Unfortunate Omega (H2OVanoss)

By moon-aurita

202K 5.5K 7.5K

DISCLAIMER: This was written before all of the stuff came out about Lui and Mini. The only reason this is sti... More



13.2K 340 487
By moon-aurita

Jonathan jolts up from the sudden wave of shivers coursing through him. He whines lowly when he feels slick gushing out of him. Seriously, he just woke up!

His breathing begins to stutter and he almost cries at the white flash of heat slashing through him, rendering his mind a fogging mess of desperation. He absentmindedly notices another presence on the bed and calls out blindly. "E-Evan?!"

A gravelly low noise cuts through as the body beside him stirs. Jonathan's member is so hard it could hammer nails and he can't take the building pressure anymore, flipping over on his stomach to rub and gain delicious friction from the bedspread. He whimpers weakly at the sensation, unable to even remotely dull the boiling heat.

A small intake of air sounds out beside him before a pair of hands flip his body back over causing him to squeak in protest. His vision is unfocussed and he barely makes out Evan's hulking form, anguished tears clinging to his eyelashes.

"Shh, shhh." Evan soothes, pulling the debauched Omega to him. "I've got you, gonna make it all better for you sweetie." Evan doesn't waste time this time around, is already naked body joining with Jonathan's causing the bleary-eyed male to let out a long, drawn out and high pitched noise. The Alpha has his Omega sitting in his lap and bouncing on his sex.

Evan shivers in delight at the soft mewls and gasps coming from Jon. He keeps a leisurely pace, dragging Jonathan up and down on his lap; grazing the other's prostate with every thrust.

"E-Evan, fas–ter!" Delirious moans brokenly and Vanoss lets out a soft laugh. "So cute." In the midst of everything Jon manages to pout and flush even brighter than his Heat before the expression is wiped off by Evan's insistent pounding.

Jon shouts out loudly when Evan roughly shoves his full-blown knot into his body and grinds it against his prostate. He wants to say that Evan was playing dirty but all he could do was cling to the other as another amazing orgasm rushes through him, making his eyelids flutter and his lips open in a perfect "o".

"You're so pretty, and absolutely gorgeous when you cum on my cock with that blissed out look." Evan purrs as Jonathan comes down from his high. He blushes at the Alpha's words but being stuck together means he has to endure so much praise it makes him want to die of embarrassment. He's a modest man, after all.

Delirious just sighs happily while resting his chin on Evan's shoulder. He wants to melt into a puddle of goo when the owl begins to thread his fingertips in his hair and massage his scalp. Although his heat is certainly not over yet, Jonathan believes he's never felt so content, safe, loved. He feels like he's floating above and beyond, soaking up every bit of it.

But all good things must come to an end, so Jon's stomach grumbles loudly in protest. Oh yeah, I guess we didn't eat at all before this went down. Evan chuckles lightly at the noise, before turning his head and pulling Jonathan's in so he can inhale large amounts of the other's Heat scent.

"I'll go get us some food to re-energize, any special requests?" Evan whispers softly and Jonathan snuggles in closer, forgetting their connection. He squeaks in surprise and Evan lets out a hum when his manhood rubs the Omega's tender insides. "I think my knot has gone down enough. I actually almost forgot we were still locked." Evan rubs the back of his neck sheepishly before pulling himself out, feeling a little too pleased about the torrent of his release leaking out of the smaller male's backside.

"U-ummm," the teddy bear lover shivers at the feeling of fluids running down his thighs, "I was hoping you could get me some flan?" Evan knows it will be a bit of a challenge to find some of the European dessert but he would do anything for the little one. "Sure thing. I'm gonna leave and block the door now, so don't open it for anyone but me okay? You should go and wash up in the bathroom while you're still calm."

Evan searches the room before finding Jon's phone and checks to make sure his own is still with him. "Call me if you need anything, anything at all. I'll come running." He then plants a big smooch on the blue eyed male's puffy lips before offering him a relaxed smile. "See you in a bit, sweetheart."
"They've been busy for a while now haven't they? I mean, they have to eat eventually." Mini inquires and Lui snorts. "Of course food is the least of their worries, although by now Evan should appear to grab something to eat and drink or else I'll go up there and make him. Nutrition is important."

"But wow, it's been a day and a half and still there's no signs of them stopping." Brian mumbles. Nogla blushes a little. "The sounds they've been making though are extremely erotic. And loud. I don't know how any of us got some decent sleep."

"Oh, but Vanoss must be one smug bastard. It's clear he's wanted Delirious for a while and now that he's got him? Man, I bet you when he finally shows up he'll look just like he won the lottery." Tyler snickers and what pure coincidence, since Evan happens to finally show himself. Boy, he totally called it. The Canadian's aura is radiating smugness but he has a carefree expression donning his face.

"Nice to see you again Vanoss. I must ask why you grace us with your presence?" Brock questions while wiggling his eyebrows causing the others to chuckle.
"Actually Brock, my good man, I am fetching food for thy lady. Oh, hey Lui do you know do any places that have some good flan?" A few of the guys snicker at Evan's comeback and Lui gives the man a curious look. "Actually I do, but why? That's so random."

Evan gives the Omega a soft smile. "The lady wants some, so I must provide." Lui grins at that. How adorable, he's already completely and utterly whipped. Delirious has caught a good one.

Brushing the thoughts aside, Lui proceeds to point out some good places for Evan and then the Canadian is rushing to get ready.
"I hope your fridge is well-stocked since I'll be raiding it when I get back. Oh, yeah–" The Alpha's eyes flash red and darken considerably. "No one is allowed near that room, no one. Mine!" He growls softly before plastering a cheerful smile and leaving the other men in the room shocked.

