You Can't Escape...(Jeff the...

By The_Wishes_of_You

387K 12.9K 8.3K

(Y/N) is a little girl who loves to make everyone smile. She doesn't have a mother or father but, has a wonde... More

Why did this happen...?
Goodbye & Hello...
Strange Feeling...
The Deadly Encounter...
The Chase Begins....
New Home...?!
I Have Feelings....?
Meet Dr. Smiley...
Jeff's Apology
Homicidal Liu...
The Struggle...
The Final Battle... Jeff vs. Liu
The Confession.
Jane's Plan.
Jane vs. (Y/N)...
Party x3
Kidnapped Again...
Welcome to the castle.
The Truth is Revealed
(y/n) Vs. Dark Link
Authors Note ^_^
The Sacrifices Made...
The Deal...
An Ugly Situation
Important Update
Is there a Solution?
Jeff's Efforts
It's Over...
You Decide!
Love is Dangerous
Zalgo's Trial
My apologies
Getting Ready. XD
A Plan In Motion.
(Y/n)'s Trips to Wonderland. (Part 1)
(Y/n)'s Trip to Wonderland (Part 2)
(Y/n)'s Trips to Wonderland. (Part 3)
(y/n)'s Trips to Wonderland. (Part 4)
Whats going on with author?
My Thank You
Filling It In
Five Nights at Ben's (Part 1?)
Five Nights At Ben's (Part 2)
Addressing Some Issues...
Five Nights at Ben's (Part 3)
Five Nights at Bens (part 4)
New Story Announcement!!!!
New Story and chapter!!!
Five Nights At Ben's (part 5)
Five Nights At Bens: The Final Night! (Part 6)
The Confrontation
The Battle For Her Affection!
Regarding my uploading.
Jeff vs. Smiley!
Mysterious Force..
Where Have I Been?
Does anyone still read???
New Story!

The Puppet

1.1K 24 10
By The_Wishes_of_You

(I know I'm a little late and I promised to have it up on Christmas and I did try, but I just could not for the life of me figure out how to continue this story. It was a real pain, but I think I got it all figured out! I'm sorry if it isn't as good as the other chapters, but it has been a while since I have even attempted to write. Well, enough of me running my mouth. Let us get into our adventure shall we?)

(Y/N) looked at all of the Pastas and let out a loud sigh. "Well, I guess we better get off of our asses and get to searching". Dr. Smile looked at her with a raised eyebrow and said "Ok then Sherlock where are we supposed to start"? (Y/n) pointed into the air "I! Have absolutely no idea"! The other pastas chuckled at her response, but stood up. Jack crossed his arms and said "Well, why don't we try and head back to the old shack and search around there again. Maybe there was something we over looked or he may have moved back after we did the first investigation". (y/n) shrugged her shoulders "Well, that is better than standing around like a bunch of idiots. Let's get going shall we"? Everyone nodded their heads and went to their rooms and gathered just a few items they thought they would need in case they actually did meet up with the Rake. (Y/n) went into her room and opened up the closet and grabbed one of Jeff's hoodies and one of the knifes he had hidden in a box in the floor of the closet. She gripped it tightly in her hand and then slid it into the white hoodie pocket. Before she left the room, she turned and looked at the bed and smiled. "You owe me cuddles dork when I find you". With that she quickly shut the door and ran down to meet the others at the front door. "You sure you got everything?" Jack asked leading against the wall looking at (Y/n). She nodded and pulled up her hood. "Onward!" she yelled as she dashed out of the door.

(Jeff POV)

The room was dark. My head felt like it was splitting right down the middle and when I went to reach for it, it felt like my hands were tied. I struggled more and more and I finally realized that my suspicion was correct. I had been kidnapped. "Hey! Whoever the hell you are let me go"! No response came out. I growled and yelled even louder. I still heard nothing. "Damn it.....I swear when I get out of here I am gonna kill you! Whoever the fuck you are"! Then, I finally heard footsteps headed my way. "Now now Jeffery. If you were to attempt such an act I would have to take you down". That sounded so familiar. "Who are you?! Tell me now!" I yelled in their direction.

"Oh Jeffery I am so hurt. How could you not forget the person that created you"?

Created me? What is this loon talking about? I tugged at whatever was restraining me some more, but when I did I felt something smack my face. A hand or something. I wasn't so sure, but whatever it was, it was colder than anything I had ever felt in my life.

"Dear me maybe I should take off the blindfold so you can see my face. Maybe that will help you remember me". I stayed absolutely still and waited for them to remove the blindfold. It felt like an eternity, but finally I saw the black piece of cloth fall to the ground in front of me. My vision was blurry for a bit, but I quickly blinked and soon everything was normal. I looked up quickly to the person in front of me and what I saw, sent a chill down my spine and I froze. "Rake.............It cant be". A large grin creeped across his face and his giant crimson eyes shined down at me.

