Flawed Perfection

By RinaBear

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Charlotte is a normal 18 year old New York girl. Her biggest dream is to make the Joffrey Ballet Company. Whe... More

Flawed Perfection Ch. 1
Flawed Perfection Ch. 2
Flawed Perfection Ch. 3
Flawed Perfection Ch. 4
Flawed Perfection Ch. 5
Flawed Perfection Ch. 6
Flawed Perfection Ch. 7
Flawed Perfection Ch. 8
Flawed Perfection Ch. 9
Flawed Perfection Ch. 10
Flawed Perfection Ch. 11
Flawed Perfection Ch. 12
Flawed Perfection Ch. 13
Flawed Perfection Ch. 14
Flawed Perfection Ch. 15
Flawed Perfection Ch. 16
Flawed Perfection Ch. 17
Flawed Perfection Ch. 19
Flawed Perfection Ch. 20
Flawed Perfection Epilogue

Flawed Perfection Ch. 18

925 16 4
By RinaBear

Done! I'm ready to bust out these last few chapters very quickly because I REEEEEEALLY want to finish this before my birthday ;) 11 days left! The picture is of the nurse :3 and the song is one I've just been listening to over and over while I wrote this lol


I felt my heart drop. Hazel deserved the part more than I did, but it was still a hard blow.

I nodded, just so he knew I heard him and he wouldn’t have to say it again. Looking to the front of the room I realized that of all the people who auditioned I’d rather have Hazel play Sleeping Beauty than anyone else.

 It still hurt really bad. I know that I didn’t even have a shot because I’d passed out but I had wanted this for a while now.

 Luke fiddled with an invisible thread on his jeans, staring at the floor. I think he was scared as to how I’d react. It was disappointment more than anything.

 I closed my eyes and leaned back against my pillow. I wish Luke would leave so I could cry. It would be embarrassing to burst into tears over a part. My eyes flashed open.

 “Wait, did I even get a part?” I asked, staring at him. This was my last hope, that I even made it into the performance. My eyes were wide and I was probably the face of desperation.

 Luke gulped staring at me with fear in his eyes. “Uh I dunno.” He said, lying horribly.

 Everything I had just smashed right to the ground. “I’m not even in it.” I said, my voice sounding dead.

 I lay back down and turned on my side so I was facing away from Luke.

 “Char it’s just…” He didn’t finish his sentence. I was crying silently and the bed shook, making squeaky noises.

 The tears fell fast and didn’t show any signs of stopping. My life has just been smashed. I’m stuck in some weird hospital because everyone is convinced I have an eating disorder, my own boyfriend is scared of me, and I didn’t even get into Sleeping Beauty.

 Sobs were starting to get caught in the back of my throat and I tried not to make any noise even if Luke already knew I was crying.

 I felt Luke sit down on the edge of the bed, my back facing him. He reached out and patted my shoulder awkwardly. My tears were starting to make a little wet spot under my cheek on the sheets.

 He shifted so he was sitting next to me, his legs stretched out in front of him. “Charlotte.” He murmured and gently pulled me to him.

 I continued crying, only harder now and sobs were starting to rip through my chest. He held me close and whispered things that I didn’t hear because my tears were too loud.

 I clung to him tightly even though it put pressure on the IV in my arm. He pulled me onto his lap and tucked my head under his chin. I started to choke a little on my tears and he rubbed my back.

 The sounds of my crying and sobs went on for about fifteen minutes. Luke was still there the whole time holding me. I wondered vaguely when my tears quieted down if he was even allowed to do this.

 A few minutes later I was still curled up in his lap, practically asleep. The door opened and the doctor came back in. He saw the two of us and raised an eyebrow. I stared at him miserably, clinging to Luke so he wouldn’t get up.

 “I’m sorry, Luke, could you please move?” A nurse walked in behind him wheeling in a weird looking machine. “We need to hook this up to Charlotte.” My eyes grew wide and I stared at him.

 Luke smiled weakly down at me, seeming just as unsure about what it was as me. “It’s ok, they’re just gonna help you.” He murmured and stood up, gently laying me back down on the bed.

 I scrambled under the covers, my eyes never leaving that machine. “I don’t need whatever that is to get better.” I said quietly but clearly.

 The doctor smiled weakly at me. “Would you be willing to eat a full meal of however many calories three times a day?”

 I wrinkled my nose and gave him a disgusted look. “It’s just…all the food.” Just thinking about it all made me feel sick. Luke gave me a sad pained look.

 The doctor sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s just easier if we do it this way.” He said and the nurse wheeled the machine to the side of my bed and started hooking me up to it.

