Forsaken Z (Story)

Par ForsakenZ

324 63 25

Z... A insane killing cat.. Most say he is a demon. Some say he is a spirit, not able to find a place to rest... Plus

Chapter 1
Authors Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
The Last Chapter :)
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

17 3 0
Par ForsakenZ

"No, I said go away!"
Lilly looked frustrated now. "Did you even think before you wanted to be Mayor? You have responsibilities! Sometimes you just go up and act like a child!"
Z huffed a sigh. "I said I just wanted to take a walk."
Lilly rolled her eyes. "You could take a three month walk and not even notice! I know you're my lord, but for heavens sake quit being thick headed." Z lashed his tail. Thick headed? Is that how I'm acting? He bit back frustration, she only wanted to help make him the best leader possible. They already started to build order in his new township, kicking out the non loyal with their riches so they could make it to new homes, and rebuilding up the army since most of the originals despised him. Oliver became the head General of the second army, while Fern, who was a remarkably good leader, lead the first.
He also released all those put in jail for being loyal to him and threw the old mayor in there for a while. Z also banned torture, thinking back to when he was first experiencing extreme pain when the law was made. All riches that the ex-mayor, who's name is Smoke, took as tax, which were very unfair prices, from the citizens were returned. The extras from all those who would not submit and left the town were kept in his new treasury.
"Fine, I'll take a short walk through the palace then." Z grumbled.
Lilly looked contented with that. "Fine, I'll look for you if you're needed at all."
Z twitched and ear and turned toward a door, padding into the hallway without a word. The palace he had at the moment was quite small, but he enjoyed it. Yet Miuky managed to convince him to get a new, larger palace using some of the riches he had now. There was a large part of the town that was not in use and not had been for a long time. The villagers who were willing to build it had just finished clearing the area the other day, and already have the outlines. He remembered the hours he spent in his chambers with Miuky and Lilly, coming up with a design for the new palace. It will have four look out towers, one on each corner, and many rooms and hallways. That was one of the things Miuky suggested.
Z turned a bend into the food court, walking on the edge, next to the wall, heading for the hall that led to the yard with a small garden. Miuky was sitting at the table, talking to Oliver and Fernian, probably about new troops. Z felt a small warmth of glee as he saw Miuky was wearing an amulet he gave her. He had found it in his treasury and the jewel on it matched her eyes so beautifully.
He overheard some bits of their conversation as he reached the door. "The new recruits are coming along fine." He heard Oliver say with a triumphant purr.
Their chatter faded behind him. That's pleasing to hear. Z carried on his way, picking up a little more speed as he smelt the fresh air. Soon he was running as he burst out into the outside garden. It was a secluded yard Fernian showed him. He loved the soft feeling of the grass here, it reminded him of his forest before it plunged into a plague of decay, killing all life in it.
There was a small garden off to the left side that Lilly has been taking care of.
She had let Z try bits of the food she grew there, and he surprised himself to find his weird interest in the taste of carrots. He had never tried any fruits or vegetables before then, but they had a pleasing herb taste to them that was irresistible after a while. Lilly told Z he could eat from her garden whenever he wanted, even if it did nothing for him.
He padded over to the garden, finding a green stem poking out of the ground. He gripped it in his teeth and pulled out the orange root like plant.
He wiped the dirt off it with his black paw, then bit into it, enjoying the crunchiness.
After he finished his snack, he got to his paws and headed back into the palace. Z was glad that they decided to make a large garden behind the castle, he liked spending his free time in the open, he never really was a fan of houses.
He heard a patter of paws heading towards him and Lilly appeared around the corner, letting out a sigh of relief as she saw him. "I thought for sure you would have left and taken a walk in town." She admitted. "But I'm glad I found you here!" She added before he could open his jaws to reply.
Z flicked his tail tip. He hadn't even been walking long and he had no idea what she could possibly want with him.
Lilly gave him a smile as she continued. "The council has gathered up, needing to discuss things." She explained. "And it is vital that you be there." Z nodded as she finished. "Very well."
He let Lilly take the lead as they headed to the council room. It was as big as the food court, but the ceiling was higher and it didn't have the good smell of food either.
Lilly sat down on her seat to the left of Z as he got comfortable. "The council may begin." Z said in his croaky voice, feeling pleased that it echoed. He found echoing slightly amusing.
Oliver got to his paws and dipped his head before speaking. "Your army is coming along nice, my lord. We are having plenty of recruits that are learning fast, and they are proud to serve under you." Z dipped his head, thanking him as his orange furred friend took his seat. "Now I would like to say something." Z meowed, raising his head. "I want to share my idea of building an Orphanage."
Z had put lots of thought into it. Young ones loose their parents all the time, and an orphanage would be a nice addition to the village.
Miuky, who was to his right, nodded thoughtfully. The cream furred female had a soft spot for young ones.
The rest of the council let out murmurs of approval. "This could be a good idea." "A place for the young to stay!" More comments filled the room until Z raised his tail for silence. "Then it's settled, we will pay for the construction after the new palace is made."
One voice spoke up. "We need a new amount of taxes." Z looked with his green eye at Bandit, one of the people he chose for his council members. Taxes? Why? Z glanced at Miuky for advice but she was thinking too. "Elaborate on the taxes." Lilly spoke up from behind Z, almost making him jump out of his fur as she continued, "I believe our Lord lived under a rock his whole life..." She said with a glare at him. Is she still mad that I wanted to WALK? He huffed a sigh as Bandit explained a really, extremely, very boring speech about what Taxing was. All Z got out of it was that you take money from people and use it for yourself. Z didn't think that sounded quite fair. He believed if you earned something, you have the right to keep it. "There will be no... Taxing among this town. Instead, everyone keeps what they earned while the monarchy makes money for itself." He replied heftily. Z thought he was a good mayor. The Council looked at each other quizzically before Z started to speak again. "What about Construction?"
"We are right on schedule! We should be done with the Palace in a month or so." Replied his Construction Captain, Bernese. Lion piped in with his report too. "The gardens are growing fine!" Z nodded as he absorbed all the information on how a council works. Apparently they just blabber while he sits there and shuts up. Weird culture... Wave reported that the Water Attack Force was doing well, and Flint said all supplies were okay. The only trouble was Tito's report. Town Socialism... "It seems my Lord, the village does not approve of your choice of second in command... They believe Miuky isn't fit to lead us! How long have you known her for? Isn't there a better choice?" He said, curling his tail over his brown paws in triumph. Z thought hard about this. Really the only people he knew better than Miuky were Lilly and Gale... Gale was already dead and Lilly was more like a Secretary. "No need. She's really all I got." Z answered, getting a pleased look from both Miuky and Lilly. It seems he made the right decision. Being a mayor wasn't as hard as he thought it would be!

