Boarding Boys (BoyxBoy)

Oleh BlissfullyInLove93

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Cayden Carpenter has never thought that his life could get any worse than it already is. At the age of 16, he... Lebih Banyak



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Oleh BlissfullyInLove93

First things first, I'm sorry for the delay. 2016 sucked. Let's hope 2017 will be slightly better.

Anyways, enjoy!




The rest of the school day was fùcking sucked. It was so bad I just wanted to punch people in their fùcking faces. That was how much I hated the day I was having.

Worse than that, I also faced blatant whisperings and jeering. They seemed to get worse it just made me so fùcking mad with rage and anger. I was so angry that at one point in the morning out of nowhere the mirror in the boy's restroom was punched hard that the mirror broke into a million pieces in front of me, resulting in my knuckle bleeding like crazy.

The freak-out that happened partly was because of the crazy shìts whispered about me by this group of girls sitting next to me in the Physics lab. These girls didn't even try to be subtle gossiping about me. Since I had to go back to my lab partners to continue working on our experiment together, the only I could do was to just wash my bleeding knuckle and press some paper towels to stop the bleeding.

Shìtty day I was having.

Some friends of mine did try to cheer me up by cracking up jokes that just didn't take, or that were just crude. At one point or another I did manage to laugh a little for the sake of laughing. But then, those temporary joy and laughter came crashing down, just making me feel sick to my stomach that eventually I got even madder than I was before

I definitely knew the reason why all of this was happening to me.

This was all because of the spectacle involving my ex this morning, no doubt about that. Had I behaved that badly towards her? Was I too harsh? Didn't feel like it at the time though. For sure. But now... Now that I had all day at school thinking about it, I wasn't so sure about anything anymore.

Argh!!! My headache's getting worse just thinking about this. Also, it didn't help that it was still raining cats and dogs out there. The shìtty weather seemed to have exacerbated my own doom and gloom feelings that I just couldn't get out of.

Zig-zagging my way around other students in the increasingly crowded hallway, finally I made it to the Dining Hall for the evening snacks meal. After receiving drinks and a couple of donuts, I went ahead and sat down in between Kim and Cayden; the only available seat at our usual round table. Later this evening my football team would have a lecture with the coaches about the playbook and other team-oriented stuff; a departure from exacting practice and drills on the football field or at the indoor Field House. But, I only had about one hour before I had to be there. Freaking crazy schedule.

As I took the first bite of my raspberry jelly-filled donut, Cayden greeted me and scrunched his brows. He first stared at my poorly bandaged hand before fixing his studious gaze squarely at my face. I looked at his plate only to find out that the little man had already eaten all of his snacks.

"Whoa. What's up with you, Fitz? You look so sad and distressed," Cayden asked and answered his own question, frowning at me with pity afterward. I could only smile curtly since I was still chewing my first donut.

All of the sudden, reflexively, my body instantly leaned backward as Kim on my left just out of nowhere launched herself in front of me, reaching out across me and slapping hard Cayden's arm.

"Elissa, Cayden! Elissa!" Kim told Cayden loudly.

Cayden, who wasn't shocked at all by Kim's sudden outburst just nodded at the crazy girl and then pursed his lips at me once more. Looking around the table all I could do was nodding and shrugging my shoulders. The rest of my friends either threw me a pity look or nodded their understanding due to my foul mood today.

I coughed slightly whatever hot tea I was sipping when Kim all of the sudden like the ninja that she was in her former life slapped hard my left thigh.

"Kimberly..." I growled warningly, as I put down the mug and wiped my mouth with a paper napkin.

Kim winced. "Sorry," she muttered under her breath.

"What?!" I growled lowly at her, getting slightly irritated. Graham, who sat next to her other side swung his hand and slapped hard the back of my neck.

"Watch your tone with my girl, bro!" he sneered at me. I sighed as I rubbed the sting off the back of my neck from the sudden assault.

"Fine!" I growled out loud at G.

"Okay. Listen, Fitz," Kim interrupted, after winking at her boyfriend. Again, I just stared daggers at her.

