My True Life Partner(Complete...

By DSilentGirl

477K 14.6K 1.1K

This story starts from raglak marriage..... This is very different from serial..... And here swasan falls for... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Part 45
Cover pic

Part 24

9.5K 322 9
By DSilentGirl

"Give without remembering and always receive without forgetting."

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Episode 24

In badi dida is sitting in the sofa and watching tv.... Shomi came to her...."Ma i want to talk to u...."

"Ya shomi say me...."

"Ma what do u think about Nirbhay???"hearing this dida is shocked.... She switched off the tv and turn to her...."Shomi y r u asking about Nirbhay suddenly??? Do u love him???"

"Ma i like him but love and all its too much for this age ma.... Yes he is a nice person no doubt in that.... But still i have some hesitation.... "

"Shomi just tell me what ur heart tells??? "

"Ma he is very good.... Very nice person.... In these days he didn't even force me to marry him... Y he didn't even talk about that ma... Even yesterday he took stand for me and swara ma.... I didn't expect that shekar will stoop this low and talk like this...."

"Shomi that means u r ready to marry Nirbhay???"

"Ma i am not sure about it.... I am just afraid ma...."

"Y r u afraid shomi???"

"Ma swasan told that sujatha ji accepted their marriage.... I am very happy about it...... But ma maheswaris are very conservative.... What if they take this wrong and didn't agree for swasan marriage????"

"Shomi sujatha thinks only about sanskar's happiness and his happiness lies in swara.... So she won't say anything..... Just tell ur opinion alone shomi do u agree to marry Nirbhay???"

"Ma i am ok with the marriage but still i need some time ma...."

"Its enough shomi.... U know i am very happy.... U didn't tell bcoz of our pressure na???"

"No no ma i am saying it whole heartedly only.... But i need some more time...."

"Good now shoru will be very happy.... "

"Ma i didn't accept na.... "

"Shomi i know u will accept.... Today i am very happy.... See always my choice will be best...."dida said with a pride.... Shomi smiled and went into thoughts....

Here swara is struggling to get out from the grip of the goons.... They start to molest her by tearing her sleeves both sides.... Swara is shocked and became numb.... She tried to take her pepper spray from her bag but the goons overpowered her.... At that time she saw shekar and dadi going in bike.... She shouted for help....

"Ma see there someone is misbehaving with swara...." dadi saw that and is shocked to see the goons ragging swara.... Dadi scolded them under her breath,"idiots do they have only this place to do all this.... No i cant let shekar help her.... Have to do something...."suddenly she thought something and told to shekar,"Shekar yesterday u scolded her and that bengalan na.... So she is doing drama to gain ur sympathy.... Can't u see they are not even doing anything.... Just they are standing around her.... And she is just seeing us.... From that can't u see she is acting...."hearing it shekar saw her and thought she is just acting.... So he went from there in anger.... Seeing it swara is shocked.... The goons start to drag her.... Swara is just shouting.... No one is there to help her.... At that time Nirbhay came there.... Seeing swara struggling he came down from the car and fought with them.... But the goons overpowered him.... They try to hit him but our hero reached there and fought with all.... Swara is in the corner covering her chest with her hands and sitting down nervously.... Seeing her a goon came to stab her but Nirbhay saw her and hold the knife.... Blood came from his hand.... The goon with other hand scratched his hand.... Blood is coming from both palm and hand.... Before the goon stab him police came there and arrested him..... Sanskar saw swara and felt very bad and went to her.... He took his coat and made swara wear it.... Then swasan and Nirbhay went to badi..... Sanskar took swara inside the house.... Seeing it shomi and dida became shock.....

"Sanskar what happened????"shomi asked him....

"Aunty vo some goons misbehaved with swara.... "

"What????sanskar u both only come together na???then where were u haan???"

