It Must Be Her

By MarciMarie

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Robert De Luca has everything a man could want in life. Lots of money, a fantastic job, fast cars and plenty... More

It Must Be Her
Blurred Lines
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Sealed With A Kiss
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine Loosen Up My Buttons
Chapter Ten Can't Stop Now
Chapter Eleven Tangled Webs
Chapter Twelve How Could You
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen Tell Me It's Real
Chapter Eighteen Secrets
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
Thank you for reading
Chapter 25- We Both Know
Bridal Shower
The Bachelor Party
Crashing The Girls Party :)
From this Moment (The Wedding)

Chapter Fifteen Circle

36.7K 1.2K 81
By MarciMarie

Copyright © MarcyN 2014

 “This is a really nice place Robert must cost you  a fortune.”

 “I make the rent.”

 “I bet you do….and what is it that you do?”

“I’m an accountant so to speak..”

 “You sure you’re not Mafioso?”

 “I’m certain.”

 “This view of the city is spectacular.”

 “This view is spectacular too.’

 Rob watched Josey as she looked around his apartment.  Cute had been an understatement she was beautiful and sexy.  And he had lost his mine letting her come up to the apartment. She reminded him of a a little sexy fairy with her red hair cut really short like pixy in her black tights  and four inch thigh high cream color boots that matched her wrap around top that hugged her boobs like second skin. She was trouble personified.  He knew he was in trouble when she had  made sure to drop off all her girl friends making him her last stop. Then she asked to use the bathroom. Knowing that he wouldn’t say know when she had just drove him home. Then of course she asked for some water. Now she was  checking out his collection of DVD’s. with no intention of leaving.  He had already told her that  nothing was going to jump off despite the fact that she had kissed him not once but twice. “Josey you do realize it’s three morning right.” Keep the steak on your eye.

She smiled walking over to him sitting down. He laughed at her pretend yawn. “So when we going to bed. “

“Where not going to bed Josey.” She turned facing him. “ I thought you might have changed you mine by now.” She rubbed her hand down his cheek. “Rob you’re a truly a good guy and Laura is absolutely crazy.”

 “It’s Lauren and I think she’s crazy too.”

 “You know me and you are in the same boat.”

 “And what boat is that.”

 “The one where you love someone and they hurt you, and your left in limbo trying to decide what to do next.”

 “So you got hurt too!”

 “Yeah .”  She rested her head on his shoulder.  “Actually by my best friend. I didn’t see it coming. Sex is not a good thing between friends.” She pointed.

 “You got that right.”

 “So how long have you known Laura.”

 “It’s Lauren and we’ve known each other since elementary school.”

 She laughed. “Me too. Isn’t that crazy. Me and Bill kissed one night and boom. We were having sex. Than that became the agreement just consensual sex with no commitment. My own words. Dahaa. Stupid me by the time I realized it was deeper than sex he was telling me he had someone else.” Rob hugged her as she began to cry. “I’m sorry Rob .” She wiped her eyes. Standing to leave.

 “Look crash here tonight it’s late.”

 “You’ve changed your mind hun.”

 “No you get this perfectly good couch .”

 He got up and got her a blanket and pillow.

 She smiled. “And the pity party continues.”

 “You know Josey He’s an idiot.”

 “And she’s a fool.”

 “You sure you don’t want too?”

 “I’m certain although I’m tempted..”

 “I think we could have fun.” She moved closer pulling at his shirt buttons.”

 “I quiet sure we could but we would regret it in the morning.”

 “She’s crazy.”

 “Who?” He smiled.

 “You know who.” She kissed him and to her surprise he kissed her back. She pulled away.  Taking the blanket and pillow.

 “She better watch out though I’ll let you go tonight because of the fight and you might not be able to tackle all my difficult moves.”

 “Oh really.”

 “ Yes and me being in the medical field  I wouldn’t want you to chance doing more damage to yourself.”

 “Well thank you nurse Josey.”

 “Actually it’s Doctor Litman.” She smiled over her shoulder at him.

 “Wow I need a doctor too."

" Well you can come see me anytime Robert maybe together we can break this cirle.”

 “I keep that in mind.” He turned to leave. Wondering what she meant by that comment.

 “Thanks Robert.”

 “For what?”

 “Letting me crash here and being a shoulder to cry on.”

 “Anytime Doc.”

 She pulled off her boots and laid down.

 Lauren looked at the number she punched in  her phone and swore to herself …A sudden knock on the door made her jump and into the toilet her phone went. “Shit …Shit.” She retrieved it. Another knock.

