New Girl

By flowerchildDF

113K 2K 498

"You dropped this." I heard a husky voice say. I turned around to look at what I dropped and realized it was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 18

2.7K 50 15
By flowerchildDF

A Llittle Crazy Never Hurt Anybody

"Guess what tonight is?" Jessica sang sitting down next to me. Today is Friday, May 10th.

Tomorrow is going to be the weekend before Prom! And last I remember we all agreed to go skinny dipping this weekend. We had first decided we were going to do it tomorrow, but Jess changed it to tonight seeing as there's a party she wants us all to go to tomorrow.

"Friday night?" I asked playing dumb. The bell rang signaling 3rd period started. Mr. Hunt is currently in the developing room helping out a student who's having trouble with their film so we continued talking.

"Yes, good. You know your days." She said patting my head. I chuckled. "But that's not the answer I wanted. Tonight is the night we're going skinny dipping!" She squealed smiling giddily.

"Who?" I asked making her glare at me. I smirked. "OK, OK, I'm kidding." I laughed. "What time and where exactly are we meeting up?" I asked her.

"7:30 and at Central Park. Dani and Chris know of this secluded spot so no one will be there, plus it's still a bit cold at night so there shouldn't be many people around." She shrugged. I took a deep breath and sighed.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to go through with this." I mumbled.

"You need a little crazy in your life baby girl." Jess said winking at me. I chuckled.

"Yea... you think the guys are going to bet?" I asked. They make bets all the time, it annoys Jess, but it amuses me.

"Most likely." She said rolling her eyes. "Ooo I was thinking... can you make pasta after?" Jess asked, giving me a pleading smile. I laughed. The first time she went over to my house I made pasta and she fell in love with it. Ever since then, she's asked me to make it all the time. She became obsessed with it.

"Sure." I said rolling my eyes with a smile. "Are you coming over tomorrow to get ready for the party?" I asked.

"Duh, who else is going to help me get dressed up?" She asked. She only has one sibling whom is a little brother, so to her, I'm like a sister. I nodded.

"K," I said, "anyways, have you developed your film yet?" I asked her, taking out the work I still need to complete.

"Nope. I'm so behind." She said pouting and then shrugged. "Whatever, I'll turn it in late. I'll just have to kiss up to Mr. Hunt." I rolled my eyes at her.

"I can't believe he falls for it every time." I said.

"Well, I am his favorite student." She said shrugging cockily.

"No one likes a cocky person." I said.

"And yet I love Daniel." She sighs making me laugh.


I put my towel inside my bag and exhaled. I am really nervous, I mean we're going skinny dipping! Meaning we're all going to be in on our birthday suits. Insecure much? Very. It's not that I don't have a nice body, I'm just going to feel very... uncomfortable? No one's seen me naked before, not even Chris. But I don't want to chicken out - I want to do this.

Jess and I agreed that we're going to have a bunch of crazy adventures, sort of like a bucket list, and skinny dipping is included.

Her parents approved of her going to San Diego with Chris and I for the summer. Daniel is going as well, so that should be fun. I already know some of the places I want to take them: Downtown, Old Town, Balboa Park, Coronado, a lot of beaches, Soak City - well it's now called Aquatica - and many more places. This summer is going to be epic.

A knock on the front door made me snap out of it. I opened the door to see Chris. A smile automatically appeared on my face.

"Hey handsome." I greeted him.

 "Hey love. You ready?" He asked.

"Uh, yea. Let me just grab my keys and bag." I said going back to my room.

"Your dad knows you're going out?" He asked from the living room.

"Yup." I replied when I walked back into the living room. "Let's go?"

"Lead the way." He said extending his hand towards the door.

"So, Central Park?" I asked to make sure.

"Yea, we know of this  spot there. I was going to show you it that one time we went, but..." He said not finishing it. That was the day he told me he first told me he loved me and I to him. Everything was going perfect; however, Emily ruined it with her stupid 'messages from Drake.' Odd thing is that we haven't heard from Drake since then. He was probably just trying to scare us or provoke us. As for Emily... I've seen her around school, but she no longer gives me those glares nor does she talk to Chris. At first I thought she had something up her sleeve, but after the weeks passed by, I figured she has moved on.

