I'm Not A Pokemon!

By TheBookwormMaddy

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I'm Not A Pokemon!
Chapter 1: Eggman's Horizons
Chapter 2: The Doctor's Find
Chapter 3: What happened to Sonic?
Chapter 4: A New Pokemon
Chapter 5: Team Dweeb!
Chapter 6: Sonic Goes With Team Rocket
Chapter 7: Sonic Fans
Chapter 8: Pokemon Plans!
Chapter 9: Giovanni
Chapter 10: It's A Trap!
Chapter 11: Obedience Training
Chapter 12: Hours
Chapter 13: The Unlucky Time
Chapter 14: The Big Boys
Chapter 15: Tipping Point
Chapter 16: Pokemon Team
Chapter 17: The Bad Guys?
Chapter 18: Getting Nowhere
Chapter 19: Just Saving The Day
Chapter 21: One To Go
Chapter 22: The Pokemon v A Pokemon
Chapter 23: It's Not All About YOU
Chapter 24: Final Action
Chapter 25: Collars Again
Chapter 26: Bad Sonic
Chapter 27: April Fools, Sonic!
Chapter 28: It's After Midday, Idiot!
Chapter 29: Home Is...?
Chapter 30: The Unormal Normal

Chapter 20: Egghead Action

786 30 6
By TheBookwormMaddy

Giovanni stood up as the doors slammed open and Eggman strolled in.

"How did you find this place?" Giovanni demanded.

"I have an IQ of 300 and an unlimited supply of tecnology. Have a guess." He retorted cockily and stood a good distance from him.

"Did my Shadic show you?" The boss asked calmly, but Eggman shook his head.

"No. Your dark type is dead." Giovanni's eyebrow raised at the news, but other than that he didn't react. Instead, they stared at each other, calculating, thinking. A funny thought bubbled through the genius's mind and he tilted his head "If we had met differently, we would have been a pretty good team." He noted with a smile.

"Until you ran out of uses, yes, I think we would have." Giovanni replied evenly and brushed down his suit lightly. "But as it is, you seem to have a problem with me."

"Well, you stormed my house... when I was trying to sleep!" Eggman recalled with irritation "At least Sonic waits 'till morning, you know?"


"Ah, it's a long story. Anyway, shall we?" Eggman pulled out a pokeball.

"You're hardly worth it." Giovanni scoffed and released his two remaining Pokemon "Sonic, Amic, dispose of this man." He then clicked a sharp finger and, from the shadows, his persian slunk to his side. Then he left without another word as the Sonic and Amic cracked their fingers unpleasantly.

"Damn. Fine." Eggman pulled out a second Pokeball and released both of them; Amy and Vector. "Amy, go for Sonic. If it tries to use Water gun, block it with your hammer. Vector, you defeated the Amic before. Do you think you can do that again?"

"Uh, maybe..." He shrugged "I don't see why not."

"Good, try to weaken it with Water gun before Tackling it again. Careful now, you two, here they come!" Eggman held the other pokeballs tightly as the Sonic flew at Vector, but Amy smashed him into the wall with her hammer, leaving Vector to attack the Amic with Water gun.

They were both ruthless after knowing what the Pokemon could do. Neither backed down and Eggman watched with interest. Vector was tough and quite physical with the small hedgehog type, but the Amic was faster and had a lot of brutal moves. After a while, Vector was taken down. Extrasensory got the better of him and he collapsed, clutching his dizzy head. The Amic made towards him, to finish him off, but stopped and started to hyperventilate. 

"Vector, return. Now!" Eggman hissed.

"Wh-what's wrong?" He groaned as he pulled himself to his knees.

"It's going to evolve. I guess it thinks you've already been defeated." Eggman held out a pokeball "Now return." Vector sighed as the red swallowed him up and Eggman pulled out a third pokeball as a blast of pink light tried to blind him. Despite the shock of it, he still managed to release Knuckles.

"What the actual f-" The echidna began, but the Amic slammed into him, sending him flying. She was the same height as him now, her hair looked sharper and had an icy shine to it; Her clothing was bolder, her eyes were smaller, but bright. They stared at Knuckles keenly as he got back up.

"Knuckles! Keep using Rock smash! It's a fighting type move, it should weaken her!" He called and gave a thumbs up.

"I'm loving the certainty..." Knuckles muttered and raced back into battle. Eggman glanced at Amy and realised she didn't have much left in her. She was slowing down, her attacks weren't as powerfull as before, and blocking the Water gun move seemed to get harder to do. He was about to call her back in when the Sonic suddenly used Scald. Amy screamed and dropped her hammer that she'd tried to block it with as it burned her fingers and the Sonic threw it away before advancing on her. 

Instantly, Eggman's hand flew to a pokeball, but then hesitated and moved to another.

"Tails, go!" He called and the fox appeared in front of Amy just as the Sonic used Scald again. Terrified, he immediately blocked the attacked with his tails and screamed in agony.

"Tails!" Amy gasped as she became ensnared in red light and disappeared, leaving Tails to defend himself against the Sonic, but it had paused suddenly and Eggman scowled.

"Seriously? They're both evolving?!" He demmanded as blue light stang his eyes.

"Eggman! What's going on?" Tails cried in terror and suddenly found a full sized blue blur standing in front of him. His quills were smoother and glimmered like a stream, his fur had gotten murkier, like the deep depths of an ocean, and his eyes were dark and cold. A gloved hand gripped Tails neck and hauled him off the ground, choking the young fox. "E-eg-hgg!" He tried to call, but the genius was already pulling up a pokeball.

"Return!" He called and the red light shot out, but the Sonic ran to the side, so it missed Tails, who was starting to go blue. Eggman tried again, but it was a consistant result. "Use your tails! Try gust!" Eggman yelled to him, but just as he finished talking, the fox got dropped, but the Sonic hid him protectively as it grabbed one of the small creatures tails and slowly snapped it in half. Tails screamed.

"Eggman! Do something!" Knuckles growled as he dodged another Extrasensory by ripping up the ground in front of him. The genius's mind raced, but he couldn't get Tails back in and it was a two-on-two match.

"Hold on a minute." Eggman scolded himself "Since when did I play by the rules?" He pulled out two pokeballs and threw them. "Sonic! Espio! Help Tails!" Sonic reacted instantly, smashing himself mindlessly into the other Sonic, leaving Tails to curl up, clutching his tail in shock and horror. Espio came to his side and touched his head gently.

"Are you ok?" He asked and the fox glanced up at him shakily.

"I-it talks." He told him, but then red covered him and he disappeared.

"Espio! Help Sonic! He lost to the Sonic last time, he'll need help!" Eggman ordered and glanced between the two fights calculatingly. His genius mind of 300 IQ whirred and he started to realise... that he probably should have brought some potions with him.

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