my best friend. Will was the reason Nico was M.I.A for so long over the past few months.

"He means the water I'd manipulated into the form of a dragon I somehow unknowingly gave it a life force. Also, his name is Meleager not that any of you care. He's peaceful. Just so tame as the majority of the pegasuses here at camp." I explained as calmly as I possibly could.

"Chiron is that even possible?" Annabeth questioned clearly shocked.

"I've only ever heard of one child of Poseidon being able to have such control overseas. Such powers only Poseidon himself possesses. If it is true and Ms Jackson did create the creature it will only become aggressive to those who wish to cause her wrong. Other than that...Meleager, as you called him, is perfectly safe and welcome here at camp." He decided but nobody moved.

"I think that means to put down your weapons idiots! And you say I've no brain." My brother laughed draping his arm over Annabeth's shoulder and placing a kiss on her forehead. Ugh, they're lovely Dovey relationship that's developed since the last war would make me sick if I didn't love them so much.

With that everyone puts away their weapons and continued with their business. Sacrificing some of the meals to the gods, eating, joking, laughing. Just a normal run of the mill evening at camp half-blood.

"Hey Soph so you made this marvellous creature...any chance you could create us some beasties for some of our pranks?" Connor and Travis asked in unison once everyone went back to doing their own thing.

"In your dreams boys," I laughed and begin to walk toward the seven with Nico Mel getting up and following me.

"I'd take that as a yes!" Travis yelled after me.

"What do you think" Nico answered for me. I couldn't help to smirk as the twins looked slightly confused as they tried to figure out if I'd assist their master plans or not. They really are a terrible duo.

"Hey Soph, Nico" Everyone greeted as myself and Nico took our seats between Percy and Hazel.

"Soph where'd you learn to make these things. Could you make me a horse oh by the way your dragon friend says he's cold and wants to be closer to you..." I looked at him puzzled "umm I can talk to him the way we talk to horses it's weird can't you?" He asked.

"Umm no actually I've been judging off his emotions...How's he meant to be closure to me he's huge!" I asked shocked looking at my brother with wide eyes. We all looked puzzled as we tried to figure out what we could possibly do to help my poor friend whose mood was continuously deteriorating.

"kalliergoúntai mikró paidí more" a voice whispered in my ear. As I repeated the words Mel grew to about the size of a small lizard. I picked him up and he continued to walk up to my arm and rested on my shoulder.

"Now that amazing! You're like the mother of dragons or something!" Leo laughed staring at the little guy who was now sleeping on my shoulder.

"Please don't compare me to that show though I'll take it as a compliment that actress is stunning" I smiled. After that everything returned to normal my self and Nico went to sacrifice some of our meals to the gods though I doubted either of us would be eating much. We never really did have big appetites.

Back at the table, it was hard to get a word in with all their chatter as they reminisced about the quests they'd been on which made me feel isolated in the group. I was the only one among them who'd never been on an actual quest. I've been here for 6 years and I've never set foot outside the camp other than to visit Aunt Sally. Nobody seemed to notice my silence as I picked at my food every now and then I tried to ask a question just to stay involved but my voice was lost in the chaos of their own little bubble. This is what I meant when I was telling Neeks about how I felt alone even when I was with my 'friends' because once they all get talking about their adventures I get forgotten. Pushed aside almost. It hurts you know, to be surround by people but feel utterly alone. It's almost worse than being truly alone in some ways.

It got to the stage where I just got up and start walking away. There was no point in me even being there at that moment anyway. There was nothing I could add to the conversation I was just taking up space at an already crowded table.

"Hey" I felt someone's soft hand wrap around my wrist "where are you going" a familiar voice questioned.

"I dunno to train or my cabin just somewhere...anywhere away from that" I gestured towards my brother and his friends, before looking back into the depths of Nico's eyes.

"Can I come?" He asked unsure of himself.

