I got Kidnapped by One Direct...

De abbbbbyyyyy__

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Abigail was just a normal girl who lived a normal life. Then one day when she was walking home from school, s... Mais

I got Kidnapped by One Direction?
Chapter 1 Darkness
Chapter 2 The mission
Chapter 3 Mission Failed?
Chapter 4 Food Fight
Chapter 5 Was it a night mare? Or was it flash back?
Chapter 6 Niall tells her the story
Chapter 7 The dress
Chapter 8 Nandos
Chapter 10 The Shooting Star
Chapter 11 The secret
Chapter 12 Truth or Dare
Chapter 13 Little Unicorn Photo Bomber
Chapter 14 Hidden Talents
Chapter 15 Carnival
Chapter 16 Swag Masta From Doncaster
Chapter 17 Christmas
Chapter 18 A Family Always Stays Together
Chapter 19 World War III
Chapter 20 Am I Really Ok?
Chapter 21 I Deserve It
Chapter 22 It's All My Fault
Chapter 23 Help Me?
Chapter 24 First Stop: Airport
Chapter 25 2nd Stop: Plane To England
Chapter 26 3rd Stop: England
Chapter 27 Private Talk
Chapter 28 Surprise
Chapter 29 Superman's Here
Chapter 30 The Note
Chapter 31 Reunited
Chapter 32 Water Fight
Chapter 33 Hide And Seek
Chapter 34 Roses
Chapater 35 Goodbye

Chapter 9 The Prank

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De abbbbbyyyyy__

Chapter 9 The Prank


'Ok, you get the whip cream, and I'll get the permanent marker' He said standing up and going upstairs.

I went to the fridge to get the whip cream. I can't wait for their reactions!

'Ready?' He whispered as he came up to me.


'Ok, let's go!'

We then started doing the prank. Louis drew moustaches and glasses on each face, and I put whip cream on their hair. When we finished we looked at the finishing touches.

'They look hilarious!' I whispered and tried not to laugh.

'Wait! We need one more thing! Pass me the whip cream'

'What's the magic word?'

He groaned.


I smiled and passed him the whip cream. I wonder what he is going to do with it.

He then started putting whip cream on their shirt.

'What is that?' I asked trying not to laugh.

'Whip cream nipples duh' Oh my gosh, this boy is hilarious. He put 4 whip cream nipples on Harry since he has 4 nipples, well not really but you what I mean.

'Done' He whispered excitedly as he finished putting whip cream nipples on Zayn.

'Take a photo!' I said as Louis came to me.

'I don't have my phone!'

'Crap, me neither'

'But we have a digital camera, I'll get it!' He then started going upstairs. I look at the boys and they look so funny! Thank goodness they didn't wake up; we would've failed the prank if they woke up.

Louis came back with the camera.

'I have it!'

'Good, now take a picture!'

'You do it' he said passing me the camera.

'Fine' I then started taking pictures of them.

'Hey can the camera do recording?' I asked Louis.

'Yeah, why?'

'We put the camera on recording then we put it on the table, then when they wake up, the camera will have a video of their reactions' I whispered excitedly.

'You are so smart' He said grabbing the camera.

'Nah not really' I'm seriously not smart, I'm not like those people who get so many A's in their report.

Louis then puts the camera on the table and came back to me.

'Is it recording?' I asked just in case.

'Yeah, ok let's turn the lights off' He went to the light switched and turned it off. Oh no I hate the dark! It's one of my fears! And it makes it worse because of the movie!

'Louis, the zombies are going to get me" I whispered as I remembered seeing a bit of the movie.

'It's alright, do you want a piggy back?"

"Yes please" I then climbed on Louis back and we went on an adventure. To my room.

'Thanks" I said as we arrived to my room and I climbed off his back.

'No worries, good-'

'Wait! Can you stay with me tonight please, I'm scared'

'Sure, I'll just change first'

'Kk' He then went out of the room. I might as well change as well. I went my walk in wardrobe. Hmm, what to wear. I hate choosing my clothes, since I have a really bad sense of style. I decided to wear shorts and a tank top that says Stay weird. upside down. After I put my clothes on I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I went out of the bathroom and see Louis nowhere. I wonder where he is, he better not leave me, I don't want to have any nightmares! I decided to go on my bed while I wait for Louis.

'I'm here' Louis said as he closed the door behind him.

'Hey' I said as I looked at him, shirtless. Damn, he's hot.

'Like what you see?' He smirked. Sh*t, I stared at his body. Abby, you are such an idiot! *mentally slaps myself*

'Nope' I said and went under covers.

