Guyfriends ~ Luke Hemmings

RealityEscaperx1999 tarafından

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Kimberly had made a lot of friends in her life. She loved them all and she always felt loved when she was wit... Daha Fazla

Description A/N
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 28

52 3 6
RealityEscaperx1999 tarafından

"So... Me, you and Natasha didn't go to the fair two days ago?" He shook his head 'no' confusedly. "And us three didn't end up in a car accident yesterday?"

"What? No! A car accident? What are you talking about Kimberly?!"


What is going on?


"Kimberly, what are you talking about? A car accident? Please explain, you're making me confused as well." Luke sat upright in bed right now, our coffee on the side tables again and long forgotten.

"Okay, please don't freak out. This morning I got a call from Natasha and she told me some stuff and it's really confusing, so I'll just start at the beginning. Tas and I both have the feeling something is going on, since we both remember the past few days completely different than how you and apparently everyone else remembers it." He gestures for me to go on, so I did.

"Natasha was on the phone, talking with Anne and that's how she found out. As you told me, yesterday we had a talk about our relationship, but in our memory the same night – or the day after, I can't really recall but that's not important – I went over to Anne's. I was actually going with Natas, but she had to work. That night, me and Anne watched some horror film and I was really freaked out. Some things happened and one way or another, she and I ended up making out."

Luke's eyes widened at this and he was just about to say something, but I held my hand up and said, "Please let me explain, there happened a lot. So, we were making out when you and Natasha suddenly barged in and we were caught red handed. As you might or might not know, Anne and Natasha were on a break at the moment, so Anne felt like it wasn't really cheating, but Natasha just felt even more betrayed then before. You forgave me as if it was nothing, but that was just because you didn't want to lose me.

When Natasha asked Anne what she thought about it, Anne just kept repeating how she didn't know and Natasha took that as her way of saying that she didn't know if she actually wanted to be with Natas. One thing led to another, you and I went back home together and Natasha broke up with Anne. The next morning you called Natasha and she was really sad and just drowning in her thoughts, so I thought it might be nice if us three would go on a little trip to the fair in town. Wait, just tell me this; is there even a fair in town?"

Luke seemed to be thinking and after a while he said "No, not that I can think of at least." I nodded my head and he reminded me to go on, so I did.

"Right, well at the fair you won Natasha this adorable penguin stuffed animal, which she called Pengi and I remember thinking how she was going to recreate some of your keeks with it. She was hugging it tightly in the car on the way back and we were just acting like the most happy couple ever. Then I gave you a kiss and you just smiled and kept looking at me, which I regret so much right now, because Natasha suddenly screamed for you to look out and as soon as I looked up, everything went black."

Luke gasped and he was looking at me with these big eyes that were just a little glassy with tears but not much. "We were in a car accident and ended up in hospital. Me and Natasha both didn't have that much damage to say it like that; she only had a sprained wrist due to her protecting herself with her arm and I only had a broken arm and a small concussion. You however had a broken leg and ended up in a coma, because you had turned the car in such a way that you took most of the hit to protect us."

There was a glint in Luke eyes that I didn't recognize, but I just continued. "We all had to stay the night and you woke up the evening of the second day. You were drugged, because you woke up in full panic mode. You were acting all goofy and adorable. You showed me a video of this puppy getting eaten by a snake," Luke had a pained look on his face when I said this. "and shortly after you told me you loved me. You explained how the boys told you what love felt like for them and how it reminded you of me. I told you that I loved you too and we fell asleep in each other's arms, me practically laying on top of you in the hospital bed.

Then when I woke up, I was still laying in our arms, but I saw that we were suddenly in your bed instead of the hospital bed and I was really confused. Then Natas called me and said how she was really confused. Apparently Anne phoned her and called her babe, so Tas told her not to call her that since it hurt, which ended up in Anne not getting it and explaining that they never even broke up, that they were just on a break. I don't know what happened after that, but maybe Anne called to make it up and to prove how much she likes Natas..? But whatever, I then came up here, asked you about it and here we are."

Luke seemed to be thinking so hard and I was looking at him with an expecting look on my face. Luke was turned towards the end of the bed and it was almost as if he didn't dare look into my eyes. He was thinking so hard he was nearly sweating and I could only imagine what his reaction would be like.

At last, he finally said something, but it was more of a question. "You and Natasha both remember the past days like that, exactly the same...?" I nodded my head just to confirm it, because I had no clue what else I was supposed to do. "How? None of us have any clue about that happening and how even did you both remember us being in a car accident? I mean, wouldn't we still be in the hospital then? I sure would..."

He kept talking like this and acting as if it all didn't make sense to him. Which I completely get, I mean it is really weird. Especially because me and Tas both remember it like that.

"Are you sure it's real? Maybe it was a dream?" He proposed. I started thinking about it...

It could be, but it all felt so real...

