The Alpha's Rejection: I Reje...

By AshleyV

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(Cover By: EpicPopsicle) Anna Johnson and Reid Macintyre never wanted to face the truth they both knew was th... More

The Alpha's Rejection: I Rejected The Alpha

One: Anna's P.O.V.

7.2K 379 85
By AshleyV

The Alpha's Rejection-(I Rejected The Alpha)


Must really suck to be you, huh?” I should have anticipated his response. I should have braced myself .

His hand wrapped possessively around my throat and he lifted me off my feet, turned and pressed my back into the nearest tree trunk. Dark eyes glowered at me dangerously when he pushed his face closer to mine. “Must suck to be me? You're mine, mate, whether you like it or not.” His lips curled off his teeth in a snarl, low growls rumbling in his chest. “I can make your life a living hell with a snap of my fingers.”

Ooh, I'm so scared I'm shaking in my boots.” It was a defense mechanism. I'd long ago decided I wasn't going to just lie down and take any one's abuse or empty threats. And that wasn't about to change just because it was my mate doing the threatening.

A superior smirk played across his features when he glance down at the Spongebob slippers covering my feet. I knew the taunting, the teasing was coming before he ever opened his mouth and I reacted on instinct. It wasn't surprising-at least not to me-when my knee jerked up and made solid contact with his family jewels.

His expression distorted from the smugness of seconds ago into a grimace of pain and his hand released my throat, going to his crotch as he fell to his knees. “You.. bitch.”

My nose wrinkles. Was that supposed to be an insult? A bitch is a female dog, hello is he forgetting what I am? Maybe my mother really was right. A guy's only working brain is in his pants.

You should really keep your insults to yourself, they're not very creative.” I turn, prepared to make the hour long trek back to my house when his gravelly voice stopped me.

Don't think this is over, mate.”


My wolf was still howling out her displeasure when I climbed through my bedroom window of my new foster family's house. I didn't have a house key or I wouldn't have bothered with the antics of attempting to sneak back in without being noticed. They knew as well as I did that I haven't been in the house all night like I was supposed to be. There was really no point in pretending otherwise.

It wasn't all that surprising to see the pack's new Beta pacing the length of the twin sized bed I still had yet to use. Nor were the glower on his face or the blast of anger coming off him in waves all that shocking. I'd been given specific orders, every member of the pack had, to stay in the house all night and not go exploring our new environment. I had disobeyed a direct order from our Alpha, however unintentionally, and that was a big no-no.

Oh well. “Where were you?” Sea green eyes glare at me from behind long dark lashes the same color as the hair that laid carelessly on his shoulders. A long sleeved gray shirt stretched across the broad expanse of his chest, the frayed hem tucked carefully into the waist band of his faded jeans. If it wasn't for the military issued combat boots on his feet I might have thought he'd just come from his own house.

“I went for a run.” The calm facade I'd had earlier in the forest with... him fell and my voice shook no matter how hard I tried to stop it from doing so. It was irritating that I couldn't tell even the slightest lie around this man but I've learned to accept-er, live with it. I've learned to live with it, accepting that there's even a single person on this Earth that I could not lie to is unacceptable.

His lips thinned, eyes narrowing and his nostrils flared as he drew in a breath. Scenting my sort-of lie no doubt. “You were told to stay inside for the night, everyone was. Where did you go?” It was more than likely that he already knew where I had been but I guess it was “mandatory” to ask the question in case I wanted to try and lie my way out of it. Pointless really but some kids try.

“The lake, I wanted to see the fireworks.” The Fourth of July fireworks always captivated me and the fact that it was the only time I ever really got to spend time with my father only added to my interest. And besides I hadn't actually done anything that bad. Just disobeyed an order, it wasn't like I'd committed murder or anything.

“We're all trying very hard, Anna, to make things easier for you but you were specifically told to not go outside. Its not safe yet.” One hand went to his hip as the fingers of the other pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Then why move here?” It never made sense to me. We were all perfectly safe where we had been before why the Alpha had suddenly decided to relocate the pack to a town where a pack we've been at war with for the past sixty years lived never ceased to amaze me. Or am I just the only one who can't see the logic in it?

It wouldn't be surprising if I was. No one ever tells me much of anything. This whole relocation was just another thing I've been kept in the dark about. Nothing new there.

“We needed more room. Half the pack's females are pregnant, Anna. And besides, the humans were getting too bold for their own good.” He didn't need to act like I was an incompetent child, its not like I couldn't see that they were pregnant. Its kinda hard to miss if you haven't noticed.

