Me, Myself, and I

By IAteMyNameLol

306 13 0

I looked down, ashamed. Why? All those annoying, mean stares. Just ignore it. Get used to it, you hear it eve... More

Me, Myself, and I
My first Day.....Ch 3...
My awkwars second 3...

My big Change.....Ch 1...

73 2 0
By IAteMyNameLol

So I guess today's my last day of school... When I talked to my mom she said she'd let me finish this week first. Oh! I gotta say bye to my friends... Who am I kidding? I have no friends at all! Well, except one......


He has always been there for me. He's sharing the same shame I have. Lucas is a dork. Those big glasses, ugly braces, (seriously don't make too much eye contact with his face) messy chocolate brown hair. Oh and trust me it's not the sexy messy you think it is.

I don't care how he looks honestly... He is my only friend. He's always the one that is there for me. The one who feels my pain. He's been bullied 27/4. Just like me...

We met this year, he was new and I helped him from these guys who were stealing his glasses. Then we somehow became friends. I always tell him to man up be yourself. But who am I kidding? I'm not listening to my own advices!

And the worst part about missing him... He will be alone. God that word has echoes.

I am so going to miss him.

"So your leaving?" He lightly pushing his glasses higher. I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"I'm so so so so sooo sorry." I told him as I was getting out my ham sandwich from my lunch box. I shoved half the sandwich in my mouth. "Forgive me?" I tried to say from my full mouth.

"Oh I heard baldie is going to be homeschooled. Oh poor you," said a bitchy voice behind me. I know who it was, Vanessa, and her little gang, Hannah and Bri.

"Leave her alone." Lucas replied. I smiled. This was the first time he ever stood up for me and I'm glad he finally did it, on time, too!

"Aww Prince Ugly came to save baldie." She cooed.

"Let's go Lucas." I said and stood up taking one more bite of my sandwich but she pushed the sandwich to my face before I got to bite it. The mayo, pickles and other stuff like that was smeard acoss my face.

I gasped and dropped my sandwich. I couldn't open my eyes because of the mayo. I stood up and someone was holding my wrist and leading me somewhere.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He said. Thank God Lucas thank you!! I said in my head but apperantly too shocked to say anything.

I went to a room which I think was the girl's restroom and Lucas i noticed Lucas wasn't behind me.

"Lucas?" I yelled "Where are you?"

"You expect me to go to the girl's restroom with you?" I heard.


After I cleaned myself up I went out of the restroom and saw Lucas. He gave me a tight hug and whispered "I'll mis you." I hugged back.

"I'll miss you too."

And that was my last day of school


                                                            2 Years Later

"You missed a year of school you should go back!" My mother told me.

We were having this conversation again. First she forces me out of school and now she's pushing me back in! What kind of mother is she?

I missed school last year (9th grade) and got home school by my mom's friend. I bet i am smarted than some kids my age.

This was hmm our 50th argument? I keep declining about going to school. Haha no way am I  going to that place ever again.

I closed my eyes and remember all those people making fun of my you know what.

"Mom, please. I don't want my childhood years to happed again. Mom. Pleaase." I said still closing my eyes trying to hald back the tears of my pain.

She sighed and there was a long silence. "Why don't you wear a wig?" she asked.

I thought about it. But i shook my head. "M-m too risky. Mom you know me! The clumsy me. I bet on the first day of school my secret will be revealed."

"No it's actually a good idea! Come on! You need to experiance the world." She said pulling my arm. God she serciously acts like a child. "I'll buy you a whole bunch of them! I know a friend who works at a hair salon. Maybe we could get a discount!"

Should I do this? No, too risky... What should I do? I want to go to school like a normal person would. But this is actually a good idea. When I made my decision I sighed.

"Fine, but no crazy hair colors." I said.

She smiled and went to the coat rack and got her brown furry coat. I gave her the where-are-yu-going stare. "Come on we're going" she said as she tossed my gray coat to me.

I wanted to ask 'now?' but I was too lazy to speak.

I got out of the couch and followed my mom to the door.


