
بواسطة MadsTheWriter

217 9 1

She needed a job and a home. He needed someone to care for his kids. المزيد

Chapter One

217 9 1
بواسطة MadsTheWriter

"Good Morning. I am Beatrice Cromwell, the housekeeper," A smiling, British woman with curly red hair exclaimed as she held out her hand for me to shake. I gingerly accepted her handshake and hesitantly smiled. It was all I could manage as I was so nervous. I had never before been interviewed for a job for one of the wealthiest men in all of Texas, I'd never been interviewed for a job at all. "I take it you're here for the nanny position."

I nodded.

"Well don't just stand there in the cold. Come in, come in."

She led me through the doorway into a grand foyer. Two large staircases connecting at the top lead to a second story. I noticed baby gates at the end of them. The floors were some sort of shiny, cream colored material I couldn't identify. Marble maybe. The walls were a soft cream color like the floors. and hanging from the ceiling was the largest chandelier I'd ever seen. The whole sight was extremely overwhelming for a girl like me. After all I was white trash from a trailer park.

She continued to lead me between the two staircases into a connecting living area. Along the way a noticed many Mexican looking decorations which made since considering the man who owned this mansion was from Mexico. Beatrice motioned for me for me to take a seat on the large red couch.

"Now unfortunately, Mr. Rivera will not be able to join us this evening so I will be conducting your interview."

The fact that Maximiliano Rivera wouldn't be there took away about 50% of my nerves. From what I'd heard he was an extremely intimidating businessman not to mention supposedly extremely attractive. I did think it was strange he wasn't here to interview his kids potential nanny.

"Where should we start?" Beatrice asked. "I have plenty of questions and I'm sure you do, as well."

She was wrong. I didn't have any questions. This was a good paying job that I would be lucky yo get. I wasn't willing to not take it no matter what.

"Why don't you ask me some questions." I quietly suggested. She nodded and picked up a piece of paper off the coffee table. She lifted the glasses hanging around her neck and put them on. She quickly scanned the paper before she began her questions.

"I suppose I should start with a basics. Tell me about yourself. Your name, your age, those sorte of things."

"My name is ,umm, Amelia. Mathers, Amelia Mathers. I'm 23. I'm from Baytown." I said. It wasn't much information but I hoped it satisfied her. Id never get the job if she thought I was a poor, uneducated, redneck. Which I basically was. Although it wasn't my doing.

"Alright," She looked down at the piece of paper. I could tell from her tone she wasn't very impressed with me. "Tell me about your previous places of employment. I will be needing references of course. And we will be doing a full back ground check."

A knot formed in my stomach. How could I have been so stupid? Of course they'd want references and background checks. I couldn't tell her the truth that I'd been kept from getting a job or a college education so that I could be free childcare for my ten younger siblings. But if she was going to do a background check there was no way I could lie about work previous jobs.

"You do have previous work experience?" Beatrice asked after I didn't answer. I just stared at the floor not daring to look at her. If she saw my faced she'd know the truth about me. Ive never been good at hiding my thought or feelings. They were always written across my face like my own personal billboard.

"Ms Mathers, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut this interview short. You seem like a lovely girl but unfortunately I don't think you're right for this position." She said and stood up. I knew she wanted me to stand up and leave but I couldn't. I needed this job. It was my only chance to get away from my family.

"Please," I begged. "Just hear me out. Its true I've never had a real job but I'm a hard worker and I'm great with kids. Please give me a chance."

"Im sorry but I can not ignore you're lack of work experience."

"I do have work experience just not job experience." I explained. Beatrice gave me a strange look like she wasn't understanding what I was saying. "You see I have ten younger siblings, and my parents, well, they forced me to stay home and take care of them. Thats what I've been doing since I graduated high school. I wanted to get a job or go to college or something but I wasn't allowed to."

"And you're allowed now?" She asked not in a cynical tone but more in a trying to understand whats going on tone. She sat back down in her chair and waited for me to further explain.

"Not exactly. You see I sort of ran away." I said sheepishly. It was quite a humiliating confession. After all I was twenty three years old if I didn't want to stay home and raise my parents children then I didn't have to. Only things are never that simple in real life. "Thats why I desperately need this job. I don't have any money or any place to go. If I don't get this job then I'm back at home taking care of my siblings."

