Afraid to Fall ▷ Stilinski

By simplystiles-

1.1M 31.8K 13.8K

In the eyes of the alumni of Beacon Hills High School, Kennedy Martin is the picture perfect girl. She has be... More

Afraid to Fall
Chapter 1. The Beautiful Cousin Conjecture
Chapter 2. Not Just Some Guy...
Chapter 3. Danny Boy
Chapter 4. Catching
Chapter 5. Superhero's Always Get The Girl
Chapter 6. Bowling Buddies
Chapter 7. The Dark Knight Brings People Together
Chapter 8. The Notebook and a Bone Saw
Chapter 9. Mall Invitation
Chapter 10. Mountain Lion
Chapter 11. I'm Her Peeta and She's My Katniss
Chapter 12. Beacon Hills High... After Hours
Chapter 13. Derek Hale Wants To Kill Me?
Chapter 14. Never Letting Go
Chapter 15. Drunken Slurs and Proposal Idea's
Chapter 17. Ping Pong Balls and Fighting
Chapter 18. Papa Stilinski and Peter Hale
Chapter 19. Madigan to the Rescue!
Chapter 20. Parental Issues
Chapter 21. The Betrayal
Chapter 22. The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 23. Questions and More Questions
Chapter 24. The New Alpha and More Apologies

Chapter 16. Sharpies, Kissing, and Danny

37.2K 1.1K 427
By simplystiles-

i lied. this chapter is short too and the Stennedy stuff has been pushed back to chapter 17. i was going to do something else, and that's why i thought it would be in this chapter but i changed my mind. i'm sorry again that this is so short, ugh. x


"I've never actually left during Study Hall before so this is kind of new to me and I'm really freaking out right now." I ranted to Danny as he rolled his eyes. We had just snuck out of the building five minutes ago and are now on our way to some store that he won't tell me about so he can help me pick up something to use to ask Stiles to the Winter Formal with. 

Even though guys are usually the ones that ask the girls, I think with me asking him I will feel a lot more comfortable about the entire thing. This way I am the one who know's what's going on and I'm not getting blindsided, that's just me. I just pray to God that Stiles will say yes. 

Danny glanced at me with a raised brow, "I think you're freaking out because you're going to be asking Stiles to the Winter Formal."

"That could very well be the reason." I stated dryly.

I feel like I'm going to throw up just thinking about it. I've never asked a guy to a dance before, hell-- I've never really asked a guy for anything to be totally honest. Every guy that has asked me out has been influenced by Lydia in some way, and I've never had the balls to actually stand up to them about it. I just wanted a date.

Danny then pulled into the parking lot of the local sporting goods store and I glanced at him in confusion. Why the hell would he need to bring me to a sporting goods store to get something to ask Stiles to the dance with? 

"Explain." I demanded the moment that he had his car parked. 

He rolled his eyes before pulling out the keys, "I don't need to explain. It's a great idea and you'll love it. Now, come on."


"Alright geniuses, listen up!" Coach shouted to the team in the locker room. I don't really think he had to shout since we were all in like a ten foot radius of him but he shouts anyway so I guess there is no point in even bringing it up. 

The guys that were the farthest away stepped closer and crowded around Coach, thankfully I was sitting down next to Scott so I didn't have to worry about being pushed out of the way as per usual. 

"Due to the recent pink eye epidemic, thank you Greenberg. The following people have made first line on a probationary basis. Emphasis on the word probationary." He stated, glancing at everyone in the room. 

My eyes widened slightly and I turned my body so I was fully facing him. This could be it, my moment. I very well may finally make first line! So what if it's probationary? Maybe now Lydia will finally leave Kennedy alone enough to where I can ask her out and it will all be okay because I'll be first line. 

"Rodriguez, welcome to first line. Taylor and, uh..." My body inched off of the bench as I held my breath, this is it, this is it! 

Coach's face was scrunched up as he attempted to read the final name, "Oh for the love of crap. I can't even read my own writing. What is that? An S?" 

My body slid off the bench as I want to stand up but before I could Coach began to speak again, "No, that's a....B. That's a B. That's definitely a B. Rodriquez, Taylor, and uh, Bilinski." 

"WOO!" There was no stopping me as I jumped up off the bench, slicing my hand through the air in sweet victory, "WOO!"

"Bilinski!" Finstock yelled at me, I will admit I may have gone a little overboard with my celebration, but can you blame me? I will finally be able to play a game to please my dad and get Kennedy to go out with me, it's like all of my stars are finally lining up properly and I can't even deal with how excited I am.


"Shut up!" Coach snapped.

I nodded as I sat back down, "Yes sir."

