Me and Blake Weatherly

By StoryTeller96

56.1K 952 206

Seventeen year old Denny Parker wasn't always your average and well liked teen. In fact, as soon as she moves... More

Me and Blake Weatherly
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68/Epilogue

Chapter 64

563 12 3
By StoryTeller96

 Sorry for not keeping my word on 'posting sooner than soon' haha. I'll try to keep my word the next time.



I leaned my ear into the wall from behind a corner, right by Elaine's room. I could hear Elaine settling onto his bed, relaxed and calmed and for some strange reason...somewhat amused.

"Go." Elaine's voice sounded easy and cool, like he wasn't bothered by anything in the world. I could hear Blake clearing his throat and sighing. I could feel the tension before it even started, and that was pretty bad. I kept myself alarmed, preparing myself to break up the fight before it starts.

"I'm sorry." Blake finally said. "For punching you in the face...really. Man, it was extremely low of me and I...I guess I kind of lost it and I..."

"It's fine, bro. Honestly. No worries." Elaine said. It was almost as if he were expecting the apology from Blake, which, he kind of was, since he told me not too long ago that he's bound to say sorry in no time. But still. It shocked me just as much as it confused me, how guys are so easy to just forgive and forget while girls hold very long grudges about everything. Really! With relief washing over me, I sighed and was about to turn away to go and watch the movie again, until Blake started talking again.

"It just shows how much I really care about her." He suddenly claimed. I already knew who the 'she' was, so I didn't take a second out of my life to wonder. I continued listening. "And...I care about her enough to say that if you make her happy, then so be it."

"What are you saying?" Elaine said.

"I'm saying," Blake cleared his throat as if this was going to be hard saying, "I'm saying that if she's happy with you, then it's meant to be. I care for her enough to consider how she feels, even if I don't understand it. Which reminds me man, why?"

"Why what?"

"Why would you go behind my back and kiss her?" Blake asked. He sounded frustrated a little. Just a little. My house thumped at the mentioning of the kiss. "You would smile at me and laugh with me, we'd be like best friends, but on the down low, you had these...these feelings for her just like she does for you and you guys didn't tell me?"

"It wasn't like that." Elaine explained.

"Oh," Blake sounded bewildered, " doesn't matter now, does it? I hope we can still be friends. You two can have each other. I'm willing to give her up just so she can be happy with you, you know? Even if it kills me inside." He was being honest as he was giving me up for Elaine, in front of me.

I couldn't take this! I...I couldn't! I felt my eyes go watery and before I could hear Elaine's response, I covered my mouth in pure shock, running quietly away from the corner and going straight to my room. I went to the mirror and wiped my eyes, to stop the tears from shedding officially. I sniffed and stared at myself; I couldn't believe this! Just the fact that Blake was so quick to hand me over to Elaine was like a slap in the face. It's like...I wasn't even worth fighting for! Like his 'love' for me was just a game. Like...his friendship with his best friend is far more important. Did you hear it? I heard it! He just 'gave' me away, just like that. Just like that!

"Douche bag!" I wasn't a big fan of name calling, but I was so upset. My teeth were chattering and I was clenching my fists in pure anger. I was so bothered by just about everything! I tried to collect myself, to pretend I just wasn't eavesdropping, when my door opened slowly.

"Denny? You in here?" Elaine looked around and his eyes finally found the back of me. I could see him looking at me through the mirror reflection. He closed the door and gave me a serious look, "I thought you were watching the movie."

"I was." I scratched my head, "I mean, I still am. I's uh...a commercial." It was a good enough lie.

"Oh, okay. Cool." He smiled at me lightly, and I raised an eyebrow. He sighed and sat on my bed, watching me carefully.

"Why are you giving me that look?" I questioned in suspicion. "Is something wrong? Did Blake threaten you?" I pretended to be oblivious to what they were talking about, although I knew the whole stupid truth. All of it. Elaine probably wanted to devour me then and there, and just waiting for the right time to say 'Look, Blake said I could have you so can we just make out like I've been wanting to do to you for the longest time now'? But instead, he just watched me and sighed, motioning me to come and sit beside him with his finger.

I sat beside him, pretending to be confused. "What's wrong? Did he force you to pack up your stuff and send you back to New York?"

"What?" Elaine chuckled. "No."

"Then what is it?" I looked into his eyes, trying so hard to carry on with this little 'pretend to be dumb' act, but I could feel myself slowly slipping the more I observed his mesmerizing eyes.

"Blake apologized to me." He began to say. Yes, I know that! Get on with it! "I apologized too. We're friends again. But...look, he...said he's not mad at you anymore. He said that we - and it's only if you want to - can go out, but if you want to."

My face pretended to be surprised. Well, not really. I really was surprised all over again. It was as if I was reliving what I was just doing when I was alone a moment ago. I continued listening to Elaine, pretending to still be surprised.

