What Happened To Forever?

By NaughtyAuti

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Many people say that everything has a happy ending, I'm sure you've heard it. Everything happens for a reason... More

Chapter Two: Homecoming
Chapter Three: A Kiss and A Surprise!
Chapter Four: A Home Visit
Chapter Five: Races, baby!
Chapter Six: A dumb, blonde tramp
Chapter Seven: Fixed?
Chapter Eight: The Haunted Mill
Chapter Nine: It begins
Chapter Ten: And it ends

Chapter One: Homecoming Game.

766 28 13
By NaughtyAuti

Dedication to MySkyOfBlossoms for the amazing book cover!<33 thank you so much!!


So, usually every Homecoming both Rachel and I would stay over at Sarah's house because she lived only a little while down from the High School. Which, we planned on doing this year as well. Sarah's dress was a beautiful flowy silver dress, with creases as though it was folded and it fit around her curves perfectly. Rachel's dress was a pink around the ches area and then as it was all scrunched up on the bottom area, from her stomach to her mid thigh range was a zebra print. It was a gorgeous dress that fit her very well. My dress was a strapless purple dress, with both zebra and cheeta print on it in a black outline. It had that little over drape thing on the bottom that makes it glittery. Oh, our dresses were amazing, which they should have been, considering how long it took us to pick them out.

Of course, we weren't getting ready for the dance quite yet. It was only Friday night which meant... Yep, Homecoming game. We were hanging out with Tyler, and Evan probably going down to the park again. I heard that they were bring a friend named Kyle, also. I couldn't wait, though both Kyla and Tanya were still mad at me... I could care less. So, we did our make up all pretty and our hair and got our jeans so our butts looked good. Then after going down to the front of the school I knew there'd be trouble becasue there was Kyla, Tanya, Evan, and Tyler.

"Your not hanging out with him, right?" Kyla asked disapprovingly.

"Yeah, so?" I was irritated.

"So? What do you mean, so? So, I already told you he's a druggie and I don't want you hanging out with him. Plus, you know that Tanya likes him. Why would you do that?" Kyla was so defensive of her.

"Yeah, you know I like him, so stay away." Tanya threatened.

"Oh, please she could snap you like a twig, so take your skinny, snooty ass up to the football game and get out of my damn way!" Sarah hollered. I always knew she never liked her, well that got Tanya to back away.

"Damn, Ella. I don't understand why you have to be so fucking complicated. Why can't you just back off. You have Ryan.. Remember?" Kyla shook her head.

"What. The. Fuck? Why do I have to be considered complicated. I never said we were going to fucking 'hook up' or any of that. I know I who I have and I can take care of myself thank you. I do realize that I no longer have a friend that supports what I want. Do you even care anymore? Or are you only worried about what you want and what keeps me away from your ex? I'm so--" I got inturrupted by Kyla's phone.

"Hey, mom." Kyla sounded annoyed.

"What? Why? --


Fine! I'll be up in a minute.--

FIne! I'm coming now!" Kyla slammed her phone shut and yanked Tanya's little chicken arm to get her to along. Which was probably for the best because if she would have stayed with us, she may have gotten her ass kicked.

"Damn, just got here and already a headache." I complained.

"Here, Ryan text you like seven times." Rachel handed me my phone. I didn't really want to talk to him right now, so I just ignored them all.

"Are we ready to go? Kyle's waiting at the park." Evan entered.

"Yeah, I'm ready to get the hell away from here." I started walking near the park. This walk went a lot faster than last time, no one really said much, it was a pretty tense mood. It loosened up when we got there though.

"Hey, Kyle!" Tyler called.

Kyle, who was tall with really long hair for a boy and it shagged off to the side and he was pretty tan for the middle of fall, just ignored him. It looked as if he was talking to someone sitting on the slide.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Hey, you don't remember me?" The girl asked, sounding hurt.

"Oh, your Brooke, from volleyball." I said, my memory coming back.

"Oh, I remember you." Sarah included.

Brooke was in 8th grade when we were in 5th, she was on our volley ball team, but what exactly was she doing here?

I stayed with Sarah and Rachel mostly and we hung out by the slide with Brooke. The guys went somewhere, we weren't exactly sure what they were doing, but they smelled strongly of smoke when they came back. Boy, oh boy...Maybe Kyla was right..? No, I can't think of that right now.

"Look, I'm going to go hang out with Brooke for a while, why don't you guys go walk around?" I heard Kyle whisper to Evan and Tyler.

"Okay, dude. Whatever." Evan said back. Then he came and took Rachel's hand and swung it back and forth slowly.

"Ready?" I asked Sarah.

"Yeah, let's go." She replied.

"Hey! Wait up!" Tyler called after us.

We all walked in a line, across of course, we weren't in kindergarten. It was Evan who was holing Rachel's hand and then Rachel, who was holding my hand. Sarah was next to me and there was quite a gap between us, and then Tyler walked behind us all. We walked up to the high school, around there and then back down a few times. Nothing too far, we weren't really too excited about walking around. The game had ended about five minutes earlier as we walked up towards the high school.

"Hey, Evan. Where we staying tonight?"

"Prolly at my grandpa's, why?" Evan replied to Tyler.

"Damn, my hand is freezing." I complained, hinting towards Tyler to hold it.

"Yeah, my hands are cold too." Tyler replied.

"You are so stupid, Tyler." Rachel said.

"Come here, dude." Evan called towards him. Tyler walked over toward's Evan and he whispered something in his ear. Well, whatever it was it worked because he came over and held my hand after that.

"You know if you completely wrap your hand over mine then it'll keep me warmer." I wiggled my eye brows and looked like a retard.

"Like this?" Tyler was clueless.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Hey Ella, do you like Tyler?" Evan lauged.

