The Bully

By _GoddessxOvo

39.8K 1.5K 116

Willow Anae Winston is a 16 year old Junior at RalieghFord High . She lives with her Mother Deena Renee Winst... More

◆Chapter 2
◆Chapter 3
◆Chapter 4
◆Chapter 5
◆Chapter 6
◆Chapter 7
◆Chapter 8
◆Chapter 9
◆Chapter 10
◆ Chapter 11
My Absence

The Bully

6.9K 177 10
By _GoddessxOvo

FYI i used the Names Vixen and Delonte from @ibtrill's Book "WomanHood" because for One i really liked the name Vixen it sounds like a bullies name right? Right and two i really coudlnt think of any names, plus i had JUST got done reading that book. And as for Delonte, i just added an L to the name, but yeah i really couldnt find any names, But anyway if you havent Read WomanHood yet, Go ahead and add it to Your Libraries


As i stepped foot in Raliegh i took precausion of my suroundings. I sped walked through the crowded halls to my Locker and Grabbed my things for First hour. I looked around again before closing my locker and walking to class. As the hallways started to clear, I slowed down my walking making Vixen wasnt anywhere around. As i turned the corner i regreted even walking this way, i seen Vixen and his Boys poated up on a wall. I swalloed hard and turned to walk away, but before i could even get my leg to move he called me.


Me and my boys Menace, Raheem and Blaze where all posted on the wall, chillen and doing the usual, Skipping class. Until i seen Willow's ass try and turn around.

"Aye Willow!" she slowly turned around with fear in her eyes. I smirked, She already know what time it is.

I started to make my way twords her, but she kept backing up. So i ran twords her and she dropped her books, running away from me. She was fast but not faster than me. I caught up with her and picked her up tightly and abruptly by her waist and pushed her against the wall.

"Why tf you running from me? Huh?"

"Please just let me go Vixen" she cried

"What you call me?"

"Vix-" before she could finish the sentence i slapped her as hard as i could. She held her cheeck and looked up at me with tears in her eyes, but i didnt give a fuck.

"Whats my Name?" she didnt answer me, but only cried harder.

"Whats my fucking name Llow?" i gritted out.

"D-daddy" she stuttered out. Something she always does when shes scared. I grinned and let her down. She grabbed her stuff, but i pushed her down and walked away like nothing happend.


I sighed and wiped my tears, standing to my feet, gathering my things walking off to my locker. I hated how it was hard for me to Deal with him. I was scared to tell anyone, because Vixen is capable of anything... I let out a heavy sigh as i went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and there was a red bruise on my left cheek. I looked in my purse and applied some foundation onto the bruise and it covered it up for the most part. I looked at my clothes and fixed it. I was mad he messes up my jays. I rolled my eyes as i fixed myself.

I walked out the bathroom and just went to the librabry until lunch. I wasnt gonna sit in class with Him, even though he barley goes, im not taking chances.


I walked in the Cafeteria and went to the line and grab a salad, then taking a seat at the table i always sit at by myself Until my only friends Tisha and Mya come.

"Hey Babes" Tisha and Mya said sitting down with me.

"Hey yall" i smiled.

They knew nothing about Vixen, No one does and i plan on keeping it that way.

"This salad looking gooooood" Mya exclaimed digging in. I laughed

"So whats the plans for Tonight? Its friday and im ready to party hoes" Tisha added

"Im gonna stay in and help moms out around the house." i said picking at my salad.

"Why? Llow your always sitting in that boring ass house, Knowing damn well your momma dont be there friday nights"i sighed, because it was true. I was just scared that if i went out somewhere id see Vixen and i didnt want that.

"And?" i asked

"Annnnd, We dont care what you say, your going out tonight, and thats Final"

"But Tisha"

"Nope, im not having it" i rolled my eyes and ate my salad

"I heard there was a party tonight at the New Boys house, whats his name? Deon? Dontae? Delontae! Thats it. Yeah hes having a party tonight, Invited the whole Junior class." Mya said finishing her Salad.

New kid? We had a New kid? Well i probably would have known if i went to class. Well i guess ill go, I just hope Vixen wasnt there. He doesnt go to parties anyway does he? Naah? I dont know....

As soon as school was out, happy i havent encountered Vixen since this morning. I hoped in my Rover and headed home. I didnt have any afternoon classes with Dleontae but i had 3 and 4 with him. Hes real cool, and Fine as hell. He sat by me and we got to know eachother.

I pulled into the driveway, and got out the car, seeing Ma was home.

"Hey Ma, Im home!" i yelled closing the door.

She came down looking beautiful as ever.

"Hey baby how was school?"

"It was fine, can i go out tonight?"

"Hmm, where to?"

"A party this kid named Delontaes having, Hes a new student and he invited the whole Junior class"

She looked like she was thinking about it, then nodded a yes..

"Thanks Ma"

"Mhm, be home before 1 and whats that on your face?"

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Wh-What you talking about?"

"You got something on your cheek Willow"

I put my hand on my cheek and nodded a no

"Nope, nothing there." I said going up the stairs.

I made it to my room, closed and locked my door. I looked in my mirror and i just had some neosporin on my face, I sighed in relieaf. The Bruise had went away .

I checked my phone and it was 4. The party started at 6 so i hoped on the shower and got ready.

Ok, so just a start. Tellme how yall like this story. I wanted to try something new.

Excuse any mistakes, i didnt proof read.

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