Shouto Todoroki x Reader One...

By Nejiire

326K 6.8K 6K

These one shots were made from users in tumblr. I will credit them in every one shot posted at the very top... More

Training Camp
Scars and Family
home alone

Graduation Part 2

17.6K 497 583
By Nejiire

Hello everyone its been a while. Sorry for not updating new chapters I had a lot of homework and projects to do. AP classes are killing GPA ;-;

Here is Graduation part 2!


Your heartbeat seemed to be having some heated up race with the unstoppable, rabid thoughts inside your mind. Sweat rolled down your forehead in what seemed to be waves to you, and for a second you worried about just how messy you might look at the moment, but the thought was brutally swept away by way much bigger anxieties. Your eyes kept running from the screen where the flights were displayed to the maddening little hands of your ticking watch. The speakers had announced his plane had a thirty minutes delay...but it felt like hours had went by since the minute you arrived, and he still wasn't there.

Time flies, right? For you it didn't.

The last two years had been long and dreary, eternal, a constant state of stress you couldn't pull away from. Gaining a reputation as a hero was a hard thing to do, whenever a tough villain appeared you never were the only amateur there to the rescue, every other youngster in the area would give it a try. And even though you were surely more talented than most of them, the credit was always rationed.

Your friends, both from UA and middle school, were always busy with work, family and, in the worst case, a couple. Apparently, as soon as Shoto left everyone you knew was suddenly dating someone, and they didn't seem to notice they were basically rubbing the fact on your face. You spend way too much time alone, the few moments when you could take a breath from hero work were usually wasted in the loneliness of your room, calling every contact in your phone trying to find someone to hang out with, only to be informed over and over again your schedules were incompatible.

And each second in between your duties, maybe while running from one battle to another, or as you waited for your coffee to cool in the mornings, or even when you couldn't sleep...each of those moments you checked your phone for Shoto's texts.

If you were busy, well, he was 10 times busier. He spent all of his mornings training, his afternoons working as a hero, and as soon as the sun came down he was physically destroyed to the point he sometimes didn't need a bed to fall asleep. Numerous times Endeavor's comrade had found him soundly asleep on the sofa or over the kitchen table, his phone always between his hands, and your chat always open. You knew that he could only use his phone during the night before going to bed, and that if he stopped replying all of a sudden, he had most certainly fallen asleep.

It was hard for you, no matter how many times you told yourself to stay positive, it was almost impossible not to let your hopes down with everyone around you telling you to give up on the relationship already.

"You won't be young forever, [name]! Take the chance now that you are attractive to explore around!"

"You are wasting your time with that guy, he doesn't even answer your texts right away!"

"Open your eyes, it won't be the same once he comes back"

That's what everyone kept saying, and that's what eventually you started telling to yourself.

Your cracking point was during your birthday, the second one you would spend without him, but he had promised to pay you a visit for the occasion. You were ecstatic, of course, it would have been the best possible present! You just wanted to see him again...however, two days before the date, he texted you telling there had been a major hazard in his area, and many people were demanding his help.

You knew it was childish, you knew it was irrational, but you were guided by pain as you turned off your phone and curled in a ball on your bed, never answering him back.

Of course, Todoroki was worried, he didn't want you to be mad at him, but he also felt annoyed by the fact you couldn't understand just how important it was for him to stay. Citizens needed him, it was his duty as a hero to protect them! And if you of all people couldn't understand that...well, then it was not his problem.

You spent about a month without talking to each other, until one of his scarce days off Todoroki called you to talk things out. You both agreed distance was the culprit of the misunderstanding, that you missed each other, and that it was making you tense. He still had to stay there for another two months, but after all the time you had waited already, two months didn't sound like a long wait at all.

After that episode, you started talking regularly again, yet not with the same fluidity as before. An infinite amount of worries were haunting your head, you couldn't help but think that maybe, once you saw him again, you wouldn't feel the same anymore. What if the butterflies stood asleep inside your stomach? What if your blood didn't rush to your cheeks? What if your heart never raced again from that constan, monotonous rhythm?

What if you didn't love each other anymore?

Suddenly, two flight attendants opened the gate, and a wild stampede of jet-lagged, sleep deprived people emerged from the hallway in an almost apocalyptic manner. You gulp, a shiver traveling up and down your spine as your eyes scaned the crowd impatiently.

But it wasn't you who found him, he was the one who found you.

As your gaze fell into the image of his paralyzed, standing figure, his eyes wide, his mouth agape, his fingers trembling as they ineptly held the strap of his was him, it was the true, for real, not fictional, flesh and bone him. Suddenly, the airport and the approaching horde became unimportant and fogged in the background. All you could see, as the memories and repressed need fired your chest with so many blazing emotions, was Todoroki staring at you from afar.

He was certainly buffer, his hair was a mess possibly as a result of the uncomfortable flight, and he was definitely kind of taller too...but there was no doubt, it was him, the real one, your best friend and lover, and who your sanity had been craving for the past two years. His hair, his eyes, even his damn scar, it all looked so beautiful right then. It all powered your engines as you unthinking began to walk towards his arms.

