10 things u should never do

By jdognorris

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Number 1
Number 3

Number 2

2 0 0
By jdognorris

Number2 never poop on the side walk Monday So get this I walk in school and a girl named baily owensby comes up to me and says "hey I'm baily owensby and u look like u need a friend " and I said "hi I'm ski Brent and uh I am going to the Jason Alden concert want to come with me ?" Shur 😄"said baily  I love Jason Alden whenever I grow up I want to marry him !"said baily.  "It is on January 17 2017. " said ski and So the after baily walked away the principle walked up to me and said"hello I am principle Mangham ,haven Mangham and this is ur schedule and come in my office after lunch. Get this they served watery mashed potatoes and something that looked like peas

So after lunch I went to miss Manghams office and it was weird she had lion heads and she had fales  teeth on her desk and I came in and she hurried to put her teeth in.

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