Descendant of Hogwarts

By ASarabeth

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Anastasia is the twin sister of Harry Potter. Together they are The Chosen Ones, but this isn't your normal H... More

Prologue: That Night
Chapter 2: Rubeus Hagrid
Chapter 3: Diagon Alley
Chapter 4: A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 5: Brother?
Chapter 6: Rescuing A Dear Friend
Author's Note
Chapter 7: Halloween
Chapter 8: Quidditch
Chapter 9: Suspicious
Chapter 10: Mirror of Erised
Chapter 11: Getting Detention
Chapter 12: Forbidden Forest
Author Note
Chapter 13: Health
Chapter 14: Trials
Chapter 15: Confronting the Enemy
Chapter 16: Not an Ending, But a Beginning
Sequel is Out!!!

Chapter 1: Letters

4.9K 77 34
By ASarabeth

   There is a loud banging on wood that is getting louder by each passing minute. Sighing I roll over in the cramp space that I am supposed to call my room. I feel my older brother move around next to me before he finally sits up. Our aunt is yelling at us to get up, and slams on the door one more time before walking off. Harry starts shaking me to get up, while he puts his round glasses on. Rolling over again, I open my gold eyes to look up at my brother.
"We have to get up now, Anastasia," he whispers in his morning rustic voice. Nodding my head, I sit up to quickly braid my dark sapphire waist-length hair before I almost open the door. Unfortunately, before I can open the door that lets us out of the small under the stairs closet, our cousin starts racing down the stairs above us. Dudley, our cousin, goes back up the stairs to right over our heads, then starts jumping up and down, which is making wood dust fall onto us.
"Wake up, Potters! We're going to the zoo!" he yells at us, and runs down the stairs. I open the door and start crawling out, when I feel a hand on my head push me back into the room hard. The same hand also slams the door shut, and I starts massaging my head, while I quickly get up from my brother, who I fell on top of just now. Placing my left hand on his shoulder, I look at him with a look that asks if he is all right.
"I'm all right, Anastasia, don't worry about it. Are you okay?" he asks me, and I nod my head with a close-eyed smile. This time when I crawl out of the cupboard from underneath the stairs, no one pushes us back in, which I'm grateful for. Harry crawls out next, and we walk into the door on our right, which leads into the kitchen.
Aunt Petunia is hugging cousin Dudley when we enter the kitchen, while Uncle Vernon is reading the newspaper at the dining room table. Today is cousin Dudley's birthday, and he is completely spoiled to the bones. There are thirty-six presents of all shapes and sizes waiting for him in the living room.
"You two, can start making the breakfast," aunt Petunia scoffs at us, and I walk over to the bacon.
"Yes, Aunt Petunia," Harry says and walks over to toast some bread in the toaster. I simply nod my head, and try to not burn the bacon. Out of the corner of my gold eyes, I notice that she covers Dudley's eyes to surprise him with all the presents, while she keeps calling him the birthday boy. She lets go of his face, but instead of being surprise or happy, he has a look of 'I'm-better-than-this' and turns to his father.
What this father-son duo have in common is obesity and meanness, while the mother also has the meanness, she also is skinny like a tooth pick. She has medium length black hair, while Vernon has short blonde hair. Dudley has short black hair that is polished nicely. They are all dressed in neat, well-mannered clothing that shows people that this is a respectable family.
Harry has short pitch-black hair that no matter what anyone does, it is always messy. He also has bright green eyes underneath his round wire-rimmed glasses that are slightly broken in the lens area. The only similarity between us is that we are both deathly skinny, because we don't eat as well as the rest of this family. Like I said before, I have waist long blue hair that is so soft that people must do a double take when they touch it. Thankfully, I have twenty-twenty vision with my liquid gold colored eyes, because I don't think I would look good with glasses. Unlike the other's neat clothing, my brother is wearing old hand-me-downs of Dudley's, while I am wearing Aunt Petunia's old clothes that don't fit her anymore. These clothes are too big for the both of us, so, our clothes are baggy and defiantly not neat.
Snapping out of my daze, I take the bacon off the stove and bring it over to my uncle. Right when I put two strips of bacon down, my cousin decides to perform one of his famous tantrums that make me want to rip my ears off my head.
"How many are there?" he asks, and Vernon replies with a proud thirty-six. That is when my cousin let's his spoiled attitude take over, "Thirty-six! It was thirty-seven last year!"
