Bad to You


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I'll be good in bed, but I'll be bad to you. More

Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part Two


2K 68 14

*five years later*

"DAMN!" Odell exclaimed after they entered the locker room after what could only be described as a horrible game. He threw his helmet down then kicked his foot against one of the empty lockers. He almost rammed his head into his locker but Shep patted his back as their coach came in.

"I don't know what the hell that was out there-"

"That was the result of Odell spending the day on a boat with his head up Trey's ass while his wife was at home with his child!" Eli spat and Odell responded by rushing towards him but Vic pulled him back.

"Nigga, you were down in Mexico on that same exact day. And I've been carrying this damn offense while you haven't been doing shit but throwing interceptions! So don't come at me reckless!" Odell boomed as he ripped his jersey off and threw it to the ground.

Odell was just as bummed out as the rest of their teammates because they had just lost their chance to make it to the super bowl after an amazing season, but he wasn't about to apologize for enjoying his day off, especially since Eli had been fucking up since day one.

"Everyone go home. But tomorrow at six your asses are here. I don't care what plans you've made and I don't care that we've lost our chance at the Super Bowl. Got it?" Their coach demanded as they all responded with a cohesive "yes sir." It was the first thing they did as a team all day.

"Fuck Eli, man. This wasn't your fault. There's always next year," Shep said as Odell nodded and went to hit the showers. He didn't want to be moping around with his team any longer than he had to, so he took a quick body shower, got dressed, then went to find his family.

Even though they had lost, Demi was still waiting for him outside of the locker room with a smile on her face. And that was what he loved about her. She was about to do something cute and goofy to cheer him up and make him forget about the horrible game they had played.

"Hey butterfingers," she said as she pulled a butterfinger bar from her pocket. He playfully rolled his eyes as he snatched the bar from her and tossed it to the side.

"Hey, that was a $1.89! And that's your new nickname, btw. Some of your fans think that you should get it put on the back of your jersey," she giggled as he wrapped his arms around her.

"And what does my biggest fan think?"

"She thinks that you had an amazing season and one game isn't gonna take that away. She thinks you've worked your ass off on the offensive line for this team and having one day to yourself isn't what caused you guys to lose. She thinks you're still allowed to sleep in her bed tonight," Demi said as she played with the ends of his hair and looked deep into his eyes so that he knew she was serious.

"I know losing sucks, especially this game, but you're not going anywhere anytime soon. There is always next season, O. And you can come back better than ever. You always do," Demi encouraged before standing on the tips of her toes to plant a small kiss on his lips.

"I knew I kept you around for a reason," Odell said as they began their walk out of the tunnel. He would get fined for not attending post game conferences but he already gave them $50,000 because they liked throwing ridiculous fines at him.

"Yeah, well I still love you. I think Lola is a little more upset," Demi chuckled as she tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. It was braided down her back in two French braids because Lola wanted to be "twinzies."

"I'll take her to American Girl tomorrow and she'll get over it. What do you want to do tonight?" Odell asked as Demi shrugged.

"Whatever you wanna do."

"Well I could think of a few things." Odell swept Demi off of her feet and carried her bridal style up to the skybox where the rest of his family was. He knew that people were taking pictures and that's why he wanted to show them that he wasn't about to kill himself over this loss; that he was moving on and not throwing a tantrum on the sidelines.

"I love you, O."

"Love you too."

The next day, Demi had a gig at Hard Rock Cafe, so while she was off rehearsing, Odell got stuck with Lola for the day. Well, not stuck with her. He loved his daughter. But she was holding the cutest little grudge against him since he lost yesterday. His coach had called off practice after realizing that they needed more than a day to recuperate from their loss.

"Hey princess," he greeted as he walked into her room. Last year, he had finally upgraded her to a "big girl bed" with a canopy and everything. That was the main reason why she loved staying over his house so much. That and Demi.

"Go away, daddy," Lola whined, turning on her side as Odell chuckled.

"Why? What did I do?"

"You promised you would win yesterday," she pouted, folding her arms over her chest as she faced Odell.

"Lola, no I didn't. I never make promises that I can't keep. Remember what I told you yesterday?"

Lola was quiet for a little bit, but then she sighed and answered him.

"You said that you couldn't promise that you would win, but you'll try your best."


"But if you try your hardest and you still don't win, what's the point?" Lola questioned, sitting up as Odell rubbed his beard.

"Well, you try your hardest with the belief that one day you'll reach your goal. We didn't make it to the Super Bowl this year, but there's always next year. We just gotta keep trying. Does that make sense?" Odell questioned as Lola slowly nodded her head.