 I gave him a confused look and tried to squirm away from the nurse. “What are you doing to me?!” I asked, freaking out a little.

 The Doc smiled sadly at me. “We’re just going to have this little machine feed you.” He said. “It’s just easier than if we try to force you to eat three full meals a day and get the right calories.” His eyes scanned across his clipboard. “And there’s less of a chance you might try to throw it up.”

 I looked warily at the nurse as she fixed it all up then back at the doctor. Either option sounded horrible and grotesque. They were going to make me gain weight!

 “It’s going to help Charlotte.” Luke said giving me one of his sweet smiles.

 I nodded slightly, though I didn’t want any kind of help. What was wrong with the how I am now? It’s not like I had any kind of eating disorder at all. I’d finally reached my weight goal!

 The nurse smiled slightly next to me. “Sweetheart, do you want to keep passing out all the time from not having the right nutrients?” she asked.

 I shrugged. “No, not really. But that was just a one time thing, I really shouldn’t be here.”

 She shook her head, giving me a bit of a disappointed smile. “It’s ok,” she said gently, “we’ll help you understand it all.”

 I liked her a lot more than the doctor. He seemed so cold and factual while this nurse was friendly. She had on bright red lipstick and had platinum blonde hair. Her nametag read Kelly.

 “Ok.” I said, watching her and the doctor leave. I smiled slightly as Kelly shut the door, giving me a small smile through the tiny window.

 I looked at the force-feeding machine I was hooked up to. Making a face at it I noticed Luke staring at me.

 “What?” I asked him, trying not to let my mind wander to how to shut off this thing. 

He shrugged slightly. “They’re going to help you get better.” Luke said with a small sigh. “I just feel bad none of us noticed how bad it really was,” he murmured.

 I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “Luke, cut with the drama. All I wanted was to be pretty and thin.” I told him leaning back onto the pillow. My eyes were locked onto the machine. “Ms. Corey said that I had to anyways.”

 Luke sighed and rubbed a hand over his tired eyes. “Char, there’s a difference between being thin and being skinny.” He said, almost sounding like he’d rehearsed this.

 “Being thin is like being slender and at a healthy weight range.” Yeah, this was definitely rehearsed. “And being skinny is like underweight and not attractive.”

 I gritted my teeth a little. “Alright, so now you’re saying I’m skinny and unattractive?”

 Luke’s eyes widened. “NO! Not at all!” He said quickly trying to cover up his mistake. “All I’m saying is skinny isn’t as nice as being slender and thin. If you’re skinny you’re practically a skeleton.”

 I scowled at Luke, not believing him for one second. “Whatever.” I brushed it off and crossed my arms.

Luke sighed and shook his head. “Charlotte just listen to me.” He said from his spot in the chair. “I’m saying that you are beautiful and you are thin. You’re just too thin. You’re like a walking skeleton. Soon they’ll be using you as instead of a model skeleton in science.”

 I sighed and rubbed my eyes. The machine stuttered to life and I was afraid of being force-fed.

 “Yeah, I guess.” I muttered just to agree with him. “I need to gain weight.” I mumbled.

 Luke nodded, believing me. That or he just didn’t want to deal with this at the moment.

 I lied down on the bed, resting my head on the pillow and staring at him. “Will you stay here with me?” I asked quietly, feeling a bit like a child, but I just wanted to hear from him that he’d stick with me.

 He looked a little startled when I asked that question. “Of course!” he said immediately. “Why wouldn’t I?”

I shrugged slightly glancing around the room. “Because I’ve just ruined my life.” I muttered though I was secretly happy he said he’d stay.

 Luke frowned deeply and crossed his arms. “Charlotte, you didn’t ruin your life. Maybe you’ve just changed it dramatically and something good will come out of this…We just don’t know what it is yet.”

 I thought over his words. There didn’t seem to be anything good out of this. I was being forced to eat. I couldn’t dance. I had to be hospitalized. I was going to miss out on so much of my life just because I was caught.

 “Nothing good is going to come out of this.” I told him miserably.

 He sighed. “I know it seems like that way now….” He trailed off, as though he wasn’t sure how to finish his sentence.

 I closed my eyes and cringed slightly. The feeling of my stomach filling up with food from the machine was disgusting. All I could think about was how many calories it was and how much weight I’d gain.

 “It seems like that way now but?” I asked him.

 I opened one eye to look at him. Luke had a hand over his mouth and chin as he stared at the ground, thinking hard.

 “I’m not sure, Char.” He said. “I just don’t know. All I know is you’ll be safe and sound if I have anything to say about it.”

 I smiled weakly. Safe and sound… I liked the sound of that. 


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