By Tirza_For_Fun

108K 1.8K 1.1K

(Y/N) (L/N) a very mysterious girl. She is a Fairy Tail member, but not just any Fairy Tail member, no she's... More

𝟎𝟖. 𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊?!
9. The End?
10. Not Your Time
11. I Am Back
12. I Love You


11.1K 206 77
By Tirza_For_Fun

"And now, what you've all been waiting for, the second day of the Grand Magic Games has begun!" Chapati said.

"Our guest on this second day is a renowned reporter for the weekly Sorcerer, Jason-san! Okay, the competition part has already begun! And its name is.... Chariot! This competition takes place on top of a line of vehicles, with the idea being to reach the goal without falling off! As the vehicles are always moving, just one moment of carelessness could lead to a misstep!" Chapati continued.

"The vehicles will wend their way around sightseeing spots of Crocus, but which team will arrive here at Domus Flau?! Everyone in the stadium, you can watch the race here on Lacrima Vision!" Chapati explained the game.

"Why again did Natsu-san sign up for this?" Kina asked, confused on the fact why the Dragon Slayer would sign up for a moving vehicle mission, considering he had motion sickness.

"I don't think he knew something with the name Chariot would be something like this." Mimi said. "And when Natsu has something in his mind, you can't stop him." She added with a sigh.

"Poor Natsu-san, I know exactly how he feels." Kina mumbled while turning a little green, already feeling sick by the thought of being on a moving vehicle.

You chuckled at your friend's behaviour, even though Kina was a God Slayer, she had motion sickness, Dragon Slayer level motion sickness.

"Oh, my!" Chapati gasped in surprised.

"Way in the rear is a groggy-looking Nastu from Fairy Tail A Team!" You facepalmed and Kina turned greener.

"And that's not all!" Chapati said. "Right in front of him is Gajeel from Fairy Tail B Team and even Sting from Sabertooth, all moving like molasses! What's going on here, Yajima-san?"

"I suppose all 3 of them have something in common." Yajima said.

"What's going on!? Why is Gajeel like that?!"" Lily asked. "Don't swipe Natsu's character!" Happy cried. "And a member of Sabertooth, too..." Levy pointed out.

"And Quatro Cerberus wins 10 points!" Chapati said.

"Cerberus had a man like this...!?" Master asked. "In 2nd place, Blacksnake of Raven Tail!" Chapati continued.

"In 3rd, Risely! In 4th, Yuuka! In fifth, Ichiya! And all that's left are these three, battling at the bottom of the ranks!"

You could only facepalm and watch those three idiots fight their motion sickness and after a few minutes, they began moving.

"Look Kina." You whispered, nodding at the screen. "You should take an example of that. Just move, even if you have motion sickness."

"I hate you." Kina mumbled, making you let out a soft chuckle.

"Would you answer me one thing?" Sting asked. "Why did you decide to participate in the tournament? I wouldn't believe you were the same Fairy Tail back in the day."

"Oh no, he just didn't say that!" Kina said angrily.

You hold Kina with your shadows, to prevent her from jumping down there and fighting, or more like beating, Sting.

"Calm down, Kina." Mimi said and when Kina noticed she couldn't beat your shadows, she slowly calmed down.

"Are you worried about the strength of your guild?" Sting asked. "About your public image? The Fairy Tail that I know were more like... They did everything at their own pace... They didn't give a damn about what people thought of them."

"For... their friends..." Natsu said while crawling over the floor. "Seven years... All that time... they were waiting for us... Especially Kina and her partner... No matter how painful it was... No matter how sad... Even if people made fun of 'em... they held on... They held on... They protected the guild... for their friends... And now we're gonna show everyone... the proof that Fairy Tail's been walking on all the time! So keep on goin'!"

Everybody of Fairy Tail was crying, even you cried a few tears.

"Goal!" Chapati yelled.

"Natsu of Fairy Tail A Team, two points for being in sixth place! Gajeel of Fairy Tail B Team, one point for being seventh place! And Sabertooth's Sting gets zero points for dropping out!"


The battle between Elfman and Bacchus was exciting. Elfman won in the last second.

"Does this battle roar portend Fairy Tail's comeback!?" Chapati said. "Elfman pulls off a spectacular victory over a formidable enemy!" The stadium cheered.