"You've done nothing wrong with Elissa this morning," Kim began. "I know you're grumpy because of that. Blah blah blah," Kim continued, even flicked her wrist in the air while rolling her eyes. "You've said your piece, given her complete stupidity. Repeatedly too. In fact, it was like a broken record if you ask me. You were respectable, a gentleman, Fitz. There was just no other way to deal with that kind of girl, okay?! Sometimes you've just gotta be direct. Done, done, done!"

I sighed, but Kim went on, squeezing my thigh a couple of times.

"But Im'ma tell ya sumthin', Fitz. If I was you this mornin, I woulda bitchslapped that bitchass's face so hard her head woulda popped off. And then I woulda whooped her motherfùckin' cheatin' WASPy ass so hard she be cryin' for her Daddy. Mmm-kay?!!!" Kim finished, complete with snapping fingers and snappy attitude.

At first, I was kinda shocked by this crazy girl's sudden proclamation. Kim was very scary right now because she was being serious.

As long as I'd known Kim she was never ever this serious of a person. Her face was of nothing but...earnestness. Fortunately, others around the table - including her own boyfriend Graham, and Cayden, and our roommates and their twin boyfriends, and my other friends and teammates... well pretty much everybody around the table – they all just laughed and snorted and laughed hard, rolling out laughter one after another, at Kim's attempts to be straightforward and stern.

I just couldn't help it. I began to laugh as well.

As we all laughed hard at the happy and smiley and equally blushing Kim, I had to admit that this girl had somewhat managed to improve my mood. Just a tad. As funny as Kim was being, whatever she'd said I took it in and let it settled. If she saw and others this morning saw that I had handled the confrontation pretty well... I supposed, I should just take at their words and let go of this whole stupidly annoying thing.

But why did I keep having this nagging feeling at the back of my head?!

Besides, I was just this kind of person that believed in respecting others the way I wanted to be respected, even if I wholeheartedly disagreed in one thing or everything that that other person stood up for.

I also believed in kindness. Even if I wanted to do nothing more than bludgeon that person to a bloody freaking pulp.

Nevertheless, as hard as it was to admit, even after I'd broken up with her and stopped talking to her, El still managed to gnaw at me and stir me crazy.

I just sighed hard.

No more. I was done. I was just done.


As others were coming down from their own sliver of joy and happiness provided by the craziest and most hyper girl I knew – one Kim Simmons – I mouthed a 'thank you' at the girl, who only nodded and squeezed my thigh once more before going back to talking to and subsequently making out with Graham. Those two and smooshing their faces. Ignoring them, I proceeded to eat my last chocolate-glazed donut.

Cayden then nudged my shoulder, awaking me from my stupor.

"Hey, are you really okay, mon ami?" he asked me. Instantly I nodded, smiling softly before resuming chewing the donut.

"Hmm, I'm not convinced!" Cayden suddenly stated. I just stared into his blue eyes, còcking my brow at him.

After swallowing and sipping more of the hot tea, I leaned in. Our faces were about a foot from each other.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my interest suddenly piqued.

Cayden only smiled at me, with mischief. First, he shook his head, and then he wiggled his brows at me, smiling wide. What the hell was that all about?

Then all of the sudden, the little dude stood up and left the table and walked fast towards the front of the Dining Hall where the serving counters were located, where the food staff served our foods. Just like that Cayden was nowhere to be seen. He'd disappeared into the belly of the kitchen.

Shrugging, I just sat in silence as others just went on about their own thing.

Seconds passed, there was a mic-check sound interrupting the Dining Hall. I immediately paused from playing with my phone.

"One. Two. One. Two," Cayden's voice blaring through the speakers above us through the ceiling.

Everybody at the table swiftly looked up.

"Was that Cayden?" Sean asked out loud. I just nodded back at my friend. Some eyed towards the front. Javi and Ty just nudged their heads at me. I could only shrug my shoulders at them. I too wanted to know what the hell was going on up there.

"Hello, everybody," Cayden's voice began. I stopped completely what I was doing and listened up.

"I know it's freakin' Thursday evening, and everybody's freakin' tired. The rain certainly is not helping. So," Cayden paused as I looked towards the front, in which Cayden was still nowhere to be seen.

