☮A Single Blue Rose☮ - EDI...

De Rosetta

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•Chapter I
A Single Blue Rose - Lesson nº3

•Chapter II

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De Rosetta

Chapter II

Dominic POV

I stirred as I felt the layers of sleep fell one by one, soon enough I was wide awake but just too lazy to open my eyelashes.

Slowly I open my eyes. I noticed three things while that happen. First, I was not on my room or any that I knew. Second, I had an incredible headache\hangover result for all the alcohol of last night on celebrating the last say I was a free man. Third and more important than all, I had an arm wrapped around a beautiful angel and she was nude. I looked at myself confirming my suspicions. Yep, we did it.

I looked at her. I don't even remember her name... Chloe wasn't? I smiled proud of myself for remembering it. She was truly beautiful; she had dirty blonde hair that was sticking out in every direction because of all the moving last night. Her features were calm and she had a hit of a smile.

I felt an urge to kiss her so I did, I pecked her softly on the lips; I mean we did a lot worse, or on my point of view, better. I smirked. And looked and the clock that was on the bedside table. I immediately jumped of the bed being careful to not wake Chloe up. I stared at her for a while, should I wake her? It's already eight a.m. she would probably want to go to her home and get ready for work. But then she is so in peace it would be a shame to wake her, and it would be really awkward so I just let her be.

I went to the bathroom and got dressed; I would have a shower when I got home. I went to the room again and stared at the Angel again. Would I meet her again? She would probably think that I am just a random guy looking for a one nigh-stand which I wasn't. Truth to be told I was drunk but I am not the kind of guy to play around with woman.

I saw a huge bouquet of blue roses, so in an inspiration moment I took one and laid next to her on the bed, a single Blue Rose, I hoped it was enough for not to make her think I was a jackass.

I looked at the clock and cursed lowly the school would start in less than fifteen minutes. Great first day and I am already late!

I got my shoes and went running to the main hall of the Hotel. I pay the Room bill and gave extra money so when Chloe went downstairs she would have a taxi taking here wherever she needed.

Whit a sigh I went out of the Lobby and got into my car, I probably broke all the driving rules but got on my house at eight and half. I run to my house and quickly went to my room. I got my clothes and got the quickest shower ever. Dried and got into my clothes, I didn't have time to eat anything. I got once again into my car and driven to the school.

I got there 15 minutes late and quickly ran to the office. I was greeted with a mad school heir that lectured me on being late blah, blah, blah I just got to the state when I was nodding but didn't hear anything.

He gave me my schedule and wished me good luck while glaring. I walked\ran towards my classroom, I could hear the noise the students were making from afar. Ah, the youth! How I miss the jungle of High School. Not that I am that old, well at least I think I am not, I am just 22, just got out of college with the intention of being an English Teacher, this was the first time I would really teach.

I enter the room; the kids immediately went silent and walked to the table. AH AH I get a secretary! Uh oh!

"Hi everyone, sorry for my delay, I'm the new English Teacher, my name is Dominic R. Campbell. I really don't think I am too old so please, inside this walls call me Dominic, out of here call Mr. Campbell." I paused and looked at my class. The girls were staring at me some even drooling. It was disturbing. I looked over the faces and spotted the one I was looking for. I smiled, the face was astonished and the mouth was wide open in shock.

I smirked slightly. "So class today is the first day so first I will see if everyone is present and then on the same order, each of you will talk a little bit about yourself okay?" some murmured okay but he still had a look of shock on his face.

"Allen, Rose?" I started to make the call and got to his name "Campbell, Ace?" I smirked everyone turned to him intrigued by why would he have the same surname as the teacher, he murmured 'present'. I continued the call ignoring to whispers. "Moore, Zoey" I got no answer I looked around this girl was the only one missing, why would this girl be missing her first day? Had something happen to her? I struggle my worries and continued the call, why would I be worry if I didn't even know the student?