 “Lauren,  Nonna said come eat..”

 She swung the door open  angerliy.. Liam stood looking at her. “What’s wrong Lauren you’ve been acting strange since your cousin left.”

 “Have I ?”

 “Yes you have. Were here in Italy newly engaged and all I get is a cold shoulder.”

 She wiped off her phone than wash her hands as he stood watching. “Is this how it’s going to be.” He asked looking at her in the mirror.

 Tell me Lauren why didn’t you mention that you were in Palermo with Roberto?” Lauren looked  at him in the mirror he looked ticked off not his usual pleasant self.  And she was floored by his question but she couldn’t let him know that.

“I didn’t think I had too.” She replied.

 "Well you gave me the impression that you where here the whole time when we talked.”

 “We’ll I wasn’t.”

 “Is that it.”


 “All your going to say?”

 “What do you want me to say?’ She turned facing him. “Yes, I was in Palermo.”

 “With your cousin.” He finished.

 “Yes, with Rob.”

 “I thought his name was Roberto and why haven’t you mentioned him before?”

 She walked past him. He turned and followed as she walked down the steps. She stopped and turned. “Wait am I being interrogated now?”

 “Should you be?”

 “And where is Rob now?”

 “He went home to the states.’

 “I thought he was from here with the accent and everything.” He held her arm to keep her from moving. “ So you and Rob planned this trip together?”

 “No we didn’t. We just happened to be on the same flight.”

 “And you just happened to go to Palermo with him right?”

 “Yes I did it’s complicated.”

 “Then uncomplicated Lauren. Make me understand.”

She was tired of being grilled and she missed boot.

 “Let me ask you a question Liam..if you haven’t been fucking me who have you been fucking?” Now he looked shocked. Good.


 “Cat got your tongue.” She pulled away. “ Yeah I thought that would shut you up.” Just then her phone went off the screen was damaged and she couldn’t hear anything she slammed  it on the table and  walked out the door Liam followed.

 Theresa stood on the other side of the door listen to the whole argument. Her son shaking his head.”Momma stay out of it.”

 “Hush, these two don’t fit..Lauren needs Robert..” Just than the phone rang she answered it.


 “Hey Nonna it’s me Carmine.”

 “Oh Carmine when you coming to see me?” she smiled.

 “Soon Nonna …You know I don’t like planes. So I have to sail.”

 “ I forget..anyway what’s wrong.”

 “ I need to speak to Lauren. Is she around?”

 “No she went out with Liam.”

 “He’s there?”


 “Is there something wrong .”

 “Yes. No. I’ll call back.”

 “Does this have to do with Robert?”

 “You know Robert Nonna?”

 “Yes, he was here with Lauren than that boy came and asked her to marry him.”


 “Yes, It hurt Robert he’s in love with your sister.”

 “OhMyGod. I’m going to kill Lauren.”

 “So what has happened?”

 “Me and Rob had words Nonna ahhhhhh we were fighting.”

 “Don’t you hurt Robert Carmine.”

 “What about me I can get hurt too. “

 “You’re a big lug nothing hurts you.”

 “Nonna that hurt …Lugs need love too.” Just as he hung up his phone it went off..

 “Hello mom.”

 “Who were you and Tonio fighting ?”

 “ How did you know we were fighting?”

 “Word gets around quickly in this neighborhood.”

 “Robert mom.”

 “Robert who?”


 “Wait Lauren and Robert are back.”

 “ No. Roberts back. Mom did you know that she was seeing Robert?”

 “I kind of suspected when they were in Palermo together at his uncles.”

 “Oh this shit gets better.”

 “Watch your mouth.”

 “Sorry mom but why is it that were the last to know this?”

 “Carmine It’s all a shock to me and your father too and now with this Liam guy.”

 “Wait, I hope you’re sitting down because this story is going to get better.”

 “Wait …go on tell me I’m sitting.”

 “Liam is in Italy.”

 “Say it isn’t so.”

 “It’s so mom and he asked Lauren to marry him in front of Robert.”

 “Oh shit..Robert ..I told Lauren that this would lead to nothing but trouble. So what started the fight.”

 “Rob said somethings I didn’t like but now I understand why. “

 “He’s hurting Carmine..I’m going to kill Lauren. Rob’s mom gonna flip once she gets wind of this…”

 “Nonna say’s he loves her.”

 “I knew I was going to need a drink. “

 Josey woke to her buzzing phone..Thinking she was in her bed she reached for it falling off the couch on to the floor. That’s when she remember she was at Rob’s.  “Hello..”