"Don't worry pumpkin, we will buy you two new presents. How does that sound?" Petunia says to him before he gets too far in his tantrum. My older twin looks at him in disgust, while I just try to keep out of Dudley's way. I agree with Harry though, but I just decide that I'm going to ignore them, and focus on putting the bacon on everyone's plate.
After we have breakfast, we head towards the minivan to go to the zoo. Usually, Harry and I are dropped off at a neighbor's house, but the neighbor that usually babysits us has broken something that makes her unavailable to take us in. Personally, I am glad I am going with the Dursley family, because that neighbor woman was not a nice person. Well, the Dursleys are not nice either, but at least I get to go to the zoo.
Before Harry and I walk into the van, Vernon shuts the car door and looks down at us. He uses his car key to point at us, and he looks at us in disgust like Harry did to Dudley this morning.
"Now, no funny business. Any funny business, any at all, and you both won't eat any meals for a week. Understand?" he growls at us, and we both nod our heads. Uncle Vernon leaves us alone, and we walk into the van. Unfortunately, we have to pick up one of Dudley's friends before we can go to the zoo, and if anyone puts those two together, they are really mean bullies that don't like us. I don't know why, but those two use Harry as their own personal punching bag, while I am their verbal abuse bag. Their insults do hurt a lot of the times, but Harry always comes and draws their attention away from me, which I am very grateful for.
We arrive at the zoo, and we head into the building that holds the reptilian exhibits. The very first reptile we all look at is a Brazilian snake, but he is asleep right now. Poor snake, he must deal with Dudley knocking on the glass shouting for it to wake up. After Harry almost shouts at Dudley that the snake is asleep, our cousin and his friend walk off to the next reptile. Aunt and uncle leaves us alone too, so we lean against the railing.
"Sorry about him," Harry apologizes to the snake, while the snake lifts his head up to us. I give it an apologetic smile, but say nothing as I watch the two interact with each other. My big brother looks surprise and says to the snake, "Can you hear me?"
The snake nods his head at Harry, and looks at me then bows his head a little bit. Surprise is all over our faces, while we try to comprehend that a snake can understand us. Snake, do you understand me too? He nods his at me, which really blows my mind, because I didn't say anything, I thought that sentence. Tugging on Harry's sleeve, I point to my head then at the snake. He looks confuse for a second before he realizes what I am saying.
"The snake knows what you said in your mind," he says and I nod my head happily. Harry looks even more surprise and looks back at the snake, which is still staring at us. How is Brazil? I mean, don't you miss your family? The snake looks sad in a way, and looks over at the metal plate on the wall next to the glass exhibit. Looking at it, I notice that it says that the snake is bred in captivity. Oh! So, you don't know your parents then? He shakes his head no, and a pang of sadness hits my heart.
"Don't worry, that is kind of our situation too," Harry says, when he notices what I am looking at and read the captivity thing. We look at each other sadly, because it is true we are practically being raised in captivity. Brother and I don't remember anything about our parents, because they died in a car crash when we were born. All we have ever known is our aunt, uncle, and cousin.
"Mom! Dad! You won't believe what the snake is doing!" Dudley shouts and pushes us onto the ground next to the glass exhibit. My head hits the cement hard enough to make me bleed a little bit. Harry notices that my head is bleeding, and looks at our cousin with hatred. The next thing we know, the glass disappears into thin air, which makes our cousin and his friend fall into the exhibit. While the two boys are flailing in the water, the long boa constrictor slithers out of the exhibit and onto the floor in front of us.
"Thanksssss," the snake says to us, and slithers out of the building, while the people at the zoo are screaming snake, along with running away. Harry and I look at each other before we look at the two bullies in the water. They finally stop flailing and stand up in the water. The weirdest part out of all of this is, is that when they try to walk out of the snake exhibit, the glass is back in its place. Dudley and his friend start banging on the glass, when our aunt comes back to only scream, because her precise little boy is stuck in a snake room. My older brother looks away from the family, and looks at the cut on my head. He takes off the plaid cover shirt and puts it on the wound for me to hiss in pain.