Next there were the presentations. Each student would say their name, age, and some hobbies some girls even hinted that they were singles. Ah, like I would ever go for a student. My mind momentary went to Chloe, The Angel. I wonder if she already woke up and went to work? What was her job? What was her full name, age and hobbies?

I woke up from my daydream when the bell suddenly rang. Finally. Every student got out except him. I haven't expected anything less.

"Why are you here Dom?"

I laughed "You don't even greet properly your own brother Ace?"

He glared at me "Why?" I didn't answer not because I didn't want to but because I didn't really have a reason I mean when you get out of collage you are just assigned to a random school. And as I coincidence got on the same school as my brother, Ace. But explaining this to him would ruin my fun. It was just to fun to mess him up. So instead I just said: "I will not gave you a late pass you know?" right on cue the ring bell rang.

Ace growled but didn't say anything he turned around and leaved. My next students came in chatting, when they saw me they become quiet, and I said the same as the other.

"Hi everyone, sorry for my delay, I'm the new English Teacher, my name is Dominic R. Campbell..."

Zoey POV

It was a sunny bright day; I was sitting on the floor that was full of different flowers, looking at a crystal water lagoon with trees surrounding me. I was using a strapless white sun dress and my feet were bare.

I felt peace and happiness evade me. I was complete.

Suddenly the water turned darker and darker and next it was absolute darkness. The darkness covered the sun so now it was all dark. I started to panic. I got up and started running to the trees as fast I could. The earth, rocks and plants cut my bare feet. It hurt, but I couldn't stop. Not if I didn't want to the darkness to catch me.

The path I was going divided to three and I couldn't decide where to go I took too much time because the darkness swallowed me into It I just could scream once before I fallen to nothing.


I woke up from a nightmare which I didn't really remember. I hate when that happens. I was too lazy to open my eyes and I was too comfy to move.

Argh, my head hurt a lot! Why do I have a headache? It feels like a hangover but that isn't

possible... right?

I snuggled to the comfy bed, the covers were of silk and it felt good on my bare skin.

Bare Skin? WHAT!

I jumped on the bed, wide awake now. I looked under the covers. Yep I was naked. How the hell did I end up naked?

I looked at my sorrowing. Okay now, where the hell was I?

I was on a fancy modern room that definitely wasn't mines or Luna's so was I kidnapped BY Perverts?

I took a deep calming breath. 'Okay Zoey what is the last things you remember?'

Well ... I remember getting ready and dragged to the club with Kate then going dancing with Ace and going back to our table... then I drunk the coke that Luna gave me...

Shit! She didn't, did she? She is so fucking dead when I see her! How she dares to make me drunk? Argh. Luna, Luna, Luna, you are so dead!

Okay so Luna got me drunk and what do I remember next. Okay so I drunk the supposed 'coke' and then ... I felt heat on my cheeks. I freaking kissed Ace!

The next memories come in a fast blur. Me coming out of the bar with him, driving to this Hotel, the shower kissing, his tattoo that was on his left chest, more kissing and then...

Oh My Fucking God! I had sex with ACE!

I jumped out of the bed wrapping the cover around me just in case he was here "Ace?" I yelled but I received as an answer the silence.

I sighed. Okay so he isn't here. That's good because that would be embarrassing and awkward as hell. I looked at the clock on the bedside table it was already one p.m. Shit! I completely missed my first day at school but right now I have more serious business to take care of, could this day get any worse?

I walked to the bathroom (which I saw because the door was wide open). I saw the mini back dress and the dead traps on the floor. Good. Now where is my panties and bra?

I picked the dress up and went again to the room to look for the missing clothes. I found them on the floor and on the sofa. There were no signs of Ace. I went to the bathroom again and got on the shower.

Did we use protection? I don't remember that should I ask him? How will I talk to him now? What time it is? I need to go home and get ready for school! Is Kate worried?

Shit this is all so fucked up!