"What? Um, I don't know..." I blushed.

"Hey Tyler, do you like Ella?" Rachel laughed.

"Depends.." His cheeks turned a cute sarlet color as we headed towards the park again. As we walked down there, both Brooke and Kyle were gone and Tanya and Kyla stood in their place.

"What are you doing with him?" Kyla lectured.

"Nothing?" I was confused.

"Nothing? Doesn't look like nothing to me." She answered.

"What? Holding hands?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"Now, what holding hands is a crime?" I screamed. I ran over to Sarah and held her hand, " What I'm holding her hand? What's going to happen?"

"Don't be such a smartass."

"So, why does it piss you off so much for me to like him, but not for Tanya to?"

"It's not like that? You knew that Tanya like him and now she's crying because your with him."

"Well, maybe she shouldn't be such a baby about things."

"That's being a baby? You knew she liked him and yet you still go and flirt with him."

"This isn't like your little dream about Jon and Kami. If I like him, I'm going to date him and I could care less about anyone else. If you really cared, you would be supportive."

"Well, what about Ryan?"

"What about him?"

"Your cheating on him!"

"No I'm not!"

"You just said that if you like him, your going to date him."

"I didn't say we WERE dating, I said that IF, so just chill. I'm not a two timer."

"No, just a bad friend." Tanya interjected.

"Who ever said I was your friend in the first place?" I hissed.

Tanya didn't have anything to say after that, she just left.

"We aren't done talking about this!" Kyla rammed on while chasing after Tanya.

"I don't see how I ever liked her, she's so ugly!" Tyler laughed.

I wasn't really sure if he meant it or if he was just trying to make people feel better, people, meaning me. Who knows?

"Hey, guys?" Sarah called out.

"Yeah?" Rachel and I said in harmony.

"My dad knows when the game gets over because we live right up from the high school, so we better be going. 'Kay?"

"Your right." I agreed.

"Can we walk you home?" Tyler asked.

"Rah-Rah, can they?" I asked, sweetly.

"Probably about half way." She laughed.

"Is half way okay?" I asked Tyler.

"It's better than nothing." He smiled.

"Okay, then let's go." I urged, trying to walk about as slowly as I can.

We got there pretty quickly...unfortunately. Rachel and Evan gave each other a hug bye, and it lasted pretty long. It was very cute. Just as I was about to go Tyler pulled my hand so I turned around and looked at me and gave me a hug. Oh, I was hooked on him.

We went inside to sit on Rachel's bed and I was texting Ryan and Tyler, while Rachel was texting Tyler for me trying to see if he liked me. Mine and Ryan's conversation went a little something like this.

Hey, babe. What's up?

Nothing, y u been ignoring me?

Sorry, it was Homecoming Game.

Oh, yeah I 4got bout tht.

Yeah, can I talk to u bout sumthin?

Sure, wat is it?

You know I love you, bt its so hard not gettin 2 c u nd i dnt know if it's working out.

I know exactly what you mean i was guna say sumtin 2.i love you too. and you will always have a place in my heart Ella.

Same with me Ryan, Goodbye.

Bye, Ella. I love you.

I had tears streaming down my cheeks after getting done texting him, breaking up with him. I knew it was for the best, it was really hard not getting to see him and still having a relationship. I thought we did a pretty good job considering that we had dated for about three months, strictly just phone. Now, we had nothing, but I knew we'd always have something, no matter what.

"Aw, Ells, don't cry!" Sarah exclaimed, wiping my tears. Ells, was my nick name from her.

"I think its more tears of happiness, rather than sorrow. I'm just happy that I had him for a little, even if it was only texting."

"Well, you know Tyler likes you." Rachel smiled.

"He does?" I smiled through my tears.

"Yeah, he hasn't said it, but he does." She laughed.

"Wanna go outside? We can take the laptop and listen to music." Sarah suggested.

"Yes! I think that sounds perfect!" I laughed.

"Let's go." Rachel said. We all brought our phone's and Sarah had her laptop and I grabbed a blanket.

We rolled out the blanket on the blacktop driveway and after we shut the garage door we all laid down. Then as we were laying there, I was also texting Tyler.

Well, do you like me?

Why don't you ask Rachel? She's been txtin me.

Cuz I'm askin u.


So tell me.

Do u like me?

No, i askd u 1st.


So, u gotta tell me 1st.

It dnt work tht way.


I'll tell u if u tell me.

Buhh, i askd u 1st.


FIne! Yes, i like u.

I like u too.

lol, okay. :)

So, do u wanna go out or somethin?

Well, is tht ur way of askin me out?

Ya... so??

Yeah, I wanna go out or somethin.

Okay, so were going out? :)

I don't know, are we? :P

Yes, we are. :)

Okay, good. (: So, are you gonna be able to go to Homecoming tomorrow?

I wish, I gotta race. :(

Awh, well. Okay, good luck! :)

Thanks, babe. :)

Welcome, babe. (:

Well, gotta race tomorrow so Im goin to bed. I love you.

"Um, you guys? So, ya know we just started dating..." I stammered.

"Yeah?" They said simotamuously.

"He already said 'I love you.'"

"Already?" Sarah laughed.

"Ugh, Evan does that all the time, I just say ILY too." Rachel sighed.

"Good idea."

Ily too, babe. Goodnight.


That was how we started dating, then people kept lecturing me because they kept saying how he wasn't cute. All I told them was.

"No, he's not the cutest. He's not the star quarterback. Not every girl in school wants to be with him. He can be silly at times, but his smile is amazing. He may not be the best to you, but he's absolutely perfect to me."

They all just sighed and said, "already?" and I just laughed because yes, already. I may not know to much about him, but it seems like I've known him my whole life. Maybe, I do really love him?



Soo, what you think? A picture of Ryan is on the side!


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