"Do you forgive me now?"


"Am I still the best daddy in the world?"

Lola was quiet for a little bit but she broke out in a wide smile as she launched herself into Odell's arms.

"The whole wild world!" She exclaimed.

"Daddy, can I wear my fairy outfit?" Lola asked as Odell tried to gather her thick hair into a ponytail. Tried. Odell's hair was much easier to deal with because all he had to do was wash it, let it dry, comb it through, put some oil in it, and he was done. But Kierra had this whole hair regime for Lola that Demi usually followed but Demi wasn't there so Odell had to do it by himself.

"You can wear whatever you want as long as we get out of the house on time," Odell said as he popped another rubber band. This was beginning to feel hopeless. Lola wasn't dressed yet because Demi usually did her hair before she got dressed so Odell did the same.

"Okay. Daddy it's two ponytails," Lola said as Odell nodded and parted her hair down the middle. It wasn't as neat as Demi's but it would have to do.

This time he used two rubberbands for each ponytail. Then he added the little bows that Kierra made sure matched every outfit she had, and he was finally done. It wasn't perfect but it looked like someone had taken the time to do her hair and she just ruined it after taking a nap. But whatever.

"Okay, go get dressed so that we can go," Odell said as Lola nodded and rushed up the stairs. He went into the kitchen to grab her a snack and got her shoes ready. When she came back downstairs, she was wearing her pink fairy costume, wings and all.

"Lola, how am I supposed to put your coat over your wings?"

"I don't know but I'm not taking them off," she said as she folded her arms. Odell rolled his eyes as he put her little pink Uggs on. He took her wings off, put her coat on, then put the wings over her coat. He checked to make sure they had everything before rushing out to the car. When they made it to Hard Rock Cafe, they were seated at a table in the front with Vic, Pia, Shep, and Demi's mom.

"Took you long enough," Pia said as soon as he sat down.

"Not sure if you noticed but I have a five year old child," Odell reminded her.

"Five year old fairy," Lola corrected him.

"Odell, do you think you could go check on Demi? Last I heard she was a little nervous," Dianna asked as Odell nodded. He took Lola backstage with him because he was sure she wanted to see Demi too. He didn't want to just barge into her dressing room so he politely knocked on the door. A few seconds later, she opened it.

After four years at Juliard - she took a semester off for personal reasons - Demi had graduated in the spring and started booking small venues to get her name out there. She had sent tons of demos into labels but she said she didn't really want to be a singer, more of a songwriter, and he supported her because that was what she wanted. A label executive had booked a slot for her at Hard Rock Cafe because he wanted to see her sing live and see how she did in front of an audience. Even though she told everyone she wanted to be a songwriter, Odell knew she belonged on the stage. But she would have to realize that for herself.

"Demi!" Lola squealed, hopping from his arms into Demi's awaiting ones. Odell gave Demi a stern look as she carried Lola into her dressing room but she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm so glad my favorite fairy came to see me," Demi said as she kissed her cheek and sat down.

"Me too! But daddy won't tell me why we're here. Are we getting spinach dip?" Lola asked, causing Demi to giggle.

"I don't know, you'll have to ask your dad."

"Here, Lola," Odell said, passing her his phone. She became occupied with the device as Odell sat next to Demi.

"Are you nervous?"

"A little bit. I'm not sure if I'm feeling butterflies or gas. Either way, I might throw up," Demi said as Odell crinkled his nose.

"If you get nervous, don't look at anyone's face. Just look above their heads, like at a wall or something. Or, just look at me. I'll be sitting right in front of you," Odell said as Demi chewed on her bottom lip.

"You make me nervous, Odell."

"Demi. You played the piano naked on our honeymoon and I make you nervous?" He questioned, causing her face to turn a light shade of pink as she played with her nails.

"Yes. I just want to impress you and I want you to be proud of me. So yes, you make me nervous," Demi answered.

"Look." He tilted her chin so that she was looking him in the eyes. "I'm proud of you every single day. You impress me every single. That's never gonna change, okay? You could go out there and pull a Mariah Carey on New Year's Eve and I would still be proud of you."


"I promise. I believe in you baby. You gotta believe in yourself," Odell said as she nodded and stood up.

"I think I'm good now. It probably was just gas. You and Lola should go take your seats," Demi said, kissing his lips before looking at Lola.

"Thank you for coming, my fairy princess. I'll see you when I come sit down, okay?" Demi said as she knelt down to her height.