"Did he just..." Brian trails off, dumbfounded, and Wildcat smirks along with Craig. "He did, he definitely did! Oh my god that was both hilarious and absolutely terrifying." Craig laughs nervously, but no one can blame the Delta.

Evan is usually the most level-headed one of the group, never losing his cool and always playful.
"My my, that was one possessive and yet endearing claim. Is it weird that I'm almost turned on?" Moo giggles to try and dispel the awkward tension filling the air.
"You know, I never pegged him to be that possessive but oh well, Alphas be Alphas." Lui shrugs.
"At least I know he won't hurt my boy." Cartoonz comments.
After gathering only the best flan and raiding the kitchen, Vanoss has a feast fit for a king. Or an emotional Omega in heat.

He knocks on the door to warn the other before making his way inside the room. He sighs happily when the smell of Jonathan's heat surrounds him, as well as the smell after a shower. Jon is perched in his nest of blankets, reading a book he brought with him with damp hair brushed aside. He looks up and smiles happily when he eyes the food Evan has.

Evan brings everything over and the two begin to treat themselves to some long awaited grub. When everything is polished clean, Evan reveals the flan he found for his lover. The look on Jon's face is enough to make a man die happy; he looks like Evan brought heaven to him and the Alpha feels himself swell with the self-satisfaction of providing for his Omega.

Jon is happy Evan brought the treats for him, but is mind is still distracted over the deep "mine" he heard Evan shout a while ago. He's so tempted to find out what was going on but then again, he gets to eat some flan--wait. Where'd it go?

His eyes search until they land in Evan, the Alpha holding a spoon in one hand and the flan in the other. "I'm feeding you." He declares holding before taking a spoonful and nudging it to Delirious' lips. The other blushes firetruck red before shakily opening his lips to allow entry.

*Yeah now when I read this it can be taken in a dirty way XD*

When the flavour hits his tongue Jon lets out a happy sound and savours the pudding-like substance. Evan goes instantly hard because as he continues to feed his boy, the content sounds increase in volume. God hates him, it seems.

Jonathan just finished devouring the last spoonful when Evan asks: "Can I have a taste?" The Omega tilts his head in confusion. "But I just ate it all, so how–" Okay, Evan's tongue is in his mouth searching every crevice and suckling on his tongue. So that's how! Evan continues to ravage his mouth, sucking and nipping his lips and exchanging spit.

Yep, that sensual kiss just started up Jonathan's Heat again.
Finally, after 3 long days of pleasure and torture, Jonathan's Heat dies down to the point where it's tolerable and only his scent gives himself away.

When the guys finally see him they embrace him joyfully, happy to see their friend looking better. Evan growls lowly in the background, holding his instincts back because these are his friends, and they aren't a threat yet his wolf seems to think otherwise.

"Uh, guys?" Nogla notices Vanoss' behaviour first, feeling like an idiot. Of course the Alpha is overprotective. The Omega is still in heat and smells good (but Lui still smells the best).

Everyone gets the hint and backs away casually so as not to seem threatening or rouse Evan's beast. The growling from Evan is sending pleasant shivers licking up Jonathan's spine. He barely notices the sudden withdraw of his friends.

When Evan reigns in the growling he stalks towards the unsuspecting Delirious. Jonathan squeaks in surprise when he's roughly pulled into a warm chest, arms like pythons holding him in close. "Mine!" Evan growls out, primal instincts demanding that he prove to potential threats who this Omega belongs to. The sound rumbles against Jon's back, and the word sends his heart into a frenzy.

Evan nudges his face to the side, exposing his neck and causing blood to pump faster through the older man's veins. Since he's facing away from the Alpha, he can't see what Evan's trying to do.

His brain shuts down however, when teeth sink into the sweet spot on the juncture between his shoulder and neck. They don't sink deep enough to break skin since Evan wants to mark him properly, but it's enough to make Jon moan loudly.

Evan stays locked onto the other's shoulder, staring down all of the other guys with a daring look. He growls lowly around the soft skin; the vibrations causing Jon the whimper quietly in response.

Jonathan has never been very submissive, hating it with a passion but come on, Evan has those teeth digging insistently into him. He feels so turned on that slick has started to drip. Well after all, his Heat isn't over yet.

"Ev-van," Jon struggles to not roll over on the spot when the Alpha lets out another low growl against his skin. However, once the scent of slick wafts in Evan's nose and it looks like his point is across, he finally releases the smaller male. He licks at the bruised skin, pleased to have his mark on the creamy surface.

He shoots the guys another look before reaching down and draping a flailing Jonathan over his shoulders. One tap against the other's rear and Jon becomes stalk still. "Evaaaaan!" Jon whines lowly as he is now steadily leaking slick. After just leaving that room, now they're heading back in. Maybe it was too soon, especially if Evan is producing such adorable reactions. Such a jealous Alpha, the Omega sighs in his head.

He's actually very happy though, the usual calm Evan all frazzled, hot and possessive? Over him? Definitely a turn on.
"What just happened?" Cartoonz blinks several times. Evan has never been so out of control, it's actually kind of hot for him. The guys all just exchange wide eyed looks, some having flushed faces.
"Okay I'm definitely turned on by that." A few guys nod their heads in agreement to Moo's comment.
A/N Unedited. Sorry for the wait guys, but I hope you like this sort of filler chapter. Wasn't my original intention, but just let it happen. Sigh, I'm writing late night smut again, fock meh leif.

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