Jessica Lee Scott: Stegosauru...

By ChelseaElliott1

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Jessica lee Scott is the little sister of Jason lee Scott and she is about to move back to angel grove after... More

Chapter 1: Return to angel grove
Chapter 2: Discovering the power coin and becoming a ranger
Chapter 3: Itsy bitsy spider
Chapter 4: Spit flower
Chapter 5: The return of an enemy
Chapter 6: Life's a masquerade
Chapter 7: Gung ho
Chapter 8: Island of illusions part 1
Chapter 10: The green candle part 1
Chapter 11: The green candle part 2
Chapter 12: A bad reflection on you
Chapter 13: A pig surprise
Chapter 14: To flea or not to flea
Chapter 15: Return of an old friend part 1
Chapter 16: Return of an old friend part 2
chapter 17: Two heads are better than 1
Chapter 18: second chance
chapter 19: on fins and needles
chapter 20: Mutant rangers

Chapter 9: Island of Illusion part 2

922 15 0
By ChelseaElliott1

Chapter 9: Island of illusions part 2


Sorry it has took me so long to update but I wanted to finish my first story and now I can concentrate on updating this one.

*Jessica Lee Scott: Stegosaurus power*

Jessie's POV:

We were all standing watching in fear at what was happening to Zack.

''Zack you are disappearing.'' Kim cried.

''Come on man, don't let Rita get to you.'' Jason told him.

''I don't know if I can.'' Zack says as he continues to fade away.

''The more Zack doubts himself, the less there is of zack.'' Billy pointed and I was started to get really scared.

''Zack hold on.'' I told him.

All of a sudden Quagmire appears in a puff of smoke. ''Fight Rita if you can, only Quagmire knows her plan.'' He disappeared.

''Zack is getting fainter.'' Kimberly points out to us.

Zack is distraught. ''I cant beat Rita's magic.''

''I wish we could contact Zordon.'' Trini said. She wasn't the only one.

''What about that weird little guy.'' Tommy suggested.

''He said he knew Rita's plan.'' Jason remembered.

''What was his name.'' I sighed in frustration when I couldn't remember it.

''QUAGMIRE.'' Trini remembers. When she spoke his name he appears on a branch above us.

''Speak my name and I appear,'' He says to us and we all watch him curiously '' Why did you call me here?'' He questioned. I run over to the tree.

''It's about our friend Zack, Rita is making him disappear.'' I told Quagmire.

''You are no friends of Rita, well I am pleased to meet you,'' He sounds really happy and runs over with me to the other rangers.

''To keep from getting caught thing a positive thought.'' Quagmire instructs zack.

''Is this guy for real.'' Tommy asked but I thought that he had a good point and apparently so did Billy.

''Lack of confidence is the operative factor.'' Billy spoke up ''it just might work.'' We all turned to Zack again.

''Try it.'' Jason encouraged him.

''Ok I'll try it.'' He said.

He begins to remember a fight with a monster named the black night. As he remembered more he regained his confidence and he began to appear.

''It's working.'' Kim said excited. He came back more and more.

''Keep it up man.'' Jason tells him.

Zack concentrates more and more on the memory of the black night and he completely reappears.

We all run over to him. Zack looks at Quagmire.

''Thanks man.'' He says to Quagmire who smiles at him.

''Welcome back,'' He tells the black ranger ''The key was inside of you.''

''Yeah well we are still on this island.'' I point out to the others.

*Jessica Lee Scott: Stegosaurus power*

We walk along a bit until Jason speaks ''Guys if we don't find our power coins, we don't stand a chance.'' I knew he was right.

''Hey maybe Quagmire might be able to help us.'' Tommy suggested.

''The coins you seek you must find on your own.'' Quagmire said and then he vanishes.

''Where do we start.'' Trini wonders.

''We have already gone through half the Island.''

Why they were arguing I started to hear voices and I felt the despair I felt while fighting for my life. All of a sudden I heard three peoples voices.

''Still as worthless as ever.''

''Need to learn to fight.''

''No she's too scared too fight.''

''NOO how did she get you out of prison,'' I said and I turned to see the other rangers staring at me in fear ''I cant fight not now they're here they will kill all of you and I cant fight without you guys.''

''Guys she's disappearing,'' Tommy told the others ''Jess you have got to fight this.''

''QUAGMIRE HELP JESSICA.'' Jason yelled.

''Your fear to fight is getting you down,'' Quagmire says smoking in and turning to me '' but remember the fight you had when you returned to town.''

