
By ClockworkLeo

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A collection of short stories, some from are my creative writing assignments, some are just random ones. More

Short Stories
Irresistible Offer
Caught in the Cold- 300 words
Caught in the Cold-1000 words
Fullmetal Love- Fanfiction
The Seven Curses of Blaxston

The Seven Curses of Blaxston

13 0 0
By ClockworkLeo

The Seven Curses of Blaxston

When I look at the ruined castle, I cannot help but feel slightly responsible. When I glance back at my memories I see it wasn’t my fault. But then again, if not mine then whose is it? I kicked a small stone with my boot as I tried to act casual. There could be spies anywhere here and I did not want to end up on their list.

I observed my surroundings and  felt a pang in my heart as I walked through what used to be the entryway, and then down a now caved in corridor to the banquet halls and ballrooms. I stood in the center of the ballroom and felt an overwhelming surge of uneasiness as I walked on the broken stones and stood before two large thrones that looters had left barren of anything precious.

I walked towards the velvet curtains which were covered in holes, and ripped them away revealing a secret wooden door that was perfectly preserved. I wonder, I thought, could it still be? An old rusted lock held my curiosity at bay. Maybe it’s not too late, I thought. Hesitantly I reached my hand out and caressed the lock. I felt the cool sensation of the metal and it gave me hope.

My hand naturally went to my pocket and I felt again the cool sensation as I withdrew the key. I pulled the key out and felt something bloom in my heart. My mind swirled as I once again saw the colors of the dresses swish past me. But this time it was worse.

King Alistair Blaxston and Queen Katelyn of Cedric sat on the thrones in the center of the small group of diplomats, knights, and lords. King Alistair was an important looking man who always held himself with a powerful persona. He was known as the Blind King of Blackstone, who was in-fact blind but it never seemed to bother him. He had shoulder length honey-colored hair and a strong jaw.

Queen Katelyn was a beauty with long black colored hair that was always pulled up into fancy styles. Her eyes were the color of a rose’s stem, and her face was scultured by sharp features. She wore a long blue and gold dress and a gold crown a top of her head.

The king and queen had seven lovely children all with midnight hair and blue-green eyes, their complexions varied along with their persona.

The oldest son was Benedict, a fine looking man at the age of twenty and was ready to take the throne as soon as his father finished marrying off his children. Benedict was married to the daughter of a Count of a wealthy kingdom not far from Blaxston.

The next was the intelligent Adelaide, who had her eye on her close childhood friend, Lord Merek of Fairgate. He was a ten years her senior but that never stopped their friendship. Merek had dark ginger colored hair and matching stubble around his strong jaw. His eyes were dark and cold, yet she never did see the cruelness in them as everyone else did.

Constantine was the next and also was said to be the fairest and most desired of the daughters. She was gentle and calm and seemed like the perfect lady of a household.

Cecily was the kind-hearted one although, she was the least attractive of the daughters. She cared for everyone and had become very good at healing others. She often spent her days in the infirmary helping the wounded and ill.

The second son was was Caspar, a rather handsome youth who spent his time getting to know the maidens of the kingdom and who spent their time swooning at his infamous charms.

The youngest was the ever-sweet and innocent Amelia. She was small and often spent a lot of her time off in her mind rather than in her surroundings. She often was swept up into the crowd and very rarely was known to speak out or go against the expected.

The first thing I noticed upon meeting the royal family was that there was only six children. Nobody else seemed to be bothered by this fact and I began to question were the seventh one was. I began to ask around and the other suitors did not know either although they were too preoccupied by trying to court the daughters or talk to the king and queen.

I saw the youngest, Amelia and wonder whether or not I could withdraw the location of the seventh child from her. I had heard rumors that she was quite naive so maybe I was going to at least try.

“Good day my lady.” I greeted her, bowing.

“Good day to you too, sir.” The young princess replied with a curtsey. “Are you the count of Rowe?”

“Indeed I am.” I answered. We had talked for a few minutes before I asked her as casually as I could. “So I noticed there is only six children about today. Why is that?”

“Oh, the last is my elder sister, she has a  horrible ailment that makes it difficult for her to spend time with people.”

“Oh I see. Surely your sister, Lady Cecily has been able to help her. She is quite known for her talent.”

She frowned, “I am afraid not. Her ailment is not curable.”

“Well, I wish your family and her the best of health.” She smiled and we parted ways.