"It seems I slightly underrated you, Elfman." Erza said. "When it comes to tenacity and being able to take the punishment, you may be just number one in our guild." Kina coughed.

"Well, of course after Kina and (Y/N)." Erza sweat dropped and you rolled your eyes. "We'll definitely follow the lead of your hard-won victory." The redhead added.

"I never thought I'd hear Erza dish out a praise like that." Lucy said.

"She wouldn't if he hadn't earned it." Gray said. "You did great, Elfman-san." You complimented the big man.

"Well the next match has already begun, so get going." Polryuscia said. "One of the keys to victory is observing the enemy."

"Got it, Granny." Natsu nodded. "See ya later." And with that, all of you left.

"Still, those Raven Tail jerks play dirty tricks right out in the open..." Natsu said.

"I wonder if their intention is to take us out one by one." Erza began. "I've still got my doubts about what happened." Carla said.

"What is it, Carla?" Wendy asked. "We assume Raven Tail used a guild of bandits in an attempt to kidnap Lucy. But thanks to them screwing up the objective and Natsu's pursuit, the scheme failed twice over." Carla said.

"Doesn't that make sense?' Kina asked. "Although we don't know what they were planning to do with her..." Erza said. "Don't even go there!" Lucy said shocked.

"The issue is the method of capture." Carla said. "One of the Raven Tail members that attacked us has the power to reduce his opponent's magic powers to zero for a moment."

"Right..." You nodded slowly. "Master suspects that he's the one who cancelled out Lucy's magic the first day."

"They've got a wizard whose magic would be perfect for a kidnapping, so why wasn't he part of the operation?" Carla asked.

"Well, probably because of the rule of the battle part, which requires all participants to stay close to the arena." Gray said.

"That's because nobody knows who's going to be chosen for the battle 'til just before, right?" Lisanna asked.

"You're overthinking it, Carla." Wendy said.


"It's the third match of the second day of the Grand Magic Games!" Chapati said. "Mirajane Strauss from Fairy Tail B Team vs. Blue Pegasus reserve member Jenny Rearlight!"

"So it's a showdown between two former models, huh?" Levy asked. "Jenny's incredibly popular." Cana said. "I seem to recall that seven years ago, she was voted the "Number one Wizard I Want To Be My Girlfriend" in Weekly Sorcerer." She explained.

"I remember reading that she really looked up to Mirajane-san as a role model and aimed to be like her." Kina said.

"But Mira-nee was asleep for seven years." Romeo mentioned. "So I guess Jenny is the older one now..."

Carla wanted to cheer on Mirajane, but then we saw a different battle than we thought. They were having a modelling battle, making you facepalm.

"I guess since they're both former pinup models.." Happy nodded. "An irregular rule turned into a cheesecake showdown." Lily finished.

"They're hopeless." Mimi shook her head.

Now, Mermaid Heel had joined the showdown and not much later Lamia Scale also took part in the showdown.

"This is not to just sit back and be impressed!" Master Mavis said. "Huh, don't tell me.." Levy said.

"You want us to go out there!?" Lisanna said. "But I didn't bring a swimsuit." Cana said, making all of you stare at her top, a bikini top.

"Don't worry." Master Mavis said. "I got a very bad feeling about this." You mumbled.

"I anticipated that so I came prepared with enough swimsuits for everybody!" Master Mavis said.

Oh no!

And now even every girl, well except for you, from Fairy Tail joined the showdown.

"The next theme is school swimsuits!" Chapati said. "Next up is bikinis and high thigh-high socks! Moving on to girls in glasses! Cat ears! Bondage!"

You quickly covered Romeo's eyes.

"What are you doing, (Y/N)-nee?" Romeo asked. "This is not meant for you, Romeo-kun." You whispered.

"The next theme is 'wedding dress'!" Chapati said. "Prepare a partner, then get into bridal gear!"

And suddenly all the girls were down in the arena participating in the model showdown but you stayed at the Fairy Tail base.

As the showdown continued, you felt someone watching you. You looked around and your eyes quickly fell on Sting. He smirked when he noticed you were looking at him and you ignored him, but you felt his gaze on you.