That reminded me of the day of my return.

''I had jus got to where you where all in the park. Then the putties arrived. I didn't know what they was or if I could even fight them,'' I said and the others started to smile.

''Guys its working keep going Jess.'' Tommy said with glee in his voice.

''I knew I had to try, even though I was scared I managed to defeat them.'' I looked down to see my body had reappeared.

They all ran over to me and Tommy hugged me. ''Way to go jess.'' He said.

All of a sudden we hear Goldar. We look up to see his face in the sky. ''The purple ranger may have won this fusion but now lets start with an illusion for Kimberly's confusion.''

We all looked around but without noticing Kimberly had started to walk in another direction. ''Bulk and Skull being nice.'' Kimberly spoke looking confused.

''What are you talking about there is no one there?'' Jase spoke.

''If Rita can make them act like that then she cam make anything happen.'' Kim spoke with fear. She starts to fade away.

''Quagmire come quick and help Kimberly.'' Trini yelled.

Quagmire appeared. ''a toad might frighten you to the marrow, but stay your course, straight as an arrow. 'And Kim knew what he meant.

''OH no I don't know wether I can remember the terror toad again.'' Kim said.

''Kim you have too.'' I say.

She closes her eyes and remembers her battle with the terror toad. As she remembers how she destroyed him she returned to normal.

''Nice going you beat the illusion.'' I say but all off a sudden Tommy starts acting weird.

*Jessica Lee Scott: Stegosaurus power*

Tommy is now being affected by the Illusion.

''Guys Tommy is suffering from an illusion.'' I told the other rangers.

Jason begins to approach Tommy. Tommy begins to attack him.

''Tommy stop It.'' I try to stop him but he is not listening.

He tries to fight us as we surround him.

''Tommy please snap out of it.'' I said pleading with him.

''Chill man it's us.'' Zack tried to get through to him.

''I'll take you all on.'' Tommy snarls at us and it leaves me wondering what is he seeing.

As Jason and Zack try to calm Tommy down Kim steps forward.

''Tommy its us.'' She tries to tell him.

''There's too many we can't win.'' Said Tommy and I notice that he is fading.

''Guys he's beginning to fade.'' I tell them worried for him. ''QUAGMIRE PLEASE HELP TOMMY.'' I call and Quagmire appears in a tree.

Quagmire speaks to Tommy, '' to not let Rita steer you wrong, think strong thoughts and you'll be strong.'' He told the green ranger.

As Quagmire disappears Tommy begins to remember the time that he fought the putties outside the youth centre on Halloween.

''Hang in there.'' Jason said.

''Don't leave us tommy.'' I pleaded with him. Tommy continues to remember how he did it and when I joined him. He slowly starts to reappear.

''I did it.'' He exclaims. I run over to him and throw my arms around him. He squeezed me back. As we all stood around we didn't notice until Kimberly brought it up that Trini was acting really strange.

''Trini are you ok.'' She asks and we all look over to see her looking frightened.

''I'm afraid Rita might come after me next.'' She said.

''That's just what she wants you to think.'' Jason tells her.

''She's fading.'' Billy noticed.

''Oh no Billy you are too high.'' Trini's illusions was that Billy is too high.

''It's Rita's illusion. Quick think positive.'' Jason tells her but she's not listening as she's too far into her illusion.

''Remember what quagmire says.'' Tommy tells her and quagmire appears.

''do your best to pass this part of Rita's test.'' He told Trini.

Trini remembers how she climb to the top and helped Billy with the Putty that was after him. Trini returns to normal.

''Well done Trini.'' I say.

Billy is the next one to start fading.

''Im sorry guys,'' Billy says with sorrow in hid voice ''even my scientific knowledge cant get us out of this one.'' He starts to fade.

''I failed.'' billy said.

''It's not your fault, don't let Rita get to you.'' Jason says to the blue ranger.

''QUAGMIRE.'' Trini screamed and Quagmire appeared and spoke to billy.

''I sense a fight in a land of dreams,'' He says '' Where you fought a nightmare queen.''

Quagmire vanishes once again.

Billy remembers the battle he had with Madame Woe and how he defeated her. Billy returns to normal. We all run over to him and smile at each other that Rita still hadn't beaten us again.

''Now maybe we can find our power coins and get out of here.'' Jason says until Goldar's head appears in the sky again.

''Jason if you were a real leader you would have saved your friends and sister by now.'' OH NO hes going after Jason now.