His feet began moving almost at the same time as yours did. All the doubts, the qualms, the worries that'd been stealing his sleep during the flight, all kept gradually letting go of him with each step he gave. The closer you got, the loosened the grip of your fears became. An aching, insatiable hunger you had both carried inside your chest was suddenly fussing like a dog who smelt a pray, and was driving you two faster, desperate, closer to each other...util it was finally tamed with an embrace.

Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his neck and you felt the grip of his now stronger arms around your waist, pulling you close, trying to make you a part of him again. You sunk your nose in his neck and smelled, not even the glint of sweat of the different brand of shampoo he was using could fool you as you expertly recognized and absorbed his scent, and oh gosh, since when were you addicted to that smell? You sobbed into his shoulder as he held you tight, and placed needy, rampant kisses everywhere he could reach. Cheek, ear, jaw, neck, no part was safe from his starving lips as he continued to plant kiss after kiss.

"I can't believe it" you cried, almost inaudibly between the fabric of his shirt "it's you, it's really you!"

"Yes, it's me" you swore you could hear his voice cracking, and as he pulled away to look at your face and dry your happy tears, his eyes were certainly watery as well "I'm here, [name], and I'm here to stay"

He cupped your face with both hands and pulled you into a passionate, wanton kiss, which you gladly responded to by opening your mouth for him and tangling your fingers with white and red locks. that's what it felt like. Memories of his lips, from the very first peck he gave you during your first year at UA, to the heated make out sessions you used to have in bed, or even the kisses you shared the night of your all came back to you. All the need you had accumulated for two years and hidden under the carpet had suddenly made its brutal comeback, as you joyfully devoured your boyfriend's mouth.

"I missed you so much" as you pulled away, he hugged you once more and whispered in your ear "I won't leave you ever again"

"You better don't" you chuckled "and if you do, I'm going with you this time"

He mimicked your laughter, happiness overloading him as he caressed your face and hair.

"Don't worry though, I'm staying this time. I have plans"

"You do?"

"Yeah" he nodded and smirked "Don't you remember? The three cats, the dog and Sheldon?"

"Oh my god" you covered your mouth with your hands, remembering his words back then, about him wanting to live with you "are you serious??"

"Of course I'm serious"

"But Shoto!" you blurted out, still not recovering from the shock "we were so young and stupid when we said that...I don't know if...!"

"So young and stupid? [name], it was just two years ago" he smiled, rolling his eyes "I have just arrived, give me some months to settle in and we will share a roof in no time"

"You are unbelievable" you tried to peck his lips again, but he prolonged the contact into a much longer, deep kiss "and here I was ten minutes ago...worrying about things not working out"

"I think I just had the worst flight of my entire life" he sighed, releasing tension "the thought of you being distant or mad at me was drilling my brain"

You giggled, playing with his hair and pulling his fringe back.

"You need to rest" it was hard to speak when his lips wouldn't stop assaulting yours "come on, Shoto. Fuyumi is waiting for you at home"

"Hey, who do you think will win Hero of the Year??

"I'm not sure...but I wish it's [name]-sensei!!"

"Yeah, she's a total badass!"

"I don't know...there are other amazing heroes out there...what about Deku?"

"Let's don't forget Shoto!"

"Nah,[name]-sensei is better"

Music to your ears.

You couldn't help but giggling to yourself as you heard your students arguing. They obviously didn't know you were there, listening from the rooftop. You knew that you wouldn't win the price, but it was enough of a merit for you to get your students to say that....they looked so cute with their diplomas in were going to miss those dorks.

The ceremony was coming to an end, you could tell as you saw your students running towards the stage excitedly, probably wanting to hear who the Hero of the Year was going to be. You should probably be downstairs, helping out with the prices and stuff, or guiding Shoto through his lack of social skills, but in a rush of melancholy you had climbed all the way up to the rooftop, watching UA from above, gathering up so many memories...

It seemed to be just yesterday when it was you who carried a diploma in hand, and now you where not only an honor guest together with Shoto, but also a teacher there. You couldn't believe it had been just four years ago when you were curled into a ball on your bed alone, afraid of your own future, worried about never becoming a pro hero. If you had only known that in a few years you'd be powerful enough as to be admitted as a part-time teacher in UA you wouldn't have been that anxious.

Your boyfriend kept his word, and about one year after his return you two were already moving into a new house. It was a Japanese-like building, since he didn't seem to be able to detach from old customs, but it was nice and affordable, and you were genuinely happy. You still hadn't got the cats, dog and Sheldon but well, that could wait. Because as you heard the voices of the students in the distance, looked at your own hero costume, and thought about all you had knew there was nothing else you could ask for.

Suddenly, after some minutes of listening distant claps and cheers, a noise from much nearer reached your ears as the door to the rooftop was cautiously opened. You didn't need to turn around to see who it was, besides your eyes were way too caught up in the image of the very first fireworks of the night that appeared throughout the sky.

"Guess who won Hero of the Year" Todoroki reached the banister you were leaning over and rested his elbows on it.