 “Hey Joe. You busy?”

 “No just waking up. Where you at?”

 “Italy..” (Pause) “I asked Lauren to marry me?” Josey got up walking to the bathroom she knew she was on the verge of full water works.

 “That’s great. Congratulations.” She pulled the lid down on the toilet and sat.

 “You there Josey?”

 “Yeah, so why you calling me?”

 “I needed to talk to my best friend.”

 “So talk.”

 “Me and Lauren have been arguing. I don’t think I really know her.”


 “Joe Listen. Don’t judge.”

 “Josey..” The yell came from the other side of the bathroom door.

 “Who is that Joe? Where are you? That’s a guys voice.” She hit the mute button. “I’m in the bathroom Rob I’ll be right out.”

 “Okay, I’ll make us breakfast.”

 “Sounds good to me.” She listened to him walk away before she hit the mute button again.


 “Yeah I”m here had me on mute hun? Who the hell are you with?”

 “A guy. What difference does it make your getting married right?”

 “I’m not married yet and I care about you.”

 “And what is that suppose to mean Bill?” (Silence) “Exactly you have a fiancé and I’m free and single.”

 “We need to talk Josey.”

 “About what? Your fiancé and the wedding.”

 “No about us.”

 “ There is no us.”

 “You’re the one who said open relationship no commitment  ...I want a family kids not just sex.”

 “Your right that’s what I said..”

 “Josey? Did you sleep with him?”

 “That’s none of your business.” (pause) “No I haven’t but I’m contemplating it.”

 “I’m glad you didn’t.”

 “Did you sleep with her.”

 “No, I haven’t but I’m contemplating it.”


 Carmine arrived at the apartment building the same time as Angelo.  “What you here for Carmine?”

 "Not that it’s your business Angelo but I need to talk to Rob.”

 “We’ll I’m his friend and it is my business.”

 “I’m  his friend too Angelo. Even though we fought.”

 “You know about him and Lauren..”

 “I know the full story now..and I understand the outburst.”

 “So what do you think?”

 “After the story I’ve heard …If had been me I would want to kill someone.”

 “So how we going to fix this..”

 “Get them back together of course.”

 Thomas the guard let them in and announced their arrival. They road the elevator in silence. To the penthouse .  They got off  inside the suite.. “Rob.” Angelo yelled.

 “Kitchen …” The walked though suite the flat screen on the wall had  last nights basketball game on and Rob was making breakfast.

 “Why are you two here?’

 “To eat breakfast of course .” Angelo answered . “Two plates?”

 “I came to talk.” Carmine put in.


 “Och .” Angelo yelled pulling his hand back from the plate of bacon when Rob hit him with the spatula.

 “I know about you and Lauren and I know what happened in Italy.”

 “Yeah well it’s over now.”

 Just then Josey came in the room. She walked over to Rob. “Good morning.”   

 “Hey Doc.” He leaned down and gave her a kiss. He did it to irk them and Josey winked at him and followed threw slapping his but as she left the room.

  “Hey guys..” She grabbed a piece of bacon and a cup of coffee like she lived there.

 “What the hell is she doing here Deluca?’ Carmine stood ready to defend his sister’s interest.

 “Hold up guys.” Angelo stood between them.

 “Your sister is getting married..she has a fiancé what am I suppose to do?”

Carmine held his hands up. “Your right, Shit Rob, I can’t blame you.”

 “Well guys I hate to bust up this Pow wow . Rob I have to go …”

 “You didn’t eat.”

 “Believe me you gave me everything I needed last night.” She gave him a sly smile.

 “Gentleman.” Rob walked her to the elevator.  “You’re bad Josey.” He whispered.

 “You’re worst..mise well follow threw lay one on me Robbie.” He gave her a kiss.

 “Later babe. “ She said as she got on the elevator. He walked back in the kitchen the food was just about gone.

 “Thanks for breakfast.”   Angelo belched.

 “Yeah I didn’t know you could cook like that.” Carmine put in walking over to Rob.

 “So what we going to do about this Lauren thing?’

 “Carmine your sister is with her fiancé in Italy…”

 “Yeah and she was with you in Palermo for a week by herself…what were you two up too or need I ask Deluca…my sister was innocent when she left for Italy..”

Angelo began to cough…

Carmine looked over at him then back at Rob who held up his hands in defense.

 “You dirty rotten dog…you slept with my sister.”


Please comment and vote ...Josey just brought more drama to the table like Albert said she's what the doctor order and she's going to dish out the medicine. :)

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