'If you say so' He then went on the other side of my bed. The bed is huge by the way. It can fit like 5 people in it.

'Are you going to go to sleep now?' Louis asked.

'Not until you sing me a song' I said as I looked at him.

'Sure, but what song do you want?'

'Surprise me'

'Ok' I then started getting comfy on the bed.


What song do I sing to her? It has to be a song that will make her go to sleep obviously. Argh! What song!? I can't think of a song! Oh, I know! I can sing her Look After You by The Fray! I did a cover of that song and I still remember the lyrics. I then started singing Look After You.

(A/N Please listen to the song on the side. It's PERFECT! You don't have to listen to the whole thing, but I suggest you do)

If I don't say this now I will surely break

As I'm leaving the one I want to take

Forget the urgency but hurry up and wait

My heart has started to separate

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Be my baby

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Be my baby

I'll look after you

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go

Will you, won't you be the one I'll always know?

When I'm losing my control, the city spins around

You're the only one who knows, you slow it down

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Be my baby

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Be my baby

I'll look after you

And I'll look after you

If ever there was a doubt

My love she leans into me

This most assuredly counts

She says most assuredly

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Be my baby

I'll look after you

(After you)

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Be my baby

Oh, oh, oh

It's always have and never hold

You've begun to feel like home

What's mine is yours to leave or take

What's mine is yours to make your own

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Be my baby

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Be my baby

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Be my baby

Oh, oh, oh

I finished the song and see Abby sleeping.

'Goodnight beautiful' I kissed her on the cheek, closed the lights and went to sleep.


**In the morning**


I woke up from a loud scream. What the heck is that?

'Come on! Let's see their reaction!' Louis said tapping me on the shoulder. Oh right! The prank!

We both got out of bed and quickly went downstairs.

'MY HAIR!' Zayn shouted.

'Why are there 4 dots of whip cream on my shirt?' Harry questioned.

'Ooh, whip cream! Yum!' Niall said excitedly as he started licking the whip cream.

'My face has a moustache and glasses! LOUIS!' Liam shouted as he looked at his reflection on the T.V screen.

Louis and I burst into laughter. Best prank ever!

'Did you do this?' Zayn asked us as he pointed to his hair angrily.

'Pshh, of course not!' I said as if I didn't do it.

"We will get you back one day"

"And when is that 'one day'? I say as I put hand gestures in the air.

"You'll see" Zayn smirked.

'Get the camera!' Louis told me so I went to the table to get the camera.

'We have your reactions!' I shouted as I was taking the video of the boys.

'Delete it!' Zayn yelled.

'Or else...' Liam added.

'Or else what?' I asked with my eyes brows up.

'You won't get your phone back' He grinned. Sh*t, he's smart.

'Crap' I whispered. I always wanted my phone! What do I choose! Delete the video of their hilarious reaction and get my phone back, or keep the video but not get my phone back?

'Louis! Help me!'

'You choice sweetheart'

'Thanks for the help' I said sarcastically.

'No problems, Superman and his carrots are always here' He winked and gave me a thumbs up. Wut?

'I've got your phone' Liam said holding it up high and waving it in the air.

'Holy sh*t! My phone!' I said excitedly.

'Delete the video first, then you can have your precious phone back. And if you have pictures of us, delete that too'

I groaned.

'Fine. I'm deleting it right now. Wait, I don't know how to delete stuff on this camera' I looked up and see Louis face palm.

'Here, I'll do it' Louis said as he came up to me. I gave him the camera and started pressing random buttons.

'You ready to delete it?' he asked as looked at me.

I sighed.

'Yup' He then pressed a button.

'It's gone' He said sadly.

'I'm so sad' I then wiped fake tears out of my eyes.

'Look at the bright side, at least you get your phone back' Liam said coming up to me.

'Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!' I shouted excitedly jumping up and down.

'Give me the camera first' Liam said putting his hand out. Louis gave him the camera and Liam checked if the video and photos were deleted. Liam then gave me the phone and I screamed. Yes, I'm screaming. Why? Because I got my phone back duh?

'Wow, someone's happy' Louis said while I was jumping up and down.