"Aunty vo today i had meeting.... So i asked swara to go with driver but she refused and went alone.... I do no how come goons came there suddenly.... Thank god Nirbhay uncle came on time... I went there late.... He even got hurt in saving swara...."hearing it shomi saw his hand.... Its tied with kerchief.... She asked dida to do first aid and saw swara.... She is sitting in shock.... She went near her and gave her water.... Swara didn't drink.... She just went inside her room and lay down in the bed.... Seeing it sanskar,shomi,dida and nirbhay were worried..... Shomi went near her and caressed her head.... Others went to the living room.... Swara turn and saw her.... She just hugged her and spoke,"Ma whether i am that bad that he didn't think to save me...."shomi is confused....

"Shona whom u r speaking about????"

"Ma i am speaking about ragini's papa.... He saw me struggling with goons ma.... But he just left me there and went away ma.... Y ma???am i that bad???" hearing it shomi is shocked..... She just consoled swara and made her sleep and went down....

"Sanskar i need ur help...."

"Yes aunty tell me...."

"Sanskar can u ask any lawyer to prepare a divorce paper????"

"Aunty is it for u???"

"Yes sanskar.... Enough is enough.... He crossed his limit a lot..... Ma do u know today he saw swara in trouble but he didn't care for her.... He left her in the hands of goons ma...."hearing it all are shocked....

"Aunty yesterday itself swara said me about this.... So i talked with lawyer.... I think it will be ready by now.... I will talk to him...."saying this he called the lawyer and asked him to bring the papers.... After few minutes he brought the papers and gave it to sanskar.... Shomi took the paper and signed it..... Then she went to shekar's house.... There dadi is talking in phone with ragini....

"Laadoo u know that swara would have been broken a lot.... She wouldn't come in our way.... Now our men would have tortured her to the core.... U haven't seen her crying.... Its nice u know...."shomi heard all this.... She is shocked.... She went to her house and called sanskar and both went to mm....

Shomi entered inside the mm furiously.... She started to shout ragini's name..."Ragini ragini come down...." hearing her sound all came to the hall.... Even dp,rp,laksh and adarsh were also there....

"Sharmisthaji aap here...."

"Dpji vo...."before she speak further she saw ragini.... She went near her and slapped her hardly.... All are shocked.... Even sanskar is shocked to see her anger.... Sharmistha continuously slapped ragini again and again.... At one point ap came and stopped shomi from beating ragini....

"Sharmisthaji whats this???y r u beating my bahu???"ap asked with equal anger....

"Ask ur bahu what she did??"

"Ma what i did??? I didn't do anything...."

"Shut up ragini.... How dare u sent goons to tease swara????"hearing this all are shocked even ragini is shocked..... Sanskar blood boiled in anger.... He holded his fist tightly to control his anger.....

"Sharmisthaji y r u blaming my bahu unnecessarily.... She is innocent.... She is not like others...."

"Oh she is innocent.... Yes she is very innocent so that only she drugged her sister and pushed her into the river..... Now she made goons to molest her.... Yes she is innocent only apji....."sharmistha said sarcastically....

"Enough sharmisthaji.... Don't blame my ragini.... I have full faith on her.... Ur daughter herself took drugs and ran from the marriage.... Its ragini who saved us from the insult.... And it might be ur daughter's work to roam around many men.... She is a char...."

"Enough.... If u speak a word against my swara i won't think before killing you.... Remember it annapoorna...."she said very angrily.... Annapoorna and ragini are shocked to see her anger.... Sharmistha went to ragini "ragini till now i was silent.... Now its enough.... Count down ur days.... The truth will come out soon and u will go out of this house.... That day will come very fast.... Mark my words ragini.... And u annapoorna will regret for supporting this girl...."saying it she went from there.... Sanskar went behind her not before giving angry look to ragini....

Now ragini is very much afraid.... Ap assured her and told "How can sharmisthaji blame ragini.... Doesn't she have any sense.... In that she is speaking withouy any respect.... Chi what type of family is this.... If" dp interrupted ap...