"I was shocked too." He started laughing uneasily, and it was as if he was getting nervous. I stared at him. "So...I don't know if you've taken the hint or not but I really like you, and I don't know if you feel the same way about me so..."

He continued talking and talking, while I was studying his hands, and his eyes. He was nervous. Wow, he must be serious about liking me, huh? It's a shame I don't feel the same way. Or do I? While he was still speaking, a thought came to my mind: If Blake doesn't love me anymore, if he doesn't care, if he just gave me up, then why should I continue thinking and caring about him? Pretty soon he's going to move on. Why can't I start sooner? Elaine's cute. Elaine's smart and most of the time mature and he's overall honestly a really cool guy. So....why not now?

"...that's why I can understand if you don't feel the same." Elaine finished talking and just raised an eyebrow at me. I was still staring at him. "Denny?" He smiled and waved his hand in my face. He chuckled and shook his head at me, "You can be so con-"

I leaned in and kissed him. Once I pulled away, I looked into his eyes. Shock ran cold over his face. As I watched him, I started thinking in my head: Do I really want to do this? Do I really have feelings for this guy? Am I really over Blake Weatherly for good?

It didn't matter. All that mattered to me was that I wanted to forget Blake as soon as possible, to hide the fact that I was hurting from knowing that he let me go so easily. Before I could think any further about if this was wrong or not, Elaine smashed his lips hard against mine. He kissed me, and I kissed him again. We were kissing, and his roamed freely all over me. He held my face, and then he held my waists and pulled me closer against him.

He pulled away from a kiss, " so wrong." He was breathless.

"Why?" I whispered while kissing him again.

"Blake..." It was all he said before he started kissing me even more. He kissed me on my neck for a second, and then my collarbone...meeting right back up to my lips. He bit it gently to demand entrance, and I let him in without hesitance. Rational thought flew out my mind. All I could do was just kiss, taste, and touch. I felt this lust for Elaine all of a sudden, and I wasn't thinking about Blake anymore. I didn't know what was becoming of me. Why, just last year, I was this shy girl who couldn't open up to any guy and I'm just flipping the bird at all of that. It surprised me, really. But I didn't care. I wouldn't care.

Elaine's tongue danced with mine, and he groaned in the french kiss. I held him close to me, and he started to slowly lay me on the bed, him on top. He kissed my neck again, and started kissing my lips once more. I couldn't help it. 'Lust lust lust lust lust lust!' was shouting at me. I couldn't stop it.

Oh my god...

I'm becoming a stranger to my own being! What am I doing? I don't like Elaine! I like Blake! I love him! I gasped in between a kiss and Elaine got off and observed me with concerned eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No." I spat out. I licked my top lip and hugged myself, trying to dig for some sanity in me. There was barely any! Although it pains me to say that what Elaine and I were just doing seconds before was hot and amazing, I can't do it. What I have with Blake is more that just kissing and touching. Jesus Christ! Although I would love to kiss Elaine just one more ti- NO! I hugged myself and I sighed. "Can we just watch the movie?" I suggested, upset about Blake all over again.

"Yeah." He smiled.

* * *

We were all gathered in the living room, eating on burgers, just laughing and having a good time. Trent, Trevor, and Cassidy were with us, except for the other two, Tyler and Tess. I was sitting beside Erica, to avoid the guys. Blake was sitting beside Allison, and Elaine was joking around with Ryan and Logan, talking about something.

"Ooh, tell us another spooky story!" Erica begged of Trevor.

Trevor nodded, who was sitting beside Trent and Cassidy. "Okay, then. Trent, want to back me up with this one?"

"Sure, I'll back you up later man." Trent got up and smirked, turning off the lights. He turned on the electric fireplace, which gave us light, "This is just like how it is at those campfires down by the beach."

I smiled to myself and just as I was about to talk to Erica about my dilemma, something caught me off guard. Blake was whispering so loud to Allison, and then they both got up and left the living room, going into the hallway. In his room, I assume. It bothered me only a little. I knew he was only talking to Allison for advice. And Allison's changed! She'd never go back to liking him without thinking about me first. It was impossible. A shadow was in front of me, and I looked up to see a smirking Logan.

"Get up." He said.

"What?" I glared at him.

"Switch places with me."

"Why?" My eyes softened as I looked up at him. He rolled his eyes at me and Erica's random snort stole the both of our attentions.

"Denny's sitting with me." She said to Logan with a smile.

Logan rolled his eyes again, "But wouldn't you...want me to hold onto you or something while Trevor's telling a scary ass story?"

"I have Denny for that." She continued to give him that warm and sincere small.

"But it's supposed to be scary," Logan mumbled, "It's not like Denny will protect you. She hates scary stories and movies herself."

