My Life as A Grim Reaper

By Aimless

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Taking a bullet aimed at her friend cost Zel Stanton her life. She wasn't supposed to die, and so Death gave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

4.5K 183 18
By Aimless

I woke up in my bed, Death staring over my body, looking thoughtful. "I guess you can't go out into the light. Interesting, there's only a few of those. But we have a way to fix that..." He said in his deep voice.

I'd wanted to scream, but I held it in. "How long was I out for?" I asked instead.

" Two days, I think." Death said thoughtfully.

"Two days? Best sleep of my li-- death, I suppose." I replied.

Death curved his bony face into a grin. "You can still call it a life, Zel, it's Afterlife." Death said

"So how can you fix the fact that I can't go into sunlight, Death?" I asked. I remember Death telling me to not call him 'Lord Death', because it made him feel old. But he was old. Old as time, in fact.

Death's grin widened, if possible. "You know that I can hear what you are thinking right?" Death said.

"Er....yeah, I just didn't think you found my thoughts particularly interesting..." I said, embarassed.

Death frowned then. "I'm not old, thank you very much, Zel Stanton." he hissed.

"Well, you're old to me. Not to mention a bit bipolar and senile" I said, grinning.

"Be quiet child! I gave you a new life, pay your respects!" He said in a flat, harsh tone.

I cringed a bit as Death's eyes glowed a blood red color. "S-sorry, Death..." I stuttered.

"Go get some should be hungry." Death said in a more relaxed tone.

I nodded, and Death dissapeared out of my room, I got out of my bed, and saw my scythe sitting next to my bed against the wall. My scythe looked as if it was made of bones. Blackened bones, as if it had been burnt. There was a red streak across the center of the massive blade,  and there were wisps of black coming from it. It was perfect for me

Suddenly, there was a voice in my head, "That's how it's supposed to be. I mean, weren't you listening at all when Death was talking to you?" My scythe was apparently a british guy, and not a nice one at that.

Well, that was rude. I decided to ignore him while I examined my clothes.

If my scythe- or at least my scythe's design was perfect for me, then my robes were a different story. They consisted of a black, flowing dress, with corset-like detail on the front. Then there was a black,hooded cape that looked torn at the ends of it.  I Actually didn't think it was that bad. I'd never really worn dark colors while I was alive. It was my parent's fault; they were strict on me looking 'feminine'. Otherwise, I would have gone all out Goth. Well....probably not so hardcore, I guess. Too much in that style is always way too much.

By the time I walked into the cafeteria, i had only just finished tying my cape. I looked up, and everyone in the cafeteria was staring at me, even the food people. Everything seemed to stop.

"Uhm, Hi..?" I said, hoping i didn't look terrible. First Impressions should always be good. I walked through the cafeteria and grabbed myself a trey.

"What would you like, Miss Zel?" The chef asked me, leaning into the small window to look at me.

"Er...oh! Could I get some fried rice, and sweet and sour chicken, ummm, ooh! Some pizza......." I rambled off naming the things that looked good. The chef's jaw dropped open.

"You can eat ALL of that? I'll wring your neck if you don't!" Chef said, glaring at me, but grinning too.

Once again, my scythe could be heard in the back of my head, "Well, he's right, it is a lot of food. But, it's not like you need to watch any girlish figures."


"Y-yes, I have a big appetite, I guess..." I replied to the chef, scratching my head. I had a blush of embarrassment when I turned around with food on my tray, and the whole cafeteria was talking in hushed voices. From the glances that were sent towards me, I assumed they were talking about me.

I frowned, and put my hood on, because it hid my face with shadows. My scythe was strapped to my back in a sort of sheath-thing, and he was not happy about it. I walked, well actually I hobered, over to an empty table, to eat. Since I was dead, I didn't really have a physical form. Withing ten minutes I had finished all of my food. People were still glancing at me, and whispering. Suddenly, there was a presence in front of me, and I lifted my head, pulling back my hood.

"Louis!" I said happily. Then I remembered my suspicions about the cafteria crowd, "Um... Louis, why is everyone staring at me?"

Louis smiles at me. "They're just wondering what you're like, since you're the only modern-day Reaper to have been made."

"What do you mean? When did you die, eh?" I asked, throwing my trash away, and setting my tray down to be cleaned. Louis followed me out of the cafeteria.

"I died in the 50s." Louis said.

"Really? I guess you're old too! Just like death!" I said, taunting him.

Louis stopped, and I stopped too. "I am certainly not old, Zel." He said, in a slightly offended tone.

"Sure, sure, whatever you want yourself to believe." I said, and slipped into my room, leaving Louis behind.

"Wait, Zel! I've still got to take you to get immunized for the sunlight!" Louis said.

I walked out my door and groaned, "Where, to?" I asked.

Louis grabbed my wrist tightly. "Ow! Louis! I'm not going to run off! Let go!" I hissed. Louis looked over his shoulder at me, while leading me through a maze of halls.

"If you knew where I was pulling you to, you'd run." Louis said with a dazzling grin.

I frowned, and let him pull me along, as the corridors got darker every time we went down a flight of stairs.

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