And Face Today (Sequel to We'...

By KayHope96

1.4K 63 5


And Face Today (Sequel to We'll Brave This Storm)
Hold On
Do It Now, Remember It Later
Miserable At Best
All Mine
The Mortician's Daughter
Love Like Winter
Miles Away
Little Talks
Come Together
White Wedding
Remember Me (Epilogue)

I Miss You

71 3 0
By KayHope96

Diamond being preganant wasn't that much of a suprise to me because she always seemed so great with kids. Whenever a toddler came into Starbucks, she would somehow know exactly what to say or do to get them to laugh. Still, I can't say I was excited to be woken up every morning by the sounds of her vomitting.

"Congratulations!" I said.

"A little CC or," Jake said.

"Do you have any names picked out?" Ashley asked.

"Um...We were kind of thinking about Kelsi for a girl or Deacon for a boy, but we haven't made a sound decision yet," CC answered.

"Aww, those sound like really cute names," I said.

"Yeah. Who knows, maybe if its a boy, Skylar could end up dating him one day," Diamond grinned.

The guys all attempted to stiffle their laughter as my eyes grew wide.

"Nope. Not going to happen. Skylar isn't going to be dating until she's fourty!" I said.

"Okay! Okay!" Diamond relented, putting her hands up in surrender, "It was just an idea. Calm your tits, woman!"

I couldn't help but to burst out into laughter at her last comment. But, my laugh turned into a groan as I heard Skylar start to cry.

"I got her. Don't worry about it. I could se the practice anyway," CC said.

"You drop my baby and I will chop off your man-parts," I warned.

CC cleared his throat and headed to the bedroom. Within a few minutes, Skylar's cries stopped and I let out a sigh of relief.


The trip to Denver was....odd, I guess.

The guys were getting restless, not that I could blame them. A fifteen hour drive in a bus with a bunch of other people was not the best situation.

I ended up crashing at about four. I wasn't able to sleep all that soundly last night due to the excitement that had built up in my stomach. I was going to see Bryan again, and I really missed that blonde-haired interviewer.

"Wake up, Mel," Andy whispered in my ear.

"I don't wanna get up," I mumbled.

"We're at the hotel. You can sleep more in there, okay Princess?"

"Fine," I groaned, rolling out of bed.

I made my way off of the bus, grabbing my overnight bag on the way out. I shuffled my feet towards the hotel, only to be lifted off of the ground before I made it to the door. I was positioned so that Andy had an arm around my back and one behind my knees while carrying my overnight bag over his shoulder. I curled up into Andy's chest and fell back asleep.


"I'd like to order uh, uh,...... whatever, can I get the...the.....Fuck you lady!" Andy snapped.

I was aware that I was laying in a bed. I guess Andy carried me to it.

"What was that about?" I asked sleepily, opening my eys to see a shirtless Andy sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Oh, nothing," he said, turning to me, "the room service lady was just giving me sass."

"Oh, um, what time is it?"

"It's eight in the morning. You were knocked out for a while," Andy said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Did you guys go out anywhere last night?"

"Jinxx and the rest of the guys went to a club because his birthday is today. Diamond and I stayed here with Skylar."

"You could have gone. If you had woken me up, I would have taken care of Sky," I mumbled.

"You needed sleep. Besides, Iwanted you to be well-rested for the BryanStars interview today," he smiled.

"Oh my gosh! I almost forgot! When's the interview?" I asked, now fully awake.

"It's at five-thirty, I think, but the guys and I wanted to be at the venue by four for sound-check."

"So we have eitht hours. What do you want to do until then?"

"Well, you could show me your tattoo," Andy suggested.

"Haha, not happening," I laughed.

I heard a knock on our door and I rolled out of bed to answer it.

"Here's Skylar," Diamond said, putting Skylar in my arms as I opened the door, "I love her to death, but I need some sleep and she has been crying non-stop for two hours."

"Okay, go get some rest," I told her.

She nodded and walked back to her room. I closed the door and sighed. This was going to be a very tiresome tour.

"Hey sweetie," I cooed to Skylar, "aren't you tired?"

As if on cue, Skylar let out the cutest yawn I've ever heard. I slowly rocked her back and forth in my arms. She finally fell asleep five minutes later, and I placed her into her baby seat. She was going to need some rest.


"Di, are you sure you aren't going to come to the concert?" I asked.

"I'm sure," she said, picking up Skylar from her seat, "I'm not feeling terrific anyway and I know you really want to see Bryan again."

"Thank you so much!" I squeeled as I kissed her on the cheek and grabbed my phone. I rushed out of the hotel and crossed the street to the venue.

I flashed my backstage pass to the security gurard who was standing at the entrance and he let me through. There was no one in the lobby. I guess Andy was already doing the interview.

I got out my phone and texted Andy: Where are you?

I waited a minute before Andy texted back saying: I'm doing the interview with Bryan. I'll come get you in a sec if you tell me where you're at."

I texted him saying that I was in the lobby, and within a couple minutes he was coming down from one of the staircases.

"Hey, Mel. I haven't told Bryan that you're here. Are you ready to suprise him?" he asked with a mischievious glint in his eye.

"Hell, yes," I laughed.

Andy took my hand and lead me up the staircase. By the time I could hear CC and Bryan talking, I was out of breath.

"Hey Bryan, I brought back a special guest," Andy said, covering me for the most part with his body.


I stepped out from behind Andy and beamed at Bryan.

"Bet you don't recognize me," I said.

"Um, no I don- Wait, Mel, is that you?" he asked.

"The one and only," I smirked.

"Damn! You look great! I love the new look!"

"Thanks. You haven't changed on bit," I said, noticing the same blue Areopostale hoddie.

I gave Bryan a hug, but since I was shorter than him I had to stretch in order to get even close to level with him.

"So that's you're tattoo!" Andy said.

I looked down and noticed my t-shirt had risen to two inches above my naval, exposing my tattoo.

"Yes, Andy, this is my tattoo," I said, turning around and lifting my shirt more to show the blue moon, firey sun, and the silver star that was beneath the sun and the moon.

"What does it represent?" CC asked.

"The moon is me. The sun is Andy because he is the light to my dark and he makes my days brighter. The star represents Skylar because she is my little shining star. I know it's cheesy, but I thought it was kinda fitting."

"It's beautiful," Andy whispered, giving me a peck on the lips.

"Okay, enough with the sappy stuff. We have a BryanStars interview to do." CC said.

I smirked at him and took a seet next to where Chris was. I already knew that this interview was going to be better than the last.

NOTE: Okay, so there are two more chapters and a small epilogue thing left in this story (that I already have written out). I won't update tomorrow because I left the rest of my story at school....whoops. I was also thinking that after this story I would try doing the whole one-shot thing if you'd be interested in me doing that. Let me know in the comment section. I love you duckies!

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