"Right. We should go there more often, before summer." I said to him making him smile and nod. We kept talking the rest of the way about our plans for summer. Being with Chris made my nervousness subside, but once I saw the park ahead, they all came back. "Did you bring a towel?" I asked Chris.

"It's in the trunk. I also brought an extra sweater for you." He glanced over at me. "You're going to be freezing, the water's like ice." He said shaking his head.

"How would you know?" I asked.

"I've sort of... done this before." Chris said, giving a slight chuckle.

"Sort of?" I asked.

"Daniel and I made this one bet freshman year." He said. I laughed.

"When did these bets begin?" I asked.

"Ever since I moved down here." He said shrugging.

"Who's gotten the most wins?" I asked making him scoff.

"Is that even a real question?" He asked smirking.

"You're right... I'm pretty sure Daniel has the most wins." I said in a monotone voice. He laughed.

"You better watch your back tonight." He threatened teasingly. "Let's go." He said getting off the car. I got off as well and grabbed my bag. I closed the door and turned around seeing Jess and Daniel sitting on top of his car. Jess jumped off and ran towards me with a huge smile.

"Someone's excited." I said. Jess hugged me. Chris closed the trunk, with his towel slung over his shoulder, same as Daniel.

"I'm glad you didn't chicken out." She said with a huge smile. I fake gasped.

"Me? Never." I said seriously making her laugh.

"Alright, come on let's go!" Jess said snatching my hand, pulling me towards the 'secret spot.' We passed several trees that were still bald. It's a bit chilly, but other than that it's fine. Can't say the same about the water though. I looked back to see Chris and Daniel following us having their own conversation.

"Jess, isn't it illegal to skinny dip?" I asked her unsure.

"That's why we're not going to get caught." She replied. I sighed feeling more nervous. "And don't be nervous, I chose - well we chose the night time for a reason." She said trying to comfort me. I chuckled.


"Ey, we need witnesses." Daniel said running towards us.

"What?" Jess and I asked at the same time, confused. Chris ran up behind him chuckling at us.

"We made a bet." Chris said making Jess grumble and me to nod in understanding.

"Can't you guys cool it with the bets?" She asked, and started to walk forward again. "This is the spot." She said with a smile appearing on her face. I walked to her and took off my sandals; I immediately felt the soft, freezing wet sand in between my toes; there are trees surrounding the spot with no people in sight. The waves are calm and mellow making that light swish noise that's soothing. There aren't lights around here, but you can still see one another because of the full moon.

"What did you guys bet on this time?" I asked looking over at them.

"Who would be the first person out." Daniel said with a smirk, looking at me knowingly. I glared at him. That asshole thinks I'm going to be the first one out. I bent down and grabbed a bunch of sand with my hand and threw it at him. Chris laughed backing away from Daniel while Jess just chuckled. "Hey! You don't even know who I said." He said defensively shaking his head, trying to get the sand off looking like a dog.

"Yes I do." I said. His stare said it all.

"Who?" He asked.

"Me." I responded.

"Hmm..." He hummed and then shrugged.

"See." I said.

"Because you are going to be the first one out." He said in a duh voice.

"We'll see about that." I said in a challenging voice.

"And who'd you say?" Jess asked Chris.

"You." He said getting behind Daniel to block anything Jess might throw him. I laughed.

"I'm not going to throw sand at you." Jess said rolling her eyes. "Only, because it might be true." She shrugged.

"No! You have to stay in the water until Melody gets out." Daniel told Jess. Jess sighed.

"What's the 'prize'?" Jess asked them. I giggled at reminders of the past ones. This one time Daniel lost so he had to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon, the outcome was hilarious. This other time Chris lost and he had to get a bikini wax - ouch. Another time Daniel had to mime at the mall and win at least $5 before he could stop. Also Daniel got the chance to get his nails painted pink, and he had to go to school like that.