"Okay." Lola kissed her cheek and followed her dad out of the door as Demi released a deep breath. They would be calling her to go on stage any minute and she really did feel like she was gonna throw up. Maybe it was because of her nerves or maybe it was morning sickness. Either way, she was ready to puke.

"For your live entertainment tonight, please welcome Demi Lovato." Even though they had gotten married after she graduated, Demi hyphenated her last name, but for music purposes, she just kept the Lovato. It was easier.

She looked out at the crowd then spotted Odell who smiled at her as the music started. She closed her eyes and remembered why she wrote the song, and who she wrote it for as she started to sing.

"The slightest words you've said have all gone to my head. I hear angels sing in your voice. When you pull me close feelings I've never known. They mean everything and leave me no choice." She kept her eyes closed and just focused on the music because she didn't want to see anyone's reaction yet.

"Light on my heart, light on my feet. Light in your eyes, I can't even speak. Do you even know how you make me weak?" Finally, she opened her eyes and saw Odell staring at her in awe like he often did whenever she sang.

"I'm a lightweight, better be careful what you say. With every word I'm blown away. You're in control of my heart. I'm a lightweight. Easy to fall, easy to break. With every move my whole world shakes, keep me from falling apart." As she sang through the chorus, she couldn't take her eyes off of Odell. This song was about him. It was all for him. She wouldn't be on stage if it wasn't for him.

"Make a promise please you'll always be in reach, just in case I need you there when I call. This is all so new, feels so good to be true. Could this really be safe place to fall?" She closed her eyes as she sang through the chorus again and placed her hand on her belly.

"Keep me from falling down drowned in your love. It's almost all too much. Handle with care, say you'll be there." She held the note for as long as she could before moving back to the chorus.

"Oh I'm a lightweight, better be careful what you say. With every word I'm blown away. You're in control of my heart. I'm a lightweight. Easy to fall, easy to break. With every move my whole world shakes, keep me from falling apart, keep me from falling apart, keep me from falling apart. Ooh, falling apart."

When she finished, she opened her eyes and smiled at the audience. It felt like it took them forever, but it was only a few seconds until everyone in the room was standing up and clapping for her. She bowed a little bit before walking off the stage and instantly going into Odell's arms.

"Sweetie, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," her mom said as she kept her arms wrapped around Odell.

"You've got pipes, Demi," Shep said as Pia sat next to him and dried her tears. Always so dramatic.

"What'd you think?"

"I think Lola needs to go home with my mother so that I can have you all to myself," Odell whispered as Demi smiled even harder. She felt like her face was gonna break.

"Demi, you did so good!" Lola chirped, raising her arms to be picked up.

"Thank you, princess! Do you wanna have a sleepover with nana tonight?" Demi asked as she knelt down to her height.

"I guess. But can we spend the day together tomorrow?" Lola asked as Demi nodded her head. After they sat down and ate, everyone parted ways with Lola going to her Nana's house and Demi and Odell getting the house to themselves for the night.

"I can't get over how good you were today. I've never heard a voice like yours before. If that label doesn't sign you after tonight, I'm blowing that place up," Odell said as Demi gasped.

"Odell! Stop! It's fine if they don't sign me. I mean, I'd rather write music for other people than sing it," Demi said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"No you wouldn't. You loved it on that stage. Admit it."

"Okay, I loved it. But it's fine if they don't sign me because-"

"Are you hungry?" Odell asked as they walked into the house.

"No, but...I need to talk to you," Demi said as Odell turned on all of the lights in the house.

"About what you want to eat?"

"Odell, I'm not hungry, I'm pregnant!" Demi exclaimed, annoyed because he was doing that thing where he was listening to her but he wasn't really listening.

He was quiet for a little bit but then he just nodded his head.



"Okay. This is a good thing, Demi. Did you think I was gonna kick you out or something?"

"No but-"

"No buts, baby. You're pregnant. We're getting another addition to our family. That means we have two more to go. What are you worried about?" Odell asked as he sat next to her on the couch and wrapped his arms around her.

"Nothing, I guess. I just don't know if I'm ready, ya know?"

"What do you mean?"

"Because you have football and I have this music thing. What if we're not there for our kids? What if we have to resort to nannies and drivers and maids and-"

"Remember we promised that one of us would always be there? Well, we're keeping that promise no matter what. We'll work this out. But no stressing, Demi. This is a good thing," Odell reassured her as she nodded. She didn't know where her insecurities were coming from but they had been bothering her since she found out she pregnant a few weeks ago. She had just been trying to find the right way to tell him.

"I love you, Demi."

"I love you too, O."

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