Hard Out Here

By NauticaMaignan

41.8K 1.5K 257

It's hard out here for a prostitute, that's why I have to get out, Feel me? More

Hard Out Here
Let Me Show You
I'm Gone
Make It
A Crack In The Perl
What You Don't Know
And we all fall down
Bye Summer
Many Men Wish Death Upon Me
Hard Knock Life
Catching Wind
April Fools
Back Like I Never Left
No Way Out
The Big Pay Back
Sister Or Foe
"Fuck Her!" -Jade
Last of The Real

Still Falling

1.5K 71 13
By NauticaMaignan

I will never drink again, ever. The headache I was having the next morning was unexplainable, I officially hated hangovers. My head pounded and the bright light that was shining though the hotel window was definitely not welcoming. Why the Fuck was it so sunny? It's Damn near Christmas for crying out loud. I would much rather a dreary snowy day than the bright sun shine.

I clumsily drawn the curtains back but that didn't help much. In my suit case, I snatched up a bottle of Motrin and my sunshades. Laying back down, I put the glasses on, swallowed the pills, and flipped the pillows over towards the cool side. What a relieve. I searched the wide bed for the hotels wireless phone only to find that it wasn't there, it had fell on the side of my bed and I was not picking it up. I came to the conclusion that if I can't reach it, I don't need it.

On the other hand, the remote to the t.v.I could reach. I flipped through the channels, not really knowing what to watch until I landed on the news. That same night, a brutal car crash just so happens to leave one female victim dead and another in a coma. My brows furrowed as I thought about summer, she was wickedly drunk last night and she drove home.

I dived over the side of the bed and snatched the phone from the floor, quickly dialing her cell.

No answer.

I dialed again.

No answer.

"What the Fuck summer, answer your phone", I fixed my Sun glasses on my face and quickly dialed Works number.

"Hello?", he sound like he was asleep.

"Have you heard from Summer? I can't get in touch with her". I started biting my nails, I was going to have a nervous break down. I needed to make sure my girl was alright.

"No, I haven't. I have her mother number though, maybe she have".

I copied the number down and tried to relax myself, not wanting to alarm Summer's mom. For all I know, this bitch could be having a bad ass hang over like me and not picking up her phone. I dialed the number.

"Hello, this is Ada, Summers friend. I was just wondering if you have been in contact with Summer", I took a deep breath after that long winded introduction. That was no way to introduce yourself to your friends mother but shit, I need to know what was up.

There was no sound on the other end of the phone, this shit was killing me. Why weren't they speaking? Speak to me!

"She's in the hospital sweetheart, you didn't know? She was in a brutal car accident last night", a young male voice said sadly.


Walking into the emergency room, I Damn near tripped over my own two feet. My tears were blinding me and my mind was all types of fucked up. Looking for blue jeans and a plaid shirt, I tried to find the description Summer brother gave me to find him and his family. I couldn't see him anywhere, because of my blurry tears and the in and out crowd all around me.

Finally, I spotted the blue jeans and paid shirt. Summer brother, Emilio, heard my foot steps. His and arms opened and I accepted his embrace, crying into his chest. I knew I should of had her ass go in the cab with me, now look. My girl was laid up in the hospital in a coma, I felt like this was all my fault.

Emilio said something in Italian and hugged me even tighter, which made me cry even more. "It's okay, it's fine. Summer is a fighter", Emilio shook me as he said the word fight, like he was putting emphasis on the word. I looked into his face, not really sure what to say. If I would have forced his sister into the cab with me, we wouldn't be here right now.

Reluctantly, Emilio let go and I walked up to Summers mother. She was crying on her husband shoulder steady wiping her tears with a white handkerchief. Seeing her mama like this only made me cry even more, which she responded by pulling me into her chest and rocking me like a baby. Geeesh, this family sure is friendly. You wouldn't catch me hugging a crying stranger, not even if they knew my kin closely.

"I'm. So. Sorry", I said in between sobs. This was so hard for me, this was hard for all of us. "I. should. have. Forced. Her".

Summer mother continued to stroke my hair until I finally controlled myself. This is all my fault, I blame it all on me. If I haven't been all stupid to have feelings for Work, Summer wouldn't have taken me out in the first place. God.

We sat in the waiting room for what seemed like hours, the doctors were running a few test on Summer to see what was up. They came back only to tell us they don't know when she would wake up, and if she did, she would never walk again. She was paralyzed from the neck down, what s awful shame. She would never strip again, and I know my girl would be mad as hell when she learn that. Immediately I got it in my head that she will wake up, she has to, no ifs ands, or buts.

Summers mom and family went back to their home in the Bronx, we all executed numbers and premises to keep in contact just in case one of us is here when she does wake up or the doctor had any more news. I will be waiting for that day, that day Summer wakes up complaining of a bangin ass headache because she dunk too much.

It was now nine at night and everything was calming down in the hospital now,  not too many patients like earlier. I sat in the lobby with coffee in my hands, not sure if I wanted to see Summer in the condition she was in.

"Fancy seeing you here", the Clive was so familiar. I looked up to see whip lash, the hell?

"You stalking me now?", he say beside me. He was looking better than last night. Flashes of us Fucking in the private room came back to me.

He pointed to his work uniform, oh. He is a stripper and a nurse.

"Wow, your a stripper and a nurse", I took a dip of my coffee and rested my elbows on my knees.

"I have a 5 year old daughter, anything to make sure my baby girl is set. Being a single parent living in New York isn't all peaches and creme". Oh. He had a daughter, and she was living with him. Well Damn. "What are you doing here?".

The thoughts of what happened earlier all came back to my mind, Damnit, I'm crying again. Whip lash rubbed my back gently, telling me everything was going to be fine in his amazing vice. WOW, this dude sounds amazing, why didn't I recognize it before?

I was so beant on what happened Devin, which it read on his nurse name tag, offered to take me him. I was so overwhelmed I couldn't tell him my address when we made it to the car, he finally decided to bring me home with him.

"My daughter's at a friend house, the place is all ours", the way he said it seemed like he was shy, and awkward. Devin ushered me to his room where I quickly took off my clothes and curled into a ball underneath his clean sheets. I was mentally exhausted.

"It's my fault", I starred out at nothing really, just replaying the news report over and over in my head. "It's my fault".

"It's not your fault Ada", how did he know my name? Devin walked over and sat at the side of the bed. He stroked my hair like summers mom had but his hands felt so much better, like they belonged there.

Despite my weary state, I pulled Devin face towards mine and kissed him deep and hard. I needed to forget about today, I needed to feel good. Devin submitted himself to me, holding me in his arms. I hope he not expecting me to do foreplay, I needed him now. Stripping of his shirt, I ran my fingers along his soft skin, his six packs harder than anything I felt before. Before Devin could get intop of me, my panties were off and my bra long gone. My skin was on fire as Devin kissed down between my breast and licking around my naval.

He dipped his hands in my honey put which drove me crazy. I need to feel his fullness, I needed that up in the gut feeling like last night.


A/N: So, I wrote more *claps* I hope you guys enjoy, I couldn't write this Fuck scene without blushing so I stopped. But yea, poor summer lml.

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