"Loser has to go to the tampon section and stay there for a good 20 minutes asking other people which one works better." Chris said. I laughed with Jess.

"OK, now that you have us as witnesses, shake on it.." Jess said and they did. "Good, now - it's skinny dip time!" Jess squealed and ran to the other side along with me while the guys started stripping on the spot. We were near the water; whereas, the guys were by the trees.. "You should hurry up, better to be in the water before they are, that way they won't ogle." Jess said while she started taking off her clothes. I did the same as fast as I possibly could. We left everything on the sand, including our bags and towels.

We ended up getting in the water at the same time the guys did so no one ogled anything. Once we all touched the water with our feet we squirmed and screamed. Fuck! It's freezing!!!! My head no longer thought about the beautiful sight, the only thing I could think of is of how freezing cold the water is. No matter how cold it was though, I made sure it covered my whole body so no one could see me nude. I'm shaking so much. I don't think this is normal, I started whimpering. We're going to get freaking hypothermia!

"Give up Melody?" Daniel yelled, I'm surprised he can sound cockily through the cold water.

"N-never!" I yelled trying to hide the fact that I'm actually thinking about getting out and indulging my body into the warm towel. I heard Chris chuckle behind me making me squeal. I was about to turn around when he pushed my head down into the ice cold water. Oh fuck! I got back up gasping for air while spitting out the salty water. Gross.

"Told y-you to watch your back." Chris said chuckling. I glared at him.

"Y-you a-ass-swhole it-ts f-free-ezing." I said trembling even more. I moved around to try and get my body to warm up.

"You d-don't mean th-that." He said. His lips were starting to turn blue. I groaned, I want to get out!!

"Jess wh-what th-the hell w-were you th-thinking!?" I yelled at her. I noticed she was trembling as well even though she was being hugged by Daniel. I glared at them. "Ch-cheat-ters!" I yelled.

"You c-can hug Ch-chris t-too!" Jess yelled back making me blush despite it being cold. Like I said before, we haven't gotten to that stage; whereas, they have.

"W-we can get out, i-if you want." Chris said having more control over his chattering teeth. I shook my head. I have to prove Daniel wrong.

"No." I said making my teeth stop chattering by biting down on them hard. I swam around more. "Race y-you?" I asked Chris.

"You're on." Chris said with a smile. I nodded.

"OK, we s-start h-here, g-go to Jess and D-daniel, then b-back." I chattered making him nod.

"On the c-count of three." He whispered. "One...two...three." He said and we went off racing. Obviously I'm a good swimmer, I would practically go to the beach every week during summer in San Diego. However my body was protesting right now. All it wanted to do was curl up in a ball somewhere warm. We both got to Jess and Daniel at the same time, but Chris took a long time turning around, in which I did quickly. We created a bunch of splashing, wetting the cuddled up couple. Jess squealed.

"Wh-wat-t a-a-are y-you g-guy-ys-s d-doi-ing?" Jess asked making me want to laugh because her chattering is worse than mine, but I ignored it wanting to beat Chris. Once I got to the finish line I smiled and looked back to see Chris barely get there. "I let you win." He said out of breath. I laughed.

"No, I won f-fair and square." I said.

"F-fine, but I w-want a rematch this summer." He said to me. He looked back towards Jess and Daniel. "I th-think I'm going to win this b-bet." He smirked. I looked over to them and saw Jess was pouting at Daniel. I'm guessing she wants to get out and he's not letting her so she started pouting at him.

Just then, Daniel's shoulders slumped and he nodded making Jess' face change to relief and happiness. She got out of his hold and swam towards shore. I looked back to Chris the same time he looked back to me.

"We h-have to go to the store and record h-him." I said giggling.

"W-we will." Chris said in reassurance. "Let's get out?" He said to me, I nodded my head immediately. He chuckled. "Go with J-jessica, I'll go with Daniel." He said and swam away. I swam to shore towards where I left my clothes.