I turned on my phone and the first thing I see are 20 unread messages and 30 missed phone calls.

abby! Y arent u at school today!? ~Charlotte xx

youre not at school again! Y r u ditching us! Just kidding, but rlly y arent u at school? ~Charlotte

abbyyyyyy! I miss u! come back! im so lonely in homeroom! -sarahhhh :p

Oh my gosh, Charlotte and Sarah! I haven't seen them in AGES! I then kept on reading the messages.

where r u anyways? youve been away for 3 days! I think. and why arent you answering ur phone calls? R u ok? -sarahhhh :p

OMFG! Harry posted a picture of you on Twitter! Wtf! Does he know you!? R u with dem!? R u rlly Niall's long lost sister!? Plz answer asap! ~Charlotte xx

Oh my god you're niall's long lost sister!? No way! You do look like him a bit! Oh my god r u rlly niall's sister!? Cassie J

Cassie's my best friend since primary, we were always together but until we started high school, we made new friends and we separated, but we're still best friends.

abby! Answer me! omg youre scaring the crap out of me! why aren't u at school!? Everyone's talking about u btw bcuz of the pic that Harry posted on Twitter. Plz reply soon! Cassie J

omg! Stay away from harry u slut! He's mine! And niall is not ur brother! U both have different surnames u idiot! U better not be hanging out with one direction u whore! And if u are, ur dead! ~Mackenzie

How on earth does she know my number!? In case you didn't know, Mackenzie is the most popular girl in my school. I hate her so much! I can't believe she said all those mean words to me! Am I really a slut, idiot and a whore? I don't think I am but what if it's true? I'm so angry at her! And Niall IS my brother! Long story short, but I was adopted when I was younger!

'Are you ok Abby?' Louis questioned as he came up to me with his phone. Oh yeah, he got his phone back too, I forgot about that...

'Yeah, I'm fine' I lied and faked smiled.

'You're lying' Crap.

'What? Why would I lie to you?' I said feeling nervous and looked back at my phone. He then grabbed my phone and read the text message that Mackenzie gave me.

'Sh*t, Louis! Give it back!' I shouted and tried to grab it but failed. Like what I said before, this is what it's like being short.

'Who's Mackenzie?' He said angrily.

'Um, a um girl that um likes to um say everything um in a sarcastic way' That's a good excuse right?

'The names that she called you is not true ok?' He says handing my phone back to me.

'K' I mumbled and started replying to my friends.

hey sarah,charlotte and cassie

Sorry for not being at school. REALLY long story but im gona tell you anyways. so I was walking home from school listening to my music, then I saw 2 people following me but I just shrugged it off. Then the 2 people who were following me came closer and there was a white van near them so I started to walk faster. Then there were no more 2 people, there were now 5 of them. I then started to run. I kept on running until I was on a no through road. I turned around and the 5 people that were following me. I made up a plan so I kicked one of them in the balls but when I was about to run away, someone grabbed me and covered my mouth. I freaked out so much, I fainted. I then soon realise that I got kidnapped.....by one direction. Yes guys, I got kidnapped by one direction so yes im hanging out with them. You jelly? Anyways the reason I got kidnapped is bcuz im niall's long lost sister. Now that's a long story too but let's just say that my parents aren't my parents. Sorry for not answering your phone calls, I got grounded bcuz I had a food fight with Louis -.-. I miss u guys heaps! And plz don't tell anyone what I just told you. Plz. Im gona get more hate -.-. I trust u guys that ur not to tell anyone. PINKY PROMISE ME! ok bai guys!! Xoxo ~abby the weirdo that got kidnapped by 1d and is niall's long lost sister

I read over my long text message and hit the send button. I decided to look at my Twitter. I hope no one knows my Twitter since Harry didn't put my username on his tweet. I didn't even tell him my username anyways. I then saw my followers list. It's 1.2M. What the heck!? How did they find my Twitter!? The last time I saw my followers list, it was about 100 and now 1.2M!? I then went on the picture that Harry posted earlier. I then started to read the comments even though Harry told me not to but whatever.

JessicaPayne_1678: @i_luv_food14 omg! You're so pretty! You and @Harry_Styles r totes cute together!!

1dforlife48: @i_luv_food14 r u really @Niall_Official 's sister!? U two do look a bit alike! U r very pretty btw!

BooBear_Carrots3740: @Harry_Styles is that ur gf!? Omg she is so beautiful! Im jelly! Ur lucky to hav her!

Well, those comments were...nice? I guess. I'm so ugly though. And for your information, we are not dating. Gosh, when Harry posts a picture of a girl, it doesn't mean they're dating. Get you facts right idiots. And how on earth did they find my bloody twitter? Oh my gosh, I'm turning into a british person now. COOL! Ok, where is the hate. Oh! There it is! Yay! So HAPPY! (note the sarcasm)

@Alexi_9428: @i_luv_food14 Ew! You slut! Get away from my husband! You're so ugly! You fat bit*h!