''You are right.'' Jason says and now he is facing an illusion.

''I should have figured a way out.'' Jason says.

''Don't listen to her Jase.'' Zack says and I notice that my brother is beginning to fade.

''Guys he's fading.'' I tell them.

''They were depending on me and I let them all down.'' I notice that as my brother is speaking he cant hear us.

'' Jason can't see or hear us.'' Zack says.

Quagmire tells him ''You know your power is great, you can win just concentrate.'' He tells my brother.

Jason remembers his battle with a monster called king sphinx and as he remembers how he won he yelled out.

''You haven't won yet Rita.'' He called. Jason appears back to normal again.

We run up to him and we knew we had defeated Rita's illusions. All of a sudden our communicators come back onto our wrists.

''Our communicators are back.'' i point out to the others and they all look down.

''So are our power coins.'' Kim says and we are all glad we have our powers back again.

''We could have had these all along.'' Trini says smiling.

''We each had the power to break Rita's spell.'' Tommy said.

''All we needed was a little self confidence.'' Zack added.

All of a sudden the ground begins to shake.

''Weve got to hurry.'' Billy tells us.

''ITS MORPHIN TIME.'' Jason yells.








*Jessica Lee Scott: Stegosaurus power*

Just after we got off of the island it blew up. We arrive in our megazords e and Tommy in the stego-dragonzord formation. I split off from the megazord and they form the mega dragonzord and my zord splits and becomes the weapon and shield for it.

''Mutitis attack.'' Rita who had returned to earth.

Mutitis runs towards the megazord and Jason calls out. ''FIRE.'' Both the megazord and Mutitis fire.

''Full power.'' Jason tells everyone this time. We fire and destroy Mutitis.

''You're next Lokar,'' Jason tells the floating head ''We call upon the power of Titanus.'' Jason calls the zord. We form the ultrazord and Jason addresses Lokar again. ''Its all over for you Lokar.'' He tells the monster.

''Fire.'' We all call and we fire at Lokar who screams. He retreats before we can destroy him.

''I cant believe he got away.'' I said in anger.

''Next time.'' Jason vows.

Rita screams and vanishes.

*Jessica Lee Scott: Stegosaurus power*

The next day is the day of Zacks dance. The youth centre is full of people. Bulk is one of the contestants for the dance. He goes up and does his routine. The judges and spectators are amused by his dance moves.

Bulk does a spin and falls to the floor. Skull jumps onto the dance floor and does some dancing. All of us rangers are standing there watching. Bulk gets up, grabs a hold of Skull and tosses him aside. Bulk then finishes his dance routine. Bulk gets his scores from the judges. Ernie addresses everyone ''another fine effort from Bulk and Skull. And now Zack is our net contestant.''

We all watch as he hesitates to go on the dance floor.

''Zack just go out there and have fun.'' Trini tells him.

''something doesn't feel right.'' Zack tells us.

''Zack you are the best.'' Jason tells him.

''I cannot believe you are loosing your confidence after all weve been through.'' I tell him. Still a little nervous, Zack goes out onto the dance floor. Zack starts his dance routine and he is very impressive. The crowds bop along to Zack's dancing.

We all are enjoying watching Zack.

''The tunes are styling.'' Jason comments.

''Who is the DJ?'' Kim asks. When we look over she gasps in shock. ''It's Quasimodo.'' She says and I laugh.

''Kim you mean Quagmire.'' I correct her.

Zack finishes his dance routine and he did great. The judges agree and Ernie announces Zack is the winner we all congractulate him and he does a victory dance. All of a sudden a hand grips my arm and drags me away from my friends. It was Rey.

''Hey princess I thought I told you too stay away from that Tommy oliver.'' He says gripping my arms hard and I wince a little.

''You have no control over me Rey.'' He grips harder and goes to smack me but all of a sudden a hand grabs his turns him around and punches him in the nose knocking him to the ground.

''Leave her alone we are warning you.'' It was Tommy and he had Jason and Zack backing him.

''What you going to do?'' He mocks and Jason steps forward.

''You ever touch my little sister again and I will personally do something about it.'' Rey backs up gulping and starts walking out.

''You will be mine again princess.'' He says before leaving and the guys turn to me.

''Hey you OK.'' Tommy asks and I nod.

''Im fine thanks for coming to my aid guys.'' I smiled at them and Tommy stepped closer and hugged me whispering in my ear.

''As long as I am around he wont touch you.'' He promised.

And I believed him.

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