Within the first few days, the king and queen had managed to marry off Constantine to a rather good match to a nobleman from a few kingdoms away. A few months into the marriage it was discovered that Constantine was not as beautiful as her appearance. She had a horrible habit of lying and keeping secrets about the smallest things to even the biggest of things.

The scandal blew over eventually, and was soon replaced by the news that Cecily had been married off to a middle aged man that my father had been good acquaintances with. He needed a lot of care and it only seemed to make sense that he married Cecily.

I held off from my questions about the ill seventh child, and focused on talking with the other daughters and I began to appreciate the company of Amelia and spent most of my days conversing with her.

Adelaide was married to Lord Merek and they seemed to be going well. Her family seemed uneasy about her marrying the lord but they gave them their blessings and through a lavish wedding.

A war broke out between the kingdom of Fairgate and Northwode. Lord Merek was killed leaving the intellectual Adelaide devastated that her love had been taken from her. All was not well with the marriage of Cecily either, for it was found that the kind-hearted girl had a barren womb and was unable to provide and heir for the family.

The king and queen never seemed quite distraught over these scandals that had been happening from their daughters although once in a while you could see a look of worry pass across the Blind King’s face when he assumed no one was watching.

It was also announced that the handsome Caspar had been overheard arguing with his father about not wanting a wife and claiming to not be able to love another person more than himself.

As I was talking to Amelia I noticed the curtain behind the thrones was pulled back slightly and an edge of what looked like a door was revealed. When nobody was in the room I had pulled the curtain back to see a hidden door with a look on it. I pressed my ear against it and heard talking coming from the otherside. I hide as I heard footsteps and watched as Amelia came out of the door and took out a key on a chain and locked the door. Then she placed the key around her neck and tuck it into her dress and left.

The next day Amelia and I were walking and the key was slightly showing and I began to wonder what was behind the door. Obviously something quite important but I could help my curiosity.

It was a rather warm day at Blaxston and Amelia was looking ill but I did not say anything. I was talking to a group of gentlemen when I heard a gasp as Amelia  fainted and was rushed to her chamber. I looked at the chair she had been sitting in and saw the key laid there. I cautiously picked it up and tucked it away in my pocket.

That evening I snuck down to throne room and unlocked the door. In the room sat a girl who had honey colored hair wearing a simple white dress who was laying on a simple bed staring at the ceiling. When I entered the girl remained as she was and spoke, “Who are you and why are you here?”

I introduced myself and explained that I had come across the door and the key and was merely curious what was in the room.

“Well, you must leave at once.” She demanded.

I was taken back, “Why?”

“Because no one is to know of me that is not part of the royal family.” She replied. Then I noticed she wasn’t looking at me. Actually I did not think she was looking at anything.

“Are you the seventh child of King Alistair?”

She nodded and I asked her why she was locked away in this room. “Each child member of the family was cursed. Adelaide was to lose her love, has that happened yet?”


“The beautiful Constantine was to be barren, has that been discovered?”

“Yes, it has. But if your siblings knew of these curses, why did they risk having them found out?” I inquired.

“It would look strange if the royal family did not get married. Also the queen’s curse is greed so she wanted to possible wealth and alliances.”

“What is your curse?”

She frowned, “I am unable to touch gold or I will be forced into an eternal sleep. It’s unfortunate to have especially since I live in a castle with thousands of gold pieces. I am also blind so they could not risk me touching gold by accident.”

I asked her why they would lock her up here instead of getting rid of the gold and she claimed the queen is greedy. She also claimed that the queen was not her mother and she loathed her for it. “I am only the king’s.” She had said.

I visited her often at night and made sure she I did not bring any gold with me. Of course I slipped up one day and a gold pendent had fallen from my pockets and she stepped on it, causing her to sleep. I had married Amelia shortly after, living with the guilt of what I had done to Clarissa. Soon I discovered Amelia’s curse was a deadly sickness, and I had to care for her. She passed away a week before we had gotten news that Benedict had taken the throne and within a month he was assassinated and I suspected it was his curse.

Now, years later, I decided to return to the place that had caused me guilt. Amelia had told me as her dying words that there was a way to break the curse. But she never told me how, it was then that I began to notice that those few weeks I spent with Clarissa had caused me to care for her. Maybe it was like the legends told that an act of true love was the cure.

So here I stand before the body of Clarissa as she spent years asleep because of my foolishness, her body had aged but was still as beautiful as the first day I saw her. “Clarissa, I am going to break your curse, if it’s the last thing I do.”

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