"U-um, M-mel-lody s-small p-pr-oblem." Jess said hugging herself to cover her private parts while I did the same. Why the hell hasn't she covered herself with a towel. I remember seeing one in her bag.

"W-what?" I said while I reached for my bag realizing what she meant about the problem. My bag is wet. Everything is wet.

"O-our b-bags a-a-re w-wet." She whimpered. No no no no no. I took out my towel and squeezed it to get most of the water out. Once I got enough of the water out I wrapped it around my body - I don't care if it's damp and cold, I am not going to be standing around here naked. I whimpered when I saw that my clothes also got wet. I looked up to see Jess covered in her damp towel as well. I am freezing to death.

"You guys aren't going to change?" Daniel asked with his clothes on. How come his clothes didn't get wet?! That is not fair. He looked toasty warm.

"Our c-clothes g-got wet. So d-did our t-towels." I said through gritted teeth.

"Here." Chris said from behind me with a towel in his hands. "It's a tiny bit wet from when I dried myself off, but not as much as yours." He said wrapping it around my shoulders. I sighed in content and shivered, it's so warm. "Dry yourself off." He told me sounding concerned. I went towards a tree to lean on and took off the wet towel from underneath me to dry myself out with the one Chris gave me. Once I was good Chris came up and handed me his black shorts, a white shirt, and a grey zip up sweater. I rose my brow at him. He chuckled. "The shorts I had worn under my pants, the shirt I wore under my flannel, and the sweater is the extra one I brought for you." He explained. I nodded and put on the shirt first while the towel was still wrapped around my body, I then put on the shorts slipping them underneath the towel, once that was done I took the towel off handing it to Chris. I put on his sweater and shivered. This whole time Chris was standing in front of me as if he were guarding me, making sure no one was looking.

"Thank you." I whispered to him giving him a peck. He smiled in response and hugged me to give me some body heat.

"No problem, besides I like you wearing my clothes." He said making me get butterflies in my tummy. I smiled.

"I'm gonna go get my bag." I said. Walking over there, I noticed Jess had on some of Daniels clothes too. She smirked at me once she saw I was in Chris' clothes. I chuckled.

I picked up my bag and put the damp towel in it.

"Pasta time?" Jess asked.

"Oh hell yea, you're making your pasta?" Daniel asked looking like a found puppy. I laughed at his expression.

"Yea." I said.

"Your house! I haven't seen Dave in forever!" Jess said exaggerating. I rolled my eyes.

"Me either." Daniel said starting to walk back to the cars with Jess, holding her hand. Chris handed me my sandals and I put them on.

"I saw him yesterday." Chris said smugly to them.

"No one asked you." Jess yelled behind her. Chris laughed.

"Jump on me." He said to me turning around. I smiled and jumped on his back. I love piggy back rides. I kissed his neck enjoying the feel of his muscular back.

"Love you." I whispered in his ear.

"I love you too beautiful." He replied kissing my hand and blowing some heat onto them.


"Hey dad." I said entering the condo, he's sitting on the couch watching the news.

"Dave!" Daniel and Jess yelled excitedly from behind me. They shoved past me and went towards him, I stared at them in disbelief. Chris chuckled.

"I think they might like Dave more than they like you." Chris joked.

"They probably do." I mumbled, joking back.

"Hey kids, what are you all doing here?" He asked.

"We came to visit you, I haven't seen you in forever!" Said Jess.

"You are so dramatic." I said leaning on the arm of the couch. Jess glared at me.

"You're daughter is nothing alike you." Jess said to my dad shaking her head disappointingly.

"Yea she's really boring." Daniel said.

"Ha ha ha." I laughed sarcastically. "Ima go shower quick." I said walking to my room to get clothes.

"Wait, what happened to your clothes Melody, and why is your hair wet?" My dad asked making me stop walking. Shit, he can't know. I just told him I was going out with them, but I didn't tell him where we were going. I mean that'd be... yea, awkward and weird. I turned back around and looked at Jess for help. I didn't bother looking at Chris or Daniel, they would be no help.