Kissing Anne, like I can still feel her lips on mine and as if I can remember the way we stared into each other's eyes so vividly, the moment Luke and I were on the phone with Natas, me asking her if she wanted to go with us to maybe cheer her up, the panic when we got in that accident, blacking out and waking up not knowing it the others were alright, walking into Luke's room and seeing him lying there, looking so pale and fragile, him being drugged, acting all goofy and most importantly, us telling we loved one another and then falling asleep, all cuddled up...

That couldn't have been a dream, could it?

"But, if it was a dream, why would Natasha dream exactly the same? And, I never really dream. If I do, it's almost always a nightmare.." I trailed off, frowning.

Luke tilted my face up by grabbing my chin gently and made me look him in the eye. "Trust me, I know. You call me whenever you have had a nightmare. And about the dream thing, it is possible. You know whenever they say that like twins can have the same thoughts and dreams? That can happen to basically anyone who is close."

I frowned, not understanding, so he continued, "Have you ever been so close to someone that you actually think the same, say the same things at the same time, even act and move the same way sometimes..?" I nodded my head, because I had that a lot of times with all of my closest friends if I was being honest. "If you're not even thinking about all of that, why is it weird that you have dreamt the same thing?"

"Okay that's true, you have a good point. It's really the only logical explanation right?" I chuckled and he laughed a bit as well. I pecked him on the lips, got our cold coffee and head out of the room. As I close the door, I see Luke was turning around in bed again, ready to sleep even longer. That boy, I swear...

Little did he know though, that I actually recorded our whole conversation. Not because I didn't trust him or because I wanted proof of something he said. It was simply because I have no secrets for Natasha, neither does he and I was far too lazy to type everything out and explain it all to Natasha. So, to keep it simple, I just recorded the conversation and send the audio to her.

Why tf are you sending me and audio this long?
11:39 am

Love you too babe -_-
11:39 am

It's mine and Luke's conversation, just listen to it pls. I'm far too lazy to type it all out and it will explain everything.
11:40 am

Fineee, I'll listen to it. I'll call you as soon as I'm done, okay? :*
11:40 am

Fine by me :) Take your time love
11:40 am

I put the coffee mugs in the dish washer and just stood in the kitchen, messing with my phone a bit and checking some apps. I got scared out of my mind though when my ringtone suddenly began blaring throughout the kitchen. I looked at my phone to see Melissa was actually calling me and not Natasha.

"Hey Melis..?"

"Hey babe! Guess what?" She said immediately.

"Ehm... you're pregnant of Dylan O'Brien?" I guessed falsely of course.

"Close, but not quite."

"Okay ehm.. Wait! What do you mean close?! What did you do girl?"

"Relax, nothing major. I mean, I might be pregnant though..."

"And you say that like it's the most casual thing ever? What in the world?"

"I'm just kidding, gosh! You're so naïve, it kills me!" She starts laughing and I can only blush as a respond, because I can be quite naïve, no discussion there. "I'm just pregnant with love." She sighs lovingly and I can actually hear the cheesiness drip from her words.

"Let me guess... Tristan asked you out?" I asked with a fond scowl. Can a scowl be fondly? Oh well, this one is.

"Even better!" She screeched. "Yesterday, right after Ash and I caught you eaves dropping – we're not mad about that by the way, don't worry – you went up to Luke's room, remember? Well, me and Ash left after that and went over to Tristan's. Ashton was acting like my father and being all like 'You have my permission' and such and even though Tris rolled his eyes he found it really funny. I just know he did. Long story short, Tris asked me out and I said yes – of course. After that us three all went on a searching for Calum, since Ashton wanted to confess his undying love for him. We found him and all surprised him. Me and Tristan were going to make him guess it and such and make it into a little game and- "

"Wait, Melis..." I cut her off. "Can you speak a little slower? It sounds like a damn special moment and I want to hear everything about it please." I laughed and she giggled a bit.

"Sorry, got a little bit carried away. Cashton is just goals okay?" I mentally agreed on that with her and she just carried on, completely forgetting about her and Tristan. Apparently that wasn't as important to her at the moment. Whatever, she'll tell ne some other time then.

"So, it went like this. We found Calum just in this little park, wondering around and just quiet and thinking. Ashton hid himself and me and Tristan walked up to Cal. We sat down in the grass and we said that we wanted to play a game, because it would be fun. Calum agreed and we made it into this question and guess thing. Like, we thought of something and he had to ask questions and guess what we were having in our minds. Of course we had a few random ones before that and after two or three we decided it would be right to tell him.

He started with random questions, but when he started looking at our expressions more and paying more attention to the answers we gave, he knew that this was something serious. He suddenly asked "Is it about a person?" We both nodded and he started thinking. "Is it a person close to me?" he would ask and we would nod again. "Has something happened to the person?" He then asked with a pained face, so we quickly assured that that wasn't the case and he looked relieved before asking the next question "Ehm, does the person have anything important going on?" We nodded again and we could just see how hard he was thinking what to ask next. "Does the person have to tell me anything...?" He asked unsure and we nodded again. He just looked confused and quickly asked if it was good or bad, so we obviously told him that it was good.