Ouch. Well that one hurt. When I was about to continue reading the lovely, beautiful hate, someone snatched my phone off me. I look up and see Harry.

'What is with you people grabbing my phone off me with no permission!' I yelled putting my hands in the air.

He read the comment that stupid Alexi gave me.

'What did I tell you to do?' He asked ignoring what I said before. Oh, I see how it is now!

'Give me my phone back!'

'Stop avoiding my question'

'Stop ignoring what I say'

'Answer my question'

'Give me my phone'

'Answer. The. Question'

'Give. Me. The. Phone'

'What did I tell you to do?' He asked again.

'You told me to tell you what did I tell you to do to me' I answered with a smirk.

'What?' Harry asked looking confused.

'Exactly, now give me my phone back'

'Don't read any of the hate. Got it?' I rolled my eyes and nodded. He then started typing something on my phone. Um, ok?

He gave me back my precious device and walked away. I looked at the screen and I now have Harry as my contact. So that's what he was typing on my phone...

"Uh, thanks?" I said awkwardly.

"Abby! Can you cook me breakfast please?" My brother begged as he ran up to me.

'Sorry, I'm already ungrounded' I smirked.

"But I'm hungry!"

"Ok, let's see what we have in the kitchen shall we?" I say as I walked to the kitchen.

"YAY!" Niall shouted. Wow, he has so much energy in the morning.

I opened up the cupboards. They have so much food! Even though I already knew that, but they freaking have so much food! I then spotted something. No way. OH MY GOD!

"YOU HAVE FROOT LOOPS!" I yelled excitedly. If you didn't know, I am in LOVE with Fruit Loops. It's my favourite cereal! (A/N If you don't know what Froot Loops are, it's like Cheerios, but they're in different colours and taste *cough* better *cough*

"Oh, you like that?" Niall asked.

'NO! I LOVE IT!" I grinned which probably looks weird on me right now.

"Wow, you fan girl about cereal but not us? That's very sweet of you Abby" Louis said.

"Yeah, is that a problem?' I say as I grabbed a bowl and started to pour my cereal.

"Yes, it is weird to scream about cereal"

"And it's weird to scream CARROTS!" I yelled as I grabbed a spoon and started eating.

"You forgot to put milk" Louis pointed to my food.

"So? I like it without milk"

"Where's my breakfast?" Nialler asked me.

"Here" I say giving him the cereal box.

"Make yourself feel like home" I grinned.

"But don't finish all of it" I quickly added.

"YAY! FOOD!" he screamed and started getting a handful of Froot Loops. Oh what?

"Are you cereal!?" I shouted. Oh, I see what I did there. I said cereal instead of serious. But seriously! Now there are germs in the Froot Loops!

"How am I going to eat more Froot Loops now!?" I complained.

"We'll buy you another box, I promise" Niall answered as he got another handful.

"You better" I said as I continued to eat my breakfast.

"You are just like Niall aren't you?" Liam says as he saw us eating.

"And what makes you think that?" I questioned.

"Because both of you love food"

"How do you know I love food!? You stalker!" I shouted as I threw 3 Froot Loops at him.

"Hey clean that up! And I know you love food because I can see from the looks of it and your username is I underscore love underscore food fourteen" He answered and went to the lounge room with Niall following behind him.

"Thank you captain obvious!" I said and gave him a solute gesture.

"Yay! I know your Twitter now!" Louis said excitedly and ran upstairs.

I groaned. I seriously didn't want anyone to find my Twitter.

I then got a text message so I pulled my phone out to see who it is.

Meet me at the door at 5pm, so get ready before that time ~Hazza

Oh, I forgot about that, when Harry told me if I want to go out somewhere with him. I looked at the lounge room to see if he was there. Nope. He's probably upstairs. I decided to text back.

Is this a date? And what do I even wear? -abby

If he said yes, I think I'm going to die. I mean having a little crush on a guy who is Harry Styles asking you out? I would totally die.

It can be if you want ;) I would love to see you in a dress ;) ~Hazza

Whoa, ok this is awkward. Ew, he wants me to wear a dress?

Sorry, but I don't wear dresses. You wouldn't want to see me in it anyways :p -abby

Yes, I do not like dresses, it's too girly for me, although I really like that dress that I saw at the shop.

Aww, do it for me, plzzzz! There are dresses for you in your wardrobe which you should use! And you'll look hot in it ;) ~Hazza

Are you serious? And yes, I know there are dresses in my wardrobe Harry, but I will not use them, unless I was forced to.