" Oh Jeffery. It makes me so happy to hear you saying my name. How have you been? I see you moved on from Jane. This new girl seems like a keeper. How is the rest of the crew? Ah I miss them all so much".

"What do you want from me"? I asked staring down at the floor, trying to advert his gaze. I soon felt his hand under my chin as he lifted it up slowly. "I want revenge....and I need you here in order to achieve it". "I jerked my head away from his hand and glared up at him. "What do you need me for? You could easily wipe us all out". Rake chuckled slightly and crosses his arms. "You see. When you are all safely inside that barrier you placed I cant really put a hand on you, but if one of you somehow slips up and is by yourselves when you are out of the barrier I can take you. Plus if I have one of you, the others will come running to your rescue. With your new little girl in tow, now that is just a bonus. You know me Jeffery. I like it when my prey are easy to catch". I clenched my fists and tried to lunge at him, but it was no use. Nothing could be done. I just really hope the others plan this out.....especially (y/n).

Rake then grabbed me by the throught, snaping me out of my daze and jerking my head up. "Now listen here....I need you to help me get my revenge. Do we have a deal"? I narrowed my eyes and spit directly in his face. I smiled admiring what I had done, but soon an unbelievable force smacked me in the face and sent me and the chair flying, and slamming against the cold stone wall. It stung and now my whole body was in an incredible amount of pain and it was almost unbearable, but I didn't want to show him any weakness. I gritted my teeth and just laid still on the floor. I heard his footsteps approaching, but I just laid still. He grabbed a handful of my hair and slowly peeled me off of the floor. He then stared into my eyes, his eyes shining even brighter. "If you wont join me willingly....I will just have to make you". I tried to scream, but before I knew it the whole room went dark.

I looked around frantically trying to find any source of light in this darkness, but I found none. As I stod there looking around I heard a loud cry. I turned in its direction and began slowly walking towards it, just to make sure it was the right direction. Sure enough I heard another scream escape and it was in the same direction as the last. I then took off running. As I was running I then saw a faint white light in the distance. In a weird sort of way I was relieved, but I was also a little worried as to whom the screaming was coming from.

When I finally approached the light I saw that it was coming from a door, slightly opened. Whatever was on the other side was completely dark, but I could hear squishing and gurgling. I slowly reached out and grabbed the door handle. I don't know if I should open this door or not, but I need to see what's going in there. As I pushed open the door I saw two bodies laying in bed and on top of them, a figure with black hair and a crimson hoodie. "What the-....who are you"?!

"Hehe.....hahaha......the real question is....who are you? You're not me....the who are you"? I stared at the figure confused and was about to speak up until, they turned around to look at me. "What the....y-you''re me.....then if you're me then that's.....".

"Haha you got it right Jeff. It's our parents! Don't they look so beautiful Jeff! We made them so happy! They look ecstatic to see their son as they die"!

"No! You're wrong! Th-they aren't happy! Get off of them"! Then a soft voice spoke up "Sweetheart I loved what you did.....your father and I look amazing with our new smiles". No. No cant be I screamed at myself as I watched the feminine body slowly sit up. Blood pouring from her side, her intestines strew across the bed, and that mangled smile looking directly at me. " were always such a  good boy....why would you di this to your mother....I thought you loved me....I loved you". I did love you mom! The words wouldn't come out as I stared at her mangled body. "Jeff. Give up. You wont be able to protect your friends from the Rake. Give yourself over to him. Let him give you power that you thought could never be achieved....become a god". I backed away from that scene, only to pin myself against the wall and my mom and the other me grew closer repeating over and over "Give up.....give up......give up.....give up". I slid down onto the floor, curling up and struggling to cover my ears with my hands trying to block out their words. Nothing was working and soon, everything turned black again......I lost it......I lost control......(Y/n) forgive me......

(3rd person with the Rake)

Jeff's once limp body soon became full of life again, but only this time his eyes were fully black. Now white, no pupil, all solid. The rake smiled at the sight and crossed his arms. "Now let's see that little posy try and stop me now. The human race will soon have a new leader....and boy will it be red"! He let out a loud laugh and wrapped an arm around the lifeless puppet that once was Jeff and pulled him close. "Now, let's get you ready for the fight of your life. My sweet Jeffery".

(Phew. I thought that this would be a god stopping point for now to see how well it blows over with you guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and of course please leave all reviews in the comment section below. I look forward to seeing your reaction and or responses. Have a wonderful night and a glorious today. With love - Natsu <3 <3 <3)

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