"Okay. So, here's what's gonna happen," Cayden's voice resumed. "We're all going to stand up and make some space around us and we're gonna have a huge dance party up in here," he exclaimed loudly. "Everybody got that?!" Cayden's voice boomed over the ceiling speakers.

I looked around me, and other students began to whisper. Despite that, I could also hear some people cheering and whistling.

I was kinda surprised actually to hear that some people were down with that. My smile genuinely grew wider. This crazy idea of the little dude could either be a freaking disaster, or a fun one. Either way it would definitely bring a whole lot of fun for me. Fun to endlessly tease him, that's what.

"So, up, up, up, everybody!!!" Cayden's voice boomed. "Everybody has to get up and dance. Y'all know these songs and the kinda dance moves they entail. No excuses. Don't worry about what others think of you. Fùck'em all! You just get up and move and dance your hearts out!!!" Cayden exclaimed loudly, giggling afterward.

There was subtle laughter and giggles echoing the Dining Hall. Now I wondered why Cayden giggled at all. What was so funny about what he'd just said?! Hmm.

"I can promise you that this will be fun!" Cayden suddenly finished.

There were murmurs around me. I didn't care much about that. But, it was rather foolish of me not to take notice of the actions and moods surrounding me.

All around me I saw and felt other students' mood improved slightly and everybody's perked up. And when the huge TV screens at the front blinked out to just YouTube black screens, I understood that Cayden absolutely meant what he said. Murmurs echoed throughout.

A few of minutes later Cayden rushed out and screamed like a crazy person; urging everybody in his path to stand up and get ready. From what I could see the pretty boy didn't even care who he was talking to. He just got all up in their faces and told them all to stand up and make some space around them.

Weirdly enough, those people listened to him and did what was asked of them.

Then, Cayden finally made back to our table. He immediately leaned in in between me and Kim to whisper something in Kim's ear. Now I was really interested to know what was going because both Cayden and Kim went around the table whispering something in everybody's ears, except mine, of course. Eventually only the twins, Kim, and Cayden stood up, with their chairs pushed up against the table.

Graham just laughed and shook his head. Ty, Sean, and others just shook their heads and smiled silly.

However, Kim and the blond twin – whose name was either Trace or Jace – were now jumping up and down at the same time like a couple of Energizer bunnies, clapping their hands and smiling and laughing like doofuses that they were.

Out of the blue Cayden grabbed both my hands in his and tried to pull me up.

"C'mon, old man!" he said after winking at me. "You need to stand up too. We need to dance it out, my friend," Cayden told me happily.

"What?!" I asked, perplexed. I didn't understand why he wanted me to do this.

Firstly, I don't dance. Secondly, I never dance. Lastly, I just don't dance!

Cayden rolled his eyes and groaned out loud, looking exasperated. "Dance it out, Fitz," he began to explain. "You know, dance with all of us. Whenever I feel down or feel crappy like you do right now, I just dance it out. Shake it off as Taylor Swift says. So," Cayden squeezed both my hands and shook them and pulled at them again. "We've got to dance it out, mon ami!" he exclaimed once again, grinning widely.

Looking around the table, one by one my friends either shrugged their shoulders or nodded or shook their heads. A few moments later seeing that I was the last one still sitting down around this table, I immediately stood up and pushed my chair up against the table. I certainly didn't want to be the only one sitting this one out. If Cayden needed me to participate, being the sucker that I was I supposed I had no choice in the matter.

Truth was, I didn't have to dance. I just gotta stand and look like I was dancing.

Cayden was smiling so bright at me I just felt all the better. When he winked at me, I winked back at him, smiling wide. It was hard not to. Seeing him happy made me happy. Maybe dancing it out would be a good thing. Then, he let go of my hands and looked past me and put his thumbs up. I turned slightly and saw that Gloria - the food staff Cayden always hung out with - signaled back at Cayden with her own two thumbs up back at him.

Seconds later, the beginning of a song came on with the video, blaring through the speakers in the ceilings throughout the Dining Hall. Instantly, I smiled, as others throughout the Dining Hall hollered and cheered so loudly I could barely hear the beats to the song.

All of the sudden Cayden started dancing, along with Kim and the twins on the opposite side of the table.