"Don't worry it isn't deep enough to need stitches, but we are going to need a first aid kit," my brother whispers soothingly, while our uncle is glaring at us with hatred. While none of us is focusing on anything, a first aid kit appears at my side, and I nearly jump out of my skin. How did that kit appear out of thin air like the glass? Did we do that or did one of us do that? Harry opens the kit and takes out a couple of stitch like band-aides. He puts them on the cut on my forehead then kisses it twice to get better, which is what we do for each other every time we get hurt.
When we get back to the house, a wet Dudley, and an upset Petunia rush into the house, while we get to deal with uncle Vernon. He grabs us both by the ear, hurtfully might I add, and drag us into the house, while Harry is shouting at him.
"I swear we didn't do! One minute it was there and then the next it was gone! It was like magic!" he keeps shouting until we arrive at our room underneath the stairs. Uncle Vernon throws us into the cupboard and locked the door behind us. Our uncle opens the vent in the door and one sentence.
"There is no such thing as magic!" he says in a low voice, before sharply closing the vent. Harry and I are left in the darkness underneath the stairs. All I will say is that I started crying with my five-minute older brother holding me against his chest.
The next day, we are let out of the room for breakfast. While I am helping Petunia make breakfast, Harry pours the coffee into everyone's cup, beside my cup which is filled with water. We hear the mail slot in the door move signaling that the mail is here.
"Dudley, get the mail," Vernon says to his son, while he continues to read the paper and his son is just eating his breakfast. Dudley being the lazy person he is, he tells his father to send us to go get it. Sighing in my head, I walk out the door with my brother trailing behind, and we walk to the front door. Harry picks the letters up, and looks through them before we head back.
"Sister, we have a letter!" Harry whispers excitedly, and hands me an old looking letter. It says:
                                                                                   Ms. A Potter
                                                            The Cupboard under The Stairs
                                                                                 4 Privet Drive
                                                                                Little Whinging
I look up at my brother, and curiosity slowly starts to eat away at my brain. Before I can even open the envelope, I hear Vernon's loud voice telling us to hurry up. Looking at the letter and my brother one more time, we walk back into the kitchen with our letters still in our hands. My brother hands Vernon their mail, while we are still looking at our letters when a pudgy hand yanks my letter out of my hands. Dudley also takes Harry's letter, while he yells to his parents that we got letters.
"Hey, give them back! They are ours'," my brother shouts, while I stomp my foot and glaring daggers at them. Vernon laughs at us and takes the letters from his son.
"Who would be writing to you two?" he asks sarcastically, and looks at the front of the letters. When he reads the front, and looks at the crest on the back, his entire face along with Petunia turns deathly pale. They look up at us two, and we give an audible gulp of fear, because both adults look scared at us before looking back down at the letters. I have a feeling that we are going to be in HUGE trouble, brother, I force that thought into my brother's mind, and he nearly jumps out of his clothes. He looks at me with a questioning look like he doesn't believe that he just heard that in his mind. I silently nod my head in an approval gesture, and his eyes get wider behind his glasses.
"Go to your room! NOW! You too, Dudley," he shouts at us, and we bolt out of there to our room. Harry closes the door behind us, and he looks at me again with that same awestruck facial expression.
"How did you do that, Anastasia?" he asks me, and I shrug my shoulders. All ready knowing, he is going to ask me to repeat what I did, I concentrate on forcing my thoughts into his head. I don't know how I am doing this, but I simply am forcing my thoughts into your own. My mind's voice sounds so sweet and innocent, which is probably what my actual voice would sound like if I could use it. He looks at me, but it seems like he is concentrating on something. Oh! He is trying to repeat what I did to him, but from his expression, I don't think it is working out for him.