"You are joking" you playfully responded, but were immediately proven wrong by the image of your boyfriend taking a medal through the collar of his shirt "Oh my god"

"I still believe Deku deserved it but yeah..."

"I bet it was a hard decision" You said, leaning your head on his shoulders "Anyways, congratulations"

"Thank you"

He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling your body closer, and joining you at watching the fireworks show. You could feel his hand stroking your hip, his even, peaceful breathing against your hair, and even though you weren't staring, you knew he was smiling merrily.

You stood like that for a while, contently, enjoying the way your silence was adorned by the muffled noise of the ceremony and the fireworks coming from the distance. Until after some minutes, Todoroki broke the silence with quite an unusual comment.

"I think it's the right time" He said, suddenly letting go of you and fishing for something inside his pocket but apparently failing to find it.

"Uh? Right time? Right time for what?"

"Well I've thought about this for a while, and I was waiting for a good moment to tell you so..." He began patting his clothes and opening all of his other zippers, including the ones in his costume's belt, trying to find something he seemed to have lost until he finally found it in the little pocket at the front of his shirt. And, with the most casual of manners, he extended it to you and said "Would you marry me?"

You stared at the ring between his fingers rapt, taken aback, your brain still unable to process what was happening yet able to appreciate the jewel's beauty. It was a silver piece with quite a beautiful, white gem on top... but it wasn't even inside of a box! He simply took it out of his pocket as if it were a bunch of coins! And the expression on his face was so solemn, he just kept staring at you with those gorgeous mismatched eyes of his, making you even more bashful, and making your heart beat even faster. How were you supposed to expect this?? How were you supposed to react when he didn't even give you the chance of guessing what he was about to do??

"So?" He asked, beginning to grow impatient, and nervously tapping his feet on the floor "Would you?"

"Of course!" You stuttered, your eyes watering up as you threw yourself at him and wrapped your arms around his neck "Of course I'll marry you, Shoto!"

He let go the weight of anxiety from his shoulders only to bear the weight of your body instead, as he lifted you in the air with a tight embrace and hid his wide, emotional smile on the crook of your neck. You had said yes... you had said yes! You were going to be his wife, finally! He was planning to form the happy, loving family he always wished he had as a child, and he was starting with you. This was his new beginning. You were his new beginning.

"I can't believe it...this is so sudden!" You pulled away and wiped your tears, as Todoroki gently grabbed your hand and slid the silver loop onto your finger carefully "Since when were you planning this??"

"Remember that time you shouted at me because you couldn't believe I had spent all of my salary in just two days?" He smirked, pointing at the ring.

"Are you serious??" You blurted out, laughing "Shoto, that was months ago!"

"I just wanted to wait for the perfect moment..." He looked down, kind of awkwardly, not sure of what was so funny about it but knowing it was probably embarrassing. But as his cheeks were beginning to tint pink, you cupped one of them and lovingly pecked the other, smiling at him with teary eyes and making him look at you.

"And you did" You said, caressing the skin of his jaw and neck with the tip of your fingers, and gradually closing the distance between your mouths "This is absolutely perfect"

"I love you" He whispered with utter adoration, never ungluing his eyes from yours as he wandered his hands down your back.

"I love you too"

Both of you dived into each other's mouths, kissing passionately, wantonly, holding each other as close and possible. Because from that moment on, when you looked into the other's eyes, you would know that person who you loved so intensely had chosen no one but you. That ring meant you were one the one and only one for each other, that the other's face was what you wanted to see first thing in the morning when you woke up, that you trusted one another to dry tears and heal wounds, and that you had decided to spend together the rest of your lives. How can you even express all of those emotions in one single kiss?? You didn't know, but you kept trying. Because you knew that that man, Shoto Todoroki, your best friend and now fiancé, Hero of the Year and also biggest dork, had just asked you to be his wife.

"My my! What do we have here?"

You were interrupted by a whistling, and you looked down into the patio to see a group of your students staring nosily from afar.

"You go, sensei!"

"A new heroes couple! This is showbiz!!"

"I have a new OTP!!!"

Shoto stares at the scene confused, feeling rather frustrated for being interrupted, and getting especially nervous when seeing one of the kids grabbing their phone to take some pictures.

"Hey!" You shouted at them, red-faced "Mind your business, you brats!"

You didn't know if your authority levels were higher than you thought, or if maybe Todoroki's presence was intimidating enough, but suddenly all the kids ran away giggling, excited about telling everyone what they had just saw. Perhaps Aizawa had thrown them a death glance from afar for them to leave, who knows, who cares. All you cared about, as Shoto wasted no time in pulling you into a deep, needy kiss again, was the sound of wedding bells echoing inside your eager, content head.


Sorry again for not be active as much. Winter break is almost over NOOOO ;-;

So while I was gone for weeks, I've noticed that we reached over 1k reads....WATTTTT!!!! I didn't think this would happen since I'm always inactive but thank you guys for reading and voting /)o3o/). You guys always have been commenting nice and hilarious stuff especially on the first chapter.."Uhh sir can I have a bible with a drink of holy water and a side of Christ". I think we all need jesus in our lives XD


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