Right then, Ashton walked from behind a tree and towards Calum. As soon as Calum saw him, his face lit up and I could practically see the love and admiration he has for Ash glowing on his face, it was so adorable. Ashton gestured for Calum to take his hands as he pulled Cal up and Calum looked at him with this adorably confused face. Ashton smiled at him and led him away from us and I just whined to Tristan how now I couldn't see them get together anymore and he was just laughing at me, the asshole...

Anyway, turned out Cashton didn't walk that far and they were actually quite in perfect sight for us. I saw Ashton gesturing and throwing his hands around, busy trying to explain everything to Calum. I don't think Calum knew what to think all this time, because his face was changing every ten seconds, it was hilarious."

Melissa kept talking about how cute they were when that happened and I just sort of blocked it out, until the moment the most important moment took place. "- and then I just saw Calum beaming at Ashton, nodding his head so quickly I was afraid it would fall off and he basically threw himself at Ashton, clinging to him like a koala and hugging him so tightly I thought he was going to choke him- "

The story went on and after that she also told me how she and Tristan got together. I knew she would tell me. "It wasn't as cute as Cashton but I don't care because we're officially a thing now and that's all that counts. But he was being all shy and blushing and looking away and shit and then he just went for it and asked me to be his girlfriend. At first I just froze because I knew it was going to happen, but it all suddenly felt so real. I was so surprised still, that I forgot to answer and he was just standing there with these cute puppy eyes, being such a confuzzled lil bean and it was just adorable. But I decided that I have a heart and to not let him stand there like a fool and just accepted and drowned him in kisses and hugs and almost choked him to death afterwards. It was so romantic..."

Melissa ended her speech with a loving sigh and I couldn't believe this person was one of my best friends. Not that I am one to judge. I mean, at least she's a lot of fun to be around and then there's me, weird and annoying thingy. But whatever, as long as my friends like to be around me, everyone else can go sleep until they die.

I swear I'm a nice person.

I just choose not to be sometimes, sue me.

My phone call with Melissa ended soon after and when I hung up I saw that Natasha had tried to call me multiple times and sent me a couple texts.

Who are you calling that could possibly be more important than me? In fact, someone that could me more important than this mental crisis we're having right now?!
11:56 am

Bitch, pick up the phone!
11:57 am

11:57 am

You're gonna leave me, aren't you?
11:57 am

Pls don't be mad that I called you a bitch, I just want you to pick up. Don't break up with me...
11:58 am

Honey Buns...?
11:58 am

11:58 am

11:58 am

11:58 am

Cuddly buddy...?
11:58 am

11:59 am

11:59 am

12:04 am

Pls don't ever call me kitten again...
12:04 am

12:04 am

I immediately got a call from her and I didn't hesitate to pick up. "Hey babe." I said casually.

"So, who did you cheat with on me...? Apparently I dreamt about being cheated on and it's not nice."

"So, you believe it's a dream?"

"It has to be right? Only you and I can remember it, we're suddenly out of the hospital and shit, we don't even have bruises, not does Luke, and it has happened a lot of times that we actually say, do or think the same, or even all together at the same time. So why wouldn't we have the same dream?"

"Good point..."I mutter and it's quiet for a while. "You know what? We'll just agree that this is a dream and that the past few days didn't happen besides in our dream. Besides, Luke wouldn't take me back after cheating, Anne wouldn't just act like our best friend as if nothing ever happened and Luke wouldn't say he loves me out of the nowhere!" I laughed.

Natasha laughed with me and she agreed, apart from the Luke loving me part, since she could actually see that happen, but oh well.

"You know, if we'll try to prove ourselves 'right' by saying that it did happen, everyone would declare us as mentally ill anyway." Natasha joked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"So, that's it. Anne and I never cheated on you, you never broke up, Luke, you and me were never in a car accident and Luke didn't tell me he loves me. It was all just a dream that we both had." I told Natasha.

There was a moment of silence, before she answered with "Agreed."

(A/N: Word count: 3235 words)

(A/N: Sooooo.... This is officially the end of Guyfriends. I had a few more little things planned for this story, but I started to dislike this story and its plots a lot, so I decided to just finish it like this. There will be an epilogue though, which I will write tomorrow and update tomorrow or the day after, but we'll see. I hope you guys still liked reading this and if you like, please vote and comment, it would mean a lot to me :)

While you're here, please check out one of my favourite stories written by my best friend WeirdMusketeer The story is called Thoughts and it's so cute and adorably and full of drama and my heart cries every time she updates, just saying...

So, that was it of this story, the official ending to Guyfriends. The epilogue will be up very soon! Don't forget that I love you all! xoK)

Okumaya devam et

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