I got out of the shower, dried myself off and dressed on the dirty clothes. I fixed my hair and put the dead traps on. With a sigh I got out of the bathroom and looked around to see if I was leaving anything behind. And then I noticed, a single blue rose layed on the bed, I don't know why, but I picked up and the got out of the room and followed the hall until I got to the Lobby.

"Miss!" Someone yelled, I turn around to see a hotel employer running to me.


"Is just to say that the man you were with paid for your taxi, he is outside ready to take wherever!" I nodded, thanked the man and went to grab the cab. I gave the man my address and then he took off.

So Ace had been considerate enough to pay for the taxi but why didn't he wake me up?

I was now passing the confused state and stared to get angry.

I wonder what will happen now. Are we a 'thing' together or was it just a one-night-stand? Had I no meaning at all to Ace? My heart sunk at the thought. I gave him a piece of me that I couldn't have it again, was he that ungrateful?

The cab stopped in front of my house. The man whistled at the sight of it. I sighed and got out of it and walked to the door. When I got to the front door I touched the door bell.

Ding Dong

The door was open by a middle Aged woman, our maid Mrs. Mason she pushed me to a breath taking hug.

"Can-t bre...ath..."

She took her arms off, put them on her waist and looked at me up and down."Where have you been? Do you know how incredibly worried I was? Why didn't you call?" I smiled looking apologetic.

"I am so sorry Mrs. Mason, Kate just decided to have a sleepover at her house and I stayed I was having so much fun that I totally forgot to call home, Please forgave me." I did my puppy face that no one could resist.

She sighed "Please let this not happen again! But why did you came at..." she looked at her watch " ...two pm? What about School?"

"Where's mom and dad?" I tried to change the subject.

"Uhm...they needed to go to this important meeting..." Nothing new "... on France was it?" she asked herself. I nodded at her.

"Then I will be going to my room, please prepare me some lunch and bring it to my room." my stomach growled on cue. Mrs. Mason chuckled slightly.

"I will prepare some spaghetti and meat balls, is that fine with you?"

I nodded. "Yes thank you Mrs. Mason" I hugged her and went up to the stairs and got on my room I put the Blue Rose on a jar and then the phone rang, I quickly picked it up.

"Zoey Moore speaking. Who's this?"


"Calm down Luna I am fine but not thanks to you..." I trailed off.

"Uhm... Sorry about that... but hey! Because of me you made out with Ace so don't forget to thank me!" I blushed deeply. Only if she knew... "But anyway where did you go? I saw you and Ace dancing and...'' she fake coughed ''...and then you too disappeared, do you want to tell me something uh uh?"

I blushed deeper than before. Did she already knew what happen? "Well, no, there is nothing to tell you about. I just went really, really tired from all the dancing and some coke I drank... anyway Ace just gave me a ride home that's it" I lied threw my teeth's.

"Oh... then why didn't you go to school today?"

Lie, lie, lie! "Well you know how alcohol affects me I just passed out all day I just woke up ya know?" I praised myself mentally. I just toke her on the guilty rode!

"Oh...So then it's my fault? I'm so sorry Zo! I didn't intend to..."

I cut her off. "It's okay Kate... So how was your first day?"

She giggled. "Well the big news is that we have a new English Teacher who's like SUPER HOT!"

I laughed. "Luna, are you planning on seducing him?"

"Nop, I already have a boyfriend that I love and adore. I think your curse is soon coming truth so watch out, be careful okay?"

I laughed. "The curse story again?"

She giggled. "Expect the Unexpected Zo! Expect the Unexpected!"

I looked at the Blue Rose. It's impossible to expect the unexpected, or it wouldn't be unexpected right?


Lame ending but oh well....

What do you think of Ace being the brother of Dominic, not just that but Zoey believes she did It with Ace... next chapter they'll met! I just had a ephiny (I don't know the word) of sorts and decided to that..

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