By cutepinkberrypie

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THIS IS GONNA GET SMUTTY Hamilton: minifics, headcanons, prompts Accepting ideas, prompts and ships (Probably... More

(kingbury) Prompt: have you lost your damn mind?!(Smut?)
KingBury Couple Headcanons
Random Kingbury Headcanons
Kingbury Christmas Headcanons
Valentines day headcanons

KingBury: "Hey, i'm with you, okay? Always"

2.3K 48 40
By cutepinkberrypie

((will probably edit and change it later, also please lemme know if there are any ships u guys wanna see or plots etc cuz I rly don't have a life and I need to write NON-STOP))

Christmas was merely a week away at Windsor Castle and the king had been allowed to attend a pre-Christmas mass at St George's Chapel on the Castle grounds.
He knew as well as everyone else it was necessary to keep up appearances and keep the rumours away and just that; rumours.
George had always enjoyed church surprisingly but recently it had been a miracle to get him out of his own room for two minutes.
However it had been his oldest, most trusted friend Samuel Seabury who convinced him  and his doctors to allow him to attend.
The government had been trying to keep George out of the public eye for the last couple of years but recently things had been particularly bad for him, his episodes of porphyria had become more often and the effects were showing on the king.

A tired look in his eyes, shaking the king held his hands together examining the building he had seen hundreds of times that he would now be stuck, no, trapped in for the next hour.
He wasn't so much as listening to Seabury who was reciting the story of Adam and Eve, more like-accepting the fact he wouldn't shut up for more than three seconds to catch his breath before rambling on like a mad man on a mission.

There were four large Christmas trees in sight, each displayed perfectly with golden decorations and crafts the children of the parish had made, 'how sweet...' thought the king.
The two largest trees stood at the back of the church near the entrance, blinding lights shining from both, each with a large star on the top.
This left two smaller trees on the alter, just as decorated and over the top- just how the king liked it.
George knew how fond Samuel was of Christmas, not only because of his religious beliefs but the fact he knew how much the decorations, smell of mulled wine and Christmas cheer seemed to liven his friend up.
'The man probably still believes in Father Christmas for christ's sake!'
He hid a smile at the sudden thought returning his attention to his most loyal subject Seabruy who often looked across to the king smiling gleefully.
'God, can you be any more obvious?'

George looked at the two guards next to him, lord they were sure having fun-you could tell from their vacant expressions which layed lazily on they're hands as they struggled to stay awake.
He knew members of the parish were eyeing him, whispering...
Samuel had simply told him to ignore it, don't encourage reason for rumours, but the king knew you'd be lying to yourself if you stated to have no clue what the rumours were suggesting.
It was all down to the kings health.

For the last couple years George had experienced run in's with a certain illness...
Not much was known about his illness, it was in no way deadly... or at least they hoped.
However due to government hating his guts- the doctors were determined to prove him insane... not Ill.
This was becoming difficult to deny as the symptoms included- severe pain in stomach, nausea and vomiting, rapid pulse, loss of movement in arms and/or legs, seizures, hallucinations, confusion, fevers and itching.
This was enough for the doctors and government to move the king to a more secluded spot to keep him out of the public eye as he 'recovered'.
George hadn't suffered an attack in a good month or so which was good progress in his and sam's books however he knew it was only a matter of time before the storm returns and the last thing he wanted was to be in the public when the lightning strikes.
Luckily many of the symptoms the king had been warned about he had not experienced but he also knew time was in no way a friend of his.
Other than his 'private' Doctor who had promised to stay quiet (something George suspected to be a lie) Samuel was the only other to know this. (Excluding his wife and children who now or days wanted nothing to do with him.)

As a result of this the king had isolated himself from the outside world and the majority of the Castle Grounds, he avoided social events or indeed anything that included or suggested socialising.
However this plan backfired dramatically as it only encouraged more rumours suggesting 'the king has gone mad!' And the thought that he should be overthrown.
Although he'd never admit it.... the king was afraid of his own subjects....

He forced the thought out of his mind, he had to do this... for Samuel; something he had reminded himself all day but as the thought drifted away, so did part of himself and in place of the dreading feeling he had felt all day, a familiar horrid sickly feeling took hold of him, a stabbing pain began to form in his chest, it made him cough as he placed one hand on his chest trying to keep his heart rate down.
Sweat formed on his brow and his hands became sticky and even more unstable then they were before, it was becoming increasingly harder to breath and nothing around him made any sense.
It was too loud for him although it was only Samuel speaking, it was too crowded even tough he was in a separate isle from the public and staff, everything was spinning-George frantically eyed people becoming increasingly paranoid as he tried to keep quiet and keep his breathing under control as not to draw attention to himself.
Head down, the king began to fiddle with his lacy cuffs (a habit he was fond of doing in frightening situations) only for one moment allowing himself to look up towards Sam who was still rambling on the alter although he instantly regretted the decision when he spotted a colourful young man next to the bishop, although at another glance George realised that he wasn't staring at any 'young man' but in fact a bright blue and green Peacock?!