"Stop it ap.... Today u spoke a lot.... Do u know that ragini haven't done it???? U dont know any truth.... Chi how can u stoop this much low ragini???"

"Ji u r believing that sharmistha and blaming our ragini???she is very innocent ji...."

"Shut up.... Dont u have any sense???? Here all knows ragini is wrong.... I was quiet just bcoz i dont have any proof.... But today she stooped so low..... Being a girl she played with other girl's dignity..... And u r supporting this girl.... Ragini once the truth is out u will be out of this house and ap if u speak a word against swara and her family i will forget that u r my wife...."hearing this ragini is shocked.... Laksh and ap is very much shocked....

"Papa for that swara u are scolding ragini and ma????how can u papa???"

"Shut up laksh.... Stop it.... Its all bcoz of u.... Only bcoz of u.... Now i dont have anything to say...."saying this he went from there.... All went from there.... Ragini is very nervous....

Here sharmistha and sanskar came to badi.... At that time shekar too came inside.... Seeing him she got very angry.... She just went inside and brought the divorce paper.... She saw shekar going inside the house...."Mr.Shekar Gadodia" shekar stopped and turned and saw shomi....

"This is divorce paper.... Sign and give it to me.... Now there is no relation between us...."Shekar at one second is shocked.... At that time dadi came there.... Seeing it she is very happy..... "Ya ya even we dont need u.... Shekar sign the paper and throw it on her face...." shekar took the paper and sign it and gave it to her.... She took the paper and went inside.... She saw swara sitting there.... Shomi went and sat near swara.... Nikhil too came there.... Sanskar,nirbhay and dida were also there....

"Shona u and ma r right.... Shekar doesn't deserve us.... And ma today morning i asked u time.... But now no need ma... I am ready to marry nirbhay...."hearing it all are happy.... The most happy one is swara.... She hugged her ma.... After sometime shomi went from there.... Nirbhay followed her....

"Shammi u didn't take decision in any haste na???"

"No no nirbhay.... I thought a lot.... U will be perfect husband for me and perfect father for my swara.... And believe me i am happy...."She said with smile.... Nirbhay also felt happy and went from there....

Swara went to her room.... Sanskar too went behind her and closed her room.... She is still very upset.... She cant even enjoy the happiness.... Sanskar made swara sit near him in the bed...."Swara u r my sherni.... Yes i know this is very difficult to overcome.... But u have to overcome..... And its all my mistake that i allowed u alone...."

"No sanskar pls dont blame urself..... U r not wrong.... Its not ur mistake.... I am just wondering y ragini hate me this much that she stooped so low???? She is very silent girl.... But y she turned this much evil sanskar????"

"Swara she is blinded in her love a lot.... And dadi is using it..... Ragini is not bad first.... I manipulated her.... Its my fault only"

"No sanskar.... Yes u r right u manipulated her.... In the same time u r the one who told her the right things too.... But she just listened ur negative talks only na.... Ok leave all that.... Now i am not coming in her way.... Then y sanskar y she did this????"she cried her heart out.... Sanskar can't see her crying.... He just caressed her hair and consoled her.... He didn't know what to do.... Then somehow he convinced swara and made her sleep.... When he came out he saw sharmistha standing in near the room....

"Sanskar enough.... Its becoz of u my shona is in this state.... But i know u realized ur mistake and turned good.... But the root cause is you.... So prove my shona is innocent and that ragini is culprit.... Then only ur both marriage will happen.... I don't want my shona to start a life with cursing of ur badi ma..... "saying this she went from there..... Sanskar went into thoughts.... He got some energy inside that he want to prove swara as innocent at any cost.... He went to his flat determinedly....

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Hows it???? Hope u guys liked it.... And sorry i know swasan scenes are very very less.... But sorry.... This episode is needed to make sharmistha accept nirbhay.... Hope this is not boring.... And i promise in next epi i will give more swasan scenes....☺

Bye bye....☺😍

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