Z waltzed through the hallways. He was so kempt up with energy that his legs seemed to never stop moving. He wasn't used to sitting still all the time, it got annoying. Maybe he could join the army force on a patrol of the borders or the sea attack force on a journey through the ocean. As he was thinking his thoughts of an adventure he heard a chatter coming from the Kitchen. It sounded like two birds squabbling over a worm. Going to investigate, Z slid around a corner and pressed his ear to the door. Disappointed to find that they weren't actually birds, he found Miuky's voice. "Oh uh this is red? Haha! I thought it was the right one!" Miuky sounded a little troubled.
"Miuky... I specifically said a blue flower, any blue flower! I can't make blue dye with red!"
"I'll try again!"
"No, no, no! Never mind that! Shoo go on!"
Z just realized who Miuky was talking to. The door swung open as Miuky walked out, head low. She seemed very disappointed in herself. Z made a quick note in his head to ask her about it. He looked inside the kitchen to find Snowy, the one he capsized on his way to the tower. "I didn't know you would stay."
Snowy looked at him. "Well... Even after you did kidnap me I still stay loyal to the town, meaning I should be loyal to you." She meowed simply, swishing her white tail. She didn't seem at all bothered by his presence.
Z notices a carrot resting on an end table. He started staring at it's luscious, orange surface as Snowy blabbered on about something. The green of the stem was the finest shade imaginable, looking so juicy and ripe as if begging Z to bite into it's perfectly crunch body.
"Z... Did you listen to anything I just said?" Snowy's voice voice broke him from his carrot trance, making him snap into attention. "Huh?" He glanced at the carrot, then looked at her. "No, I wasn't." He meowed bluntly. "Repeat it, Snowy."
Snowy rolled her blue eyes. "I said, I have a mixture that will fix your... Thin flimsy body."
Z looked indignant. "I like the way I look!" He meowed in an objecting way. Snowy opened her jaws to reply, but someone burst into the room before she could make a noise.
"Lord Z! Smoke has escaped from the prison!" Wave, a Sargent, warned, panting. Z gave her a quizzical look, but it was quickly replaced with determination. "Hurry, we must stop him!" Z ordered briskly, managing to keep calm even though he was frustrated inside. Z rushed out of the Tower, Wave on his heels. A few soldiers were standing in place, gazing up at one of the ships. Smoke was at the wheel, a spear clutched in his paws. "Why aren't you doing anything?" Z demanded, taking a few steps towards the boat. One of the soldiers stopped him, receiving a glare. "But Lord Z, he has a captive! Its only a little kitten!" He meowed defiantly, a look of panic on his face, like most of the cats around him. Z didn't take another step forward as Smoke began to sail off. But just before he left the bay, the black cat looked over his shoulder, shouting loud for all to hear, "I'll be back for my throne, Z! And I'm bringing allies!"

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