"Stiles--" Scott began to whisper but before he could finish I whipped my head to the side and narrowed my eyes at him "It's Biles. Call me Biles or I swear to God, I'll kill you."

This was finally it. The moment I had been waiting my entire high school career for and I'll be damned if it gets ruined because Scott screws it up by calling me Biles.

Coach cleared his throat, "Anyways, from here on out, we're switching to co-captains immediately. Congratulations McCall."

I glanced between Scott and Jackson with wide eyes, Jackson looked about ready to kill someone and Scott looked beyond confused. We have never had co-captains before, Jackson has led the team solo, and I know that he isn't going to take well to having to share that title. 

"What?" Jackson snapped as he glanced at Coach.

"What do you mean what? Jackson this takes nothing away from you. This is about combining separate strengths into one unit. This is about taking your unit and McCall's unit and we're making one big unit. McCall it's you and Jackson now. Everyone else, asses on the field! Asses on the field!" Coach yelled. 

I clapped my hand on Scott's shoulder as we made our way out of the locker room, "Dude can you believe this? You're captain, I'm first line. I'm first freaking line!"

"Are you not freaking out? I'm freaking out!" I gushed as we walked into the hallway, Jackson was fuming and I could hear him shouting at Daniel. I relished in the fact that he happened to be the one that Jackson lashed out on. I hate that guy.

Scott rolled his eyes, "That's not the point. It's just a stupid title. I could practically smell the jealousy in there." 

"Wait, you smelled jealousy?" I asked in confusion. 

He nodded, "It's like the full moon is turning everything up to ten."

My eyes widened as I glanced down the hall to see Kennedy and Lydia. Kennedy had a notebook flipped open in her hands and she was asking Lydia something. If Scott can smell jealousy, I wonder if he can smell other things.

"Can you pick up on stuff like... I don't know, desire?" I asked hesistantly. 

My best friend gave me an odd look, "What do you mean, desire?"

"Like... sexual desire?"

His eyebrow quirked up, "Sexual desire?"

"Yes, sexual desire. Lust, passion, arousal." I replied as I rolled my R just to get my point across. Latin people say it like that, and they are the biggest sex icons out there, right? I mean, look at Sofia Vergara.

Scott's eyes drifted down the hallway and he caught sight of Kennedy, she was scribbling something down in the notebook now. I wonder what she's doing?

"From Kennedy." He stated dryly. 

My eyes wided, "No. In a general broad sense, can you smell sexual desire."

"From Kennedy to you?" He asked with a slight smirk. God sometimes he enjoyed being such a dick I swear. 

I sighed, "Fine, yes. From Kennedy to me. Look, I need to know if I have a chance with this girl, okay? I've been obsessing over her since the third freaking grade and if you haven't noticed every time I try to talk to her I make a complete fool out of myself."

"Why don't you just ask her?" He continued to taunt me, that stupid smirk growing on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "Well to save myself from utterly crushing humiliation, thank you Scott. Okay, so can you please just go up to her and ask her if she likes me? Like, see if her heart beat rises or pheromones come out or--" 

"Fine." Scott groaned as he began his trek towards Kennedy.

A smile made it's way onto my face, "I love you. I love you! You're my best friend in the whole world!"


"Why do you need to borrow my sharpies again?" Lydia asked in confusion. 

I sighed as I glanced up from my little notebook, "Because I need to write on 150 ping pong balls. And I don't have any at my house and you have like a whole set of them." 

"Why are you writing on 150 ping pong balls?" She inquired. 

"Because! Lydia, seriously I just need to borrow them." I groaned, this was getting entirely too stressful. It shouldn't be this freaking difficult to borrow some sharpies so I can write on 150 ping pong balls. 

Lydia's eyes widened as she glanced at someone behind me, I quickly spun around and nearly bumped into this person's chest. They were wearing a uniform, but it wasn't number 24. I glanced up and met Scott's gaze. 

"Oh, um hey Scott." I greeted awkwardly.

He smiled, "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"I'm actually--"

"Yes!" Lydia squeaked as she shoved me farther into Scott. I shot her a look before Scott pulled me into Coach Finstock's office, closing the door. I shoved my notebook into my bag and watched him stalk over to me. This is weird. 

I glanced around the room briefly before asking, "So what did you want to talk about?"

"You're friends with Allison, right?" He asked quickly. 

My eyes widened slightly, I have heard from Allison and Lydia that Scott and her are kind of on a break at the moment. I didn't think that Scott would actually approach me about this, I have no idea what even happened between them.

"Uh, yes... why?" I mumbled.

He took another step towards me, "Do you, uh... do you know if she still likes me?"

