I Hate You But...II Love You..

By greasywafflez69

9.8K 266 174

Another Erisol story well let's see what happens;) More

Eridan Ampora
Chapter 3
Night ruin (warning: lemon part)
Round 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Just A Dream (End)

595 19 26
By greasywafflez69

Eridan Pov:
I was walking up from my nap as I hear the door knocking my eyes open as I groan and get the door as I see feferi catching her breath as she says

"I n-e-ed to talk to you!!"



"Wwhat happened come in come in"

She comes in as she walks over to the couch and sits down.

"S) (-es aft-er you and Sollux!"

"I knoww about our relationship?"

"Y-es t) (-en I tri-ed to stop ) (-er but s ) (-e only laug) (ed."

"..cod fef wwhale at least your not gonna fight her are you?"

"Of cours-e not!! I t) (oug) (t about it but I just couldn't do it!!"

"Fef it's okay wwe'll think of somefin"

There was an other knock on the door as she jumps and jumps over the couch as she screams

"IM NOT ) (-ER-E!!!"

"Fef relax its probably sol"

I open the door to see Sollux there holding a rose as I smiled at him and says to me.


"..hi sol"

He comes in as I closed the door and turned around as he pins me on the wall and starts kissing my neck. My eyes widen and tried to push him off.

"Sol wwait!!"


"Fef is here.."

"2he ii2?"

"She's hiding behind the couch sol.."

I point over to the couch as he turns around to see a blushing, scared, Feferi. She gets up and says

") (i Sollux ) (-e) (-e.."

"....hii ff.."

"She come here because of VVriska."

Feferi Pov:
"....hii ff.."

"She come here because of VVriska."

I shyly wave again as Sollux blushed and waves back. We all standing awkwardly then I thought *wait..she wants to figure out if Eridan and Sollux are having sexual relationship??...why didn't of this!!!* I gasp as I pull the of them and brake the awkwardness.

"Guys I ) (av-e an idea!!"

"What ii2 iit ff"

"W) (y not giv-e ) (-er w) (at s) (-e wants?? I m-ean look at you guys. You two mak-e m-e so ) (appy w) (-en I s-e-e t) (is"

I grab there hands and put them together. I smile at them and held their hands together.

"No on-e and I m-ean no on-e s) (ould stop t) (is just b-ecaus-e on-e p-erson want to bump t) (-eir nos-e in your liv-es"

I put my hands on their cheeks and smiled and said.

"It's too b-eautiful to b-e ruin"

They hugged me tightly I grin and hug them back. They let go as I jump right on back to my plan. They weren't sure about it but they were in!. I chuckled as I go upstairs as they followed.

Vriska Pov:
I was waiting for feferi at the park she said she was gonna stop me but I just laughed at her. I was waiting until I see Sollux walking towards Eridan's house. *forget the fucking fight freaking Sollux is right there at Eridan's house now!! Is my chance!!"

I run over a bush in front of Eridan's place. Sollux knocks as he had his hands in his pocket. Until Eridan open the door and sees him he hugs him. Sollux kisses his cheek. Wait he kissed his cheek!! Then he lets him in I get closer and looked around the other side had the curtain closed then I checked the other window and it wasn't closed. I smirked and peeked at the window.

"Ooooooooh my goooooooog!!!!!!!!"

I see them making out on the couch as I take pictures of them to prove everyone wrong! And I was right!. They end going upstairs I checked the window was open and it was

I said while getting in the window I go upstairs to here them talking.

"Come on ed~"

"I don't knoww sol wwhat about vvriska?"

"Liike 2he2 gonna know. Iit'2 ju2t u2"


"We don't have two...But plea2e?"

Eridan giggles and kisses Sollux and says

"Howw can I say no to that face?~"

I kick the door open as I point at them as they looked at me and I said

"I have caught you!!"

They looked at each other and shrugged as they chuckled

"Hey I caught you you suppose to be scared and worried"

"Vvriska wwe just don't care anymore"

"Be2iide2 you caught u2 now what?"

"I'm gonna tell everyone now to prove them wrong. Besides feferi would be so sad"

"No I won't"

I felt like an idiot as I see her behind me I growled.


") (i I didn't want to fig) (it you so w-e plan to do t) (is inst-ead"

Feferi Pov:

She growls as he makes a fist and screams

"Whatever you idiots i bet you did this I can feel sorry but I won't be weak I won't!!"

I hugged her as Eridan and Sollux was gonna stop me but instead they just took a step back as vriska just stood there looking at me. I looked at her and held her hands.

"It's okay to cry, it's okay to b-e sad onc-e in a w) (il-e, it's okay to fail..and it's okay to f-e-el bad you l-earn t) (at way"

Vriska just hugs me as I hug back. I smiled we ended up happy. Vriska apologized what she done how they made them feel. Eridan forgave her so did Sollux. I smiled as they all hugged me. I giggled and hugged them all back.

They are happy

She was happy

I was happy and nothing would change. I open my eyes I was laying on a hospital bed. I sit up and looked around to see flowers and a tank with my cuddle fish inside and balloons saying "get well soon!" . I was so confused the sunlight hits my eyes. I put my hand over my eyes covering the sunlight. Then I see Eridan sleeping on the chair. I tap his shoulder as he opens his eyes when he saw me he jump up of joy and hugs me

"Fef!! Your okay and awwake!!!"

"-Eridan w) (at) (app-en-ed? W) (y am I. In a ) (ospital b-ed?"

"You don't remember?"

"No I-I don't"

"...me and sol had a dual and you jumped in and I knocked out the both of you.."

"Cod...w) (al-e is sol okay?"

"I can care less"

My eyebrow raised as I grab his shoulder

"-Eridan you know I'm talking about Sollux rig) (t?"

"Yes the lowwblooded scum I knoww wwho are talking about fef."


My eyes widen and I hear the door knock as Aradia comes in as Sollux follows along they both smile.

"Hey y0ur awake!!"

"I'm-I'm awak-e"

"Good to 2ee that ff...Eriidan"

"Shut up sol"

Sollux turns to Aradia and whispers to her as she smiles and says

"Give is a m0ment 0kay?"

"That's okay.."

Aradia pulls him aside as they argued

"Thii2 why II can't be niice to that fuckiing iidiiot"

"Well where here f0r him we are here f0r feferi and that's it s0llux besides it's 0kay just ign0re him"

She grabs his face as he smiles and walks over to me and hugs me. I hug back as Eridan stands back watching. I asked

"W) (at is going on?"


"You two lov-ed -eac) ( ot) (-er!!!"

"Fed are you oka-"

"....sorry I'm still a littl-e tir-ed."

"0h we'll leave y0u al0ne t0 rest"


"Fef you do look tired."


"Bye FF until tomorrow"

Sollux winks at me as he puts his arm around Aradia and kisses her cheek. I look at Eridan and hugged him tightly and cried on his shoulder. Confused at why I was crying. *was it all a dream?* eridan hugs me saying

"Don't wworry fef I'm here for you"

*maybe it was all a dream...them, Vriska...just a dream..*

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