You already know who it is




Gonna do it for me

Ahh. It was 'Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) by Silentó. People were looking all around them before settling at us around this table.

Now watch me whip (Kill it!)

Now watch me nae nae (Okay!)

Now watch me whip whip

Watch me nae nae (Want me do it?)

Now watch me whip (Kill it!)

Watch me nae nae (Okay!)

Now watch me whip whip

Watch me nae nae (Can you do it?)

Now watch me

Ooh watch me, watch me

Ooh watch me, watch me

All of the sudden Cayden gestured 'cut' at nobody in particular and the music stopped suddenly. There were boos and groans echoing inside the Dining Hall. I smiled and còcked both my brows at Cayden. He just pouted and stomped his foot like a petulant child.

"What?!" I said unknowingly, still smiling wide.

Cayden just groaned at me before slapping hard my chest with the back of his hand.

"The point of this is for you to let loose and just dance it out, grumpy old man. That means you need to dance too, Fitz! Okay?!" he chided me. "No exception!!!" he then groaned at me.

Laughing at him, Cayden turned and whistled before screaming out loud.


I did a quick look around and met with some who'd been standing just nodding their heads. Others that I could see were still sitting down, watching the crazy happenings around them.

Cayden huffed again before smacking right at my chest once again. Looking down at him, I còcked a brow at him.

"If you don't dance, I'm gonna make everybody who wanted to dance to chant your name out loud like crazy, old man," Cayden warned me. "I dare you. So, what's it gonna be, Fitz? Huh?!" Cayden then asked, his head tilted to the side, awaiting my answer. Cayden looked so cute looking frustrated like that.

Internally I was laughing hard seeing how cute Cayden looked right now... the way his nose scrunched up... looking so frustrated like that.

Sadly for me, the raucous surrounding me as other students were waiting for the music to resume just seemed to be getting louder and crazier.

Relenting, I just sighed, my shoulders slumped.

Finally after a few seconds passed, I nodded curtly. Cayden then smiled so wide I felt elated just seeing him smile so happy and silly like that. Cayden then gestured his two thumbs up again, and the song somehow got restarted, playing from the beginning.

I felt so embarrassed and silly to dance like him or everyone else for that matter. Some were also singing along to the song.

Slightly mirroring him, I only moved slightly as this Silentó dude began once more. As everybody around the table began to move as well, I just looked and slightly mirrored both Cayden and Kim dancing together. They were good. But Kim was the better one of the two.

I never danced. I just didn't, and certainly not out in the open and in the daylight. What I did was I only awkwardly moved just a smidge side to side, with my arms went up and down a scoot. I could feel my face warming up slightly over the embarrassment I was feeling. Dancing was just not my cup of tea. I was so embarrassed for myself, and for all of them.

Slowly but surely I began to feel the simple joy of being a little silly. Granted that I didn't so much as danced, but I did move. I did it all. We all did it all. We all did the supposed stanky leg, break your legs, bop bop, whip, nae nae, yule, superman, and duff and all the moves in that music video. You name it, we did it.

At least towards whatever was transpired on the huge TV screens at the front of the Hall.

It wasn't just all of us at the table who did them all. Other students all over the Dining Hall had joined us as well. It was like this was one big dance party. Silliness was more than welcome, evidenced by the way Kim, Cayden, and the blond twin were dancing. The whole thing was impromptu and awkward, what with everybody still wearing their blazers and uniforms. Still, it was fun to see everybody including me just let loose and being silly.

What was even more embarrassing and sillier was witnessing my huge football and rugby friends trying to dance to the music. They all looked so clunky and robotic and awkward. Just funny as hell. The whole time I couldn't help to just laugh and laugh like a crazy person It certainly helped that people were howling and hollering and screaming nonsense. It was so crazy it was fun.

Once the song had ended, everybody including me laughed with pure joy and applauded at the same time. Howling and whistling could also be heard throughout the Dining Hall.

At the beginning I was sure my face was red with embarrassment. Over the short period of time, my embarrassment turned to pure joy and laughter as more and more students joined us. Even my roommate Ty who was always the serious one danced along like he just didn't care. Kim, Cayden, the twins, Bear, Javi, Sean, and Graham all tried to dance like they were pros. Keyword: tried. Truly dancing it out, letting it all out.

