Leap Of Faith

By TierraMarcel

403K 13.9K 3.6K

Isabella Mia Smith finds herself trying to regroup after losing her mother to cancer six months ago. Raising... More

Epilogue. 1
Epilogue. 2


10.8K 422 67
By TierraMarcel

" Then you will know the TRUTH
and the truth shall set you free 💚"

-John 8:32


Mail 📩

Today was the last day of the week and I was thanking god. Me and Emily completed our first full week at our new school and job in New York. It's been four days since Sincere and Emily got blood work done and the results were back. He texted me and asked if I could come to his mother house once I leave work.

"Hold it, right there " The camera man yelled taking more pictures. I extended my neck and gave face. " Yes hunny, last one make it life." He said before capturing the pictures making the bight flash go off.

"And that's a wrap thanks for your amazing work Bella. Enjoy your weekend." Jay said sitting down his camera. "You're welcome see you Monday." With that I waved my hand at him. Walking off to my dressing room to take a shower and redress and get ready for this meet and greet with people I don't care for.

iMessage To: Tee👠🔑- Did you pick Emily up already ?

iMessage From: Tee👠🔑 - Yeah so just meet us at Ms.Rose house.

Texting back okay before pulling out my parking space. Putting her address in my phone GPS she lived 23 minutes away from my job. I let Kirk franklin "lean on me" voice fill my car.

I've been so distant from everybody lately if it's not about Emily I could careless. I had no time for all the extra drama and people in my business. Sincere attitude changed towards me a little but the way his moods set I don't know for now long. Carter still don't know about me giving Sincere a blood test but he don't call or text to know anything. I ran behind my child not a grown man.

"And there's a girl
Searching for a father and a friend
Praying that the storm someday will end
But instead of walking away
Open up your heart and say."

I song to myself pulling up to the address seeing a lot of cars packed outside. Rolling my eyes I didn't understand why this couldn't be done with just us but at this point I don't care I already know the truth. Saying a quick prayer I gather my things and got out my car.

Walking up to the door I knocked and took a step back awaiting for somebody to come open it. Seconds laters Sincere came to the door looking good I must say.

" Wassup ? Bella." He asked stepping out the door closing it behind him.

"Hi sincere. " I said dryly I wanted to get this day over take my daughter home and chill for the weekend not sit around and explain myself to people.

"Everybody ji like here for this and that's my mother doings. I told her it was extra as fuck but she said nothing about having a child is extra so that explains all the cars out here." He said pointing to the cars explaining himself.

"Happy I know the truth so I won't embarrass myself in front of your family. No disrespect I don't really care if god was here im ready to get this over with and take my daughter in the house." I said crossing my arms over my cheat.

"Your daughter this your daughter that next time say OUR daughter."

"I would never say our daughter when you don't even think she's yours."

"Did I ever say that ? Or did I say I want a test done just to make sure. I meet you did come out the blue."

" Whatever I been at work all day my feet and eyes hurt I don't have time for this shit. Can we go inside and get this over with ?"

"Yeah mane but Layla in here please don't be off no petty shit Bella."

"What am I being petty for again ? Oh okay tell her stay out my way and I'll stay out hers now excuse me I haven't seen my daughter all day." I said pushing him to the side walking into the big home. That was another thing I needed to run pass him what exactly did he do for a living. All these hours and cars ain't come from no job.

Walking pass everybody I went and picked my daughter up kissing all over face watching her bust into giggles. "Hi mommy you look pretty." She said still laughing touching my face. "Thanks momma your outfit giving me life. Auntie dressed you ?" I asked watching Tee fan herself because she knew her fashion look was the shit.

"Yeah bestie that would be my work. Can't nobody do it better than ya girl." She said laughing messing with Reek ear like she did everybody else.

"Hey Emily first friend." I said waving my hand at Ty'Reek while throwing shade at Emily.

"Ha, Supp Bella you cool ?" He asked like always he was the total opposite of Sincere he was a sweet laid back type of guy.

I shook my head yes tuning my attention to everybody else who seem to be in my face staring along with Layla who had a mean mug painted on her face sitting next to Sincere. I sat back on the couch with Tee and pulled Emily on my lap unborthered by her.

" Well hello I'm Sincere and Tyreek mom Ms.Rose." She said coming to give me a friendly hug she Looked not a day over 25.

"Hello Isabella, Emily's mom" I said side hugging her back.

"It's nice to finally put a name to face. I think you know everyone besides his two aunties Tammy." A pretty thick light skinned lady waved her hand. " and Amanda." Who simply just smiled at me.

" And their husbands Tay and Malik." I said hello to everybody and they all said it back.