I'm not wearing a dress Harry, and why are we even texting each other? We might as talk to each other -abby

Fine. And texting is cooler ~Hazza

YES! And about the going out somewhere thing, do we have to tell the others? -abby

Already did, and they said it was fine -Hazza

Ok, im gona go now bye -abby

I then turned off my phone and ate my cereal. Great, now it's soggy which I hate. Whatever, there's only a bit left anyways.

**A few hours later**

I'm in my room, on my phone, chilling on Twitter, until I looked at the time.

"Shit!" I whispered shouted. I forgot about the thing with Harry! And now I only have 20 minutes left.

I then ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

After that, I went to my wardrobe with my towel on, and find it empty.

"What the hell?" I said as I looked around, until I spotted something. I grabbed it and found out it was a dress.

"What the hell?" I repeated. I grabbed the note that was stuck on it.

Revenge from the prank you did earlier ;) ~Hazza

"You idiot!" I whispered yelled and threw the note. How did I not see this before!? He probably did this when I was eating breakfast! I guess I have to wear this crap, wait, I can wear the clothes that I worn before I showered! I know, stupid, but I would wear it rather than the dress! I ran to the bathroom to get my clothes, which wasn't there. ERGH! I forgot to lock my bedroom door! I'm such an idiot! Dammit! NOW I have to wear the dress! I hate my life.

Before I went back to my wardrobe, I locked my door, just in case something else happens. I quickly put on my under garments and then my dress (A/N image of dress on the side)

I went to the mirror to look at myself. Ugly as usual. The dress is alright I guess, but I still don't want to wear it.

I looked at my shoe shelf and find only 1 pair of shoes, which were black Doc Martens. Wow, I was expecting heels, which I don't want! I mean Harry did this prank, so that's why I was expecting heels. I put them on and went to my bedroom. I looked at the time, I had 5 minutes left. Crap.

I brushed my hair and just left it down and put on a white flower crown. I decided not to put make up on anymore because 1, I'm not bothered, 2 it takes too much time and 3, I'm not really interested in it anymore. I then put on my Smoothing Cherry Baby Lips on, which I am seriously in love now. I grabbed my purse that was on my table and put in my phone, wallet and my Baby Lips. I then ran out of my room, not caring what time it is.

"Harry! You idiot! I'm going to kill you!" I shouted as I ran downstairs. I looked up and see Harry staring at me.

"What's going on- whoa" Liam said as he walked in with the others behind him.

"You see here, Harry pranked me by taking all my clothes except this!" I yelled as I gestured my dress.

"And in case you didn't know, I. Hate. Dresses!" I complained.

"Now it makes sense" Zayn said.

"This isn't a date right?" Niall asked.

"I already told you, it's not a date! Ok we gotta go now! See ya!" Harry said as he grabbed my arm and we went outside.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we went to his car, well I think it's his car.

"That's for you to find out" He answered.

"Here you go" He grinned as he opened the door for me.

"Why thank you, but I have hands, so no need to open doors for me, I'm sure I can handle it" I said as I sat down and put my seatbelt on.

"I'm just being a gentleman" He says and closes the door.

"Are we there yet?" I asked as he came inside.

"I haven't even started the engine" He answers as he puts his seatbelt on.

"Mate, I was just asking" I said.

"Your accent is cute" He said as he started driving.

"I'm sorry, who are you talking to?" I raised my eyebrows at him.


"Really? I never realised"

"You look really beautiful by the way" He said, which made me blush.

"Are you sure you talking to me?" I questioned.

"For the 100th bloody time, yes!" He answered and I burst out laughing. He's accent is so adorable!


"You said that for the 2nd time, not the 100th time you idiot! Even an 8 year old knows that! What kind of school did you go to!?" I laughed again and he rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me, but I went to a good school"

"Whatever makes you a happy unicorn" I grinned and took my phone out.

"You know you were 2 minutes late right?" He said.

"It's was just 2 minutes! Come on! You're like Louis now! Last time he said that I was 1 minute late! No wonder you guys are best friends!"

"Just saying"

"And I'm still angry with you about taking all my clothes except this thing" I said as I looked at him.

"I wasn't letting you get away with wearing a dress, and it was revenge from the prank you did this morning anyways"

"And what if I came out of that bathroom naked and you were in my room?" I said remembering he came to the bathroom to get my clothes.

"I wouldn't mind" He smirked.

"Ew! You perv!" I said and lightly punched his shoulder.

"I was only joking! Shessh, calm down"

"So where are we going?" I asked again.

"I already told you, that's for you to find out"

"If you won't tell me, I'll annoy you"

"I won't mind" He answered. Oh really?

"Are we there yet?"

Harry groaned.

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