Somehow it all turned out looking funny as much as a lot of fun was had.

This 'Whip/Nae Nae' dance routine was hard if you've never watched the video, or at the very least attempted to mirror the moves on your own. I was just glad that there were others looking more horrendous than I ever was. But hey, if those old people in the video did it, who the fùck cared, right?!

After a few of minutes of somewhat of a silence, as everybody started to sit down or leave the building, I saw that Cayden was talking with Kim, before he took a few steps towards me.

"So, how do you feel now?" Cayden asked me, still smiling brightly.

I only returned the same grin back at him. "Better. Thanks, Cayden. I needed that." I nodded at him.

"Oh, we're not done yet," he suddenly stated, wiggling his brows. Bending to the left, he gestured two thumbs up again, and another song came up blaring the speakers.

Smiling at me, Cayden said, "Now, we really have to put it all out there in the universe! Out with the bad and let in all the good!"

I was about to object him. However, with the sudden oohs and ahhs and screams of joy reverberating throughout the whole Dining Hall, the blond twin and Kim all of the sudden jumped up and down behind Cayden, being their silly selves.

With another quick take of a look around, seeing that others including my friends started dancing it out, being their silly selves once more, a sincere wide grin broke out on my face.

The song blaring through the speakers was 'Shake It Off' by Taylor Swift. Not only there was joyous dancing, the crowd began to sing along to it as well. I didn't know the exact words to this song. However, at the chorus, I mouthed along to the lyrics, joining others who were already singing out loud to it.

Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

I shake it off, I shake it off

Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

I shake it off, I shake it off

I, I shake it off, I shake it off

I, I shake it off, I shake it off

I, I shake it off, I shake it off

I, I shake it off, I shake it off

I, I shake it off, I shake it off

I, I shake it off, I shake it off

I, I shake it off, I shake it off

I, I shake it off, I shake it off

A few minutes later, once the song had finally ended, I blew out a few breaths. Who would've thought that dancing like a silly person could take out a lot of energy, huh? But, it was fun. I had fun. No more doom and gloom. No more funk in me to bring me down. All gone, dissipated out into the universe.

As Cayden smiled and grabbed his empty plate and mug, I stopped him by grabbing at his wrist. He looked up at me, still grinning wide.

"Thanks, Cayden. You know just how to cheer me up. Reminds me of that time at the swimming pool," I said to him.

Cayden just shrugged it off. "Any time, Fitz. Any time. Glad you had fun. I had fun too!" he answered, giggling and winking at me. After exhaling a breath, Cayden suddenly grabbed my right forearm and squeezed it a couple of times. Shocked by this gesture, I looked down at him and còcked my brow. Cayden just pursed his lips.

"Let me just say this, Fitz," Cayden began, his tone serious. I nodded at him as I saw quickly in my peripheral vision that everyone at this table was looking at the both of us, studying us intently.

"Go on," I urged him.

Cayden sighed. "The way I see it is this: You, Fitz, have the right to wake up each and every day with a smile on your face. You should be able to keep on smiling, to feel that joy and happiness for the rest of your day."

My eyes darted left and right studying the little man in front of me, waiting to see where he was going with this.

"My point is that don't you ever let anybody take away your smile, mon ami," Cayden said strongly. "Not me, not your friends, not your girlfriends, not your family, and certainly not your bullies. No one." I could only nod and about to insert myself, but Cayden interrupted me.

"You deserve to be happy, Fitz. You have the right to smile. You've got a fantastic smile on you too. Don't let anybody take away your smile. Don't ever let anybody take away your happiness, however small it is. You deserve at least that, okay?!" Cayden suddenly finished.

I only gaped at Cayden. When he smiled softly at me, and squeezed my forearm a couple more times, I only returned a soft smile back at him. Cayden finally let go of my arm and walked away with his mug and plate in tow just like that.

Damn! What Cayden had just said was true, wasn't it? Turning my head slowly I only saw Cayden making his way into the big kitchen. When I pivoted forward, I only saw Ty, G, and Kim patted my back and smiled at me.