Then your eyes landed on Rogue, who was also looking at someone, Kina. When you looked closer, you noticed the male was blushing. And when you looked at Kina, you noticed Kina was looking back at Rogue, with a slight blush on her cheeks.

I'm so gonna use this.

"The wedding showdown is over!" Chapati said. "Let's go back to the swimsuit showdown."

When all the men had returned to their guild bases, Romeo stood back next to you.

"You really don't like showing yourself, (Y/N)-nee?" The young boy asked you, and you shook your head.

"I think it's about time for me to put in an appearance!" A voice suddenly yelled.

"That's..." Chapati trailed off.

"Lamia Scale's Oba Babasama is going to show you what a woman's charm is!" Oba said while jumping down.

You had a bad feeling about this, so you quickly covered Romeo's eyes, again, as well as your own.

You guessed that covering your eyes was a good idea, considering how the whole arena went silent.

"With one single strike, the excitement in this arena went down the drain." Chapati said.

"I don't even want to see, what they all witnessed." You said and Romeo nodded in agreement.

"The interlopers suddenly lost interest and are returning to their seats." Chapati said. "This match has gone much longer than planned, so the next outfit will be the last!"

You watched how Mirajane and Jenny were in the middle of making a bet.

"How about the person who loses has to appear nude in the Weekly Sorcerer!?" Jenny offered.

Really!? What is that and people making stupid bets?

"Sure, why not?' Mirajane nodded.


"O-o-oh my goodness!" Chapati said. "An unbelievable wager has just been made! T-the final theme... is battle gear!"

When Jenny transformed, she was wearing pink and white battle gear. And Mirajane was wearing her strongest Satan Soul.

Smart Mirajane-san.

And with one blow Mirajane had beaten Jenny.

"A complete change!" Chapati said. "In the end, we got a physical fight!" "Well, that's is the original rule." Yajima said.

"Cool! Cool! Cool!" Was all what Jason said.

"The winner... Mirajane!" Chapati said. "Fairy Tail B Team receives 10 points!"


Kina, Mimi and you were walking back to our inn when we spotted Yukino, from Sabertooth, sitting alone on the street.

"Let's talk to her." Mimi looked at you and Kina and you nodded, noticing Yukino was crying.

"Yukino-san are you okay?" Kina asked, slowly making her way over to the girl, not wanting to scare her.

"You better stop Natsu-san before he does something stupid." Yukino sniffed, looking at the three of you with teary eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Kina asked and Yukino explained everything what had happened, about how she had been kicked out of her guild.

"And only because you lost one battle!?" Kina asked angrily and Yukino nodded.

"They're going to pay for this! I'm all fired up!" Kina yelled making Yukino chuckle through her tears.

"What is so funny?" Mimi asked. "Natsu-san had the same reaction." The white-haired girl explained.

Suddenly, you heard explosions from somewhere in the city.

"Sabertooth!" Kina gasped. "I think you mean Natsu at Sabertooth." Mimi noted.

Then reality hit.

"Uh oh!" Kina said. "We have to stop him!" She looked at you and you nodded, knowing nothing good would come if Natsu wouldn't be stopped.

"Mimi, take Yukino-san to our inn, we're going to stop Natsu-san!" Kina yelled and Mimi nodded.

You and Kina immediately began running to Sabertooth Inn, hoping you could stop him before the damage was too big.

Natsu-san why!?

When Kina and you arrived at the Sabertooth Inn, you could hear Natsu yell from inside the inn.

"Great, he's already inside!" Kina said sarcastically. "Let's stop him before he creates more chaos and damage." She added and you nodded.

Kina and you ran into Sabertooth's inn and saw Natsu beating the crap out of the guild and its members.

Rufus, Orga, Sting, Rogue and their exceeds were only watching in shock or fear but you couldn't tell, because of the flying things and people were blocking your view.

"Natsu-san stop!!" Kina yelled while holding the male back before he could punch anyone.

"Kina let go!" Natsu yelled as he was still trying to punch someone or something. "Yukino had to leave their guild only because she lost one battle!!"

"Natsu we know!" Kina yelled, holding him with all her strength. "Yukino-san told us, everything! But they are not worth it, Natsu-san!"

"What is going on here!?" It was the master of Sabertooth.

Great! Just great, now is Natsu-san really going to be angry.

"Natsu-san, please stop!" Kina yelled.