The fact that Logan was using the 'you'll be scared shitless' excuse just so he could be with Erica made me want to smile, and made me jealous. Because now...I have no one to hug if I was scared or to share a kiss with or any other mushy crap like that. I turned to Elaine, who was staring at the fireplace, probably lost in a thought. He was day dreaming, which is something he'd do from time to time. 


Then he looked at me, as if he felt me looking at him. He smiled and sent a wink.

Double sigh.

He mouthed the words 'come over here'.

Triple si-

"Hey, Parker." Logan's voice interrupted my mental counting of sighs.

I looked back up at Logan, "What?"

"Are you going to move...or what?"

Erica was the one to sigh this time, "Denny can sit with us, Logan. Why are you making such a big deal out of-"

"I'll move." I smiled at the two of them and walked over to Elaine and Ryan. I wanted to watch Logan act all cute around Erica just for the fun of it, and for some reason, I wanted to be beside Elaine. Even though he's part of the reason why Blake and I aren't together, he keeps me sane a little since Blake isn't really there for me now. Once I sat down on the sofa, Ryan just looked at me. "What?" I asked him.

"You really had to move away from Erica?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well, Logan wanted to sit beside her and..."

He got up and walked over to sit beside Trent and Cassidy, while Trevor was in the center, about to tell his story. Confused at first, I just sighed and let it go, turning to Elaine.

"Hey." He breathed while he looked at me.


"You look angry. Are you okay?" He whispered as soon as Trevor started talking.

"I'm not angry." I said through gritted teeth. Elaine glanced down at my hands, and I did too. They were in fists, clenched. I really was pissed, wasn't I? I don't know why I was, I just was! I sighed and tried to calm down, thinking about the positives in my life.

Oh wait, there aren't any!

I started getting mad all over again, and I felt a hand go over both of mine. I looked at Elaine, who was watching me seriously. I tried to calm myself again. This wasn't necessary. It wasn't at all. There was no need to be mad at Blake or Elaine or Allison or anyone really...

It's no else's fault but my own.

* * *

"It's just...this summer isn't going as good as I expected." I told Ein in my room, staring at the wall. It was the next morning, and I haven't saw Blake and Allison since they both ditched the small little 'scary story gathering' thing. Pretty much the whole night, Elaine had his hand over my hands, and it reminded me that I'll never be with Blake again. It upset me. But it's nice knowing Elaine can be so helpful. Erica was out of bed, probably in Logan's room or something. "I mean, now that Blake and I aren't together, I don't know what to do, Ein."

In New York, it was like one in the afternoon for them, so I was grateful that Ein wanted to talk.

Ein sighed over the phone, "I know you must be having a hard time adjusting to being single, and I know it's wrong of me to change the subject, but please tell me Erica didn't hook up with Mr. Letmehavesexwithyou, did she?"

"She did. And Logan isn't like that any-"

"This is impossible. She'd always talk mad shit about him and now this." He started laughing through the phone. "Erica has some issues to sort."

"Ein, listen to me!" I demanded in a whisper/yell. I am grieving with this stupid 'break up' situation and the last thing I would want to hear about is Logan and Erica. Especially since they're so cute together! I couldn't believe I didn't want him with her before. I didn't know what I was-

"Sorry. Carry on. I won't interrupt anymore, promise." Ein assured.

So that's what we did. We talked majority of the time, and Ein couldn't really give me advice because he claimed he 'never was confronted with issues like that' so, I was out of luck. Erica would probably just cry along with me, and Allison was already giving advice to Blake himself. I didn't want to force Cassidy into my love dilemma, and certainly not her brothers either. Ryan would probably feel torn and uncomfortable, and Logan would just laugh at me. I'm screwed.

Later on that day around the evening, all of us decided to go surfing together. Me, still being bad at surfing and not having any experience, sat down on the huge towel we bought, making a poorly sculpted sand castle. I was wearing shorts and a bikini top, although it was chilly out. Erica was in the water with her rented surf board, getting advice from Logan about surfing although he sucks at it, and Blake, Ryan and Elaine were already ripping through the tides like professionals. I smiled at my sand castle, until a bunch of kids ran over it while chasing after one another.

"Hey!" I called out. They weren't paying any attention to me. Oh well. It's not like it was a good looking sand castle anyway. I started to gather up the sand from scratch again, and Allison had two ice cones. She sat beside me, giving me one. "Thanks." I said. I was a little curious of why we would be eating ice cones when it was cold out. It gets a little cold at nights in California sometimes.

"No problem." She smiled and licked her ice cone. I looked at her from the corner of my eye. I wanted to ask about her and Blake, but I didn't want to sound too accusing and/or jealous.

I licked mine too. I tried to just relax. Once we finished our cones, she started speaking.

"Need help with the sand castle?" She suddenly offered.

"Sure." I got on my knees and she did too, gathering up as much sand as possible. I raised an eyebrow at her, "You know how to make one?"

