I Don't Want to be Right

By neverendingstory1820

695K 18.6K 3.9K


Drunk Sammy
At Bobby's and a Motel
Between Jobs
Distractions (Smut)
Handcuffs and Whips
Meant to Be
Starry Nights
The Nightmares
Author's Note
The Incident
The Morning
Stress Relief
The Baby
On the Job
One Night Stand
The Angel
The Mistake
The Difficult Case
Dean's Birthday
Doing the Dishes
The Break
The Break Part 2
Coming Out
Payback (Smut)
Movie Night
Authors Note
Autumn Kisses
The Shower
Sandy Shores
I'm So Lost Without You
Weekend At Bobby's
The Last Beer
New Year's
This is Halloween
Haunted Date
A Thanksgiving Attempt
Tickling and Cuddling
Answered Prayer
Ice Skating
Surprise! (mpreg)
Surprise! Part 2 (mpreg)
Surprise! Part 3 (mpreg)
Pour Some Sugar On Me
Confessions: Epilogue
Just The Beginning
Handcuffs and Whips: The Smut
Author's Note
Please Don't Leave Me
Be Bold
Please Don't Leave Me: Part 2
Be Bold: Part 2
Never was Right
Teenage Mistakes
Authors Note *Please Read*
Dreaming of a Family
Be Bold Part 3
Teenage Mistakes Part 2
Too Far
Coming Out Part 2
Dreaming of a Family Part 2
Author's Note
Demonic Love
Rage Time
Father-Son Time
Pep Talk by Gabriel
Author's Note
Demonic Love Part 2
Rage Time Part 2
Faith Part 2
Rage Time Part 3
We Take Care of Each Other
Fatherhood Part 2
Rage Time Part 4
Author's Note *Edited*
Demonic Love Part 3
We Take Care of Each Other Part 2
10 Facts About Me Tag
Two Timed
Drunken Confidence
Demonic Love Part 4
We Take Care of Each Other Part 3
Alone Time
I'm a Horrible Brother
Malec Oneshots!
Two Timed Part 2
Drunken Confidence Part 2
Dean's Girlfriend
Demonic Love Part 5
Mystery Spot
Demonic Love Part 6
Into You
Hold Me Sam
I'll Never Regret Loving You
It was an Accident
Authors note.
Deaf Part 2
Dean's Fear
Deaf Part 3
Demonic Love Part 7
Author's Note
Undercover Couple
Cheating Part 2
Cheating Part 3
Sympathy for the Samifer
Did I Force You?
Sympathy for the Samifer Part 2
Sympathy for the Samifer Part 3
Story Teller
The New Boyfriend
Sympathy for the Samifer Part 4
The New Boyfriend Part 2
Two Babies?!
Pregnancy of Team Free Will
Author's Note
Pregnancy of Team Free Will Part 2
Pregnancy of Team Free Will Part 3
Author's Note
Pregnancy of Team Free Will Part 4
Trust Me, Love Me
Lucifer: Reborn
Caught Part 2
Bloodlust Part 2
Caught Part 3
Bloodlust Part 3
Caught Part 4
Dean's Secret
Dean's Job
Bloodlust Part 4
Dean's Secret Part 2
Well.... (A/N)
Lucifer's Baby
Dean's Secret Part 3
Lucifer's Baby Part 2
Movie Marathon
I Can't Do This
Dean's Secret Part 4
Running Away
Dean's Secret Part 5
The Aroma of Sam Winchester
Dean's Secret Part 6
Regret? Never.
The Hot Tub
Am I Pretty Enough?
The Djinn
Cursed Love
The Secret Leviathan Dean Let Out
Important Note


2.9K 94 11
By neverendingstory1820

Suggested by: @PrincessPeach211

I apologize if this is kinda shitty, it's late at night and I'm currently really sick.

Sam's POV

"Well, I'm leaving then" Dean said as he pulled on a jacket.

"Okay, I won't wait up for you" I replied.

He walked out, apparently going to some nearby bar or club or something. I continued the research for our case for a few more hours before heading to bed.

I woke in the middle of the night because I heard Dean walk inside and shut the door. Then I heard him walk past my room into the bathroom for a shower. It was odd, he knows he always wakes me up, so he usually comes in to stay he's back. A few minutes past before I heard the shower turn off again. Dean still didn't come in. I thought about checking on him, but then remembered he hates "chick flick moments". He'll probably just push me away anyway.

~next day~

When I came out of my room, Dean was already awake.

"I didn't expect you to be up already. You got in pretty late"

"Yeah, sorry for waking you"

"It's fine"

Dean is acting different. It's almost like he's trying to shut something, or someone, out.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine" he replied.

"Okay then"

~2 weeks later~

Dean was in his room playing music quite loudly. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. My eyes happened to fall onto the garbage can as I turned the water on. There was a pregnancy test in the trash. I picked it up. Immediately, fear and anger came over me. The test was positive. I went to Dean room and angrily flung the door open.

"What the hell?" I yelled, holding up the pregnancy test.

I didn't want to yell. I already knew whatever happened wasn't Dean's fault. This isn't like him. I was just so anger at whoever hurt my big brother.

"I- " Dean attempted to speak, but he began to cry instead.

I could feel the anger wash away to be replaced with worry.

"Dean" I said as I sat on the edge of his bed.

I wrapped my arms around him. I've never seen him like this. He's never been this vulnerable. Usually he's the strong one between us.

"It's okay" I cooed, trying to calm him.

It took a few minutes before he was able to speak again.

"It happened as I was leaving the bar about two weeks ago. He came out of nowhere. You can probably guess what happened from there, but when he was finished with me, he just left me there"

I could feel the anger rising again as Dean explained what happened.

"I want to kill him" I said with my jaw clenched.

"Sammy, don't. I'll be fine. We don't even know who it was."

"Dean! You're not fine!"

I stood up and went to walk out of the room. Dean stood and grabbed my arm. I turned around to face him.

"Stay. You were actually beginning to make me feel better" he said with a small smile.

It was almost like I wasn't in control of myself. I felt myself leaning in and crashing my lips onto Dean's. My hands moved to rest on his waist.

He pulled away.

"What?" he asked, sounding scared.

"I-I don't know what just happened" I replied, equally afraid.

This is not how I wanted to tell him about my feelings. I wasn't actually going to tell him at all. My plan was to just lock it up.

"Sammy? Is there something you want to tell me?" he asked in a slightly teasing tone.

"I- uh..." I began, but my mind wasn't working.

Suddenly, I felt his lips on mine again. It took a second for the surprise to leave before I kissed back. I was ecstatic. Again, he pulled away.

"So that's out there now" he said with a small awkward laugh.

"Yep" I replied. That was the only thing my brain could come up with.

"I can't take the awkwardness" he said as he grabbed my hand to pull me back to the bed.

I sat down, he sat next to me. He pulled my arm around his shoulders and cuddled into my side.

"So what are we going to do?" he asked.

"About which one?" I laughed.

"Both, I guess"

"Well, for the baby, I get it if you don't want it, but I don't want you to get an abortion. We can put it up for adoption if you don't want the memory sticking around. As for us, I want this, but we can't tell many people, or something bad with most likely happen"

Dean listened and nodded once I finished.

"I love you" I said, kissing his temple.

"I love you too" he replied, pulling my arm tighter around him.

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