"What Cayden just said is true, man," G now said before leaving me for his girlfriend.

"Philosophical as it may be, Fitz," my roommate Ty jumped in, "Cayden's a smart man. You need to listen to him because he's right." I hummed in response as he clapped my shoulder once before leaving me behind.

I just sighed. Shaking my head, I went and picked up my own plate and mug and trailed Javi and Sean before dropping them off on the conveyer belt. Aside from Kim and Graham who opted to stay behind, the rest of us made our way back towards our dorms.


Looking at the clock on the wall, it was already half past five in the evening. I could feel that something was not right. The heavy rainfall outside certainly didn't help with my paranoia.

Right about now all four of our football coaches should have been in here with us already, lecturing and discussing our football plays and moves from the playbook for the past fifteen minutes.

The other weird thing was that this whole team in the room right now was lacking the whole class of seniors. Unless there was a last minute change of place for the compulsory lecture the head coach told us early this morning, all of those people should have been in here as well. Hmm. Something was definitely not right.

"Dude," Marcus tapped my shoulder from behind. "You're sure we're supposed to be in this room, right?" he asked me. I quickly nodded.

Right away, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and logged on to the school's student email webpage. After a minute of checking my email and school's main website of any new announcement, and after finding out absolutely nothing, I began to feel very suspicious.

I had to go find somebody - a coach, or whoever - to explain their disappearances. As I was about to get up from my chair, Coach Peterson showed up and walked in.

She looked around at all of us with shock, and then anger.

"What the hell are you people doin' in here, huh?!" she shouted angrily. Murmurs of misunderstanding quickly enveloped the whole room.

"Uh, this is where we were supposed to meet this evening, right, Coach?" Javi quickly asked.

Coach Peterson - the special team coach for the football team - stared in anger at us before muttering a curse.

"No!" she answered in annoyance. "The meeting has been cancelled. I told Caldwell to inform all of you about that early this afternoon!" she screamed again, looking pissed.

I growled hard, my fists clenched even harder. That fùcking Damien. I'd gotta find that guy and beat the shìt out of him before killing him slowly.

There were more and more curses spouted out around the room, especially by my group of friends.

"Alright. Calm down," Coach Peterson breathed out, finally understood what was going on.

"Coach Kent had to leave early this afternoon. Family emergency or something. An email will be sent out to you hopefully before your lights out time to inform you if we have a training or drill tomorrow morning. Got that?!" she shouted once more while looking around the room.

"Yes, Coach!" all of us returned.

"Good," Coach Peterson nodded. "Now get the hell outta here, back to your dorms and do whatever the hell you want. Go!" she told us forcefully.

Groaning out our annoyances, slowly everybody got up and filed out of the room. After grabbing my binder of playbook, I followed my friends out and towards the indoor Field House. We had to go through it to get out of the building, connecting us to the rest of the campus.

As I was about to step into the miniature football field, Ty stopped me by grabbing the back of my shirt before pointing his finger towards a point. That was when I saw Cayden running so hard around the tracks.

I couldn't help but to smile wickedly at this small dude. Cayden must have been bored out of his fùcking mind if he'd resorted to go for a run right now. He usually ran outside on the paved road out skirting the whole fifty acres of campus in the evening.

When Cayden finally saw the three of us, he veered to the right off of the tracks and slowed down towards us. Then, he waved at us as he caught his breaths.

Immediately my perverted mind went to how Cayden was presented in front of me right now. He was soaking wet with sweat. He only wore the almost tight-fitting grey school's issued T-shirt and a pair of an almost one size too small mesh white knee-high basketball shorts. As he doubled over to cough and catch his breaths I could see that he was wearing a bright pink briefs.

This small dude and his bright colored underwear. I gotta say that I loved seeing him wearing those shamelessly.

Yeah. I was so gone for this dude. My còck in my gym shorts felt it too. My balls tingled happily, and my còck was starting to harden. Dammit!!!

I could only smile before chortling a few laughter at him after he slapped hard Sean's chest, who was only pouting as he rubbed the sting of the hit on his chest.

"What are you doing here?" Cayden asked as he tried to inhale and exhale long deep breaths.

