Dancing In The Storm (On Hold)

By mesayspizza

1.5K 98 26

Sometimes, people aren't what we assume they are. First impressions are never correct. One look at Hazel Cad... More

I'm just an itsy bitsy nameless creature
I could be anorexic for all you know!
aren't you the guy who had animal sex with my neighbor's dog?
Stupid boys with cooties
Did you know female kangaroo has three vaginas?
This is my personal space, I want you to not invade it.
I don't wanna look like a noseless person.
Your lips looked kissable, so I kissed them
It's not my fault you have sexy nipples
I still don't understand your obsession with chemistry homework
I didn't know you were into naked guys wearing thongs.
Are you wearing a bra or are those tits outta' the cage?
You can't get away with just flicking at me missy!
What the fuck is this baboon doing here?
Is this a date or a murder interrogation?
Stupid hairdryer tried to kill me!!
You're a pedophile
You have perverted clouds above your house.
You both are sickening and repulsively cute.
hey there disappointment, it's been a while
Never call me Xavier twice
You're stepping lines
I'm not your puppet
knock that stage off from under those people
I need to reconsider my sexual libido
Are you calling me a cockroach?
Do you think my name sounds like caviar?

killing people and roasting rabbits for dinner.

35 5 1
By mesayspizza

"I never craved attention, until i tasted yours. "


"So you guys are dating now?" A dreamy sigh escaped my mouth as I smiled.

"Yes. Yes we are." I replied.

"I still can't believe my best friend and that hot stuff is going out. " Nora chipped for the nth time ever since I started dating.

"Me neither. Xavier has been such a great boyfriend uptil now." I said honestly, my heart completely contented.

"Well it's hard to believe when it's Xavier Tynan you are talking about but I'm still so happy for you. "

"I am too. " I whispered under my lips. A small smile made it's way on my face.

"What has you smiling babe?" A very deep voice, brought me back to reality and I saw Xavier standing infront of me, looking at me with those dark eyes. I swallowed.

"Nothing much. Nora just being Nora. " I replied. Xavier smiled.

"Talking about Nora, she told me something about you being extra chirpy cause' you got chemistry homework today?" He arched his eyebrow, his eyes glistening with amusement. I flushed.

"Well... Yeah. I enjoy doing my chemistry homework. I don't have much things to do at home anyway, so homework kinda keeps it fun and busy." I explained embarrassedly. Yeah, also because I don't like to face my mum, who happens to hate me so chemistry homework is my excuse to stay inside.

Xavier looked deep into my eyes for a long time. It literally felt as if he was weighing my answer and searching for the truth in it. He opened his mouth, but closed it again. Please don't ask for truth.

As if he heard my mind, Xavier gave me a small smirk. "Seriously Blossom... You're the only person who'd say chemistry homework is fun." His eyes looked at me with amusement. I rolled my eyes.

"What's with this name anyway?? Why do call me Blossom??" I asked.

"Do you remember that day when you drank to much and I had to drag you to Kace's place?" He asked me.

"Yeah?" Okay, now I was scared to know.

"Well that day, in your drunken stupor, you wanted to become Blossom from powerpuff girls. So you tried balancing the red solo cups on your head while jumping on Kace's couch." He answered me. His eyes twinkling, as if he was reliving the memory. I flushed.

"Well.. Everyone does stupid things when they're drunk." I reasoned in my defence.

"Yeah sure baby!" He replied while his eyes clearly showed he still found it funny. I shot him a glare and continued my way to the class. Just then I felt his hand clamping around mine. My head snapped sideways to him so fast that I wonder how it's not broken yet.

"What are you doing??" I hushed.
Xavier looked at me.

"Holding my girlfriend's hand?"

"Everybody's watching Xavier..." I said nervously.

"Let them. I'm gonna do what boyfriends do and walk my girlfriend to her class." My heart melted right then and there. Wasn't he just the best?

I looked at him and gave him a huge smile. We had reached my class and I turned to tell him goodbye. But just as I did so, I felt his hand snaking around my head and grabbing a fistful of my hair, while he brought my mouth to his and began kissing me. I heard gasps around me but I didn't care. I was melting right there in Xavier's arms, while his fantastic set of lips were on mine. So smooth and sensual, moving against mine. And then his tongue darted out and traced my lips. But just as I was about to let him in, he pulled away.

Disappointed and flushed i looked at him and blushed even more. I looked down, allowing my hair to hide my staining cheeks. Xavier chuckled in front of me.

"If I would have went any longer than that, we would have ended up in the janitor's closet. And that's not how I want it to be with you." He said simply, making me blush even harder.
He chuckled again and leaned forwards, pecking my lips again.

"Hey!" I protested. He smirked at me and began turning around.

"See you after class, Blossom." And with that he was back on his way. Probably to the parking lot to his group. There was one thing about Xavier, he rarely went to a class. But that history class he has, strangely enough he never missed that. Ever since the semester started. I stared at his disappearing figure with a grin larger than the kardashian asses. A dreamy sigh escaped my mouth. Shaking my smile away, stepped in the class. Loud chatters and obnoxious laughter rang in my ears. Sighing again, I began my way to my seat.