"Sure. It's just like building a snow man with snow back at home." She said.

"Oh." I didn't really think about it like that.

While in the middle of building it, she randomly started talking again. "I know what you're thinking."

"Me?" I squeaked.

"Yeah. You think Blake's interested in me again." She stared at the sand castle she was helping me build. "It's not like that. I promise."

"Oh, I trust you." I assured to her. "I mean, I don't even care anyway. I'm over him, remember?"

She looked at me. That's all she did. Was just...look at me. She didn't say a word. Her eyes read doubt and she continued helping sculpt the castle. "He still loves you with all of his heart, you know."

"Then why did he give me up to Elaine?" I spat it out before I could stop it.

She raised an eyebrow in utter shock, "He did that?"

"Sell me basically," I figured that was the appropriate word for it, "Yep. He sure did."

Allison looked at me seriously, "Well he still loves-"

"Allison." Someone randomly said while approaching us. Allison and I both looked up to see Blake. He was soaked, and his abs were exposed. He avoided making eye contact with me. He looked into Allison's eyes as if he were falling in love all over again. It doesn't look like he still loves me and only me. Hmm. "Want to play volleyball with me in the water real quick?" He asked her.

I stared at Allison. I looked like an idiot. She looked hesitant for a second, but then she nodded.

Blake shook his wet hair, smiled at her, and ran off, "Cool. I'll race you to the water!"

Allison stood up and looked down at me, "I promise, it's nothing serious. He just needs a girl pal right now. He told me a lot of stuff while we were out earlier returning some things he bought. Remember, he still loves you." She ran off to catch up with Blake, and then she turned back to me while running still, "I'll finish helping you with the sand castle as soon as I get back!"

"Okay." I mumbled, a frown on my face. I looked down at the sand castle again to continue working on it, and two kids ran over it again. I started freaking out this time. "Okay, now you guys are doing it on purpose!" I yelled at them.

They laughed and ran off into the water with a volley ball of theirs, running back out and laughing hysterically. I clenched my teeth at them and decided to start all over again.

While I was, Elaine came up to me and sat down. He was shirtless too. He shook his wet brown hair in my face and I glared at him. "What's up with you?" He asked.

"Sand castle." It was all I said to avoid the truth. Part of the reason why, was, well, because Blake had the nerve to look Allison in the eyes and forget I was sitting right here too. He can be so...infuriating!

"Need help?" Elaine started messing with the sand and helping me.

"Yeah, sure. I mean Allison said she was going to help me but-"

Out of nowhere, a volleyball landed into the sand castle. Just...flat into it. I clenched my teeth again and dug my hands into the sand, scooping some of it up so I could throw it. I knew it was the immature little brats again. I looked up, "Listen here, I-"

"My bad." Blake jogged over and picked the ball up. Allison was laughing with Erica at something Logan was trying to do on the surf board, so she looked occupied. I stared at Blake for a second, and I looked back down at the pile of sand. I started gathering it around again, and Elaine helped too.  "So, what are you guys doing?" Blake asked.

Trying to fix the sand castle you ruined, I thought. I decided to say nothing though, since he already wants to act like I don't exist anymore.

"Just making a sand castle together." Elaine told him.

Blake smiled a little and it looked like a muscle in his jaw clenched. "Cool." He said.

I started gathering the sand even faster, and then I turned to Elaine. "Elaine, you think you could get me some more sand over there? I need it."

"Sure." He stretched over a little and started gathering some. If Blake wants to pretend I don't exist, then I'll do the same. I continued working, pretending he wasn't there. It went like this for a long time, until he finally walked away and went back to playing with Allison.

In the middle of building the sand castle, Elaine randomly groaned and sighed. "What?" I asked him. "Is this not entertaining? Too boring?"

"Want to do something else? Like...have a sand fight or something?" He suggested.

"Why would I-"

"Come on! It'll be fun, Denny." He stood up and took my hand, pulling me up with him. We both started walking for a few seconds, until he just randomly picked some sand up and threw it at me.

"Hey!" I picked some up too and threw it at him, and he dodged it. I glared at him.

"Can't blame me and my quick reflexes." He said playfully while picking up more sand quickly and throwing it at me. I screamed for a second and just as I was about to punch him hard in the abs, he grabbed my wrists before I could thanks to his 'quick reflexes'. I groaned and tried to break free, and he just smiled. After a couple of seconds, I started laughing and he joined me.

We were laughing so hard, until it died down. He looked into my dark eyes and he glanced at my lips. Before I could even turn away, he slowly leaned into me. He was about to kiss me. He was about to kiss me! In public.

He was so close to my lips, almost there...

Until a volleyball smashed against his face, knocking him down and into the sand.


Instead of saying 'I'll post more sooner than soon' since I didn't really keep my word on it last time, I'll just say I'll post more soon haha.


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