Everyone knew the king had an odd fixation on Farm life and peacocks in particular, however only Seabury and The king himself knew they're role in his hallucinations.

The king stared at the hilariously absurd sight in front of him, he wondered how sam hadn't spotted they're 'friend' yet? Smiling like a mad man at the sight his focus suddenly returned to the bishop and the peacock had seemingly disappeared?
He quickly wiped the smile off his face and solemnly cupped his head in his hands-he was so confused at what he had just witnessed and what was going on around him.
"Your okay George.... y-you have to do this.... for Sammy..."
He continued to remind himself of those words under his breath in the hope it would encourage him to stick through the service without drawing any major attention to himself for he knew that leaving early would only cause more rumours and questions concerning his health.
A moment of clarity passed.
He realised how quiet it actually was in the church and how loud his breathing had become, he quickly regained his composure, Samuel's voice seemed slightly higher-George knew this happened to Samuel a lot when he either felt threatened or was extremely anxious?
His voice was also very slightly faster than it had been before, once again George sat up straight however unable to look his closest friend (with benefits) in the eyes.
"Your okay..."

Once he was sure his breathing was under control he began to pay full attention to Sam again, about 20 minutes passed without issue, Sam seemed quite happy again and the king was determined to stay focused on Samuel and nothing else already knowing some of the public had noticed something had happened...

While admiring the decorations once again George witnessed an odd flash of colour rush by him, the sight of the peacock he believed to be long gone now returning to Sam's side was the last thing he wanted to see and his chest pain he had managed to deal with suddenly dramatically intensified causing the king to bend over double.
He could tell the guards were watching him now... although he was putting his all in so as no members of the 'outside world' would notice.
"Your majesty? Would you like to l-"
George snapped at the guard quietly as he somehow managed to sit back on his chair fighting the burning and stabbing explosions in his chest.
"I-I'm fine, thank you"
"I'm the king for Christ's sake-if I say I'm fine then you can bloody well believe me that I'm sure I'm fine!"
The guard quickly sat back and kept quiet, the other trying not to laugh at his friend.
The kings hands were shaking uncontrollably, it was extremely obvious that he was not alright, he tried to hold his hands down to hide it but it was no use, they wouldn't stop shaking and his breathing wasn't getting any better.

Samuel knew, unlike so many; Samuel understood the king and had witnessed many of his episodes, Samuel knew what was happening to his king and luckily could tell it was only a mild attack-something they would make an easy excuse for should someone say something, but his boyfriend was so far away and there wasn't much the bishop could do to help without drawing attention to himself or the king.
He could tell George was trying to fight it, trying to hide it, he was doing so well but currently the public were willing to use anything against the king to deem him 'insane'.

"And so that concludes our mass" Samuel knew it was risky ending slightly earlier... 13 minutes to be exact but he needed to do something... he wouldn't just watch his boyfriend suffer. "Go in peace" he smiled rushing slightly as he preformed the sign of the cross and waited for people to exit the building, as soon as there were very few people left in the church, Samuel rushed immediately over to his king, who hadn't moved an inch since the end of the mass, he looked at the two guards. "You are excused, I wish to talk to the king alone" he said confidently.
The two guards had gotten up expecting the king to do the same however he was too busy bending over in his seat while covering his face with his hands muttering what only sounded like random words no one had ever heard of before quietly to himself in pure panic. The guards didn't dare argue, the entire castle knew the bishop and the king were close but exactly how close had never been confirmed.

Once they had left and there was only one or two people left in the old stone building Samuel reached out for George's shoulder, "your majesty?"
Samuel gained no reply.
The king sniffed as he placed his shaky hands back on his lap, trying to sit up despite the pain, he looked up at his oldest friend, he was a complete royal mess. It was obvious tears had been streaming down his face for god knows how long, his eyes looked glassy and dazed, Samuel knew now George had 'seen' something, his eyes always went glassy when he hallucinated, he was most likely still recovering from it....
The bishop knew it would take some time to calm the king down and reassure him of his own safety and wellbeing before he would be allowed into the public eye again-even on his own grounds.

"Your majesty, come with me, we can talk?" Samuel hated having to call George by his royal title when he was in such a state but he also knew he didn't want to help raise suspicions of their relationship by calling him something 'improper'.
Sam offered a hopeful look as he gently took the kings arm to help him up, he was still shaking, almost as if he was shivering in the freezing cold, Samuel had to admit that despite what had happened; that was probably the best the king had ever managed to hide an episode-something Samuel believed to be extremely difficult, and by God was Sam proud of his boyfriend.
The king looked blankly up at the bishop but allowed him to help him up, his legs became shaky as well, as though it was spreading throughout his body, George held on tight to Samuel in fear of falling or of Sam leaving him... something he doubted would happen but never the less he constantly felt problematic, surely Sam would get fed up eventually....
Sam wrapped one arm around the king keeping another on his arm as he led him to the private prayer room in the back of the church.