"Meeting's cancelled," Sean answered gruffly. "Stupid Damien didn't even fùckin' tell us about it. I could've stayed in my bed, sleeping like a log, y'know. Stupid fùck, he is," Sean fumed further.

"What?!" Cayden asked, shocked. "Oh, what happened?"

Ty now just shook his head, growling his anger. "Damien was being an asshole and messing with us as usual, that's what's happened. Why are you running, Cayden? This is a good weather to get some sleep," Ty then stated.

"I concur," I quickly jumped in, slapping Ty's back at the same time. "Are you bored or can't sleep?" I decided to ask.

Cayden smiled and coughed a few times. "Neither," he said, shaking his head. "I've just got this weird feelings that just seem to get worse, you know." He quickly blew a breath. "I thought I'd get in a run to clear my head or something like that."

"Ah, I see," Sean said, nodding afterward.

"Well, sorry for stopping you, Cayden," Ty now said. "We're gonna go now. I'm tired, and could use some nap. God knows if we have drills early tomorrow morning," my roommate added, staring at me. I just pursed my lips and nodded back at my roommate.

"Okay. But shouldn't you know already about that? If it's early in the morning I'd wanna know like yesterday," Cayden said innocently.

Sean chuckled lightly. "Yeah. But, Coach Kent is our Head Coach. Apparently he'd gone home for some family emergency or something like that," Sean stated innocently. After yawning wide, Sean shook his head. "Well, I'm going to bed. Or, maybe I'll go and have sex first. And then, nap. Yeah. Sounds good to me. Well, laters, people!" he shouted all of the sudden.

Cayden and I just groaned out loud and shook our heads, whereas Ty only chuckled lightly. Instantly, I smacked hard the back of Sean's head. The horny freak.

"Don't you think you ought to get those twins a little break, Sean?" Cayden jumped in first.

I chuckled at that. Sean, on the other hand, just flipped the bird at Cayden, smirking, before resuming rubbing the back of his head, pouting.

"Funny, roommie. Hell, nah! My còck wants some ass, bro! And he's gonna get him some gorgeous tight ass!!!" Sean further exclaimed, winking at Cayden. Ty and me just looked at each other laughing lightly.

Cayden just waved off at Sean and then laughed with me and Ty.

Exhaling a breath, I grabbed Cayden shoulder and squeezed it before releasing it. As all the three of us turned around and then walking away from Cayden who was stretching his arms in front of himself, all of the sudden I felt my hand was grabbed hard. My body instantly jerked, halted.

I looked down at my hand in Cayden's before turning to look at his face. My brows furrowed when facing Cayden's very sullen and worrying face that just came out of the blue.

"What's goin' on, Cayden?" I quickly asked, sincerely wanted to know. He still held hard my hand in his. Besides, I'd never seen Cayden looking this worried before.

Cayden stared at the wooden benches next to us first before rubbing his lips with his other hand. And then he looked at me as if he was trying to figure something out or whatever.

"What if... what if..." Cayden muttered nonsense. When I felt Ty and Sean joined me at my sides, staring down at Cayden, I knew that all the three of us were worried about him. About what? I had no idea.

I turned my hand and grabbed Cayden's small one instead. "What wrong, Cayden?" I asked again, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Yeah, bro. You're freakin' me out, man!" Sean now stated strongly.

Cayden tugged his hand from my grasp and quickly muttered incoherently. Now I was significantly worried about him. He was rubbing and tapping his thighs before turning to face all three of us.

"Erm, I didn't bring my phone with me. I need to get to a phone. I need to get out of here!" Cayden spoke so fast it almost sounded like gibberish. Thank goodness I understood everything he'd just said.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I pushed it out to him. "Here. Use mine!" Cayden stared at my phone for a second before taking it from me. He immediately thanked me and unlocked the screen and started to dial some numbers.

As we waited for him, Ty grabbed my shoulder. "What's goin' on? I've never seen him like this. Have you?"

I shook my head. "No," I answered definitively.

"Hello!" Cayden spoke to the phone. I began to eavesdrop.

"Mr. Kent. Hi. This is Cayden Carpenter. Yeah. Hi. Hey, I just wanna know. Is everything okay?" he asked this Mr. Kent person.