"Okay now that everyone has met we can carry on." She said taking her sit back beside his two aunts.

" Let my son tell it I'm to extra for having everyone come together for news like this. I don't think so because I know what it feels like not to have a support team. Bella, Tee explained to me that y'all are all the family Emily has correct me of I'm right ?"

"No you're most definitely correct my mother died six months ago due to cancer." I said it without crying for the first time feelings proud of myself.

"So rather the news come back good or bad. Emily has a place here to call home we are her family before these papers say anything." She said showcasing the big yellow envelope in the air.

"We're all grown and understand things like this happen. It's not the place or time to hate each other because the only one who matter is sitting right there." She said pointing at Emily who was playing on Tyreek phone like always. Wiping my bitter sweet tears this loving family is what I been keeping Emily away from. regardless if the test come back 99% or 3% she welcomed her in with open arms. "Thank you."

"Please don't thank me I been in your shoes and I know your feet get tried but I'm here to help at anytime." She said bringing me a box of tissue to wrap away my falling tears. when I was done I looked at Tee for the thumbs up letting me know my make up was still good.

Clearing my throat "Before you read them results anybody wanna come to as a women ? Ask me questions about Emily ? Not to be rude but after today I'm done explaining myself."

"If you knew he could possibly be the father why wait so long hunny ?" Layla was the first to ask a question just like I knew she would be.

"I already explained that go ask your man. That's something we already talked about so ask him he got all the answers for you boo." I send her a nice smile.

"Baby you don't have to explain yourself to nobody in this room. Like my sister said from the jump we all make mistakes you're not perfect. Hell, nobody is every women in here understands what you went and going through these results going to do all the talking for you." His aunt Amanda said shutting everybody with questions down.

"Ma let me see that so we can move on." Sincere got up taking the envelope out his mother hands opening it. I watched him read over it and read over it again then looked up from the paper smiling. I never seen a smile so big and perfect in my life. He handed his mother back the paper and came taking Emily off my lap hugging her. Her being friendly gave him a big hug back making everybody "Awwww".

"IM A GLAMMMM-MA " His mother said yelling after reading over the test results making everybody laugh. Layla got up and walked out the house but it seem like nobody cared making me laugh to myself. Sincere looked down at me opening his arms. I stood up wrapping my little arms around the both of them we stayed like this for a minute. I seen phone lights flash but that didn't stop us from braking our first family hug.

"Oh my god I'm about to cry this was one long wait I'm just happy it's over." Tee said when I went to sat back down.

"Yeah but we ain't done yet still got one more person to tell." I said low enough for only us to hear. "Lets worry about that later it look like miss girl like her father side already." She said
pointing to Emily who was still in Sincere arms talking to Tammy.

"I'm your Glam-MA, these are your two aunties." Ms.Rose took her from Sincere showing her off. "Like auntie Tee?" Emily asked cutting her grandmother off. " Yes just like her. then your uncle Reek who seem to be your all time favorite." "Him not my uncle, Him my friend." She said putting a stop to any other name. Making the room fill with laughter.

We spend hours here I was loving the feelings of being around a loving caring family. We all sat around the table ate and talked about everything. We all exchanged numbers so we can talk outside of Ms.Rose home. Sincere and Emily was getting to know each better she was loving every bit of the attention she was getting and cried so bad when it was time to leave. I already had her spoiled now I know it's about to be ten times worst.

"What's wrong momma ? Why you crying?"
Sincere asked placing her in her seat buckling her in only for her to start kicking her feet wild.

"Emily Sincere Smith cut it out now ! You can always come back another day." I said watching her face turn red from her crying so bad my baby was already light skin.

"No!" She yelled at me. " I wanna stay ! I wanna stay." Paying her no mind because her attitude was coming out and I didn't have time. I went around to the diver side and got in. Sincere some how calmed her down and they were having a conversation.

"Mmm hello ?" I picked up my phone rolling my eyes at my some timing ass boyfriend. This was his first time calling since he told me get the fuck.

"Where Emily?" Was the first thing he asked not apologizing or seeing how my life been or nothing. "In the backseat throwing a temper tantrum like always. Why haven't you called me ?" "Let me talk to her before my next client come in." I handed the phone to Emily so fast without thinking.

She snatched the phone out my hand so fast looking at the picture on the screen before placing it to her ear. "Hi CarCar you come home today ?" She asked sounding like she was smiling from ear to ear I was to scared to turn around and look.

Looking through my rear view mirror Sincere was just watching her hold a conversation with him. Once she said " I love you to." He start laughing real loud before I knew it he took the phone from Emily throwing it to the ground.

"What the hell!" I yelled jumping out the car walking around to him "Why would you do that ?" I asked pushing his stomach looking down at my broke up phone.