The room was cold, dark and smelt of raisins, it contained a smaller alter and some isles of benches, only lit up by a few candles and the light from the main church.
Samuel slumped George on to a bench then sitting down next to him he took his sticky shaking hand as the king still struggled for breath, Sam watched his lover closely as he rubbed his knuckles soothingly until the king's breathing had slowed slightly.
"Georgie?" The king looked up, face red and hot.
"It's going to be okay, you know that-don't you?"
Samuel reassured the king as he relieved the weight of his crown from the others head setting it down beside them.
Once again Samuel was met with no response, instead he was met with a sad yet vacant look.
Although the king could hear everything the bishop was saying, processing and understanding it was next to impossible as the words just went in one ear and out the other.
The sudden hand contact forced the king to look at Samuel, although with fearful eyes.
"I can't go through it again Sam... I-I just can't..."
George wasn't seeing things anymore but to him the world was still spinning upside down causing even the simplest things to see confusing, he spoke sheepishly and quietly struggling to find words and put them together.
"I-it hurts... Sam it hurts"
He managed still hugging himself trying to relieve himself of the chest and stomach pains.
"I know it does George... I'm so sorry you have to go through with this..."
it made Sam wonder if someone was to suffer with such a horrid illness why should it be the kindest (questionable) most innocent (again... questionable) person, the only person Samuel has ever really cared about, why should it not be that lunatic Hamilton or Washingmachine (as George would joke thinking the word sounded funny)

George saw tears begin to form in Samuels eyes as he gazed at him, he wanted to comfort him as Samuel had to him but instead all that came out..
"...I'm sorry..."
"Your amazing Georgie- don't ever feel sorry!" Samuel answered firmly.
"...but the people-they'll find out-they know" Samuel held his hand tightly as the king frantically listed his worries, he was right however; there was a large chance one of his subjects had seen the king in his state, all they would have to do would be to tell another and there would be chaos!
Sam finally settled with a "What about them?" As he pulled George against him cradling him like like a mother with her child.
"They don't know anything, if anyone asks; we can tell them you are something bad..."
"Or I could have them executed" George joked managing a weak smile up at Samuel who in turn gave a stern glare, "or not..." he finished quietly looking back towards the floor as Sam stroked his head comfortingly.

George had greatly calmed down since being with 'his Sammie'; his most loyal and trusting subject, however Samuel could still feel his fast beating pulse (a common tie in with George's porphyria) sweat remained on his brow as his hands shook.
"No one will say anything, I promise"
"Samuel you know as well as I that you can't promise such a thing, no one can, nor can anyone promise what we know will inevitably happen, won't..."
As the king spoke Samuel undone George's cravat (frills) and took off his royal red and gold coat/jacket in order to cool him down.
"They think I'm insane Samuel..."
Seabury scoffed at the kings remark.
"Y-you know the things those 'doctors' do"  he used the word lightly.
"The way they tie me up, keep me in freezing conditions while starving me, the way they prod me with a hot poker and yell at me to 'Stop being mad' ...."
At this point the king was on his feet pacing the room hurriedly as he spoke.
"They won't even let me out of the castle or to see my family..." He finished quietly.

Samuel knew that Queen Charlotte wanted him to stay away from the family until he was 'well' but George so loved his family, his Sons despised him and it was no secret but his daughters favoured him over everyone else, George always refused the fact he had a favourite...but he did, Princess Amelia; the youngest, they were a pair.
The bishop had heard the king prey before for her health and that they be reunited soon, he knew the king had often cried over the matter too...
However no-one had yet dared to mention to the king that his favourite child and possible the only other beside Samuel to understand him, had fallen terribly ill with tuberculoses which was known to be deadly...   'that would just destroy him...' Samuel thought to himself.

The king sat back down allowing himself a small and quiet sigh as his monitored his pulse, "Sam, you should go- I don't want them to keep us away or for them to think of you in the same way they currently view me... or for caring... and loving me..."
Although the king had power, he was still struggling to make being LGBT an acceptable thing, so many didn't understand and looked down on it but the king wouldn't let it dishearten him.

"I don't care!" Samuel snapped quickly turning to face George.
This startled the king earning Samuel a shocked and puzzled look.
"They can tie me up and chop my bloody head! I don't care George... I love you, you know that and I don't care what the world what's to think of me for it!..."
His majesty nodded although reluctantly, "I don't want to loose you Sam-I can't loose you... I don't think I can-..."
Samuel raised a hand as he gently wiped away the newly released streaming down the kings face.
"Hey, I'm with you, okay? Always"

George looked up giving Samuel a small smile "thank you dear..."
A passionate kiss was the last thing George remembered before passing out, Samuel on the other hand remembered everything, the way he had to practically carry the king back to his room while finding a suitable explanation as to why they're king was half dressed, hot looking frightfully Ill and back so late.

Although one good thing did come out of that evening, as Samuel left the kings Bedroom after dropping him off he noticed a small letter sitting on George's cabinet signed in a familiar neat joined up handwriting.
'Dear papa'
Samuel left the room smiling to himself, he couldn't wait to see the king in the morning. 

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