"Mr. Kent?" Sean asked me and Ty. "As in Coach Kent?" he asked again. I just shrugged my shoulder. It was weird to think that Cayden had memorized Coach's phone number.

When I put my index finger on my lips, Sean instantly went silent.

"OH, MY GOD!!!" Cayden exclaimed loudly. "Is she okay? What happened? Is that why Clarkie went home? Family emergency?" he asked that person again.

Whoa. What?!!!  Ty, Sean, and I just looked at each other with shock and awe and curiosity. The three of us were just completely speechless.

"Clarkie?!" Sean whispered in my ear in astonishment. Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. "Like Coach Clarkson Kent Clarkie?!" Sean now had gone crazy with question I didn't know the answer to.   

"Oh, god! Yes, I'm still here. Yes, sir. Yes. No. I need to go. No, I need to be there! No, you can't stop me! Please, sir! Please!!!!" Cayden shouted and wailed at that other person like a maniac. I'd never seen Cayden acting like this before. It caused me to worry.

"What the hell is going on, Fitz?!" Sean asked me further.

Growling back at him, I immediately shushed my stupid best friend. In which he understood when he winced as me.

"No! I'm coming, sir! No!!! I... I don't care, dammit!!!" he had now begun to scream his frustration at this Mr. Kent.

"Oh, god. Okay. I'll talk to you later. Please keep me updated, sir. Please!!!" Cayden pleaded this time.

Huh. I'd never seen him pleading anybody before. I was getting increasingly worried here.

"Thank you, sir!" Cayden finished. Then, Cayden hung up the call and passed my phone back to me.

Cayden rubbed his face up and down. Then, he just stared at the three of us. Right now all I saw was Cayden's face full of worry and something else I couldn't quite tell. What's worse was that Cayden was physically shaking.

"What's up, Cayden? Is everything okay?" Ty immediately asked.

"No! I've got an emergency! I need to leave," he quickly said before looking left and right and left a few times. Instantly, Cayden walked fast around us heading towards the exit.

"Cayden, stop!" I yelled at him, grabbing him hard by his forearm, halting him. "What's happened? Tell me. Maybe I can help!" I implored him.

Cayden's face looked full of horror and worry and sadness and anger. All kinds of emotions I didn't even know where to begin to decipher. I just wanted to help him. That's all.

"Erm, emergency. I need to go back to my room and change and book a bus ticket back to my hometown. I also need to call a cab to take me to the bus station," he told us. Cayden spoke so fast I almost didn't get it. But, I did.

Immediately Cayden started walking away fast again, leaving the three of us behind, all inm shock and awe.

Once again, I ran and grabbed him to stop. But, Ty interjected the little guy first by stopping right in front of him.

"You can't leave campus during weekdays, Cayden. Unless it's for a family emergency," Ty said to Cayden.

Cayden tugged hard his arm from my grasp and hissed. "This is a fùcking family emergency, dammit!!!" Cayden hissed at Ty. "I... I..."

When Cayden looked like he was about to cry, instinctively I took over the situation.

"Cayden, I've got my truck in the back. We can take you straight to the PQ... to my house. Maybe my mom can help. Only she can allow students to leave campus during weekdays," I told him, to reassure him.

Cayden just stared at me for a few seconds and then blew out a long breath, nodding his agreement. "Okay. Yeah. Please. Thanks, Fitz," he whispered softly, wiping away the sweat trickling down his face with his palms.

Completely in agreement, all the four of us exited the building and ran in the rain towards my parked truck in the student's parking lot.

I didn't know what was happening here. But, Cayden needed help. Besides, he didn't really seem in the mood to explain himself right now. And by god I hoped I could wipe off that scared-y look on his beautiful face if this was the last thing on Earth I'd get to do today.

He'd helped me today. Cayden had cheered me up. And now... it was my turn to help him.

So many questions about him could be answered today. Answers were still answers to me. Even by sad, unwarranted circumstances, I'd be more than grateful to know a little bit more about the mysterious and elusive Cayden Carpenter.



Here's a video to possibly cheer you up. Enjoy!

Till next time,



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