"Umm yeah sure. I think I'm just gonna try read one of the books Annabeth lent me but you can join me if you like" I smiled unsurely of whether I wanted his company or not regardless I knew I needed to try and fully trust him again.

"I don't mind I like silence from time to time" He stated giving me a genuine smile that I hadn't seen in years. Not since Bianca...I remember Percy telling him. Nico lost his family that day. I lost two friends, Bianca to death and Nico to his grief. Now, I feel like the role is reversed. I don't wanna push him away from the way he pushed me away. That would only hurt more.

The walk to cabin three wasn't too long and it was completed with a comforting silence. Mel rubbing his head off my neck from time to time causing me to giggle softly which only made Nico laugh.

"Welcome to La Casa de Los Ninos de Poseidon" I stated in my best Spanish accent. "My beds that one the remote to the TV I had the Hermes kids install for an unreasonable amount of dracmas is under my matrice don't tell Percy though. I'm just going to get the book."

I rummaged through my trunk till I found the one of was searching for, a copy of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. I'd read the play about a hundred times it was simply my favourite of Shakespeare's works. Thanks to Annabeth's tutoring, I no longer need the audiobooks.

I sat down next to Nico and taking Mel off my neck and placing him on the end of the bed. He just crawled off and lay on the floor retaking his true size and went back to sleep at the foot of my bed. He was just like me. Lazy.

"What are you reading?" Nico asked as he lay down with his head resting on my lap.

"Just Romeo and Juliet"


"Don't laugh. You know it's my favourite play"

"Read it to me"

I was a bit taken aback by the statement. I'd never been asked to read aloud before. I was kinda nervous. My mouth began to dry out and my stomach turned as Gave Nico an are you serious look. Only to receive some puppy dog eyes in return. Note to self you will never win against this boy.


"Seriously? Huh, Percy, was right puppy dog eyes do work on you" He laughed as he continued to stare up at me his longish hair falling onto my lap away from his face.

"Shut up. I'm not gonna start at the beginning cause I'm almost done. Basically, Romeo and Juliet have gotten married in secret and Juliet is awaiting him on their wedding night" I explained what had just previously happened.

"Okay, little mermaid continue with the story" He smirked as he looked up at me. I took the book in one hand and started to play with Nico's hair with the other to calm my nerves. I hated public speaking with a passion.

"Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds,
Towards Phoebus' lodging! Such a wagoner
As Phaeton would whip you to the west
And bring in cloudy night immediately.
Spread thy close curtain, love-performing night,
That runaway's eyes may wink, and Romeo
Leap to these arms untalked of and unseen.
Lovers can see to do their amorous rites
By their own beauties; or, if love be blind,
It best agrees with night. Come, civil night,
Thou sober-suited matron, all in black,
And learn me how to lose a winning match,
Played for a pair of stainless maidenhoods.
Hood my unmanned blood, bating in my cheeks,
With thy black mantle till strange love grow bold,
Think true love acted simple modesty.
Come, night; come, Romeo; come, thou day in night;
For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night
Whiter than new snow upon a raven's back.
Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night;
Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.
O, I have bought the mansion of a love,
But not possessed it. So tedious is this day
As is the night before some festival
To an impatient child that hath new robes
And may not wear them..." after an hour or so I've read I was beginning to fall asleep unfortunately Nico had already fallen asleep on my lap. I lifted his head ever so gently and set it back on the pillow after I managed to get out from beneath him. He looked at peace I was afraid to wake him so instead, I lay down beside him in the limited room that was left. As my head hit the pillow I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me closer to him. I felt safe in his arms as I finally drifted off into a chaotic dream I heard the cabin door open. I guess Percy was back...I wasn't going to hear the end of this.

Hey guys so that was chapter two kinda short only 2700 words, was aiming for more but I felt that it ended at a cut spot...so...What did you think? Let me know your thoughts and suspicions in the comments I'll do my best to reply to all comments as soon as I see them. Until next time.

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