I just don't get why they're all so smiley. I've witnessed child birth first hand, its nothing to be smiling about.

“Look, just stay inside from now on. Marni and Jake were worried about you.”

I scowl at the mention of my new foster parents. I just bet they were worried, worried their paycheck had waltzed out the window with no goodbye and no intention of returning. “Can I at least go into town tomorrow to get some clothes?” I hadn't been able to bring much of anything with me. Not that there had been much left after the fire. There were things I could in fact live without but clothes were a must.

No one but my mate needed to be seeing me naked. And hell could freeze over before that ass would be getting me out of my clothes.

“I'm sure Marni wouldn't mind taking you shopping. You should ask her though, rather than telling her what you'll be doing. They've taken a lot of risk taking you in like this, Anna.” He patted my head like a child as he walked out, pulling my door shut quietly behind him.

He and I both knew I wouldn't be caught dead asking Marni for anything, especially not to take me shopping. Not unless I wanted to be informed of just how much of a disappointment my mother had been. No, thank you. I'll just have to be cautious when I leave in the morning. If I can lose my mate in the forest then getting out of this house alone shouldn't be that hard.

The thought of my mate brought back the headache I'd just managed to get rid of and my wolf started her damn howling again. She would get over it, eventually. I think.

It was all his fault, damn it! If he had just left me alone to watch the freakin' fireworks like I wanted my head wouldn't feel like its splitting in half. True, it was partially my fault. I shouldn't have been out in the middle of the night in the first place and I could have not rejected him. But what was I supposed to do? Stand there and let him reject me? Not likely.

I watched my mother go through that hell all my life, its not something I wish to live through myself.

I hadn't even meant to leave my room in the first place but when I'd heard the fireworks in the distance my curiosity got the better of me. I've always loved fireworks so ignoring the bright colors when they're so close isn't exactly easy for me.

I'd gotten lost, of course, and ended up in the neutral zone between our pack and the other in town. Not the smartest idea, but I couldn't have cared less about the supposed danger. After all, the lake was neutral territory, I had just as much right to be there as he did.

I didn't even know his name. The thought brought a frown to my face. Huh, throughout the whole who's rejecting who argument we never learned each other's names. That could work in my favor. If I don't know his name then I won't be thinking about him every time I hear it.

Or not. Now I wanted to know his name. I wanted to know everything about him and it irritated me. My mother had wanted to know everything about her mate and look where that got her. Burned to death in a house fire and the love of her life hadn't even shed a tear.

Nope, Mother and I didn't have much in common in that respect. I would not pine after a male just because someone else had decided he was my other half. What kind of bullshit is that anyway? Who are the Fates to decide who is made for who?

They sure did know how to make a good specimen though. Ack, what's wrong with me? So he was hot, that didn't mean I needed to start drooling.

I let myself fall face first onto my bed and scream in my pillow. Maybe I should have stayed in my room tonight.


I managed to get out of the house without Marni, though I doubt it was because I was able to sneak out without being noticed. Which given the way our last shopping trip went wasn't all that surprising. I doubt she wants a repeat of that disaster.

The houses and shops looked like they were out of some movie. And no, I don't mean the little kiddie movies. I'm talking about the ones where the locals are all cannibals who want to chop off my head and eat my eyeballs for appetizers. Good Lord, couldn't they have chosen some place else to move the pack? Why here?

Okay, so maybe I was exaggerating a bit, a teeny tiny bit. The place didn't completely look like some crazed killer with half his face burnt off was going to come running out of the butcher shop with a knife prepared to take off my head. But it was pretty obvious no one from my pack was welcome here.

Most of the shops had closed signs on them, even though I could clearly see there were people inside moving around. You'd think they thought I had the plague or something. I mean really, is it necessary to cross the street just so they weren't on the same sidewalk?

And again, why did we come here? We weren't welcome and I really don't feel like being killed in my sleep.

Its almost kinda funny to watch the way people scramble to stay away from me when I walk into a clothing store-the only one that doesn't have a closed sign hanging on the front door. I think the place emptied out the minute I set foot inside. It would've been funny had some woman not tried to turn me into a pancake.

A girl around my age walks out of the back with a frown on her childlike face. “People sure do want to avoid you, huh?” She snorted, looking me up and down with a cocked eyebrow. Damn it, how do people do that? “Well, you don't look like a trained killer.”

“Trained killer?” I'd have to be able to stand the sight of blood for that to happen. As of yet I still faint when I see or even smell blood.