He was still laughing like I was Kevin Hart. He start rubbing his hands down his face walking up to car unbuckling her from her seat. Before I came up stopping him. "What is wrong with you ? Stop !" We both tugging with the seat pushing each other side to side which caused Emily to start crying.

"Move before I hurt your little ass!"

"Do you not see what you're doing ? Can you stop so we can leave Sincere" At this point I was crying with Emily wishing his brother or uncles come get him.

How can a perfectly good day go from loving and welcoming to this in a blink of a eye? I understood he was mad that his daughter told another man she loved him but don't do this in front of her.

Giving up I moved out the way so he could get her out peacefully without one of us hurting her in the process.

"Take her to your mother ! Or give me my child and I'm not playing !"

"Fuck you ! I should smash your head in that car window."

" GlammmmmMaaaaaa" Emily caired holding her hands out soon as Ms.Rose came outside.

"In front of her really?" She asked the both us taking Emily from him "Sincere have some self control." After saying that she start walking back towards the house. Slamming her room shut.

"I will not have you acting like that around her. You're going to replace my phone as well." I said rolling my eyes looking down at my phone.

"Fuck you bitch ! How you give her the phone so she could talk and tell another nigga she love them like it was cool ? Like I wasn't standing right there !" He said walking up to me with his fist balled up like he was going to hit me.

"Wow, you call the mother of your daughter a bitch ? Is this what I signed up for ? If so where do I take my name off the list at?" I shook my head still taken by his actions "And I wasn't thinking when I handed her the phone and she always tell him that. She's a child for crying out loud. What do you want me to do ?"


"I can't just take her away from him she's been in his life since birth."

"Mane I don't give a fuck, I don't care about none of that shit Bella I'm trying with you I really am." He said pointing his long finger at me.

"When are you replacing my phone ?" I asked over this whole conversation. I wasn't talking her out his life they had a bond it wasn't like he was trying play daddy.

"All I ask is for some Respect and not have another nigga around her and huh." He went into his pants pockets pulling out a hand full of money. Giving me a couple blue face hundreds.

"Thanks can me and Emily leave now I'm sleepy ?"

"Yeah we going to one of my codons." He said making me look at him like he lost his mind.

"No I'm taking her and we're going on the house."

"Just shut up and follow me." He said walking off back into his mother house and came back out with sleeping Emily he place her back on her seat and closed the door. Walking over to his all white Range Rover starting it pulling off with me right behind him.

We walked into yet another home of his he removed Emily shoes laying her across the big couch throwing a convo over her. He nodded his head for me to follow him into the movie room. I walked inside laying my bag down removing my shoes. Taking a seat in the recliner chair watching him look through movies . He asked me did I want to watch "Menace II Society" or " Belly" I went with Belly. He started the movie and came to take a seat beside me.

"Did your mother name you after this movie?" I asked laughing hearing him snack his teeth.

"Did you name Emily after this movie ?"

" Nice come back but nope I named her after a evil man."

"Not evil ma, just don't stand for bullshit and you give me a lot of that already." He said kicking his feet up throwing his arms behind he head.

"Sincere be for real you always going off on me. You called me a bitch and broke my phone today ? Is this how things between us going to be?" I asked not paying attention to the movie.

"One min you cool next you angry."

"Isabella once I tell you this don't look at a nigga different or use it to try and keep Emily from me but I'm bipolar I take medicines for this shit daily so if you see me nice one minute then the next going off it's just my unusual mood changes." He explained giving me direct eye contact.

"This is to much for one day but it all make sense now. So what happen when I leave Emily with you alone ? Will you change up on her and hurt her ? Because I really thought you were going to hit me today."

"I was about to give you a new face today but I stopped myself just in time. To keep it real with you I don't want to be left alone with her right now. Once I feel comfortable enough I'll let you know. For now if we not out together as a family ima just keep her with me at my moms.

"Okay that's sounds fine to me. I didn't mean to give her the phone today and I seen that made your mood change on me."

"Yeah but just don't have him around her no more Bella."

" Okay I won't." I said lying "What exactly do you do for a living ? You told me before you had six different homes and over ten cars."

"I run a few businesses some by myself. And me and Reek run a few together."

"What kind of business." I asked wanting to know everything "Cant tell you all that right now." "Will it put Emily in harms way ?"

"I'm something like a big deal around here everybody know if my family get touched everybody meeting god."

"Am I apart of your family ?"

"Now you are baby mother." He said making me laugh he knew I hated that ghetto ass name.

For the rest of the night we talked and watched movies. Deep down inside I knew when he said he would make my life a living hell it meant every word of it.

Damn Sincere Get It Together 😩🙄


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