"Oh, uh it's because we were walking near... my house and uh, the neighbors had their sprinklers on, yea. And well, Daniel trying to be funny pushed us two towards them." Jess said coming up with a story making me want to laugh, she's horrible at it. I want to slap myself in the face. Never again am I going to look at her for help. She finished the story satisfied with herself. How can she be satisfied with that story?! I looked over at the guys to see them wanting to burst out laughing as well. My dad sighed.

"You know what, I don't think I want to know. I'll just believe that story of yours Jessica." My dad said rubbing his face. I let out a chuckle and started walking towards my room. I grabbed my warm pajamas and a clean towel, heading in the shower. I turned the water really hot making me sigh happily. I showered quickly and changed. I put Chris' clothes in my basket to wash.

"Jess you want to shower?" I asked her going back to the living room. They were all laughing including my dad.

"Yes!" She said. I nodded and went back to my room with her in tow.

"Undergarments too?" I asked her.

"Yea, please. It's so uncomfortable not having any on." She said shuddering. I chuckled and handed her some new undergarments I had bought not too long ago with another pair of sweatpants, a hoodie, and a white long sleeve.

"I'll be in the living room. If you need deodorant it's on top of the drawer." I said walking out.

"Thanks." She said.

I sat down on the couch. They were talking about sports. I was trying to understand what they were saying, but I couldn't. I am not a sports girl. Instead, I played with Chris' hand. I traced the creases on his palm and cracked a few fingers making him give me the stink eye since it hurt him. Yet, he still lets me crack them. I just smiled innocently. After several minutes I gave up and went to the kitchen. I took out all the ingredients and the pot.

"Jessica asked for pasta?" My dad asked knowingly from the couch.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p.'

"Her pasta is the best." Jess said coming from the hallway.

"I thought you said you came over to see me?" My dad asked her, faking hurt, I smiled. Daniel and Chris laughed.

"I..." Jess said not being able to come up with something. My dad and I laughed when she grumbled.

"I'm just kidding Jessica. I love Melody's pasta too." He said making me roll my eyes. I swear I make pasta every week for them.

"Need help?" Chris asked from the living room.

"No, I got it." I replied. I heard someone get up and come to the kitchen.

"Yea, well I'm still going to help." Chris said behind me. I laughed.

"Alright hot shot, wash your hands and then help me prep the sauce. Let's see if you can cook as well as you can score points." I said.

For the next thirty minutes Chris helped me make the Pasta and managed to get some of the sauce on my face.

"Can you throw away the trash?" I asked Chris once we finished.

"Yea." He replied throwing it into the trash bin from where he was standing. I shook my head smiling.

"We're not playing basketball." I said to him while I served him and myself.

"Of course he wouldn't be playing basketball with you, you suck." Daniel said getting off the couch.

"As if you're any better than me." I said to him scoffing.

"Oh, I am." He said boastfully.

"No babe, sorry. I'm going to have to agree with Melody on that one." Jess said getting up as well. I moved out of the way to let them serve themselves. If I had stayed put, they would have push me out of the way.

"Yea, I don't get that. You're a QB and you can't make a shot." Chris said to Daniel. I laughed. It's true, he's really good at football, but when it comes to basketball he sucks ass.

"Ha! I am better than you." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Alright, let's make a bet." Daniel said to me making me grin mischievously.

"Aw no, not you too." Jess whined at me.

"Got to prove him wrong." I said shrugging.

"More like I'm going too prove you wrong." Daniel said. I rolled my eyes.

"OK, come up with your bets later, let's eat!" My dad said racing Jess to get some pasta. I went to the kitchen table and placed Chris' plate down along with mine.

"Fine, but we are going to play a game." Daniel said, pointing his finger at me.

"You're on." I said.

I got an extra chair from my room since there are only four chairs on the table. They were all seated on the table except for Chris. He was eating standing up, leaving the fourth chair vacant for me. I was still in the hallway when Chris saw me; he put his plate down and came over taking the chair away from me.

"Thank you." I said. I hate carrying chairs, I end up hitting myself with them all the time.

"Sit down on that chair, there's a fork on your plate already." Chris said.

