The Lost Sparkling.

By Kayway769

2.8K 60 46

Steeljaw's pack vs team bee. A newborn femme sparkling is alone in the forest where the battle takes place an... More

The scrap yard

The battle

1.5K 28 29
By Kayway769

(( best TFP photo ever))

Bumblebee look at steeljaw,his pack behind him; His team besides him all of them were surrounded by trees they were what humans call a forest.

"I will make this world an place for decepticons!" The silver wolf-con growled a bumblebee, he glared at him "never.."

And thats how the battle started steeljaw aiming for bumble bee,Thunderhoof at strongarm,sideswipe with fracture,drift with clampdown,jetfire and slipstream with fractures mini cons and grimlock dealing with under-bite

Little did both of the teams know that an body wasn't far from them, an few kilo meters away was offline femme,her optics black,blue dried energon coming from her mouth. But another form was with her and it was an tiny sparkling weak,hungry and tired from crying too long. She killed her creator

She didn't mean too the birth was too hard for her creator and she died but her sparkling..was barely online she didn't move for human days. it wasn't till something was throw into trees near her was when she moved abit to see what was happening

Steeljaw staggered upward from his blow that sent him flying into some trees, he brushed off some of branches and glared at bumblebee lashing his tail  taking an step back and toppled over when he meet an ledge.

Bumblebee walked over panting with pain but wouldn't show it he soon stood on the ledge where steeljaw toppled over "It's over steeljaw--what?" He started but was cut off when he saw the dead femme and steeljaw stand over her and in his hands was the sparkling

"Well well well what do we have here?" Steeljaw asked looking at the sparkling, She merely stared at him "hungry little one?"

Bumblebee walked over slowly "Steeljaw,put the sparkling down now!"

This only made the wolf-con smirk "and what if I don't?" He challenged taking out his claws and slowly pressing one of the sparkling neck making her cry out again

The crying of the sparkling echoed through the forest the two teams stopped fighting at the sound of it

"Steeljaw let it go now. No bot nor con would kill an sparkling."
"I will only if your team surrenders!"

Bumblebee growled in frustration this sparkling was going to die if he gave up everything and let the decepticons take over his world

"Plus she's an decepticon. She can join my pack!" steeljaw chilling voice went through bumblebees head he stared at the wolf-con and sparkling and slowly looked at the creator offline body and there placed on her arm was the decepticon logo

"She's an sparkling. You can take care of her steeljaw."

"I can she is the nest member of my pack."steeljaw growled in response

The sparkling stopped cry and started to cough catching the mech that was holding her attention

Which was the perfect timing for Bumble bee he ran forward and punched him right in his face making steeljaw fall backwards and the sparkling flying in the air bumblebee reached out for her but fractures mini cons flew forward and grabbed her

The laughed and started to run to thier master but Jetfire and slipstream stopped them and and tried to take the sparkling back

Grimlock was the last one to be holding the sparkling she was like and tiny dot in his giant servos

Steeljaw stood up weakling backing up a bit with his team all looked tired " well be back and that sparkling will join us! Its in her energon! " and with that the pack transformerd drove off

Bumble bee walked up to grimlock who handed the femme sparkling to him "good job team. But we shouldn't rest until we get her to safety. "
"Fixit!" Sideswipe called as they entered the scrap yard looking for the mini not

Bumblebee held the sparkling close he walked over to the energon cubes and started to feed her,she ate in a hurry once she was finish she looked better her dull paint job seem to lighten a bit her base color was dark grey and outline was lime green,she blinked at him with those blue optics

"What are you going to call her?" Strongarm asks sitting next to him

"I don't know yet but I like the name poison-wing."

{{ is was hard to make but I like it! I hope you like poison-wing!}}

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