For Love

By Chrisismyfav

121 12 1

When she got ignored, he adored her. When he got hurt, she took care of him. When he needed to get away, she... More

Struggles of Morning Time
Struggles of Night Time

School Days

11 3 0
By Chrisismyfav


I exited the bathroom cautiously. To my relief, mother was still on the couch with the kids, not paying attention to me. I sneaked into the bedroom, grabbed my old Jansport book bag, and began to leave.

"Where you goin'?" She asked, loudly. Her voice scared me to the point where I actually jumped.

"School. I have a test today."

"Mhm. You best not get caught up," She coolly said.

I knew exactly what that translated to; make up a fake story about your face. Don't let them know the truth. Do not bring CPS to this house.

No point in replying. I already knew the drill. I'll us the same excuse as always which was I got into a fight.
It wouldn't necessarily be a lie. I mean, I fought a lot. It seemed like every month there was a new girl getting in my face. I didn't talk much at school but I wasn't pussy either. If someone was looking for a fight, they would get one. I get pushed around at home enough as it is, I don't want school to be the same way.

As a walked down to the second floor, I had a gut feeling a fight would happen today. When I saw Jermaine standing there, I knew he would undoubtedly be the reason behind the fight. God, he was so handsome. 6'3, brown skin, nice beard, and the most beautiful green eyes. Despite, all the attractiveness, it was a shame he was the most typical hood nigga. Going on 20 years old yet still in high school, two possible kids, and a drug dealer.

Over the weekend, I was consumed with taking care of the house and totally forgot about what happened on Friday. I guess it was my fault but I don't care. I want to avoid this as long as possible. I attempted to sneak past him but nope. I heard a voice calling out my name. It turned out not to be Jermaine but his grandmother.

"Chile, what's that? Your mother is back, ain't she?" Bunny, as I called her, asked with a shake of her head.

I gingerly walked over to where they stood. "Whew, it's worse up close. Stay there, I got just the thing."

She ran back into the apartment leaving me awkwardly standing with Jermaine. I examined his Tommy Hilfiger pull over hoodie, Nike sweatpants, and Jordans that I had no clue what the name was. They looked expensive- hell, his whole outfit looked expensive. Like usual, I began to feel inadequate in my lousy, dirty clothes.

"You good?" He nodded at my face.

"Yeah, I'm all good," I replied, trying to keep myself together. I was far from good. My face was burning and it hurt to speak. I really didn't want to be here, speaking to Jermaine, either. Luckily, his grandmother rushed back to us.

"Oh baby, I can't find it. Just come inside the house, one second," She called out.

"It's alright, Bunny. It doesn't hurt too bad and I don't want to be late for school."

"Nonsense," She replied. "Come in and then Jermaine will take you to school."

Hell no. The last thing in the world that I wanted was to be alone with Jermaine. And pulling up to school with him would be a nightmare.

"No, it's really ok-"

"I said, come inside!" Bunny eagerly cut me off.

With no choice, I slowly walked inside the apartment. Bunny and Jermaine followed me, before shutting the door.

"Just one second," Bunny called out. She ran into the bedroom to look for the magical medication she spoke of.

My eyes searched the apartment to avoid any contact with Jermaine. It was cozy and warm, just like a typical grandmothers house should be. The house was spotlessly clean. However, it still felt like home with the few pillows, blankets, and personal items scattered among the living room. I wish I lived here. What Bunny created is a home, not what I'm living in right now.

"So, about Friday..." Jermaine trailed off. I sighed deeply, not wanting to hear it. I didn't want to remember any part of Friday and I hated that he brought it up.

"What about Friday?" I asked, dryly.

"You know what happened," He said, with a slight chuckle at the end. "That shit was crazy."

"Yeah, and what about it now?" I was getting irritated, he needed to get to the point.

"Destiny been sayin' she wants to jump you with her lil' friends. Like, its on sight when she see you," Jermaine spoke.

I started to chew on my inner cheek after he said those words. It was a bad habit from my mother that I inherited which occurred whenever I was annoyed. Hell no, I'm not scared of Destiny. I just want all of this to go away. I have way more important things to deal with in my life. Destiny just wants attention.

"Why, though?" I wondered, out loud.

Jermaine gave me a look as if I was stupid. "Janay, you know why."

"You're not together, though. You don't claim her and she is always yelling about how badly you treat her. So, why would she wanna jump me?"

Jermaine sucked his teeth, loudly. "Man, ion why you askin' me all that. Just watch ya back out here."

I nodded my head in response. "Thanks for the warning."

"Ooh, I finally found it!" Bunny exclaimed. "Come here, girl."

I followed her into the bathroom where she immediately began to rub a creamy white ointment on my face. It burned harshly, causing me to moan out in pain. Bunny covered the area of my face in extreme detail before putting the tube away and washing her hands.

"Now, baby. I don't want ta' embarrass you but the clothing," She said.

"I know, Bunny. I forgot to do the laundry, but I will today."

"You need anything?" She asked lowly. "Undershirts, socks, panties?"

My face was red hot, out of embarrassment. God, please don't let Jermaine hear this. "Um, no Bunny, I'm good," I lied.

She nodded her head before walking out of the bathroom. I followed suit to see Jermaine waiting at the door.

"Have a good day, now!" Bunny smiled.

I smiled back and Jermaine gave his grandmother a hug. We then walked out of the apartment towards the parking lot. Jermaine drove a beautiful 2017 Toyota RAV4. It was a clean silver color and in mint condition. I had never been inside of it but I imagined it was impeccable on the inside as well.

I got inside, feeling awkward to be here. I had known Jermaine my entire life. He was only three years older than me so we frequently played together as children. I essentially grew up in his apartment since his grandmother was the community grandmother. But then we grew older and puberty hit and it was never the same. Everything became sexual and messy. Oh how I wish we could revert to those days.

Jermaine blasted some music that I never heard before. His phone read NBA Youngboy who I assumed was the artist. I was grateful for the music since it avoided weird conversation. The ride was not long as we stopped at a local gas station, not to far from the school.

"You know, I can't pull up with you," Jermaine said.

Oh so this is why he stopped driving. I got out the car, gingerly. I didn't originally want a ride but now I felt offended that I was getting dropped off. Whatever, I shouldn't care. I grabbed my backpack and shut the door but Jermaine rolled the window down.

"Thank y-"

"I enjoyed Friday, "Jermaine cut my appreciation off. Once again, my face was a deep red. How could I possibly respond to that?

"Really?" was my dry response.

"Mhm. Let me know when you free again. Oh and forreal, watch Destiny today."

He drove off, not giving me a chance to reply.

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