"This is soooooo good." Jess said moaning.

"I hate to admit it, but you make the best pasta ever." Daniel said cringing at the fact that he gave me a compliment.

"Gee, thanks. Means so much coming from you." I said sarcastically putting a hand to my heart.

"Embrace that compliment because it's the only one I'm giving you in a very long time - actually it's the only one I'm ever going to give you." Daniel said popping more pasta into his mouth. My dad laughed. I chuckled shaking my head and started eating.

"Seconds, anyone?" Jess asked getting up. I looked over at her plate to see it empty. We all stared at her with agape mouths. "No one? OK." She said shrugging.

"How can you eat so much? You're so tiny." My dad said to her.

"Fast metabolism." She said tapping her stomach.

We continued talking every once in a while, while we ate. Once we were done Daniel washed the dishes - No he did not volunteer to wash them, we made him wash them. Well Jess asked him to wash them and then pouted making him fall at her feet and do them.

"What are you kids going to do tomorrow?" My dad asked. We were all sitting on the couches with the TV off, just talking.

"Going to a party!" Daniel yelled doing a fist pump. We all chuckled at him.

"I told you already dad." I said to him.

"Oh, yea." He said looking lost in thought.

"And then next weekend is Prom." Jess said smiling excitedly.

"Alright, just wake me up when you get here and try not to get into any trouble." My dad said sternly. I nodded my head. My parents aren't the strict type of people, they have their moments, but most of the time they're mellow. My only rules to going out to parties is to let them know exactly where I'm going and to wake them up once I get home so they'll know I'm home safe and sound. Oh and also to not drink and drive, oviously. "And you," my dad said to Chris, "take care of my little girl." He said.

"Always." Chris said promisingly while he rubbed my shoulder in a gesture.

"Alright, well we're going to go, it's getting pretty late. Thank you for the pasta Melody." Jess said with a cheeky smile and gave me a hug. "Bye Dave, I'll see you tomorrow." Jess said.

"Bye Dave." Daniel said bumping his fist. "Bye Thumper." Daniel smiled at me and rubbed my hair with his hand. I frowned at him.

"Thumper?" I asked confused.

"Yea. Thumper. From Bambi." He shrugged.

"Thumper's a boy." I said to him and rose my brow.

"Well then you're a girl version of Thumper." He said shrugging.

"Why are you calling me Thumper?" I asked confused.

"Because I want to." He said.

"See you later Chris." Jess said while Daniel fist bumped him too.

"Ima go too, it's late and I have to pick up Lesly tomorrow morning from the airport." He said getting up. I gasped.

"Lesly's coming tomorrow?" I asked excited.

"Yea... I forgot to tell you." He said smiling sheepishly.

"Can I go with you to pick her up?" I asked him.

"You know you can, just ask your dad." He said nodding to him. I looked over at my dad hopeful.

"Can I go?" I asked with a full blown grin.

"Yea, why not?" He asked getting up off the couch. "I'm heading off to bed, make sure you lock up Melody. I'll see you tomorrow Chris. Good night." My dad said yawning.

"Good night Dave." He said shaking my dads hand. I walked Chris to the door. "I'll pick you up at 7 AM." He said making me groan. He chuckled.

"Why the hell did Lesly get a flight so damn early on a Saturday?" I asked. He shrugged.

"That's Lesly. See you tomorrow, Thumper." He said making me laugh and shake my head.

"No. Don't call me that. I don't know what was going on in that brain of his when he came up with that, it was so random." I said. He laughed.

"Yea. Plus, I don't think Thumper fits you." He said caressing my cheek.

"Hmm... No?" I asked. He shook his head. "Then what does fit me?" I asked curious.

"Beautiful." He replied. I smiled making him do the same. "Love you Mels."

"Love you too. Night." I said.

"Night." He gave me a longing kiss on the lips and left. I closed the door and let my head lay on the door.

I bit my lip and waited for the butterflies to cool down with a smile on my face. Once they were gone I brushed my teeth and went to bed happily.


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