You noticed she was at her end, her feet were scratching over the floor and Natsu was slowly getting closer to Sabertooth's Master.

I can't use my magic, then HE will find me!

"You kicked Yukino out of your guild because she lost one battle!?" Natsu asked angrily.

"You have nothing to with what I do in my guild!" Sabertooth's Master yelled.

"You don't even know what it is to be in a real guild!" Natsu yelled. "And what is real to you!?" Sabertooth's Master asked angrily.

"A real guild cares for each other!" Natsu yelled. "A real guild is like a family. You protect each other, you help each other!"

"Natsu-san, that's enough!" Kina yelled and pushed Natsu to the direction of the door.

You looked at the damage Natsu created and when your eyes landed on Sting, he was staring at you.


You quickly followed Kina and Natsu out of Sabertooth's inn.


"We're at the halfway point in the Grand Magic Games." Chapati said. "The beginning of the third day."

"I wonder what kind of passionate dramas we'll see today?" Yajima said.

"Our guest today is Lahar-san, from the Magic Council." Chapati said.

Everybody but him! What if he sees me, and asks me if I want to join the Magic Council. I hope he doesn't see me.

"And now we are going to today's competition 'Pandemonium'!" Chapati said. "All of the participants have been selected! From Sabertooth, Orga! From Lamia Scale, Jura! From Blue Pegasus, Hibiki! From Raven Tail, Oba! From Mermaid Hell, Million! From Quatro Puppy, Novato! From Fairy Tail A, Erza! From Fairy Tail B, Cana! These are our eight competitors!"

Erza defeated all one hundred monsters and Cana destroyed the Magic Power Finder with the help of Fairy Glitter.

You looked over at Sabertooth's base and saw Sting looking with shock at the screen, but when he noticed you were looking at him, he smirked.

Damn creepy stalker!


When it appeared to be Laxus vs. Ivan, his father and after that Raven Tail got disqualified.

The Wendy vs. Cheria battle had ended up in a tie and a new friendship had been born.

Lucy got beat up by Minerva, during the water bubble battle, which only angered Fairy Tail more.

"And we still have one battle for today!" Chapati said.

"What?" Kina asked. "We already had all the battles for today, right?"

"This is a surprise battle!" Chapati continued. "Let's see who has to battle who!"

"I'm curious too." Yajima said. "Oh, and it will be a battle between Sabertooth and Fairy Tail." From Sabertooth, Orga! And from Fairy Tail A Team, our cloaked person!"

"What!?" You whisper-yelled. "Who!? When!? Why!? How!?" You mentally panicked.

"Good luck, Queen of Shadows!" Master Mavis and Master said at the same time.

"You two planned this!" You hissed, getting a little angry. "Maybe, maybe not." Was all Master said, a knowing smirk on his face.

"Fine, I'll go." You sighed, knowing there was no way you would get out of this. "But only for Fairy Tail." And you walked down to the arena.

When you walked past Natsu, Erza, Gray and Wendy, they stopped you.

"You don't have to do this, (Y/N)." Erza said. "Yeah, what if you kill Orga?" Gray asked.

"I know, I don't have to do this." You whispered. "And don't worry I won't kill Orga, I would have to do my best. But I'm doing this for Fairy Tail."

They all hugged you and you made your way down to the arena, where Orga was waiting for you, but also that damn pumpkin.

"Yeah, you both know the rules, right-kabo? The pumpkin asked.

"Yeah!" Orga said and you nodded. "You don't say much do you?" Orga asked you and you shook your head.

"Do you want to make a bet?" He asked and you shrugged. "I take that as a yes. You look like a strong guy. Shall we say, the loser has to join the winner's guild?"

I already know what kind of bet you made with my partner, Kina, Orga-san. You wrote down with your shadows.

"How!?" The Sabertooth mage asked.

I know when she lies and she talks in her sleep. You wrote down.

"Damn it, Kina." Orga mumbled and and you noticed Kina sulking in a corner form the corner of your eyes.

"May I ask what the bet is-kabo?" The pumpkin asked curiously, and everyone went quiet all wanting to know about the bet.

"If Sabertooth wins the Grand Magic Games, the five strongest wizards of Fairy Tail must join Sabertooth." Orga said.

Name your wizards. You wrote down.

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