"And then that fucktard thought he could beat Xavier if he brought enforcements." Kace told us. I frowned and looked at Xavier. Currently I was sitting in his lap while he was eating his food like a pig. As annoyed as i was at that, I was kinda enjoying it too.

"Do people attack you even when you're in public doing random things?" Xavier smiled at me.

"Of course Blossom, they hate losing fights. Affects their ego." He informed at me and leaned to peck my cheek. I scrunched up my face at his sudden attack and glared.

"Don't surprise me like that." I protested. Xavier rolled his eyes.

"Hey lovebirds!!! I'm in a middle of a story. Shut the fuck up!" Kace glared at us. My face flushed up as I immediately sobered up, remembering I was in public. It was bad already that I was sitting on his lap. Yeah that's what happens when you're Xavier's girlfriend. Not that I mind though. *wink wink.

"Okay so as soon as that fucktard throw a punch at Xavier, our fighter friend here was on the floor. Thanks to us, that me and Cain were there to save his sorry ass. So together the three of us fought and by the end of it, that stupid ass was crying. Would you believe that!?" Kace laughed loudly reminiscing the memory. I laughed too.

"So Xavier, you were down in just one punch? Wow you're a real loser." It was surprising how quick Nora had overcome her fear of Xavier Tynan. Xavier shot Kace a murderous glance before looking back at my best friend.

"Actually not. I ducked the punch in time and it hit Kace instead. He just says that to save his pride." Xavier said with a smirk. I heard Kace gasp.

"Wow man! All these years I thought we were friends..." Kace said dramatically flailing his arms around. I rolled my eyes.

"All these years, I feared this stupid bad boy group for nothing." I mumbled.

"What was that girlfriend?" Xavier spoke up. My heart fluttered at the word.

"All these years, I used to think that you guys talk about killing people and roasting cute rabbits for dinner. And now I realize, that I couldn't be more wrong." I told him. Xavier raised his eyebrows.

"Roasting cute rabbits?" He chuckled.

"Yeah so?"

"You're cute." Another surprise peck. He needs a lesson to learn. I thought wickedly.

I squinted my eyes at him and then suddenly lunged at him. Peck after peck, I showered his face with kisses. Landing one last kiss at his chin, I pulled away and smirked at him. Who is surprised now huh?

Xavier looked at me with a startled and amused face. He opened his mouth to say something but suddenly the entire cafeteria bursted in cheers and claps.

Oh shit.

Suddenly realizing what I just did in public, my face burned crimson and I buried it in Xavier's chest. His chest rumbled with laughter.

"That was the weirdest kind of PDA I've ever seen. Were you being affectionate or attacking him?" Cade asked me. His voice shook with laughter. Flushing even more, I buried my face deeper into his chest. Xavier chuckled.

"Looks like she loves his chest." Cade said again. I resisted the urge to flick at him.

"Or maybe his nipples."

"Yeah she thinks I have sexy nipples." Xavier said with a chuckle.

And ladies and gentlemen, that had me straighten up faster than light. I'm surprised I didn't sprain my back.

That had the entire group burst into another fit of laughter.

"I never said that!!!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah you did baby, that day when you cleaned my wounds..." He said.

I did not.. I was just cleaning his chest wound tat was right above his sexy right nipple. Oh.. I guess I did say that.

Screw you! Okay this stupid inner voice was back.

I groaned and shot daggers at Xavier. It was his fault after all. He surprise kissed me first.
He raised his hands in surrender but continued laughing. Hell, even Cain was chuckling. I just focused my eyes on my hands and inspected my palm like nothing happened. Maybe if i do that they'll just forget what happened.

"You're seriously cute Hazel." Kace commented.


"Hey Blossom!" Xavier called me. I turned around and looked at him with squinty eyes. I'm still mad you know.

Xavier smiled. "I'm taking you on our first date tomorrow. Be ready by seven sharp." I gasped.

"A date?" I squeaked.

"Yeah ever been on one?" He joked.

"Yeah once, with Sam and it was disastrous." I replied. Xavier's moving fingers tensed on my shoulders.

"Sam, your ex boyfriend?" He asked me.

"Yeah? We broke up during the summer break. You don't know that?" I was seriously surprised he didn't know that.

"Fuck." He mumbled under his breath.

"What's wrong??" I frowned.

"Nothing.. Hey I gotta go and practice for my fight tonight. See you in the date tomorrow?" He said hastily and picked me up and settled me down on a chair.

"Yeah okay..." I said with confusion. He gave me a quick smile and pecked my lips. Before I could even respond, he was on his way.

I stared at his retreating figure and wondered what the hell just happened. I look at Kace questioningly but he just shrugged, wearing the same confused expression.

I shook my head and sighed. A smile suddenly grew on my face.

"I have a date with Xavier tomorrow!!!" I squealed at Nora. She nodded with glee.

"We have a lot of shopping to do!" She squealed back.

Oh shit!

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