“Yup,” She grinned, popping the 'p'. “Everybody seems to think you all are just here to murder us in our sleep. Its kind of amusing when you think about it. Considering most of you are women, pregnant, and waddling around like penguins.”

I snicker before I can help myself, shaking my head at her. Who is this girl? “I'm Anna.” I don't offer a hand for her to shake because well, just because she looks harmless doesn't really mean much.

“Lily, and I'm guessing you didn't come here for a chat with a local, right?” I nod and she grins again, black pigtails bouncing when she nods. “Figured as much. Go ahead and look around, if you need any help just holler.”

Well, that was odd. She seemed innocent enough but there was something vaguely familiar about the color of her hair and eyes. Like I'd seen them on someone else before. The only person that came to mind was him but what were the odds that they were related?

I've never liked shopping much and within fifteen minutes I'm completely bored out of my mind when the bell above the front door rings. Terrific, another local that's just going to turn and run away when they notice me. At least I didn't have to worry about actually conversing with these people.

“Hey, Lily? Where can I try these on at?” Three pair of jeans, four shirts, and a couple of skirts make up the pile in my arms when I turn to walk around the display in front of me to find her. Only an arm braces against the wall beside my head before I can take but one step, effectively blocking my only escape route.

“We need to talk.” His voice had my knees knocking together, my wolf purring in my mind and my mouth going dry. Crap, if I couldn't control her reaction to him I was screwed.

“No we don't. Talking implies that we know each other and we don't know each other. Do we?” I ask, trying to imitate Lily in cocking an eyebrow, but I only end up glaring at him from under my lashes.

“You're damn right we don't, but we still need to talk about last night...” His voice trailed off, a little frown marring his expression as he waited for me to supply my name. Ha, he could wait as long as he wanted it wasn't going to happen. “Go away, Lily. We're busy.”

“But Reid -” Her soft voice was cut off when he growled, barely turning his head to glance back at her.

“Go away.” From under his arm I saw her gulp, her face pale in fear as she turned and scampered off to wherever she'd been. Stupid Alpha males.

“Well that was rude. Go apologize.” I frown at him, ignoring the way the blue dancing in his eyes makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter around. My knees start shaking again and I force them still, leaning back against the wall to put as much space between us as possible.

Confusion clouded his eyes as he glanced down at me incredulously. “Excuse me?”

I roll my eyes and shove at his chest. “I said, go apologize. Now. You had no right to growl at her like that. She was just trying to be helpful.” The poor girl looked as thought she'd peed herself. Alpha or not he hadn't needed to frighten her like that.

“Why would I? I told her to go away, she didn't listen. Look Blondie, you might be my mate but you don't order me around, got it? I'm the boss here, not you.”

Terrific, just what I needed. A male on a power trip. Yay me. “Go apologize now and we'll talk.” He didn't need to know that I had no intention of actually being around to talk when he got done apologizing.

“Now why don't I believe you? You come with me and I'll apologize.” What is it with this male and his need to boss everyone around? It must be an Alpha thing.

“No thanks, buster.” I try to duck under his arm to find Lily and apologize for him but he grabs the clothes I'd picked out out of my hands, throwing them carelessly to the chair beside us.

He pinned me to the wall, grasping both my hands in one of his as he held them above my head. Reid bit at my lips and I couldn't control the gasp from the sting of his teeth. Really though, I should have kept my freaking mouth shut.

The second my lips parted his mouth slanted over mine, tongue plunging into the depths of my mouth. When his taste hit my tongue I moaned. He tasted like the darkest, most decadent chocolate I'd ever had and all thoughts of escaping his hold and doing some major damage to his genitals receded. All I could seem to think about was getting closer and never letting go.

His free hand tangled in my hair, tilting my head back to give him better access and because of our height difference all I could do was curl my fingers into the leather of his jacket. Clinging on for dear life. My toes curled in the leather of my sneakers

Of course, I didn't have to worry about losing my brain cells not being able to breath. Reid pulled away so suddenly that if it weren't for his body barricading me to the lockers I would have fallen flat on my face and from the smirk on his, the S.O.B. knew it.

The disappointed mewls passing my lips scared me. One kiss and I was already prepared to beg for more? What the hell is the matter with me? If anybody should be doing the begging in this relationship it should be him! Not me. And I just said relationship didn't I? Damn it, that word should be illegal or something.

“Meet me at the lake tonight.” He growled, ruffled my hair and walked off leaving me leaning against the wall still trying to catch my breath.

I didn't realize I was sliding to the ground until my butt hit the floor and my fingers strayed to my lips. Damn, I really should have kicked him harder.

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