"Oh. Scott, I haven't really talked to her lately... I'm sure she does though, I mean you're such a nice guy and I'm sure that she'll come to her senses soon enough." I rambled, trying to make him feel better. He doesn't look the way that he normally does, like there is this darker aura about him. I would hate to think that Allison hurt him that badly.

Before he could speak I quickly began to talk again, "I actually really have to get going I have some stuff to do, you should probably ask Lydia though, she talks to Allison a lot more than I do. She would know what's going on."

Scott nodded, "Okay. Thanks."

I smiled brightly, "It's not problem. I really do think that she's missing out, you're a great guy, Scott."

With that said, I stumbled out of Coach Finstock's office and made my way towards Lydia, who was still standing in the exact spot when I had left her. When she saw me her eyes lit up, "So how'd it go?" She still thinks that I like Scott. Which I clearly don't. I'm not having this conversation with her right now. 

"Awesome, he actually wants to talk to you about Allison. Can I borrow your sharpies though? You never answered my question." I asked desperately. 

She nodded and then sauntered into Coach Finstock's office. I rolled my eyes and handed outside to the lacrosse fields. I needed to ask Danny a few things about how I'm supposed to get all of these damn ping pong balls into my house.

By the time I got out to the Lacrosse fields, the practice had already began. Danny was in goal, and I couldn't very well talk to him while he was on the field, now could I? So, instead I sat down on the bleachers and watched in annoyance. These practices could go on for like an hour, and I don't want to wait that long. I need to get these damn ping pong balls done already.

Lydia strolled down the sideline and sat down beside me, she looked like a hot mess. Her hair wasn't nearly as perfect as it had been when I left her and I could see that her lipstick was smeared. My eyes widened as I glanced between her and Scott. 

"Tell me that you didn't just make-out with Scott." I hissed as I narrowed my eyes at her. I swear to God this girl never thinks! I mean just because Allison and him are on a break doesn't mean that she had the right to make-out with him!

She glanced at me, "I didn't just make-out with Scott."

"Lydia why would you do that?" I moaned as I buried my head in my hands. She had such a good friendship with Allison going, and now this is going to ruin everything. I can't believe that we're even related sometimes because honestly she does shit that I would never even think of doing.

I have a feeling this has something to do with the fact that Jackson has been hitting on Allison and being a total douche to Lydia, but that doesn't mean that she had to go and make-out with Scott. That only complicates everything further.

"I thought you didn't like him?" She quipped as she cocked her head to the side and bit at her bottom lip.

I groaned, "I don't, but Allison sure as hell does!"

"Since when do you care about Allison?" She inquired. Okay, obviously this conversation is going nowhere.

I rolled my eyes and glanced back to the field where Scott was taking his turn to make a rush at the goal. He scooped a ball up and then started running towards the goal quickly, the two defensive players easily knocked him to the ground and he landed on his back. 

"He seems distracted..." Lydia chuckled, licking at her bottom lip. I resisted the urge to gag. I'm not getting involved in this. I already know that this is going to cause some serious issues between Lydia and Allison, and for once, I'm gonna just opt out and let Lydia fight her battles without me as back-up.

Scott stood back up and snatched the lacrosse stick off the ground, "Biles you ready?!" Finstock yelled. Biles? Who the hell-- why is Stiles nodding up and down like an over excited puppy? What did I miss? I'm pretty sure that his name is Stiles, with an S, not Biles, with a B. Scott shoved himself back to the front of the line, pushing Stiles back.

"That's it McCall! You gotta earn it!" Finstock yelled in excitement, jumping up and down with his hands clasped together. Okay, I don't understand what is going on with this practice, everything is all over the damn place.

Scott once again made a run for the goal, and this time he shoved both of the defenders to the ground roughly. My eyes widened as he went straight for Danny, knocking him to the ground as well. I gasped and stood up in shock, oh my God. Is he okay? People rushed to his aid, and I was one of them. The moment that I got over to him, he was trying to laugh it off, but he kept wincing every time he would suck in a breath. 

"Jesus, that was totally uncalled for!" I said loud enough for Scott to hear. He whipped his head around and narrowed his eyes at me, I noticed that they were glowing bright yellow but then quickly flickered back to brown. What the hell? 

Stiles rushed over to Scott and jerked him away hastily, I didn't bother sparing them another glance as I bent back down to sit by Danny as we waited for the nurse to show up with a wheel chair. Scott McCall is now no longer a great guy.


I already know that Mads is going to kill me. I'm sorry. I changed some stuff around so you all got another shitty chapter. Ugh. I know, I'm a major disappointment. Next chapter will have the Stennedy scene you have all been waiting for, I PROMISE.

Fan, vote, and comment! xx

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