"I believe you, Amelia. I really do, and that is why I'm going to give you a proposition." She says with a smile. "A one week trial. I want to see how you are with a children and then Mr. Rivera and I will make our decision."

"Thank you." I gasp as I leap from my spot on the couch. I run over and give Beatrice a big hug. She laughs and hugs me back. "You won't regret this."

"I should hope not." She says and takes me by the hand leading me out of the living room and up the stairs to the second story. "Now first things first you must meet the children."

"How many are there exactly?" I ask. When I found the position on a job hunting website there wasn't many details.

"Four. Two boys and two girls. The eldest two are twins, Sistine and Sebastian, they're fifteen and dreadfully wild. You'll have your work cut out with those two. Next is Terceira, she thirteen going on thirty. She'll be the least troublesome. And lastly is the baby, Tomas. He's one and an angel."

I smiled as she talked. Only four. I could definitely handle that. After years of my ten younger siblings this should be like a walk in the park.

Beatrice led me into a dark room just to the right of the top of the stiars. She put a finger to her lips and tip toed in. The crib against the wall made me realize this was the baby's room. We peaked over the side of the crib and my heart fluttered at the sight. The most precious baby I'd ever seen. Chubby cheeks, a head full of dark curly hair, and the most kissable little face. She was right he is an angel.

Quietly we exited the nursery. She knocked softly on the door directly across from the nursery.

"It's open." I sweet sounding voice called from the room. Beatrice opened the door in what I guessed was Terceira's room. The walls were a deep purple with posters of Ed Sheeran, Selena Gomez, and Will Ferrell, as well Zendaya and Michelle Obama. Everything in the room was neat and tidy. There were multiple bookshelves filled with completely with books. A girl after my own heart I thought to myself. There was a large bed in the corner of the room neck to the window. A large, comfy looking chair. And a desk where Terceira was currently sitting.

"Amelia, this is Terceira." Beatrice introduced. "And Terce this is Amelia, your new nanny."

"You're really young. We usually get old ladies as nannies." She noted. Terceira was a cute, smart looking girl with big brown eyes and long, straight, dark brown almost black hair, and two little dimples on each cheek.

"Sorry to disappoint." I joked causing her to giggle.

"It's not a bad thing. This'll be kinda like the Sound of Music. Except hopefully less Nazis." I knew she was just kidding but the thought of marrying her rich supposedly attractive father made me blush.

"Hopefully," I reply.

"Well come along we best be going to meet the twins." Beatrice said. Before she could take me to their rooms Terceira piped up.

"They aren't here." She said. Beatrice frowned and placed a hand on her hip.

"And where exactly did they go? Its a school night after all." She was clearly very upset. I couldn't blame her I'd be upset to. I could already tell I'd have my hands full with those two.

"I'm sure they're just at Jazmine's." Terceira brushed off Beatrice's worry as if it was no big deal. 

"Well then I suppose you'll just have to meet them later." She said with a semi forced smile. She was very upset and it was kinda scary. Note to self don't get on her bad side. "Come along, I'll show you to your room." 

I followed her to my room. My own room. I'd never had my own room before so this was like a dream. I nearly fainted when I saw the room just for me. It wasn't excessively fancy or anything but it was the nicest room I'd ever had. It was simple and plain with cream colored walls and carpet. The bed was small but soft with a teal comforter. The only other furniture was a sitting chair, a bedside table, a desk, a dresser, and a tv cabinet. There wasn't much decor but I didn't mind that just meant I could add my own personal touches. 

That night as I went to sleep in my own room I'd never felt happier. 

Sooo this is super crappy and rough. But its okay because at least I actually managed to write something. Lately my writing life has been nonexistent and Ive made up my mind that I'm going to change that. I want to write a book and not just plan on eventually writing a book. This is my attempt at it. It will probably suck but I can always edit later. Or never. whichever happens. 

Anyway I hope you're able to look past my horrid writing and probably countless mistakes and enjoy this story. Maybe even comment and vote. 

-Mads The Writer

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