The Switch

By StaplerInJello

6.5K 235 76

"I mean, we're pretty much the same person anyway. The only difference is I'm taller now." More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Part 6

745 32 10
By StaplerInJello

"Hello boys," Ali and Lisa stood up from the couch they were sitting on.

They swiftly made their way across the room to Ant and Dec to give them a quick hug and a kiss. They hadn't seen them since they had left the night before. Both lads were in bed before they got home and didn't wake up until they left in the morning.

Ant and Dec shot each other a nervous look before walking to each other's wives. Ant hugged Ali and gave her a quick peck on the cheek while Dec followed suit with Lisa. They then switched places and kissed their own wives on the cheek before returning to each other's side.

"Hello," Dec smiled nervously.

"How are youse two?" Ant asked with the same anxious smile.

"I think we're fine, but you two are acting strange," Lisa laughed.

"Yeah, there something you need to tell us, boys? Ali asked jokingly. She didn't expect there to actually be something wrong.

"Actually, yeah. You may need to sit down for this though," Ant motioned towards the couch.

Lisa and Ali timidly returned to the couch they were sitting on moments before. They shared a confused glance before returning their attention back to Ant and Dec, who just continued to stand while subconsciously holding hands.

"So, there's something we need to tell you," Dec stated into the awkwardly quiet room. The air felt even more tense than it did earlier in the car. "I'm positive you won't believe us though." He glanced nervously at Ant.

"Yeah. We...umm...I don't really know how to put this," Ant stuttered through an anxious smile.

"I think I may know what this is about," Lisa smiled at them knowingly. Ali was still confused, but based on Lisa's lighthearted expression it was probably nothing too bad. "I always knew this day would come."

"What?" Ant and Dec asked, yet again, at the same time.

"You two are trying to tell us you're together, right?" She giggled at them. Although she was Ant's wife and loved him dearly, a small part of her had always hoped this day would come. She could see how happy they made each other and believed they would make the cutest couple.

"Umm, no. We aren't," Ant laughed awkwardly. "This morning we... I don't know how to put this. Help us out Decs?"

"Did you just call him Dec?" Ali asked him. This Of course made no sense because, in her eyes, her husband had just called Ant 'Dec'.

"Aye," Ant mumbled, motioning for Dec to continue.

"This morning we woke up inside each other's bodies," Dec stated bluntly. It wasn't until Ant burst into a fit of laughter that he realized what he just said.

"You really need to work on your phrasing, pet," He wrapped his arm around Dec's shoulder. "What he means to say is we've switched bodies."

"Yeah. That," Dec smiled awkwardly.

Ali and Lisa stared at them. Both women remained completely silent. That is, until Ali burst into a fit of laughter. Her very loud and slightly obnoxious laughter was soon joined by Lisa's own, just as piercing, giggles. Ant and Dec looked at each other.

"I take it they don't believe us," Dec stated the obvious. He and Ant sighed together.

Once the girls finally composed themselves, Ali began to speak.

"Nice try guys," she said while wiping away a few tears.

"Aye, we aren't that gullible, lads," Lisa added. "Now sit down. Our food's gonna get cold."

"And you two don't have much time left before rehearsal," Ali interjected. She was their manager, of course, and it was her responsibility to make sure they were on time.

The lads sighed once again and sat down. They shared a look of defeat before digging into their meals.

After half an hour of friendly conversation, Lisa rose from the couch.

"It's been fun, but I've got to get back to work soon," she stated with a sigh.

"Me too," Ali said as she also stood up. Ant and Dec stood as well. "You two still have about 30 minutes before you're needed."

"Alright," they responded.

Lisa walked over to Dec, who she of course believed was Ant. She hugged him and gave him a small kiss on the lips. Dec froze. He had just kissed his best mate's wife.

"Bye boys," Ali and Lisa called out as the left the dressing room. Dec immediately turned to Ant.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It didn't mean anything! I didn't kiss her back I swear!" Dec began to panic. He felt incredibly guilty for kissing Lisa.

"Hey. Decs. It's okay. I understand," Ant interrupted him with a hug. He was a bit uncomfortable hugging himself, but he knew it would calm Dec down. "It's not your fault, mate. She didn't know."

"I know, but-"

"But nothing. It's okay," Ant pulled back and smiled at him. "I love you, man, okay? You're alright."

"Yeah. Okay," Dec wiped away the tears that were streaming down his cheeks. "I guess we're by ourselves in this though."

"Aye," Ant sighed. "We have each other though, yeah?"


To be continued...

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