"This, Is perfect" I said holding up a long, straight, light brown wig.

"Perfect! Now it's settled!" My mom said jumping up and down clapping her hands. I seriously wonder is she really is 40 years old.

My checklist-

Get the perfect wig [ x ]

Get a Make over [   ]

Dress Up [   ]

Survive highschool [   ]

Get my mom a boyfriend [   ]

One down two to go especially the last one.

I went to the mirror ignoring my mom's hyperness and put on the wig. I stared at myself wide eyed.

This is what I dreamed I'd look like.

It looked so real that this plan might actually work.

"Oh. My. God. Perfect! Beautiful! Belle, this could really work!" She said excitedly. Wow this girl really wants me out of the house

I continued to stare at myself "Mom. This is the one." I said not ripping my eyes of the mirror.

My mom paid for the hair and we left the shop.

People passing were looking at me weirdly. Don't worry Belle, you won't have to see those stares any longer.


"How about a makeover?" She asks

"No way! I am so not touching one of those! EVER!" I said standing up.

"How about your hair? We could do your hair!" She pointed at the ceiling like there was a light bulb and then she looked at me. I looked at her like he  has forgetten all about her child. "Oh yeah your bald." She said looking down.

"Wow way to be a great mom, mom!" I said making sure she noted the sarcasm.

"Sorry honny I just forgot."


"How about buying some clothes!" She said looking happy.

She never shops with me I always decline her when she asks me to come with her to the mall and she would always beg me to come with her. I have a feeling she is a teen.....

I shook my head. "Nuh uh noo. I hate the mall you know that! What if someone from 8th grade sees me? My life will be OVER!" I said

"Pick one, clothes or makeup?" She argued.

"Fine clothes" I said

"too bad cuz we're doing both." She giggles



Pluck "Ow." Pluck "Oww." Pluck "OWWW!!!!"

"Stop being O.A. it's fine get used to it." She scolded "And stop moving."

"Why don't you making my eyebrows numb?" I suggested. I saw you could put ice on your eyebrows to make them numb.

"Waste a' time." I rolled my eyes.

"Your eyebrows are really uneven." She said.

"Wow, your such an amazing mom." Pluck "Ow!"

She smiled "I know." Then she gave me a wink.

A few painful plucks later....

"Done!" she smiled "It looks amaz-balls."

"Don't say that. Just-just don't" she giggled.

"Now..." She wiggled her eyebrows. Oh no. Oh god no.

"No no no no no. Not going to happen." I said scutching back to my seat.

"Please Belle! You finally get to hang out with your amazing mom! Please just this once. We never have mother-daughter bonding time. And you need this trust me." She explained.

"Alright first we need to get you an acne cleanser. Next I'll get you those what do you call them? Oh yeah those clear braces thingy cuz hunny you need braces. Then get your ears pearced. Oh you certainly need thongs! It's sexier and your in highschool. When I was in highschool I stopped being a vir-"

"Mom!" I yelled.

"Hahaha." She scratched the back of her neck. "I forgot to tell you 'the talk'" She looked at me nervously.

My eyes were wide. I already know the talk I went to this puberty class. I shivered at the thought. I didn't want to argue so I just carried on.

"Alright we need a wardrobe." Isn't she not rich? "I've saved money for this. Don't worry." She smiled. I'm not so sure if she is sweet or not. "Uh yeah anyways let's get started. This is how you put on blush."

"Wait are you sure that's blush? Isn't blush for the eyes?"

"Key words on eye shadow. EYE!"


"This'll take a while." Mom mumbled


I paced around my room. Holding my hand to my chin stroking my imaginary beard.

"No no no no no. School's tomorrow. School's tomorrow. What if someone recognizes me? What if- what if- what if-." I talked to myself then a lightbulb flashed on top of my head. 

"Anna!" I said pointing to the ceiling "Anna! Perfect! I just have to not show my name is Anabelle and name myself Anna! They can't possibly remember middle school right?"

"Honey? What's wrong?" My mother peered at me by the door.

"Mom, I am ready. I am so ready." I smiled

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