"I can't do that, sister," he says in defeat with a shake of his head. Filling pity for my brother, I bring him into a hug and try to think of my words carefully before I think to him. Maybe, it is because I can't speak, so, this is how I can communicate with you. Harry nods his head, while I shrug my shoulders again and lean my head against his shoulder.
"How is your head, sister?" he asks me quietly, and I wince a little bit when I think about it. It feels better than it did yesterday, but it still hurts, big brother. My older brother nods his head, and we fall into complete silence until the next day.
Ever since we received those letters, it became our mission to get another one if they ever send us anymore. Unfortunately, our aunt and uncle also made it their mission to make sure we never even get to see our letters. For the rest of the week, the same letters will appear in weirdly random places that they should never be in. An example is that Aunt Petunia found some letters in the unbroken eggs that she recently just bought from the story. I mean, how is that possible? The arrival of the letters got so bad that Uncle Vernon nailed a wooden plank over the mail slot in the front door. Another weird thing that occurs with the letters is hundreds of owls landing all around the outside of the house. One time, Harry told me he found Uncle Vernon burning every single letter that arrived for us, which only makes me more upset. Finally, today is Sunday, which means no post or mail today, and that puts Vernon in a jolly mood.
"Fine day, Sunday, and why is that Dudley?" he asks his son, while Harry and I are serving cookies to the family.
"There are no posts on Sunday," Harry says, while giving Vernon a cookie, because Dudley didn't know what was so great about today. For the first time, ever, uncle Vernon praises Harry for knowing the right answer, and smiles at Harry. Maybe, today will be a wonderful day for all of us. I grab one of the heavenly smelling chocolate chip cookies, and no one yells at me, which makes me smile even more.
Unfortunately, this joyous day is short lived when we all hear a low rumbling sound. Harry and I look around to find the source of the noise when we realize that the sound is coming from the chimney area. It appears that everyone else also realizes where the sounds is coming from too, because pretty soon everyone is staring at the fireplace. A letter swoops into the living room and lands on the ground, but that isn't the end of it. Hundreds and hundreds of letters start coming from the fireplace. Every single letter is addressed to either Harry or me, and it is quickly filling up the living room. Petunia and Dudley start shrieking in fear, while Vernon starts yelling no, as Harry jumps onto the living room table. He jumps around and grabs two letters from the air. Jumping down from the table, he hands me a letter and we bolt out of that room with uncle Vernon chasing us.
Harry tries to unlock the cupboard, but it is too late. Uncle Vernon grabs us both by the waist, and we struggle to get out of his hold, but it is like trying to escape from a bear.
"That is, it! We are moving far away! Where no one will ever find us!" he shouts, while both of us are still struggling to get free. Aunt Petunia and Dudley look from the kitchen doorway at us, and Dudley quickly looks up at Petunia before speaking.
"Daddy has gone mad, hasn't he?" he exclaims and she nods her head, while she still watches us fighting. Let me just say that we did not get to read any letters at all.
Uncle Vernon isn't lying when he said we were moving, because that same day we moved into a one room shack in the middle of the sea. There is only one bedroom, which the adults get, and Dudley gets the only couch. That means Harry and I are sleeping on the sandy floor, which sucks by the way.
A raging storm is happening outside the shack, while large waves hit the rocks below the shack. My twin and I have only one thin blanket between us both, and we huddle together for warmth. We start making a picture in the dirt at around half an hour before midnight. By the time, it is a minute before midnight, Harry and I have drawn a birthday cake with candles in the sand. I write Happy 11th Birthday on top of the sand cake. We look over at Dudley's wrist to see the clock say midnight, and I turn to my brother on my right side. Make a wish, Harry! He whispers the same thing to me, and together we blow out the sand candles. We are officially eleven years old, and I hug my twin, when a huge banging makes us both look up.

(Please, leave me some comments to tell me what y'all think so far. I would appreciate each and every comment that I receive.  In the comments leave who you want Anastasia to fall for, but I am saying right now: NO Draco, or any Weasley. Well, maybe a Weasley, but no Draco.  Thanks everyone!)  

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